Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testFindAll(self):
        root = build_tree()
        nodes = list(moosetree.findall(root, lambda n: n.name.endswith('AB'), method=moosetree.IterMethod.PRE_ORDER))
        self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 3)
        self.assertEqual(nodes[0].name, 'AB')
        self.assertEqual(nodes[1].name, 'ABCAB')
        self.assertEqual(nodes[2].name, 'BAB')

        nodes = list(moosetree.search.findall(root, lambda n: 'year' in n,  method=moosetree.IterMethod.PRE_ORDER))
        self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 6)
        self.assertEqual(nodes[0].name, 'ABC')
        self.assertEqual(nodes[1].name, 'ABCAB')
        self.assertEqual(nodes[2].name, 'BAB')
        self.assertEqual(nodes[3].name, 'BB')
        self.assertEqual(nodes[4].name, 'C')
        self.assertEqual(nodes[5].name, 'CB')

        self.assertEqual(nodes[0]['year'], 1980)
        self.assertEqual(nodes[1]['year'], 2013)
        self.assertEqual(nodes[2]['year'], 1954)
        self.assertEqual(nodes[3]['year'], 1949)
        self.assertEqual(nodes[4]['year'], 2011)
        self.assertEqual(nodes[5]['year'], 1980)

        nodes = list(moosetree.findall(root, lambda n: n.get('year') == 1980, method=moosetree.IterMethod.PRE_ORDER))
        self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 2)
        self.assertIs(nodes[0].name, 'ABC')
        self.assertIs(nodes[1].name, 'CB')

        self.assertEqual(nodes[0]['year'], 1980)
        self.assertEqual(nodes[1]['year'], 1980)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def postTokenize(self, page, ast):
     """Remove empty SQARequirementMatrix tokens"""
     for node in moosetree.findall(
             ast.root, func=lambda n: n.name == 'SQARequirementMatrix'):
         if not any(n.name == 'SQARequirementMatrixItem'
                    for n in node.children):
             node.parent = None
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def findall(self, name, fuzzy=True):
        Locate all nodes withing the tree starting from this node.

            name[str]: The name to search for within the tree.
            fuzzy[bool]: When True (the default) a "fuzzy" search is performed, meaning that the
                         provide name must be in the node name. If this is set to False the names
                         must match exact.
        func = lambda n: (fuzzy and name in n.fullpath) or (not fuzzy and name == n.fullpath)
        return moosetree.findall(self, func, method=moosetree.IterMethod.PRE_ORDER)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def postTokenize(self, page, ast):

        index = []
        title = None
        for head in moosetree.findall(ast, lambda n: n.name == 'Heading'):
            if (head['level'] == 1) and (title is None):
                title = head.text()

            id_ = head.get('id')
            if id_ == '':
                id_ = head.text('-').lower()
            index.append(dict(title=title, text=head.text(), bookmark=id_))
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def preRender(self, page, ast, result):
        """Cache Shortcut tokens in the page attributes."""

        page['shortcuts'].clear()  # in case this page is being live reloaded
        for node in moosetree.findall(ast, lambda n: (n.name == 'Shortcut')):
            key = node['key']
            if key not in page['shortcuts']:
                page['shortcuts'][key] = node.copy()
                msg = "The shortcut link key '{}' has already been used."
                        msg.format(key), page.source,
                        node.info.line if node.info else None, node.info[0]
                        if node.info and node.info[0].strip() else ''))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def createHTML(self, parent, token, page):
        hide = token['hide']
        levels = token['levels']
        func = lambda n: (n.name == 'Heading') and (n['level'] in levels) and (n is not token) \
               and (n['id'] not in hide)
        toks = moosetree.findall(token.root, func)

        div = html.Tag(parent, 'div', class_='moose-table-of-contents')
        for tok in toks:
            id_ = tok['id']
            bookmark = id_ if id_ else tok.text('-').lower()
            link = core.Link(None, url='#{}'.format(bookmark))
            self.renderer.render(div, link, page)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def postTokenize(self, ast, page, meta, reader):
        """Capture the search results."""

        if not self.get('search', False):

        index = []
        title = None
        for head in moosetree.findall(ast, lambda n: n.name == 'Heading'):
            if (head['level'] == 1) and (title is None):
                title = head.text()

            id_ = head.get('id')
            if id_ == '':
                id_ = head.text('-').lower()
            index.append(dict(title=title, text=head.text(), bookmark=id_))
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def __nodeFinder(self, node_type, syntax='', group=None, recursive=False):
        A helper method for finding nodes of a given type, syntax, and group.

            node_type[NodeCore]: The type of node to consider.
            syntax: (optional) The syntax that must be within the object 'fullpath' property.
            group: (optional) The group to limit the search.
            recursive: When True the search will look through all nodes in the entire tree, when
                       False only the children of the node are considered.
        if recursive:
            filter_ = lambda node: (syntax in node.fullpath()) and \
                                   isinstance(node, node_type) and \
                                   (group is None or group in node.groups())
            return moosetree.findall(self, filter_)

            return [node for node in self.children if (syntax in node.fullpath()) and \
                                                      isinstance(node, node_type) and \
                                                      (group is None or group in node.groups())]
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def check(self, location):

        # List of errors
        messages = []

        # Load the test spec and create a list of PythonUnitTest files
        tested = set()
        spec = os.path.join(location, 'tests')
        if not os.path.exists(spec):
            if glob.glob(os.path.join(spec, '*.py')):
                messages.append("Missing a test spec file in '{}'".format(os.path.dirname(spec)))
            node = pyhit.load(os.path.join(location, 'tests'))

            # check for PythonUnitTest blocks in [Tests]
            block = moosetree.find(node, lambda n: n.name=='Tests')
            for subblock in moosetree.findall(block, lambda n: n):
                if subblock['type'] == 'PythonUnitTest':

        # Loop through python files in this directory
        for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(location, '*.py')):

            # Local filename
            base = os.path.basename(filename)

            # Load the module (tried this with os.chdir, but that didn't work)
            mod = __import__(base[:-3])

            # Get a lit of unittest.TestCase objects, if they exist this file should be in spec
            tests = get_parent_objects(mod, unittest.TestCase)
            if tests and (base not in tested):
                msg = "The test script '{}' is not included in the tests spec '{}'."
                messages.append(msg.format(base, spec))

        return messages
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def testFindAttr(self):
     root = build_tree()
     nodes = list(moosetree.findall(root, year=1980))
     self.assertEqual(len(nodes), 2)
     self.assertEqual(nodes[0].name, 'CB')
     self.assertEqual(nodes[1].name, 'ABC')