Ejemplo n.º 1
    def update_Y_forward(self, obj):
        Update the transformation3D to reflect the tranformation
        between obj (a blender object) and the blender world origin.
        In this case, the robot moves forwad along the Y axis.

        Change the values of yaw, pitch, roll for Blender vehicles
        Robots that use the Blender vehicle constrainst move in the
        direction of the Y axis, contrary to most of the MORSE components
        that move along the X axis.
        rot_matrix = obj.orientation
        self.matrix = mathutils.Matrix((rot_matrix[0], \
                                        rot_matrix[1], \
        self.matrix = self.matrix * self.correction_matrix

        pos = obj.worldPosition
        for i in range(0, 3):
            if blenderapi.version() < (2, 62, 0):
                self.matrix[3][i] = pos[i]
                self.matrix[i][3] = pos[i]
        self.matrix[3][3] = 1

        self.euler = self.matrix.to_euler()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, obj, parent=None):
        """ Constructor method.

        Receives the reference to the Blender object.
        The second parameter should be the name of the object's parent.
        logger.info('%s initialization' % obj.name)
        # Call the constructor of the parent class
        super(VideoCamera, self).__init__(obj, parent)

        # Prepare the exportable data of this sensor
        self.local_data['image'] = ''

        # Prepare the intrinsic matrix for this camera.
        # Note that the matrix is stored in row major
        intrinsic = mathutils.Matrix()
        alpha_u = self.image_width  * \
                  self.image_focal / BLENDER_HORIZONTAL_APERTURE
        intrinsic[0][0] = alpha_u
        intrinsic[1][1] = alpha_u
        intrinsic[0][2] = self.image_width / 2.0
        intrinsic[1][2] = self.image_height / 2.0
        self.local_data['intrinsic_matrix'] = intrinsic

        self.capturing = False
        self._n = -1

        # Variable to indicate this is a camera
        self.camera_tag = True

        # Position of the robot where the last shot is taken
        self.robot_pose = copy.copy(self.robot_parent.position_3d)

        logger.info("Component initialized, runs at %.2f Hz ", self.frequency)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, obj):
        Construct a transformation3d. Generate the identify
        transformation if no object is associated to it. Otherwise,
        returns the transformation3D between this object and the world

        self.matrix = mathutils.Matrix(
            ([1, 0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1]))

        self.euler = mathutils.Euler([0, 0, 0])
        if obj is not None:

        # For use only by robots moving along the Y axis
        self.correction_matrix = mathutils.Matrix(
            ([0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]))
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _create_transform_matrix():
    """ Construct the transformation matrix
    from the Kinect to the Blender frame of reference
    global transformation_matrix

        #         Y  X                  Z  Y
	#         | /                   | /
	# KinCam  |/ ____ Z  ,   World  |/_____X
    # Transformation of the Kinect frame of reference to that of Blender
    kinect_matrix = mathutils.Matrix((
                [0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0], \
                [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], \
                [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], \
                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]))

    # Additional rotation of the physical sensor, with respect to the Blender world
    # Currently set to 25.5 degrees around the Y axis
    kinect_rotation = mathutils.Matrix((
                [1.0,    0.0,    -0.545, 0.0], \
                [0.0,    1.0,    0.0,    0.0], \
                [0.545,  0.0,    1.0,    0.0], \
                [0.0,    0.0,    0.0,    1.0]))

    # Spin the positions around the Z axis, to match with the Blender human
    rotation_matrix = mathutils.Matrix((
                [-1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], \
                [0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0], \
                [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], \
                [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]))

    # Position of the kinect with respect to the human.
    # XXX: Make this adjustable from the real position in the scene
    kinect_position = [2.0, 0.0, 2.0]
    #logger.error("Kinect position: [%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]" % (kinect_position[0], kinect_position[1], kinect_position[2]))

    transformation_matrix = kinect_matrix * kinect_rotation * rotation_matrix
    # Add the position of the Kinect sensor
    transformation_matrix[0][3] = kinect_position[0]
    transformation_matrix[1][3] = kinect_position[1]
    transformation_matrix[2][3] = kinect_position[2]
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def set_camarafp_projection_matrix(self, projection_matrix):
        """ Set the CamaraFP (MORSE' environment camera) 4x4 projection matrix

        :param projection_matrix: The camera's 4x4 projection matrix.
        :type  projection_matrix: 4x4 Matrix [[float]]
            blender_object = get_obj_by_name('CameraFP')
            blender_object.projection_matrix = mathutils.Matrix(projection_matrix)
            return projection_matrix
        except SystemError: # if the matrix is not 4x4 numpy raises a SystemError
            raise MorseRPCInvokationError( "The Matrix must be 4x4 [[float]]" )
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def set_camarafp_transform(self, transform):
        """ Set the CamaraFP (MORSE' environment camera) world space transform matrix.

        :param transform: The camera's world space transform matrix.
        :type  transform: 4x4 Matrix [[float]]
            blender_object = get_obj_by_name('CameraFP')
            blender_object.worldTransform = mathutils.Matrix(transform)
            return transform
        except SystemError: # if the matrix is not 4x4 numpy raises a SystemError
            raise MorseRPCInvokationError( "The Matrix must be 4x4 [[float]]" )
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def get_wheels(self):
        # get pointers to and physicsIds of all objects
        # get wheel pointers - needed by wheel speed sensors and to
        # set up constraints
        # bullet vehicles always have 4 wheels
        scene = blenderapi.scene()

        self._wheel_radius = None

        caster_wheel_name = self.bge_object.get('CasterWheelName', None)

        #  inherited from the parent robot
        for index in self._wheel_index:
            name = "Wheel%sName" % index
            # Get the actual name of the object from the properties
            #  of the parent robot
                wheel = scene.objects[self.bge_object[name]]
                #import traceback
                wheel = None

            if wheel:
                self._wheels[index] = wheel
                logger.info("\tWheel %s: %s" % (index, wheel.name))
                self._wheel_positions[index] = \
                self._wheel_orientations[index] = \
                # Make the wheels orphans
                # Keep their transformations
                #wheel.worldPosition = self._wheel_positions[index]
                #wheel.worldOrientation = self._wheel_orientations[index]

                # get wheel radius if not already computed
                if wheel.name != caster_wheel_name and not self._wheel_radius:
                    self._wheel_radius = self.get_wheel_radius(

        logger.debug("get_wheels %s" % self._wheels)

        # Add a free rotating wheel if indicated in the robot
        if caster_wheel_name and caster_wheel_name != 'None':
            wheel = scene.objects[caster_wheel_name]
            wheel_position = mathutils.Vector(wheel.worldPosition)
            self.attach_caster_wheel_to_body(wheel, self.bge_object,
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def update(self, obj):
        Update the transformation3D to reflect the tranformation
        between obj (a blender object) and the blender world origin
        rot_matrix = obj.orientation
        self.matrix = mathutils.Matrix((rot_matrix[0], \
                                        rot_matrix[1], \

        pos = obj.worldPosition
        for i in range(0, 3):
            if blenderapi.version() < (2, 62, 0):
                self.matrix[3][i] = pos[i]
                self.matrix[i][3] = pos[i]
        self.matrix[3][3] = 1

        self.euler = self.matrix.to_euler()
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def convert_LTP_to_ECEF(P):
     converts point in LTP(Blender) to ECEF-r coordinates
     x0 = convert_GPS_to_ECEF(P)  #P->x0
     x0 = mathutils.Vector(x0)
     transform_matrix = [[-math.sin(P[0]),
                          math.cos(P[0]), 0],
                             -math.cos(P[0]) * math.sin(P[1]),
                             -math.sin(P[1]) * math.sin(P[0]),
                             math.cos(P[1]) * math.cos(P[0]),
                             math.cos(P[1]) * math.sin(P[0]),
     transform_matrix = mathutils.Matrix(transform_matrix)
     xe = x0 + transform_matrix * xt  #transformed xt -> xe
     return xe
Ejemplo n.º 10
def angular_velocities(prev, now, dt):
    Return angular velocities between two poses

    :param prev: the precedent pose, as a Transformation3d
    :param now: the current pose, as a Transformation3d
    :param dt: time elapsed between the two poses acquisition, in sec

    See https://www.astro.rug.nl/software/kapteyn/_downloads/attitude.pdf
    for equation description
    patt = mathutils.Vector(prev.euler)
    att = mathutils.Vector(now.euler)
    euler_rate = (att - patt) / dt

    c0 = cos(att[0])
    c1 = cos(att[1])
    s0 = sin(att[0])
    s1 = sin(att[1])

    m = mathutils.Matrix(([1, 0, -s1], [0, c0, c1 * s0], [0, -s0, c1 * c0]))

    return m * euler_rate
Ejemplo n.º 11
import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("morse." + __name__)
from morse.middleware.pocolibs_datastream import PocolibsDataStreamInput
from niut.struct import *
from morse.core import mathutils

# Define a transformation matrix for the position of the Kinect/Xtion sensor
transformation_matrix = mathutils.Matrix()

class NiutPoster(PocolibsDataStreamInput):
    _type_name = "NIUT_HUMAN_LIST"

    _type_url = "http://trac.laas.fr/git/niut-genom/tree/niutStruct.h#n82"
    def initialize(self):
        PocolibsDataStreamInput.initialize(self, NIUT_HUMAN_LIST)

        self.couples = \
                  [('head_position', NIUT_HEAD),
                   ('neck_position', NIUT_NECK),
                   ('torso_position', NIUT_TORSO),
                   ('left_hand_position', NIUT_LEFT_HAND),
                   ('right_hand_position', NIUT_RIGHT_HAND),
                   ('left_elbow_position', NIUT_LEFT_ELBOW),
                   ('right_elbow_position', NIUT_RIGHT_ELBOW),
                   ('left_shoulder_position', NIUT_LEFT_SHOULDER),
                   ('right_shoulder_position', NIUT_RIGHT_SHOULDER),
                   ('left_hip_position', NIUT_LEFT_HIP),
                   ('right_hip_position', NIUT_RIGHT_HIP),
                   ('left_knee_position', NIUT_LEFT_KNEE),
                   ('right_knee_position', NIUT_RIGHT_KNEE),
                   ('left_foot_position', NIUT_LEFT_FOOT),
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def default_action(self):
        """ Apply rotation to the arm segments """
        # Get the reference to the Sound actuator
        if self._sound is None:
            logger.debug ("ACTIVATING THE SOUND ACTUATOR")
            contr = blenderapi.controller()
            self._sound = contr.actuators['Sound']

        # Reset movement variables
        rx, ry, rz = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0

        # Scale the speeds to the time used by Blender
            rotation = self._speed / self.frequency
        # For the moment ignoring the division by zero
        # It happens apparently when the simulation starts
        except ZeroDivisionError:

        self._moving = False

        for i in range(6):
            key = ('seg%d' % i)
            target_angle = normalise_angle(self.local_data[key])

            # Get the next segment
            segment = self._segments[i]

            # Extract the angles
            rot_matrix = segment.localOrientation
            segment_matrix = mathutils.Matrix((rot_matrix[0], rot_matrix[1], rot_matrix[2]))
            segment_euler = segment_matrix.to_euler()

            # Use the corresponding direction for each rotation
            if self._dofs[i] == 'y':
                ry = rotation_direction(segment_euler[1], target_angle, self._tolerance, rotation)
                #logger.debug("PARAMETERS Y: %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f = %.4f" % (segment_euler[1], target_angle, _tolerance, rotation, ry))

            elif self._dofs[i] == 'z':
                rz = rotation_direction(segment_euler[2], target_angle, self._tolerance, rotation)
                #logger.debug("PARAMETERS Z: %.4f, %.4f, %.4f, %.4f = %.4f" % (segment_euler[2], target_angle, _tolerance, rotation, rz))

            logger.debug("ry = %.4f, rz = %.4f" % (ry, rz))

            # Give the movement instructions directly to the parent
            # The second parameter specifies a "local" movement
            segment.applyRotation([rx, ry, rz], True)

            if ry != 0.0 or rz != 0.0:
                self._moving = True

            # Reset the rotations for the next segment
            ry = rz = 0

        if self._moving:
            logger.debug("STARTING SOUND")
            logger.debug("STOPPING SOUND")