Ejemplo n.º 1
def main(image_source, image_dir, output_name, tile_height, num_candidates):
    """this function receive the image file, the folder for the image,
    name for the photomasaic, the tile height and the number candidates."""
    tiles = mosaic.build_tile_base(image_dir, tile_height)
    original_image = mosaic.load_image(image_source)
    mosaic_image = make_mosaic(original_image, tiles, num_candidates)
    mosaic.save(mosaic_image, output_name)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def main():
    main function that will load the image, the tiles and use make mosaic to
    create a mosaic image from out source image. at the end this function
    will show the mosaic image and save it.

    # loading the image named image name
    image = mosaic.load_image(image_name)
    # loading tiles in the image destination folder with the given height
    tiles = mosaic.build_tile_base(image_src, tile_height)
    # creating a mosaic_image using make_mosaic function on image and tiles
    mosaic_image = make_mosaic(image, tiles, num_candidates)
    # showing the new mosaic image and saving it with the given output_name
    mosaic.save(mosaic_image, output_name)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def main():
    Main function
    if len(sys.argv) == NUM_ARGUMENTS:
        # Gets the values
        image_source = sys.argv[ONE]
        images_dir = sys.argv[TWO]
        output_name = sys.argv[THREE]
        tile_height = int(sys.argv[FOUR])
        num_candidates = int(sys.argv[FIVE])
        image = mosaic.load_image(image_source)
        tiles = mosaic.build_tile_base(images_dir, tile_height)
        photosomaic = make_mosaic(image, tiles, num_candidates)
        mosaic.save(photosomaic, output_name)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    This function make the program run

    tiles_dir = sys.argv[2]
    tile_height = int(sys.argv[4])
    tiles = mosaic.build_tile_base(tiles_dir, tile_height)

    image_filename = sys.argv[1]
    image = mosaic.load_image(image_filename)

    num_candidates = sys.argv[5]
    objective = make_mosaic(image, tiles, num_candidates)

    filename = sys.argv[3]
    mosaic.save(objective, filename)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def main():
    # initializing variables
    image_name = sys.argv[1]
    tiles_directory = sys.argv[2]
    tile_height = int(sys.argv[4])
    image = list()
    tiles = list()
    mosaic_image = list()
    num_of_candidates = int(sys.argv[5])
    # Make the list of list image
    image = mosaic.load_image(image_name)
    # Make the list tiles that are pure list of list made
    tiles = mosaic.build_tile_base(tiles_directory, tile_height)
    # Start the mosaic process!
    mosaic_image = make_mosaic(image, tiles, num_of_candidates)
    # The name of the mosaic image
    mosaic_name = sys.argv[3]
    # Saving the image
    mosaic.save(mosaic_image, mosaic_name)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def main(image_source, images_dir, tile_height, num_candidates):
    image_input = mosaic.load_image(image_source)
    tiles = mosaic.build_tile_base(images_dir, tile_height)
    image_mosaic = make_mosaic(image_input, tiles, num_candidates)
    mosaic.save(image_mosaic, output)
Ejemplo n.º 7
    """Receives an image, a list of tiles and a length of a new wanted list,
    and using previous function, recreates the entire original given image as a
    mosaic, piece by piece. Once completed, returns said mosaic."""
    mosaic_image = copy.deepcopy(image)
    HEIGHT = len(tiles[0])
    WIDTH = len(tiles[0][0])
    averages = preprocess_tiles(tiles)
    for i in range(0,len(image),HEIGHT):
        for j in range(0,len(image[0]),WIDTH):
            new_piece = get_piece(mosaic_image,(i,j),(HEIGHT,WIDTH))
            best_tiles =get_best_tiles(new_piece,tiles,averages,num_candidates)
            winner_tile = choose_tile(new_piece,best_tiles)
    return mosaic_image

if __name__ == "__main__":
    #The main calls all the previous functions, using specific arguments,
    #in order to create the wanted mosaic, so long as the amount and type of
    #arguments are as needed.
    if len(sys.argv) != NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS+1:
        image_source = sys.argv[1]
        images_dir = sys.argv[2]
        output_name = sys.argv[3]
        tile_height = int(sys.argv[4])
        num_candidates = int(sys.argv[5])
        image = mosaic.load_image(image_source)
        tiles = mosaic.build_tile_base(images_dir,tile_height)
        real_mosaic = make_mosaic(image,tiles,num_candidates)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    tile_w = len(tiles[0][FRST_ROW])
    tiles_across = m.ceil(image_width / tile_w)
    tiles_down = m.ceil(image_height / tile_h)
    tile_avg_list = preprocess_tiles(tiles)
    for row in range(tiles_down):
        for tile in range(tiles_across):
            upper_left = (row * tile_h, (tile * tile_w))
            piece = get_piece(new_mosaic, upper_left, (tile_h, tile_w))
            best_tiles = get_best_tiles(piece, tiles, tile_avg_list,
            chosen_tile = choose_tile(piece, best_tiles)
            set_piece(new_mosaic, upper_left, chosen_tile)
    return new_mosaic

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) != COMMAND_LINE_ARGS:  # Ensure correct #  of args
        #  Parse args
        image_src, tile_src, out_path, tile_height, num_cand = sys.argv[1:]
        tile_height = int(tile_height)
        num_cand = int(num_cand)
        #  Load files, make mosaic, and save.
        base_image = mosaic.load_image(image_src)
        tiles_lst = mosaic.build_tile_base(tile_src, tile_height)
        new_img = make_mosaic(base_image, tiles_lst, num_cand)
        mosaic.save(new_img, out_path)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def main():
    image = mosaic.load_image(photo)
    tiles = mosaic.build_tile_base(lst_of_tiles, tile_height)
    new_pic = make_mosaic(image, tiles, candidates_number)
    mosaic.save(new_pic, save_name)