Ejemplo n.º 1
def _check_iterable(arg, msg, **kwargs):
    """Ensure we have an iterable which is not a string or an iterator"""
    if isinstance(arg, compat.string_types):
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg.format(arg=arg, **kwargs))
    elif not isinstance(arg, collections.Iterable):
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg.format(arg=arg, **kwargs))
    elif iter(arg) is iter(arg):
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg.format(arg=arg, **kwargs))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def check_integer(arg, min=None, max=None):
    if not isinstance(arg, compat.integer_types):
        raise exceptions.ValidationError('Expected an integer, not %r' % arg)
    elif min is not None and arg < min:
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(
            'Expected number larger or equal to %d, not %r' % (min, arg))
    elif max is not None and arg > max:
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(
            'Expected number smaller or equal to %d, not %r' % (max, arg))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def check_integer(arg, min=None, max=None):
    if not isinstance(arg, int):
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(f"Expected an integer, not {arg!r}")
    elif min is not None and arg < min:
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(
            f"Expected number larger or equal to {min}, not {arg!r}")
    elif max is not None and arg > max:
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(
            f"Expected number smaller or equal to {max}, not {arg!r}")
Ejemplo n.º 4
def check_query(arg, fields=None, list_values=True):
    if fields is None:
        fields = SEARCH_FIELDS
    # TODO: normalize name  -> track_name
    # TODO: normalize value -> [value]
    # TODO: normalize blank -> [] or just remove field?
    # TODO: remove list_values?

    if not isinstance(arg, Mapping):
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(
            f"Expected a query dictionary, not {arg!r}")

    for key, value in arg.items():
            msg="Expected query field to be one of "
            "{choices}, not {arg!r}",
        if list_values:
            msg = 'Expected "{key}" to be list of strings, not {arg!r}'
            _check_iterable(value, msg, key=key)
            [_check_query_value(key, v, msg) for v in value]
            _check_query_value(key, value,
                               'Expected "{key}" to be a string, not {arg!r}')
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def get_images(self, uris):
        """Lookup the images for the given URIs

        Backends can use this to return image URIs for any URI they know about
        be it tracks, albums, playlists. The lookup result is a dictionary
        mapping the provided URIs to lists of images.

        Unknown URIs or URIs the corresponding backend couldn't find anything
        for will simply return an empty list for that URI.

        :param uris: list of URIs to find images for
        :type uris: list of string
        :rtype: {uri: tuple of :class:`mopidy.models.Image`}

        .. versionadded:: 1.0

        futures = {
            backend: backend.library.get_images(backend_uris)
            for (backend,
                 backend_uris) in self._get_backends_to_uris(uris).items()
            if backend_uris

        results = {uri: tuple() for uri in uris}
        for backend, future in futures.items():
            with _backend_error_handling(backend):
                if future.get() is None:
                validation.check_instance(future.get(), Mapping)
                for uri, images in future.get().items():
                    if uri not in uris:
                        raise exceptions.ValidationError(
                            f"Got unknown image URI: {uri}")
                    validation.check_instances(images, models.Image)
                    results[uri] += tuple(images)
        return results
Ejemplo n.º 6
def _check_query_value(key, arg, msg):
    if not isinstance(arg, compat.string_types) or not arg.strip():
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg.format(arg=arg, key=key))
Ejemplo n.º 7
def check_instances(arg, cls, msg='Expected a list of {name}, not {arg!r}'):
    _check_iterable(arg, msg, name=cls.__name__)
    if not all(isinstance(instance, cls) for instance in arg):
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg.format(arg=arg,
Ejemplo n.º 8
def check_instance(arg, cls, msg='Expected a {name} instance, not {arg!r}'):
    if not isinstance(arg, cls):
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg.format(arg=arg,
Ejemplo n.º 9
def check_choice(arg, choices, msg='Expected one of {choices}, not {arg!r}'):
    if arg not in choices:
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(
            msg.format(arg=arg, choices=tuple(choices)))
Ejemplo n.º 10
def check_uri(arg, msg='Expected a valid URI, not {arg!r}'):
    if not isinstance(arg, compat.string_types):
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg.format(arg=arg))
    elif urllib.parse.urlparse(arg).scheme == '':
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg.format(arg=arg))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def check_uri(arg, msg="Expected a valid URI, not {arg!r}"):
    if not isinstance(arg, str):
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg.format(arg=arg))
    elif urllib.parse.urlparse(arg).scheme == "":
        raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg.format(arg=arg))