def makeChemProto(name='hydra'):
    chem = moose.Neutral('/library/' + name)
    compt = moose.CubeMesh('/library/' + name + '/' + name)
    A = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/A')
    B = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/B')
    C = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/C')
    Adot = moose.Function(A.path + '/Adot')
    Bdot = moose.Function(B.path + '/Bdot')
    Cdot = moose.Function(C.path + '/Cdot')
    Adot.expr = "-0.1*x0+((0.1*x0^2)/(x1+x2))"
    Bdot.expr = "0*x0-0.1*x1+0.1*x2+0.1*x0^2-0.1*(x1+x2)"
    Cdot.expr = "0*x0+0.1*x1-0.1*x2+0.1*x0^2-0.1*(x1+x2)"

    print "$$$$> ", Adot, Bdot, Cdot
    print Adot.expr, Bdot.expr, Cdot.expr
    print moose.showmsg(Adot)
    Adot.x.num = 3  #2
    Bdot.x.num = 3  #2
    Cdot.x.num = 3
    A.nInit = 1
    B.nInit = 1
    C.nInit = 1
    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Adot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Adot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(C, 'nOut', Adot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(Adot, 'valueOut', A, 'increment')

    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Bdot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(C, 'nOut', Bdot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(Bdot, 'valueOut', B, 'increment')

    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Cdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Cdot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(C, 'nOut', Cdot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(Cdot, 'valueOut', C, 'increment')
    return compt
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_print():
    a = moose.Function('f', expr='sqrt(sin(x0))+cos(x1)^2+ln(20+sin(t))')
    # Get equivalent sympy expression. And do whatever you like with it.
        sympyExpr = a.sympyExpr()
        print('Sympy expression is:', sympyExpr)

        # Or pretty-print using sympy
    except ImportError:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_var_order():
    """The y values are one step behind the x values because of
    scheduling sequences"""
    moose.delete( '/' )
    nsteps = 5
    simtime = nsteps
    dt = 1.0
    # fn0 = moose.Function('/fn0')
    fn1 = moose.Function('/fn1')
    fn1.x.num = 2
    fn1.expr = 'y1+y0+x1+x0'
    fn1.mode = 1
    inputs = np.arange(0, nsteps+1, 1.0)
    x0 = moose.StimulusTable('/x0')
    x0.vector = inputs
    x0.startTime = 0.0
    x0.stopTime = simtime
    x0.stepPosition = 0.0
    inputs /= 10
    x1 = moose.StimulusTable('/x1')
    x1.vector = inputs
    x1.startTime = 0.0
    x1.stopTime = simtime
    x1.stepPosition = 0.0
    inputs /= 10
    y0 = moose.StimulusTable('/y0')
    y0.vector = inputs
    y0.startTime = 0.0
    y0.stopTime = simtime
    y0.stepPosition = 0.0
    inputs /= 10
    y1 = moose.StimulusTable('/y1')
    y1.vector = inputs
    y1.startTime = 0.0
    y1.startTime = 0.0
    y1.stopTime = simtime
    y1.stepPosition = 0.0
    #  print( fn1, type(fn1) )
    #  print( moose.showmsg(fn1.x) )
    moose.connect(x0, 'output', fn1.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(x1, 'output', fn1.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(fn1, 'requestOut', y0, 'getOutputValue')
    moose.connect(fn1, 'requestOut', y1, 'getOutputValue')
    z1 = moose.Table('/z1')
    moose.connect(z1, 'requestOut', fn1, 'getValue')
    for ii in range(32):
        moose.setClock(ii, dt)
    expected = [0, 1.1, 2.211, 3.322, 4.433, 5.544]
    assert np.allclose(z1.vector, expected), "Excepted %s, got %s" % (expected, z1.vector )
    print( 'Passed order vars' )
Ejemplo n.º 4
def remove_extra( pool, limit ):
    null = moose.BufPool( '%s/null' % pool.path )
    null.nInit = 0.0
    nullReac = moose.Reac( '%s/null_reac' % pool.path )
    nullReac.numKb = 0.0
    moose.connect( nullReac, 'sub', pool, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( nullReac, 'prd', null, 'reac' )
    nullF = moose.Function( '%s/func_null' % pool.path )
    nullF.expr = '(x0 > %f)?1e-2:0' % limit
    _logger.debug( 'Removing extra from pool %s' % pool.path )
    _logger.debug( '\tExpression on nullR %s' % nullF.expr )
    moose.connect( pool, 'nOut', nullF.x[0], 'input' )
    moose.connect( nullF, 'valueOut', nullReac, 'setNumKf' )
Ejemplo n.º 5
def makeModel():
    # create container for model
    model = moose.Neutral('model')
    harmonic = moose.CubeMesh('/model/harmonic')
    harmonic.volume = 1e-15
    lotka = moose.CubeMesh('/model/lotka')
    lotka.volume = 1e-15

    # create molecules and reactions
    p = moose.Pool('/model/harmonic/p')
    v = moose.Pool('/model/harmonic/v')
    pdot = moose.Function('/model/harmonic/p/func')
    vdot = moose.Function('/model/harmonic/v/func')

    # Parameters
    offset1 = 1.0
    offset2 = 1.0
    k = 0.1
    p.nInit = offset1
    v.nInit = offset2 + 0.1
    pdot.x.num = 1
    vdot.x.num = 1
    pdot.expr = "x0 - " + str(offset1)
    vdot.expr = "-" + str(k) + " * (x0 - " + str(offset2) + ")"

    # connect them up for reactions
    moose.connect(p, 'nOut', vdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(v, 'nOut', pdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(vdot, 'valueOut', v, 'increment')
    moose.connect(pdot, 'valueOut', p, 'increment')

    # Create the output tables
    graphs = moose.Neutral('/model/graphs')
    pplot = moose.Table2('/model/graphs/p')
    vplot = moose.Table2('/model/graphs/v')

    # connect up the tables
    moose.connect(pplot, 'requestOut', p, 'getN')
    moose.connect(vplot, 'requestOut', v, 'getN')
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_var_order():
    """The y values are one step behind the x values because of
    scheduling sequences"""
    nsteps = 5
    simtime = nsteps
    dt = 1.0
    # fn0 = moose.Function('/fn0')
    # fn0.x.num = 2
    # fn0.expr = 'x0 + x1'
    # fn0.mode = 1
    fn1 = moose.Function('/fn1')
    fn1.x.num = 2
    fn1.expr = 'y1 + y0 + x1 + x0'
    fn1.mode = 1
    inputs = np.arange(0, nsteps+1, 1.0)
    x0 = moose.StimulusTable('/x0')
    x0.vector = inputs
    x0.startTime = 0.0
    x0.stopTime = simtime
    x0.stepPosition = 0.0
    inputs /= 10
    x1 = moose.StimulusTable('/x1')
    x1.vector = inputs
    x1.startTime = 0.0
    x1.stopTime = simtime
    x1.stepPosition = 0.0
    inputs /= 10
    y0 = moose.StimulusTable('/y0')
    y0.vector = inputs
    y0.startTime = 0.0
    y0.stopTime = simtime
    y0.stepPosition = 0.0
    inputs /= 10
    y1 = moose.StimulusTable('/y1')
    y1.vector = inputs
    y1.startTime = 0.0
    y1.startTime = 0.0
    y1.stopTime = simtime
    y1.stepPosition = 0.0
    moose.connect(x0, 'output', fn1.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(x1, 'output', fn1.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(fn1, 'requestOut', y0, 'getOutputValue')
    moose.connect(fn1, 'requestOut', y1, 'getOutputValue')
    z1 = moose.Table('/z1')
    moose.connect(z1, 'requestOut', fn1, 'getValue')
    for ii in range(32):
        moose.setClock(ii, dt)
    for ii in range(len(z1.vector)):
        print ii, z1.vector[ii]
Ejemplo n.º 7
def makeChemProto(name='hydra'):
    chem = moose.Neutral('/library/' + name)
    compt = moose.CubeMesh('/library/' + name + '/' + name)
    A = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/A')
    B = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/B')
    C = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/C')
    space = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/space')
    Adot = moose.Function(A.path + '/Adot')
    Bdot = moose.Function(B.path + '/Bdot')
    Cdot = moose.Function(C.path + '/Cdot')

    Adot.expr = "0.1*x0^2*x1-(0.1+0.01)*x0+0.01*x1"
    Bdot.expr = "-0.1*x0^2*x1+0.1*x0-0.01*x1+0.01"

    print moose.showmsg(Adot)
    Adot.x.num = 2  #2
    Bdot.x.num = 2  #2
    A.nInit = 0
    B.nInit = 0
    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Adot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Adot.x[1], 'input')
    #moose.connect( space, 'nOut', Adot.x[2], 'input' )
    moose.connect(Adot, 'valueOut', A, 'increment')

    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Bdot.x[1], 'input')
    #moose.connect( space, 'nOut', Bdot.x[2], 'input' )
    moose.connect(Bdot, 'valueOut', B, 'increment')

    return compt
Ejemplo n.º 8
def makeChemProto(name='hydra'):
        compt=moose.CubeMesh('/library/'+name + '/' + name)
        Adot = moose.Function( A.path + '/Adot' )
        Bdot = moose.Function( B.path + '/Bdot' )
        Adot.x.num = 2 #2
        Bdot.x.num = 2
        moose.connect( A, 'nOut', Adot.x[0], 'input' )
        moose.connect( B, 'nOut', Adot.x[1], 'input' )
        moose.connect( Adot, 'valueOut', A, 'increment' )
        moose.connect( A, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input' )
        moose.connect( B, 'nOut', Bdot.x[1], 'input' )
        moose.connect( Bdot, 'valueOut', B, 'increment' )       

        return compt
def test_var_order():
    nsteps = 5
    simtime = nsteps
    dt = 1.0
    fn1 = moose.Function('/fn1')
    fn1.expr = 'B+A+y0+y1'
    inputs = np.arange(0, nsteps + 1, 1.0)
    x0 = moose.StimulusTable('/x0')
    x0.vector = inputs
    x0.startTime = 0.0
    x0.stopTime = simtime
    x0.stepPosition = 0.0
    print('x0', x0.vector)
    inputs /= 10
    x1 = moose.StimulusTable('/x1')
    x1.vector = inputs
    x1.startTime = 0.0
    x1.stopTime = simtime
    x1.stepPosition = 0.0
    print('x1', x1.vector)
    inputs /= 10
    y0 = moose.StimulusTable('/y0')
    y0.vector = inputs
    y0.startTime = 0.0
    y0.stopTime = simtime
    y0.stepPosition = 0.0
    print('y0', y0.vector)
    inputs /= 10
    y1 = moose.StimulusTable('/y1')
    y1.vector = inputs
    print('y1', y1.vector)
    y1.startTime = 0.0
    y1.startTime = 0.0
    y1.stopTime = simtime
    y1.stepPosition = 0.0
    moose.connect(x0, 'output', fn1['A'], 'input')
    moose.connect(x1, 'output', fn1['B'], 'input')
    moose.connect(fn1, 'requestOut', y0, 'getOutputValue')
    moose.connect(fn1, 'requestOut', y1, 'getOutputValue')

    z1 = moose.Table('/z1')
    moose.connect(z1, 'requestOut', fn1, 'getValue')
    for ii in range(32):
        moose.setClock(ii, dt)
    expected = [0, 1.1, 2.211, 3.322, 4.433, 5.544]
    assert np.allclose(z1.vector,
                       expected), "Excepted %s, got %s" % (expected, z1.vector)
    print('Passed order vars')
def makeChemProto(name='hydra'):
    chem = moose.Neutral('/library/' + name)
    compt = moose.CubeMesh('/library/' + name + '/' + name)
    A = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/A')
    B = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/B')

    Adot = moose.Function(A.path + '/Adot')
    Bdot = moose.Function(B.path + '/Bdot')

    Adot.expr = "-x0+(x0^2/(1+0.01*x0^2))*x1"
    Bdot.expr = "x0-(x0^2/(1+0.01*x0^2))*x1"

    print moose.showmsg(Adot)
    Adot.x.num = 2  #2
    Bdot.x.num = 2  #2
    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Adot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Adot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(Adot, 'valueOut', A, 'increment')

    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Bdot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(Bdot, 'valueOut', B, 'increment')
Ejemplo n.º 11
def attachStimulus( fname, rdes ):
    compts = rdes.elecid.compartments
    heads = []
    lookupSpineIndexFromCompt = []
    for i in compts:
        sl = rdes.elecid.spinesOnCompartment[i]
        lookupSpineIndexFromCompt.append( len( heads ) )
        heads.extend( sl[1::2] )

    ampar = moose.wildcardFind( '/model/elec/#/glu' )
    assert( len(ampar) == len( heads ) )
    moose.RandSpike( '/model/elec/spike', len( heads ) )
    spikes = moose.vec( '/model/elec/spike' )
    spikes.rate = params['meanSpikeRate']
    spikes.refractT = params['refractoryPeriod']
    amparSynWeight = params['amparSynapseWeight']
    nmdarSynWeight = params['nmdarSynapseWeight']

    for j in zip( heads, range( len( heads ) ) ):
        sh = moose.element( j[0].path + '/glu/sh' )
        sh.numSynapses = 1
        sh.synapse[0].weight = amparSynWeight
        moose.connect( spikes[j[1]], 'spikeOut', sh.synapse[0], 'addSpike' )
        sh = moose.element( j[0].path + '/NMDA/sh' )
        sh.numSynapses = 1
        sh.synapse[0].weight = nmdarSynWeight
        moose.connect( spikes[j[1]], 'spikeOut', sh.synapse[0], 'addSpike' )

    thetaGaba = moose.Function( '/model/elec/thetaGabaRhythm' )
    timeExpr = 'cos( 6.283 * t * ' + str(params['thetaFreq']/2.0) + ' )^2'
    rateExpr = str( 2.0 * params['thetaGabaSpikeRate'])
    thetaGaba.expr = str( params['baseGabaSpikeRate']) + ' + ' + rateExpr + ' * ' +  timeExpr
    print thetaGaba.expr,
    gabar = moose.wildcardFind( '/model/elec/#/GABA' )
    print "     NUM-GABA = ", len(gabar)
    rsGabar = moose.RandSpike( '/model/elec/gabaSpike', len( gabar ) )
    moose.connect( thetaGaba, 'valueOut', rsGabar, 'setRate', 'OneToAll' )
    gabaSpikes = moose.vec( '/model/elec/gabaSpike' )
    #spikes.rate = params['meanSpikeRate']
    gabaSpikes.refractT = params['refractoryPeriod']
    gabarSynWeight = params['gabarSynapseWeight']
    for i in range( len(gabar) ):
        sh = moose.element( gabar[i].path + '/sh' )
        sh.numSynapses = 1
        sh.synapse[0].weight = gabarSynWeight
        moose.connect( gabaSpikes[i], 'spikeOut', sh.synapse[0], 'addSpike' )

    return lookupSpineIndexFromCompt
Ejemplo n.º 12
def phosphorylation_first_step(root, nc):
    # CaMKII to x1y0 is slow.
    subPool = molecules_[pool_name(root, 'x0y%d' % nc)]
    prdPool = molecules_[pool_name(root, 'x1y%d' % (nc - 1))]
    r0 = add_reaction('%s/reac_0to1_%d' % (subPool.path, nc))
    r0.numKb = 0
    moose.connect(r0, 'sub', subPool, 'reac')
    moose.connect(r0, 'prd', prdPool, 'reac')
    # The rate expression of this reaction depends on Ca++
    f = moose.Function('%s/func_kf' % r0.path)
    f.expr = '{nc}*{k1}*(x0/{kh1})^6/(1 + (x0/{kh1})^3)^2'.format(
        k1=_p.k_1, kh1=conc_to_n(_p.K_H1), nc=nc)
    f.x.num = 1
    moose.connect(molecules_[pool_name(root, 'ca')], 'nOut', f.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(f, 'valueOut', r0, 'setNumKf')
    _logger.debug('Reaction: %s -> %s' % (,
Ejemplo n.º 13
def ca_input( root ):
    """Input calcium pulse

    When using stochastic solver, any event less than 100 or so seconds would
    not work.
    global args
    # Input calcium
    ca = moose.BufPool( '%s/ca' % root.path )
    ca.nInit = conc_to_n( _p.ca_basal ) = pool_name( root, )
    molecules_[ ] = ca"Setting up input calcium : init = %s" % ca.nInit )
    # _logger.debug("Baselevel ca conc = %s" % _p.resting_ca_conc)
    concFunc = moose.Function( "%s/cafunc" % ca.path )
    concFunc.expr = args[ 'ca_expr' ]
    moose.connect( concFunc, 'valueOut', ca, 'setConc' ) "Ca conc expression = %s " % concFunc.expr )
Ejemplo n.º 14
def createFunction(fb, inputB, objB, objA):
    fapath1 = fb.path.replace(objB, objA)
    fapath = fapath1.replace('[0]', '')
    if not moose.exists(fapath):
        # if fb.parent.className in ['CubeMesh','CyclMesh']:
        #   des = moose.Function('/'+objA+'/''/'
        # elif fb.parent.className in ['Pool','ZombiePool','BufPool','ZombieBufPool']:
        #   for akey in list(poolListina[findCompartment(fb).name]):
        #       if ==
        #           des = moose.Function(akey.path+'/'
        des = moose.Function(fapath)
        moose.connect(des, 'valueOut', moose.element(fapath).parent, 'setN')
        for src in inputB:
            pool = ((src.path).replace(objB, objA)).replace('[0]', '')
            numVariables = des.numVars
            expr = ""
            expr = (des.expr + '+' + 'x' + str(numVariables))
            expr = expr.lstrip("0 +")
            expr = expr.replace(" ", "")
            des.expr = expr
            moose.connect(pool, 'nOut', des.x[numVariables], 'input')
def makeFuncRate():
    model = moose.Neutral('/library')
    model = moose.Neutral('/library/chem')
    compt = moose.CubeMesh('/library/chem/compt')
    compt.volume = 1e-15
    A = moose.Pool('/library/chem/compt/A')
    B = moose.Pool('/library/chem/compt/B')
    C = moose.Pool('/library/chem/compt/C')
    reac = moose.Reac('/library/chem/compt/reac')
    func = moose.Function('/library/chem/compt/reac/func')
    func.x.num = 1
    func.expr = "(x0/1e8)^2"
    moose.connect(C, 'nOut', func.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(func, 'valueOut', reac, 'setNumKf')
    moose.connect(reac, 'sub', A, 'reac')
    moose.connect(reac, 'prd', B, 'reac')

    A.concInit = 1
    B.concInit = 0
    C.concInit = 0
    reac.Kb = 1
Ejemplo n.º 16
def pp1_activation( root ):
    """Here we setup the reactions PP1

    I1P binds with PP1 and give rise to complex I1PPP1 (which is inavtivated PP1)
    I1P + PP1 <- -> I1PPP1
    activePP1 = molecules_[pool_name(root, 'PP1')]
    i1pPool = molecules_[ pool_name( root, 'I1P' ) ]
    inactive_pp1 = molecules_[ pool_name( root, 'I1PPP1' ) ]
    r = add_reaction( '%s/reac_inactivate_pp1' % activePP1.path )

    moose.connect( r, 'sub', activePP1, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( r, 'prd', inactive_pp1, 'reac')
    k3, k4, s = 1e5, 0.0001, 1
    kfFun = moose.Function( '%s/kffunc' % r.path )
    kfFun.expr = '{scale}*{k3}*x0'.format( k3 = k3, scale = s )
    moose.connect( i1pPool, 'nOut', kfFun.x[0], 'input' )
    moose.connect( kfFun, 'valueOut', r, 'setNumKf' )
    r.numKb = s * k4

    _logger.debug( 'Reaction: %s + %s -> %s' % (,, ) )
Ejemplo n.º 17
def ShortTermPlas(synapse, index, stp_params, simdt, presyn, msg):
    #implements short term plasticity - depression and/or facilitation
    synchan = synapse.parent.parent
    num_inputs = 0
    if stp_params.depress is not None:
        dep = facil_depress(synchan.path + NAME_DEPRESS + str(index),
                            stp_params.depress, simdt, presyn, msg)
        log.debug(' ***depress={} {} presyn {}', dep.path, dep.expr,
        num_inputs += 1
        source0 = dep
        plas_expr = '(init*x0)'
    if stp_params.facil is not None:
        fac = facil_depress(synchan.path + NAME_FACIL + str(index),
                            stp_params.facil, simdt, presyn, msg)
        log.debug(' ***facil={} {} presyn {}', fac.path, fac.expr, presyn.path)
        num_inputs += 1
        if num_inputs == 1:
            source0 = fac
            plas_expr = '(init*x0)'
            source1 = fac
            plas_expr = '(init*x0*x1)'
    log.debug('**** STP={} x[0]={} ****', plas_expr, source0.path)
    plaspath = synchan.path + NAME_STP + str(index)
    plas_func = moose.Function(plaspath)
    plas_func.c['init'] = synapse.weight
    plas_func.c['dt'] = simdt
    plas_func.expr = '(t<2*dt) ? (init) :' + plas_expr
    plas_func.x.num = num_inputs
    moose.connect(source0, 'valueOut', plas_func.x[0], 'input')
    if num_inputs == 2:
        moose.connect(source1, 'valueOut', plas_func.x[1], 'input')
    # Output the updated weight computed by plasticity function to the synapse
    moose.connect(plas_func, 'valueOut', synapse, 'setWeight')

Ejemplo n.º 18
def example():
    """Function objects can be used to evaluate expressions with arbitrary
    number of variables and constants. We can assign expression of the

        f(c0, c1, ..., cM, x0, x1, ..., xN, y0,..., yP )

    where `c_i`'s are constants and `x_i`'s and `y_i`'s are variables.

    The constants must be defined before setting the expression and
    variables are connected via messages. The constants can have any
    name, but the variable names must be of the form x{i} or y{i}
    where i is increasing integer starting from 0.

    The `x_i`'s are field elements and you have to set their number
    first (function.x.num = N). Then you can connect any source field
    sending out double to the 'input' destination field of the

    The `y_i`'s are useful when the required variable is a value field
    and is not available as a source field. In that case you connect
    the `requestOut` source field of the function element to the
    `get{Field}` destination field on the target element. The `y_i`'s
    are automatically added on connecting. Thus, if you call::

       moose.connect(function, 'requestOut', a, 'getSomeField')
       moose.connect(function, 'requestOut', b, 'getSomeField')

    then ``a.someField`` will be assigned to ``y0`` and
    ``b.someField`` will be assigned to ``y1``.

    In this example we evaluate the expression: ``z = c0 * exp(c1 *
    x0) * cos(y0)``

    with x0 ranging from -1 to +1 and y0 ranging from -pi to
    +pi. These values are stored in two stimulus tables called xtab
    and ytab respectively, so that at each timestep the next values of
    x0 and y0 are assigned to the function.

    Along with the value of the expression itself we also compute its
    derivative with respect to y0 and its derivative with respect to
    time (rate). The former uses a five-point stencil for the
    numerical differentiation and has a glitch at y=0. The latter uses
    backward difference divided by dt.

    Unlike Func class, the number of variables and constants are
    unlimited in Function and you can set all the variables via

    demo = moose.Neutral('/model')
    function = moose.Function('/model/function')
    function.c['c0'] = 1.0
    function.c['c1'] = 2.0
    function.x.num = 1
    function.expr = 'c0 * exp(c1*x0) * cos(y0) + sin(t)'
    # mode 0 - evaluate function value, derivative and rate
    # mode 1 - just evaluate function value,
    # mode 2 - evaluate derivative,
    # mode 3 - evaluate rate
    function.mode = 0
    function.independent = 'y0'
    nsteps = 10000
    xarr = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, nsteps)
    # Stimulus tables allow you to store sequences of numbers which
    # are delivered via the 'output' message at each time step. This
    # is a placeholder and in real scenario you will be using any
    # sourceFinfo that sends out a double value.
    input_x = moose.StimulusTable('/xtab')
    input_x.vector = xarr
    input_x.startTime = 0.0
    input_x.stepPosition = xarr[0]
    input_x.stopTime = simtime
    moose.connect(input_x, 'output', function.x[0], 'input')

    yarr = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nsteps)
    input_y = moose.StimulusTable('/ytab')
    input_y.vector = yarr
    input_y.startTime = 0.0
    input_y.stepPosition = yarr[0]
    input_y.stopTime = simtime
    moose.connect(function, 'requestOut', input_y, 'getOutputValue')

    # data recording
    result = moose.Table('/ztab')
    moose.connect(result, 'requestOut', function, 'getValue')
    derivative = moose.Table('/zprime')
    moose.connect(derivative, 'requestOut', function, 'getDerivative')
    rate = moose.Table('/dz_by_dt')
    moose.connect(rate, 'requestOut', function, 'getRate')
    x_rec = moose.Table('/xrec')
    moose.connect(x_rec, 'requestOut', input_x, 'getOutputValue')
    y_rec = moose.Table('/yrec')
    moose.connect(y_rec, 'requestOut', input_y, 'getOutputValue')

    dt = simtime / nsteps
    for ii in range(32):
        moose.setClock(ii, dt)

    # Uncomment the following lines and the import matplotlib.pyplot as plt on top
    # of this file to display the plot.
    if plot_:
                 label='z = {}'.format(function.expr))
        plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)
    z = function.c['c0'] * np.exp(
        function.c['c1'] * xarr) * np.cos(yarr) + np.sin(
            np.arange(len(xarr)) * dt)
    zz = result.vector[1:]
    err = z[1:] - zz[1:]
    assert (np.abs(err) <= 0.05).all(), err
    assert (np.mean(err) <= 0.001), np.mean(err)

    if plot_:
        plt.plot(xarr, z, 'b--', label='numpy computed')

    if plot_:
        plt.subplot(4, 1, 2)
        plt.plot(y_rec.vector, derivative.vector, 'r-', label='dz/dy0')
        # derivatives computed by putting x values in the analytical formula
    dzdy = function.c['c0'] * np.exp(function.c['c1'] * xarr) * (-np.sin(yarr))
    err = np.abs(dzdy - derivative.vector[1:])
    assert (err < 1e-2).all(), err
    assert (np.mean(err) < 1e-3), np.mean(err)

    if plot_:
        plt.plot(yarr, dzdy, 'b--', label='numpy computed')

    if plot_:
        plt.subplot(4, 1, 3)
        # *** BEWARE *** The first two entries are spurious. Entry 0 is
        # *** from reinit sending out the defaults. Entry 2 is because
        # *** there is no lastValue for computing real forward difference.
        plt.plot(np.arange(2, len(rate.vector), 1) * dt,
        dzdt = np.diff(z) / dt
        plt.plot(np.arange(0, len(dzdt), 1.0) * dt,
                 label='numpy computed')
def main():
    This example implements a reaction-diffusion like system which is
    bistable and propagates losslessly. It is based on the NEURON example, but incorporates more compartments and runs for a longer time.
    The system is implemented in a function rather than as a proper system
    of chemical reactions. Please see for a variant that 
    uses a reaction plus a function object to control its rates.

    dt = 0.1

    # define the geometry
    compt = moose.CylMesh( '/cylinder' )
    compt.r0 = compt.r1 = 100e-9
    compt.x1 = 100e-9
    compt.diffLength = 0.2e-9
    assert( compt.numDiffCompts == compt.x1/compt.diffLength )

    #define the molecule. Its geometry is defined by its parent volume, cylinder
    c = moose.Pool( '/cylinder/pool' )
    c.diffConst = 1e-13 # define diffusion constant

    # Here we set up a function calculation
    func = moose.Function( '/cylinder/pool/func' )
    func.expr = "(-x0 * (30e-9 - x0) * (100e-9 - x0))*0.0001"
    func.x.num = 1 #specify number of input variables.

    #Connect the molecules to the func
    moose.connect( c, 'nOut', func.x[0], 'input' )
    #Connect the function to the pool
    moose.connect( func, 'valueOut', c, 'increment' )

    #Set up solvers
    ksolve = moose.Gsolve( '/cylinder/Gsolve' )
    dsolve = moose.Dsolve( '/cylinder/dsolve' )
    stoich = moose.Stoich( '/cylinder/stoich' )
    stoich.compartment = compt
    stoich.ksolve = ksolve
    stoich.dsolve = dsolve
    stoich.path = '/cylinder/##'

    #for i in range( 10, 18 ):
    #    moose.setClock( i, dt )

    x = numpy.arange( 0, compt.x1, compt.diffLength )
    # c.vec.nInit = [ 100.0 * (q < 0.2 * compt.x1) for q in x ]
    c.vec.nInit = [ 100 for q in x ]

    # Run and plot it.
    updateDt = 50
    runtime = updateDt * 4
    plt = pylab.plot( x, c.vec.n, label='t = 0 ')
    t1 = time.time()
    for t in range( 0, runtime-1, updateDt ):
        moose.start( updateDt )
        plt = pylab.plot( x, c.vec.n, label='t = '+str(t + updateDt) )
    print(("Time = ", time.time() - t1))

    pylab.ylim( 0, 105 )
Ejemplo n.º 20
def test_wrapper():
    a = moose.Pool('/dadadada', concInit=9.99, nInit=10)
    assert a.nInit == 10
    f = moose.Function('/fun1', expr='x0+x1+A+B')
    assert f.expr == 'x0+x1+A+B'
    assert f.numVars == 4, f.numVars
Ejemplo n.º 21
def checkCreate(scene, view, modelpath, mobj, string, ret_string, num,
                event_pos, layoutPt):
    # The variable 'compt' will be empty when dropping cubeMesh,cyclMesh, but rest it shd be
    # compartment
    # if modelpath.find('/',1) > -1:
    #     modelRoot = modelpath[0:modelpath.find('/',1)]
    # else:
    #     modelRoot = modelpath
    print "28 ", modelpath
    if moose.exists(modelpath + '/info'):
        mType = moose.Annotator((moose.element(modelpath + '/info'))).modeltype
    itemAtView = view.sceneContainerPt.itemAt(view.mapToScene(event_pos))
    pos = view.mapToScene(event_pos)
    modelpath = moose.element(modelpath)
    if num:
        string_num = ret_string + str(num)
        string_num = ret_string
    if string == "CubeMesh" or string == "CylMesh":
        if string == "CylMesh":
            mobj = moose.CylMesh(modelpath.path + '/' + string_num)
            mobj = moose.CubeMesh(modelpath.path + '/' + string_num)

        mobj.volume = 1e-15
        mesh = moose.element(mobj.path + '/mesh')
        qGItem = ComptItem(scene,
                           pos.toPoint().y(), 100, 100, mobj)
            QtGui.QPen(Qt.QColor(66, 66, 66, 100), 1, Qt.Qt.SolidLine,
                       Qt.Qt.RoundCap, Qt.Qt.RoundJoin))
        compartment = qGItem
        layoutPt.qGraCompt[mobj] = qGItem
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), mobj)

    elif string == "Pool" or string == "BufPool":
        #getting pos with respect to compartment otherwise if compartment is moved then pos would be wrong
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        if string == "Pool":
            poolObj = moose.Pool(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
            poolObj = moose.BufPool(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)

        poolinfo = moose.Annotator(poolObj.path + '/info')
        #Compartment's one Pool object is picked to get the font size

        qGItem = PoolItem(poolObj, itemAtView)
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[poolObj] = qGItem
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        bgcolor = getRandColor()
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
                                    QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
        poolinfo.color = str(bgcolor.getRgb())
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), poolObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        poolinfo.x = x
        poolinfo.y = y
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]

    elif string == "Reac":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        reacObj = moose.Reac(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        reacinfo = moose.Annotator(reacObj.path + '/info')
        qGItem = ReacItem(reacObj, itemAtView)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(), "white",
        #if mType == "new_kkit":
        # reacinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
        # reacinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[reacObj] = qGItem
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), reacObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        reacinfo.x = x
        reacinfo.y = y

    elif string == "StimulusTable":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        tabObj = moose.StimulusTable(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        tabinfo = moose.Annotator(tabObj.path + '/info')
        qGItem = TableItem(tabObj, itemAtView)
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
        #if mType == "new_kkit":
        #tabinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
        #tabinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[tabObj] = qGItem
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), tabObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(mobj, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        tabinfo.x = x
        tabinfo.y = y

    elif string == "Function":
        posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        funcObj = moose.Function(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
        funcinfo = moose.Annotator(funcObj.path + '/info')
        #moose.connect( funcObj, 'valueOut', mobj ,'setN' )
        poolclass = ["ZombieBufPool", "BufPool"]
        comptclass = ["CubeMesh", "cyclMesh"]
        if mobj.className in poolclass:
            funcParent = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[element(mobj.path)]
        elif mobj.className in comptclass:
            funcParent = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mobj)]
            posWrtComp = funcParent.mapFromScene(pos).toPoint()
            #posWrtComp = (itemAtView.mapFromScene(pos)).toPoint()
        qGItem = FuncItem(funcObj, funcParent)
        #print " function ", posWrtComp.x(),posWrtComp.y()
        qGItem.setDisplayProperties(posWrtComp.x(), posWrtComp.y(),
                                    QtGui.QColor('red'), QtGui.QColor('green'))
        layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[funcObj] = qGItem
        #if mType == "new_kkit":
        #funcinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
        #funcinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
        view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), funcObj)
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)
        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        mooseCmpt = findCompartment(mobj)
        if isinstance(mooseCmpt, moose.ChemCompt):
            compt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[moose.element(mooseCmpt)]
        x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
        funcinfo.x = x
        funcinfo.y = y

    elif string == "Enz" or string == "MMenz":
        #If 2 enz has same pool parent, then pos of the 2nd enz shd be displaced by some position, need to check how to deal with it
        posWrtComp = pos
        enzPool = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[mobj]
        if ((mobj.parent).className == "Enz"):
                None, 'Drop Not possible',
                '\'{newString}\' has to have Pool as its parent and not Enzyme Complex'
                .format(newString=string), QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok)
            enzparent = findCompartment(mobj)
            parentcompt = layoutPt.qGraCompt[enzparent]
        if string == "Enz":
            enzObj = moose.Enz(moose.element(mobj).path + '/' + string_num)
            enzinfo = moose.Annotator(enzObj.path + '/info')
            moose.connect(enzObj, 'enz', mobj, 'reac')
            qGItem = EnzItem(enzObj, parentcompt)
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj] = qGItem
            posWrtComp = pos
            bgcolor = getRandColor()
                                        posWrtComp.y() - 40,
                                        QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
            x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
            enzinfo.x = x
            enzinfo.y = y
            enzinfo.color = str(
            enzinfo.textColor = str(QtGui.QColor('green').name())
            #if mType == "new_kkit":
            #enzinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
            #enzinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()

            #enzinfo.color = str(
            e = moose.Annotator(enzinfo)
            #e.x = posWrtComp.x()
            #e.y = posWrtComp.y()
            Enz_cplx = enzObj.path + '/' + string_num + '_cplx'
            cplxItem = moose.Pool(Enz_cplx)
            cplxinfo = moose.Annotator(cplxItem.path + '/info')
            qGEnz = layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj]
            qGItem = CplxItem(cplxItem, qGEnz)
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[cplxItem] = qGItem
            enzboundingRect = qGEnz.boundingRect()
            moose.connect(enzObj, 'cplx', cplxItem, 'reac')
            qGItem.setDisplayProperties(enzboundingRect.height() / 2,
                                        enzboundingRect.height() - 40,
            #cplxinfo.x = enzboundingRect.height()/2
            #cplxinfo.y = enzboundingRect.height()-60
            view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), enzObj)

            enzObj = moose.MMenz(mobj.path + '/' + string_num)
            enzinfo = moose.Annotator(enzObj.path + '/info')
            moose.connect(mobj, "nOut", enzObj, "enzDest")
            qGItem = MMEnzItem(enzObj, parentcompt)
            posWrtComp = pos
            bgcolor = getRandColor()
                                        posWrtComp.y() - 30,
                                        QtGui.QColor('green'), bgcolor)
            #enzinfo.x = posWrtComp.x()
            #enzinfo.y = posWrtComp.y()
            enzinfo.color = str(
            layoutPt.mooseId_GObj[enzObj] = qGItem
            view.emit(QtCore.SIGNAL("dropped"), enzObj)
            x, y = roundoff(qGItem.scenePos(), layoutPt)
            enzinfo.x = x
            enzinfo.y = y
        setupItem(modelpath.path, layoutPt.srcdesConnection)

        #Dropping is on compartment then update Compart size
        if isinstance(enzparent, moose.ChemCompt):
    if view.iconScale != 1:
Ejemplo n.º 22
def makeChemProto(name, stimAmpl=1, diffLength=1e-6, preStim=10.0):
    # Parameters

    sw = params['stimWidth']
    dca = params['diffConstA'] * diffLength * diffLength
    dcb = params['diffConstB'] * diffLength * diffLength
    num = params['dendLength'] / diffLength

    # Objects
    chem = moose.Neutral('/library/' + name)
    compt = moose.CubeMesh(chem.path + '/dend')
    # compt = moose.CylMesh( chem.path + '/dend')
    # # for i in range(int(num)):
    # compt.x0 = 0
    # compt.x1 = params['dendLength']
    # compt.r0 = 2*params['dendDiameter']
    # compt.r1 = params['dendDiameter']
    # compt.diffLength = diffLength
    A = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/A')
    B = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/B')
    Z = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/Z')
    Ca = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/Ca')
    phase = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/phase')
    vel = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/vel')
    ampl = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/ampl')
    Adot = moose.Function(A.path + '/Adot')
    Bdot = moose.Function(B.path + '/Bdot')
    CaStim = moose.Function(Ca.path + '/CaStim')
    A.diffConst = dca
    B.diffConst = dcb

    # Equations

    Adot.expr = 'x3*(' + sp('k0a', '+ ') + sp('k1a', '*x1 + ') + sp(
        'k2a', '*x1*x1 + ') + sp('k3a', '*x1*x1*x1 + ') + sp(
            'k4a', '*x0*x1/(1+x1+10*x2) + ') + sp('k5a', '*x1*x2') + ')'

    Bdot.expr = 'x2*(' + sp('k1b', '*x0*x0 + ') + sp('k2b', '*x1') + ')'
    CaStim.expr = 'x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* ' + str(sw * sw) + ') )'

    print Adot.expr
    print Bdot.expr
    print CaStim.expr

    # Connections
    Adot.x.num = 4
    moose.connect(Ca, 'nOut', Adot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Adot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Adot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z, 'nOut', Adot.x[3], 'input')
    moose.connect(Adot, 'valueOut', A, 'increment')

    Bdot.x.num = 3
    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Bdot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z, 'nOut', Bdot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(Bdot, 'valueOut', B, 'increment')

    CaStim.x.num = 3
    moose.connect(phase, 'nOut', CaStim.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(vel, 'nOut', CaStim.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(ampl, 'nOut', CaStim.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(CaStim, 'valueOut', Ca, 'setN')

    return compt
def makeChemProto(name='hydra'):
    chem = moose.Neutral('/library/' + name)
    compt = moose.CubeMesh('/library/' + name + '/' + name)
    A = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/A')
    B = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/B')
    C = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/C')
    D = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/D')
    E = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/E')
    F = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/F')
    Z1 = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/Z1')
    Z2 = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/Z2')

    Adot = moose.Function(A.path + '/Adot')
    Bdot = moose.Function(B.path + '/Bdot')
    Cdot = moose.Function(C.path + '/Cdot')
    Ddot = moose.Function(D.path + '/Ddot')
    Edot = moose.Function(E.path + '/Edot')
    Fdot = moose.Function(F.path + '/Fdot')
    #Zdot = moose.Function( Z.path + '/Zdot' )


    Adot.expr = "x6*(1+x7)*(-x0+(4.5/(1+x1^3))*(2-x0-x3))"
    Bdot.expr = "x6*(1+x7)*(0*x0-x1+(3+0.5*(x2^3/(1+x1^3)))*(1/(1+x0^3))*(2-x1-x4))"
    Cdot.expr = "x6*(1+x7)*(0*x0+0*x1-0*x2+0.5*((0.2+0.3*(x0^3/(0.85^3+x0^3)))-x2^2*(0.2+1*x1^3/(0.85^3+x1^3))))"


    Ddot.expr = "(1+x6)*x7*(0*x0+0*x1+0*x2-x3+(4.5/(1+x4^3))*(2-x0-x3))"
    Edot.expr = "(1+x6)*x7*(0*x0+0*x1+0*x2+0*x3-x4+(3+0.5*(x5^3/(1+x4^3)))*(1/(1+x3^3))*(2-x1-x4))"
    Fdot.expr = "(1+x6)*x7*(0*x0+0*x1+0*x2+0*x3+0*x4-0*x5+0.5*((0.2+0.3*(x3^3/(0.85^3+x3^3)))-x5^2*(0.2+1*x4^3/(0.85^3+x4^3))))"

    print moose.showmsg(Adot)
    Adot.x.num = 8  #2
    Bdot.x.num = 8  #2
    Cdot.x.num = 8  #2
    Ddot.x.num = 8  #2
    Edot.x.num = 8  #2
    Fdot.x.num = 8  #2
    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Adot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Adot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(C, 'nOut', Adot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(D, 'nOut', Adot.x[3], 'input')
    moose.connect(E, 'nOut', Adot.x[4], 'input')
    moose.connect(F, 'nOut', Adot.x[5], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z1, 'nOut', Adot.x[6], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z2, 'nOut', Adot.x[7], 'input')
    moose.connect(Adot, 'valueOut', A, 'increment')

    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Bdot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(C, 'nOut', Bdot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(D, 'nOut', Bdot.x[3], 'input')
    moose.connect(E, 'nOut', Bdot.x[4], 'input')
    moose.connect(F, 'nOut', Bdot.x[5], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z1, 'nOut', Bdot.x[6], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z2, 'nOut', Bdot.x[7], 'input')
    moose.connect(Bdot, 'valueOut', B, 'increment')

    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Cdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Cdot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(C, 'nOut', Cdot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(D, 'nOut', Cdot.x[3], 'input')
    moose.connect(E, 'nOut', Cdot.x[4], 'input')
    moose.connect(F, 'nOut', Cdot.x[5], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z1, 'nOut', Cdot.x[6], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z2, 'nOut', Cdot.x[7], 'input')
    moose.connect(Cdot, 'valueOut', C, 'increment')

    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Ddot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Ddot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(C, 'nOut', Ddot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(D, 'nOut', Ddot.x[3], 'input')
    moose.connect(E, 'nOut', Ddot.x[4], 'input')
    moose.connect(F, 'nOut', Ddot.x[5], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z1, 'nOut', Ddot.x[6], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z2, 'nOut', Ddot.x[7], 'input')
    moose.connect(Ddot, 'valueOut', D, 'increment')

    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Edot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Edot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(C, 'nOut', Edot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(D, 'nOut', Edot.x[3], 'input')
    moose.connect(E, 'nOut', Edot.x[4], 'input')
    moose.connect(F, 'nOut', Edot.x[5], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z1, 'nOut', Edot.x[6], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z2, 'nOut', Edot.x[7], 'input')
    moose.connect(Edot, 'valueOut', E, 'increment')

    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Fdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Fdot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(C, 'nOut', Fdot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(D, 'nOut', Fdot.x[3], 'input')
    moose.connect(E, 'nOut', Fdot.x[4], 'input')
    moose.connect(F, 'nOut', Fdot.x[5], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z1, 'nOut', Fdot.x[6], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z2, 'nOut', Fdot.x[7], 'input')
    moose.connect(Fdot, 'valueOut', F, 'increment')
    return compt
def makeChemProto(name='hydra'):
    meshName = '/library/' + name
    moose.SBML.mooseReadSBML(os.path.join(sdir_, '..', 'data', 'c_m.xml'),
    Rad = moose.element('/library/hydra/dend/IRSpGr/Rad')

    I_C = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/IRSp53')
    Ca = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/Ca')
    rec = moose.Pool(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/rec')
    conv = moose.Pool(meshName + '/dend/conv')
    Cdc42 = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/Cdc42')
    Cdc42_m = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/Cdc42_m')
    Cdc42_GDP = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/Cdc42_GDP')
    Rac_GTP = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/Rac_GTP')
    Rac_m = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/Rac_m')
    Rac_GDP = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/Rac_GDP')
    Eps8 = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/Eps8')
    I_Cact = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/IRSp53_a')
    I_M = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/IRSp53_m')
    Idimer = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/IRSp53_dimer')
    recBAR = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/recBAR')
    gradBAR = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/gradBAR')
    Radfun = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/Radfun')
    Ipool = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/Ipool')
    sort = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/sort')
    detach = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/detach')
    curv_IRSp53 = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/curv_IRSp53')
    tube_IRSp53 = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/tube_IRSp53')
    to_tube_Reac = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/to_tube_Reac')
    Cdc42_breac = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/Cdc42_GTP_GDP_Reac')
    Tiam_breac = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/Tiam_Rev_Reac')
    store_tube = moose.Pool(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/store_tube')
    IRSp53_temp = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/IRSp53_temp')
    sigma = moose.Pool(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/sigma')
    Kv = moose.Pool(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/Kv')

    dend_vasp = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/VASP')

    dend_gactin = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/Gactin')
    dend_factin = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/Factin')
    GF_Reac = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/GF_Reac')
    sort_func = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/sort_func')
    breacT_fun = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/breacT_fun')
    breacC_fun = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/breacC_fun')
    simpleFun = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/simpleFun')
    simpleFun1 = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/simpleFun1')
    simpleFun2 = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/simpleFun2')
    Kvfun = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/Kvfun')
    recFun = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/recFun')
    simpleFun2 = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/simpleFun2')
    simpleFun3 = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/simpleFun3')
    mod_sort = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/mod_sort')
    mod_detach = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/mod_detach')
    to_tube_Reac = moose.element(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/to_tube_Reac')

    conv_fun = moose.Function(meshName + '/dend/IRSpGr/conv_fun')
    conv_fun.expr = "1*x0*(x1-1.89191155)+1.89191155"
    Kvfun.expr = "1.0"
    moose.connect(Kvfun, 'valueOut', Kv, 'setN')

    simpleFun.expr = "1.0*x0"
    simpleFun1.expr = "1.0*x0"
    simpleFun2.expr = "0.1*x0"
    simpleFun3.expr = "1.0*x0"
    breacT_fun.expr = "5*x0"
    breacC_fun.expr = "5*x0"

    moose.connect(curv_IRSp53, 'nOut', simpleFun2.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(simpleFun2, 'valueOut', GF_Reac, 'setNumKf')

    moose.connect(sort_func, 'nOut', simpleFun.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(detach, 'nOut', simpleFun1.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(store_tube, 'nOut', simpleFun3.x[0], 'input')

    recFun.expr = "0.0*x0+(exp(45*54*((" + str(
        args_[14]) + "/(x0*1e9))-(1/(2.0*(x0*1e9)*(x0*1e9))))))"

    Radfun.expr = "sqrt(((45+12)*4*1e-18)/(2*(x2-0.08*(ln((((1.0*x0+1.0*x1)/(2*3.14*(0.45*0.05)))*1e-6*54))))))*((3*" + str(
        float(args_[2])) + "*x3*(x0+1.0*x1)^2)/(1.+3*" + str(float(
            args_[2])) + "*x3*(x0+1.0*x1)^2))"

    mod_sort.Kf = 0.
    mod_sort.Kb = 0.
    mod_detach.Kf = 0.
    mod_detach.Kb = 0.

    moose.connect(curv_IRSp53, 'nOut', Radfun.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(I_M, 'nOut', Radfun.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(sigma, 'nOut', Radfun.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(Kv, 'nOut', Radfun.x[3], 'input')
    moose.connect(Radfun, 'valueOut', Rad, 'setN')

    moose.connect(rec, 'nOut', conv_fun.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(conv, 'nOut', conv_fun.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(conv_fun, 'valueOut', Ca, 'setN')

    moose.connect(simpleFun, 'valueOut', mod_sort, 'setNumKf')
    moose.connect(simpleFun1, 'valueOut', mod_detach, 'setNumKf')

    moose.connect(Rad, 'nOut', recFun.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(recFun, 'valueOut', Ipool, 'setN')

    ### Ipool is further copied to sort to participate in the reaction tube_reac or enz (model version 2.5.3)

    I_C.concInit = 0.0012
    file_molWt = os.path.join(sdir_, '..', 'data', 'prot_wt.xml')
    den = 6.0 * 3.14 * np.cbrt(3.0 / (4.0 * 3.14 * 0.73 * 6.02 * 1e23))
    num = 1e3 * 1e6 * 1.38 * 1e-23
    co = num / den

    # Diffconsts are set here
    if int(args_[3]) == 1:
        for prot in moose.wildcardFind(meshName + '/dend/#[ISA=Pool]'):
            mol_name = ET.parse(file_molWt).find(str(
            print('Name is %s' % mol_name, end='. ')
            molWt = mol_name.text.split()
            if float(molWt[1]) <= 0.0:
            moose.element(prot).diffConst = co * (
                300 / (200.0 * np.cbrt(float(molWt[1]) * 1e3))) * 1e-4
            print('-- D',, moose.element(prot).diffConst)

        for prot in moose.wildcardFind(meshName +
            mol_name = ET.parse(file_molWt).find(str(
            print('Name is %s' % mol_name, end='. ')
            molWt = mol_name.text.split()
            if float(molWt[1]) <= 0.0:
            moose.element(prot).diffConst = co * (
                300 / (200.0 * np.cbrt(float(molWt[1]) * 1e3))) * 1e-4
            print('-- D',, moose.element(prot).diffConst)
        for prot in moose.wildcardFind(meshName + '/dend/Ras_gr/#[ISA=Pool]'):
            mol_name = ET.parse(file_molWt).find(str(
            print('Name is %s' % mol_name, end='. ')
            molWt = mol_name.text.split()
            if float(molWt[1]) <= 0.0:
            moose.element(prot).diffConst = co * (
                300 / (200.0 * np.cbrt(float(molWt[1]) * 1e3))) * 1e-4
            print('-- D',, moose.element(prot).diffConst)

        Ca.diffConst = float(args_[4])
        print('-- D',, Ca.diffConst)
        print('\t==================== diffConst updated')

    I_C.diffConst = co * (300 / (8.0 * np.cbrt(120.0 * 1e3))) * 1e-4
    print(I_C.diffConst, end=' + ')
    I_Cact.diffConst = co * (300 / (8.0 * np.cbrt(208.0 * 1e3))) * 1e-4
    Eps8.diffConst = co * (300 / (200.0 * np.cbrt(92.0 * 1e3))) * 1e-4
    print(Eps8.diffConst, end=' + ')
    Cdc42.diffConst = co * (300 / (8.0 * np.cbrt(22.0 * 1e3))) * 1e-4
    Cdc42_m.diffConst = co * (300 / (200.0 * np.cbrt(22.0 * 1e3))) * 1e-4
    Cdc42_GDP.diffConst = co * (300 / (8.0 * np.cbrt(22.0 * 1e3))) * 1e-4
    print(Cdc42.diffConst, end=' + ')
    Rac_GTP.diffConst = co * (300 / (8.0 * np.cbrt(22.0 * 1e3))) * 1e-4
    Rac_m.diffConst = co * (300 / (200.0 * np.cbrt(22.0 * 1e3))) * 1e-4
    Rac_GDP.diffConst = co * (300 / (8.0 * np.cbrt(22.0 * 1e3))) * 1e-4

    I_M.diffConst = 1.0 * co * (300 / (200.0 * np.cbrt(392.0 * 1e3))) * 1e-4
    print(I_M.diffConst, end=' + ')
    Idimer.diffConst = co * (300 / (8.0 * np.cbrt(120.0 * 1e3))) * 1e-4
    curv_IRSp53.diffConst = float(args_[17])

    conv.diffConst = 0.0
    rec.diffConst = 0.0

    dend_gactin.diffConst = 1e-13
    dend_vasp.diffConst = 1e-13

    return meshName
Ejemplo n.º 25
def main():
    This example implements a reaction-diffusion like system which is
    bistable and propagates losslessly. It is based on the NEURON example, but incorporates more compartments and runs for a longer time.
    The system is implemented as a hybrid of a reaction and a function which
    sets its rates. Please see for a variant that uses
    just a function object to set up the system.

    dt = 0.1

    # define the geometry
    compt = moose.CylMesh( '/cylinder' )
    compt.r0 = compt.r1 = 1
    compt.diffLength = 0.2
    compt.x1 = 100
    assert( compt.numDiffCompts == compt.x1/compt.diffLength )

    #define the molecule. Its geometry is defined by its parent volume, cylinder
    c = moose.Pool( '/cylinder/pool' )
    c.diffConst = 1 # define diffusion constant
    # There is an implicit reaction substrate/product. MOOSE makes it explicit.
    buf = moose.BufPool( '/cylinder/buf' )
    buf.nInit = 1

    # The reaction is something entirely peculiar, not a chemical thing.
    reaction = moose.Reac( '/cylinder/reac' )
    reaction.Kb = 0

    # so here we set up a function calculation to do the same thing.
    func = moose.Function( '/cylinder/reac/func' )
    func.expr = "(1 - x0) * (0.3 - x0)"
    func.x.num = 1 #specify number of input variables.

    #Connect the reaction to the pools
    moose.connect( reaction, 'sub', c, 'reac' )
    moose.connect( reaction, 'prd', buf, 'reac' )

    #Connect the function to the reaction
    moose.connect( func, 'valueOut', reaction, 'setNumKf' )

    #Connect the molecules to the func
    moose.connect( c, 'nOut', func.x[0], 'input' )

    #Set up solvers
    ksolve = moose.Ksolve( '/cylinder/ksolve' )
    dsolve = moose.Dsolve( '/cylinder/dsolve' )
    stoich = moose.Stoich( '/cylinder/stoich' )
    stoich.compartment = compt
    stoich.ksolve = ksolve
    stoich.dsolve = dsolve
    stoich.path = '/cylinder/##'
    for i in range( 10, 18 ):
        moose.setClock( i, dt )

    x = numpy.arange( 0, compt.x1, compt.diffLength )
    c.vec.nInit = [ (q < 0.2 * compt.x1) for q in x ]

    # Run and plot it.
    updateDt = 50
    runtime = updateDt * 4
    plt = pylab.plot( x, c.vec.n, label='t = 0 ')
    t1 = time.time()
    for t in range( 0, runtime-1, updateDt ):
        moose.start( updateDt )
        plt = pylab.plot( x, c.vec.n, label='t = '+str(t + updateDt) )
    print(("Time = ", time.time() - t1))

    pylab.ylim( 0, 1.05 )
Ejemplo n.º 26
def makeChemProto(name, stimAmpl=1, diffLength=1e-6, preStim=10.0):
    # Parameters

    sw = params['stimWidth']
    dca = params['diffConstA'] * diffLength * diffLength
    dcb = params['diffConstB'] * diffLength * diffLength

    # Objects
    chem = moose.Neutral('/library/' + name)
    compt = moose.CubeMesh(chem.path + '/dend')
    A = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/A')
    B = moose.Pool(compt.path + '/B')
    Z = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/Z')
    Ca = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/Ca')
    phase = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/phase')
    vel = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/vel')
    ampl = moose.BufPool(compt.path + '/ampl')
    Adot = moose.Function(A.path + '/Adot')
    Bdot = moose.Function(B.path + '/Bdot')
    CaStim = moose.Function(Ca.path + '/CaStim')
    A.diffConst = dca
    B.diffConst = dcb

    # Equations

    xv0 = '(x0-' + str(params['offsetV']) + ')'
    xv1 = '(x1-' + str(params['offsetV']) + ')'
    xw1 = '(x1-' + str(params['offsetW']) + ')'
    xw2 = '(x2-' + str(params['offsetW']) + ')'
    Adot.expr = '5*x3*( 0.0 +' + xv1 + ' - (' + xv1 + '^3)/3 -' + xw2 + ' + x0 )'  # x0=Ca, x1=A, x2=B
    #Adot.expr = 'x3*( 0.5 + x1 - x1*x1*x1/3 - x2 + x0 )' # x0=Ca, x1=A, x2=B
    #Bdot.expr = 'x2*' + str(1.0/params['tau']) + '*(x0 + ' + sp('a', ' - ') + sp( 'b', ' * x1 ' ) + ')'
    Bdot.expr = 'x2*' + str(1.0 / params['tau']) + '*(' + xv0 + '+' + sp(
        'a', ' - ') + sp('b', ' * ' + xw1) + ')'
    CaStim.expr = 'x2 * exp( -((x0 - t)^2)/(2* ' + str(sw * sw) + ') )'

    print Adot.expr
    print Bdot.expr
    print CaStim.expr

    # Connections
    Adot.x.num = 4
    moose.connect(Ca, 'nOut', Adot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Adot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Adot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z, 'nOut', Adot.x[3], 'input')
    moose.connect(Adot, 'valueOut', A, 'increment')

    Bdot.x.num = 3
    moose.connect(A, 'nOut', Bdot.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(B, 'nOut', Bdot.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(Z, 'nOut', Bdot.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(Bdot, 'valueOut', B, 'increment')

    CaStim.x.num = 3
    moose.connect(phase, 'nOut', CaStim.x[0], 'input')
    moose.connect(vel, 'nOut', CaStim.x[1], 'input')
    moose.connect(ampl, 'nOut', CaStim.x[2], 'input')
    moose.connect(CaStim, 'valueOut', Ca, 'setN')

    return compt
Ejemplo n.º 27
compt.diffLength = 1
assert( compt.numDiffCompts == 1000 )

#define the molecule. Its geometry is defined by its parent volume, cylinder
c = moose.Pool( '/cylinder/pool' )
c.diffConst = 1 # define diffusion constant
# There is an implicit reaction substrate/product. MOOSE makes it explicit.
buf = moose.BufPool( '/cylinder/buf' )
buf.nInit = 1

# The reaction is something entirely peculiar, not a chemical thing.
reaction = moose.Reac( '/cylinder/reac' )
reaction.Kb = 0

# so here we set up a function calculation to do the same thing.
func = moose.Function( '/cylinder/reac/func' )
func.expr = "(0.3 - x0) * (1 - x0)"
func.x.num = 1 #specify number of input variables.

#Connect the reaction to the pools
moose.connect( reaction, 'sub', c, 'reac' )
moose.connect( reaction, 'prd', buf, 'reac' )

#Connect the function to the reaction
moose.connect( func, 'valueOut', reaction, 'setNumKf' )

#Connect the molecules to the func
moose.connect( c, 'nOut', func.x[0], 'input' )

#Set up solvers
def test_ksolver_parallel(nthreads=4):
    This example implements a reaction-diffusion like system which is
    bistable and propagates losslessly. It is based on the NEURON example, but incorporates more compartments and runs for a longer time.
    The system is implemented as a hybrid of a reaction and a function which
    sets its rates. Please see for a variant that uses
    just a function object to set up the system.

    dt = 0.1

    # define the geometry
    compt = moose.CylMesh('/cylinder')
    compt.r0 = compt.r1 = 1
    #  compt.diffLength = 1e-6
    compt.x1 = 1e-2
    assert compt.numDiffCompts == int(
        compt.x1 / compt.diffLength), (compt.numDiffCompts,
                                       compt.x1 / compt.diffLength)
    print('No of compartment %d' % compt.numDiffCompts)

    #define the molecule. Its geometry is defined by its parent volume, cylinder
    c = moose.Pool('/cylinder/pool')
    c.diffConst = 1  # define diffusion constant
    # There is an implicit reaction substrate/product. MOOSE makes it explicit.
    buf = moose.BufPool('/cylinder/buf')
    buf.nInit = 1

    # The reaction is something entirely peculiar, not a chemical thing.
    reaction = moose.Reac('/cylinder/reac')
    reaction.Kb = 0

    # so here we set up a function calculation to do the same thing.
    func = moose.Function('/cylinder/reac/func')
    func.expr = "(1 - x0) * (0.3 - x0)"
    func.x.num = 1  #specify number of input variables.

    #Connect the reaction to the pools
    moose.connect(reaction, 'sub', c, 'reac')
    moose.connect(reaction, 'prd', buf, 'reac')

    #Connect the function to the reaction
    moose.connect(func, 'valueOut', reaction, 'setNumKf')

    #Connect the molecules to the func
    moose.connect(c, 'nOut', func.x[0], 'input')

    #Set up solvers
    ksolve = moose.Ksolve('/cylinder/ksolve')
    ksolve.numThreads = nthreads
    dsolve = moose.Dsolve('/cylinder/dsolve')
    stoich = moose.Stoich('/cylinder/stoich')
    stoich.compartment = compt
    stoich.ksolve = ksolve
    stoich.dsolve = dsolve
    stoich.reacSystemPath = '/cylinder/##'
    assert stoich.reacSystemPath == '/cylinder/##'
    for i in range(10, 18):
        moose.setClock(i, dt)

    x = np.arange(0, compt.x1, compt.diffLength)
    assert len(c.vec) == 10000, len(c.vec)
    nInit = [(float(q < 0.2) * compt.x1) for q in x]
    c.vec.nInit = nInit
    assert np.allclose(c.vec.nInit, nInit), (c.vec.nInit, nInit)

    expected = [(0.01, 0.0), (2.6704795776286974e-07, 1.2678976830753021e-17),
                (8.167639617309419e-14, 3.8777269301457245e-24),
                (2.498062905267963e-20, 1.1860363878961374e-30),
                (7.64029581501609e-27, 3.6273808003690943e-37)]

    # Run and plot it.
    updateDt = 50
    runtime = updateDt * 4
    yvec = c.vec.n
    u1, m1 = np.mean(yvec), np.std(yvec)
    print(u1, m1)
    assert np.isclose((u1, m1), expected[0],
                      atol=1e-5).all(), ((u1, m1), expected[0])
    t1 = time.time()
    for i, t in enumerate(range(0, runtime - 1, updateDt)):
        yvec = c.vec.n
        u1, m1 = np.mean(yvec), np.std(yvec)
        print(u1, m1)
        np.isclose((u1, m1), expected[i + 1], atol=1e-5).all(), expected[i + 1]
    return time.time() - t1
dt = 0.1

# define the geometry
compt = moose.CylMesh('/cylinder')
compt.r0 = compt.r1 = 1
compt.x1 = 100
compt.diffLength = 0.2
assert (compt.numDiffCompts == compt.x1 / compt.diffLength)

#define the molecule. Its geometry is defined by its parent volume, cylinder
c = moose.Pool('/cylinder/pool')
c.diffConst = 1  # define diffusion constant

# Here we set up a function calculation
func = moose.Function('/cylinder/pool/func')
func.expr = "-x0 * (0.3 - x0) * (1 - x0)"
func.x.num = 1  #specify number of input variables.

#Connect the molecules to the func
moose.connect(c, 'nOut', func.x[0], 'input')
#Connect the function to the pool
moose.connect(func, 'valueOut', c, 'increment')

#Set up solvers
ksolve = moose.Ksolve('/cylinder/ksolve')
dsolve = moose.Dsolve('/cylinder/dsolve')
stoich = moose.Stoich('/cylinder/stoich')
stoich.ksolve = ksolve
stoich.dsolve = dsolve
stoich.compartment = compt
Ejemplo n.º 30
def createRules(model, specInfoMap, globparameterIdValue):
    for r in range(0, model.getNumRules()):
        rule = model.getRule(r)
        comptvolume = []
        if (rule.isAssignment()):
            rule_variable = rule.getVariable()
            rule_variable = parentSp = str(idBeginWith(rule_variable))
            poolList = specInfoMap[rule_variable]["Mpath"].path
            poolsCompt = findCompartment(moose.element(poolList))
            if not isinstance(moose.element(poolsCompt), moose.ChemCompt):
                return -2
                if not in comptvolume:

            funcId = moose.Function(poolList + '/func')

            objclassname = moose.element(poolList).className
            if objclassname == "BufPool" or objclassname == "ZombieBufPool":
                moose.connect(funcId, 'valueOut', poolList, 'setN')
            elif objclassname == "Pool" or objclassname == "ZombiePool":
                # moose.connect( funcId, 'valueOut', poolList ,'increament' )
                moose.connect(funcId, 'valueOut', poolList, 'setN')
            elif objclassname == "Reac" or objclassname == "ZombieReac":
                moose.connect(funcId, 'valueOut', poolList, 'setNumkf')

            ruleMath = rule.getMath()
            ruleMemlist = []
            speFunXterm = {}
            getMembers(ruleMath, ruleMemlist)

            for i in ruleMemlist:

                if (i in specInfoMap):
                    i = str(idBeginWith(i))
                    specMapList = specInfoMap[i]["Mpath"]
                    poolsCompt = findCompartment(moose.element(specMapList))
                    if not isinstance(moose.element(poolsCompt),
                        return -2
                        if not in comptvolume:
                    numVars = funcId.numVars
                    x = funcId.path + '/x[' + str(numVars) + ']'
                    speFunXterm[i] = 'x' + str(numVars)
                    moose.connect(specMapList, 'nOut', x, 'input')
                    funcId.numVars = numVars + 1

                elif not (i in globparameterIdValue):
                    print("check the variable type ", i)
            exp = rule.getFormula()
            for mem in ruleMemlist:
                if (mem in specInfoMap):
                    #exp1 = exp.replace(mem, str(speFunXterm[mem]))
                    exp1 = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % (mem), speFunXterm[mem], exp)
                    exp = exp1
                elif (mem in globparameterIdValue):
                    #exp1 = exp.replace(mem, str(globparameterIdValue[mem]))
                    exp1 = re.sub(r'\b%s\b' % (mem), globparameterIdValue[mem],
                    exp = exp1
                    print("Math expression need to be checked")
            exp = exp.replace(" ", "")
            funcId.expr = exp.strip(" \t\n\r")
            # return True

        elif (rule.isRate()):
            print("Warning : For now this \"", rule.getVariable(),
                  "\" rate Rule is not handled in moose ")
            # return False

        elif (rule.isAlgebraic()):
            print("Warning: For now this ", rule.getVariable(),
                  " Algebraic Rule is not handled in moose")
            # return False
        if len(comptvolume) > 1:
            warning = "\nFunction ", moose.element(
            ).name, " has input from different compartment which is depricated in moose and running this model cause moose to crash"
    return True