Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self):

        # Appearance
        self.help = "Extracts the input image size."
        self.label = "Get Size"
        self.color = "250:20:30:150"
        self.in_types = ["mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image"]
        self.out_types = ["mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.rect"]
        self.group = "Experimental"
        self.time_shifts = False

        # ------------------------------C/OpenCv code--------------------------
        self.codes[2] = \
            '\nif(block$id$_img_i0)\n{\n' + \
            '  \tblock$id$_rect_o0 = cvRect( 0, 0, ' + \
            'block$id$_img_i0->width, block$id$_img_i0->height);\n' + \

        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        # Appearance
        self.help = "Eleva cada ponto de uma " + \
            "imagem a um valor fixo de potência."
        self.label = "Pow"
        self.color = "230:230:60:150"
        self.in_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "input_image",
            "label": "Input Image"
        self.out_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "output_image",
            "label": "Output Image"
        self.group = "Math Functions"

        self.properties = [{
            "label": "Exponent",
            "name": "exponent",
            "value": 1,
            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
            "lower": 1,
            "upper": 10,
            "step": 1

        # -------------------C/OpenCv code------------------------------------
        self.codes[2] = \
            '\nif(block$id$_img_i0){\n' + \
            'block$id$_img_o0 = cvCloneImage(block$id$_img_i0);\n' + \
            'cvPow(block$id$_img_i0, block$id$_img_o0, $exponent$);\n' + \

        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def paste(self):
     This method paste a block.
     replace = {}
     self.current_widgets = []
     # interact into blocks, add blocks and change their id
     clipboard = self.main_window.main_control.get_clipboard()
     for widget in clipboard:
         if not isinstance(widget, Block):
         plugin = Plugin(widget)
         plugin.x += 20
         plugin.y += 20
         plugin.id = -1
         if not self.main_window.main_control.add_block(plugin):
         replace[widget.id] = plugin
     # interact into connections changing block ids
     for widget in clipboard:
         if not isinstance(widget, Connector):
         # if a connector is copied without blocks
         if widget.source.id not in replace or widget.sink.id \
                 not in replace:
         print _("continuing...")
         source = replace[widget.source.id]
         source_port = widget.source_port
         sink = replace[widget.sink.id]
         sink_port = widget.sink_port
         self.start_connection(source, source_port)
         self.end_connection(sink, sink_port)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):

        # Appearance
        self.help = "Realiza a soma de duas imagens."
        self.label = "Sum"
        self.color = "180:10:10:150"
        self.in_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "first_image",
            "label": "First Image"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "first_image",
            "label": "First Image"
        self.out_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "output_image",
            "label": "Output Image"
        self.group = "Arithmetic and logical operations"

        self.codes[0] = r"""
// And, Xor, Division, subtraction, sum, or,
//multiplication need images with the same size
void adjust_images_size(IplImage * img1, IplImage * img2, IplImage * img3){
    if(img1->width != img2->width || img1->height != img2->height){
    int minW,minH;
    if(img1->width > img2->width)
        minW = img2->width;
        minW = img1->width;

    if(img1->height > img2->height)
        minH = img2->height;
        minH = img1->height;

    cvSetImageROI(img2, cvRect( 0, 0, minW, minH ));
    cvSetImageROI(img1, cvRect( 0, 0, minW, minH ));
    cvSetImageROI(img3, cvRect( 0, 0, minW, minH ));
        self.codes[2] = \
            'if(block$id$_img_i0 && block$id$_img_i1){\n' + \
            'block$id$_img_o0 = cvCloneImage(block$id$_img_i0);\n' + \
            'adjust_images_size(block$id$_img_i0, ' + \
            'block$id$_img_i1, block$id$_img_o0);\n' + \
            'cvAdd(block$id$_img_i0, block$id$_img_i1, ' + \
            'block$id$_img_o0,0);\n' + \
            'cvResetImageROI(block$id$_img_o0);\n' + \

        self.codes[1] = "IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n" + \
                    "IplImage * block$id$_img_i1 = NULL;\n" + \
                    "IplImage * block$id$_img_o0 = NULL;\n"

        self.codes[3] = "cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_i0);\n" + \
                    "cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_i1);\n" + \

        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def test_init(self):
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def __init__(self):
        self.help = "Operacão de filtragem que implementa o algoritmo " + \
            "Canny para detecção de contornos e bordas." + \
            "\nPropriedades\nLimiar 1 e Limiar 2: os dois valores" + \
            " de limiar são utilizados em conjunto." + \
            "O menor valor é utilizado para a realizar a " + \
            "conexão de cantos e bordas." + \
            "O maior valor é utilizado para encontrar" + \
            " segmentos iniciais das bordas mais significativas."
        self.label = "Canny"
        self.color = "50:180:80:150"
        self.in_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "input_image",
            "label": "Input Image"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.int",
            "name": "apertureSize",
            "label": "Aperture Size"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.int",
            "name": "threshold1",
            "label": "Threshold 1"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.int",
            "name": "threshold2",
            "label": "Threshold 2"
        self.out_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "output_image",
            "label": "Output Image"
        self.group = "Gradients, Edges and Corners"

        self.properties = [{
            "label": "Aperture Size",
            "name": "apertureSize",
            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
            "lower": 1,
            "upper": 10,
            "value": 3,
            "step": 1
        }, {
            "label": "Threshold 1",
            "name": "threshold1",
            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
            "lower": 1,
            "upper": 100,
            "value": 16,
            "step": 1
        }, {
            "label": "Threshold 2",
            "name": "threshold2",
            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
            "lower": 1,
            "upper": 100,
            "value": 33,
            "step": 1

        # -------------------------C/OpenCV code----------------------------
        self.codes[1] = \
            '// $id$ Canny\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_o0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'int block$id$_int_i1 = $prop[apertureSize]$;\n' + \
            'int block$id$_int_i2 = $prop[threshold1]$;\n' + \
            'int block$id$_int_i3 = $prop[threshold2]$;\n'

        self.codes[2] = \
            "if(block$id$_img_i0){ //Canny Code\n" + \
            "\tif (block$id$_int_i1 < 1) block$id$_int_i1 = 1;\n" + \
            "\tif (block$id$_int_i2 < 1) block$id$_int_i2 = 1;\n" + \
            "\tif (block$id$_int_i3 < 1) block$id$_int_i3 = 1;\n" + \
            "\tif (block$id$_int_i1 > 10) block$id$_int_i1 = 10;\n" + \
            "\tif (block$id$_int_i2 > 100) block$id$_int_i2 = 100;\n" + \
            "\tif (block$id$_int_i3 > 100) block$id$_int_i3 = 100;\n" + \
            "\tblock$id$_img_o0 = cvCloneImage(block$id$_img_i0);\n" + \
            "\tIplImage * tmpImg$id$ =" + \
            " cvCreateImage(cvGetSize(block$id$_img_i0),8,1);\n" + \
            "\tif(block$id$_img_i0->nChannels == 3){\n" + \
            "    \t\tcvCvtColor(block$id$_img_i0," + \
            " tmpImg$id$ ,CV_RGB2GRAY);\n" + \
            "\t}else{\n" + \
            "    \t\ttmpImg$id$ = block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n" + \
            "}\n" + \
            "cvCanny(tmpImg$id$, tmpImg$id$, block$id$_int_i2," + \
            " block$id$_int_i1, block$id$_int_i3);\n" + \
            "\tif(block$id$_img_i0->nChannels == 3){\n" + \
            "    \t\tcvCvtColor(tmpImg$id$, " + \
            "block$id$_img_o0,CV_GRAY2RGB);\n" + \
            "\t}else{\n" + \
            "    \t\tcvCopyImage(tmpImg$id$, block$id$_img_o0);\n" + \
            "\t}\n" + \
            "\tcvReleaseImage(&tmpImg$id$);\n" + \
            "} // End Canny Code\n"

        self.codes[3] = "cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_i0);\n" + \
        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):
        # Appearance
        self.help = "Operação morfológica que provoca dilatação " + \
            "nos objetos de uma imagem, aumentando suas dimensões."
        self.label = "Dilate"
        self.color = "180:230:220:150"
        self.in_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "input_image",
            "label": "Input Image"
        self.out_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "output_image",
            "label": "Output Image"
        self.group = "Morphological Operations"

        self.properties = [{
            "label": "Mask Size X",
            "name": "masksizex",
            "type": MOSAICODE_COMBO,
            "values": ["1", "3", "5", "7"],
            "value": "3"
        }, {
            "label": "Mask Size Y",
            "name": "masksizey",
            "type": MOSAICODE_COMBO,
            "values": ["1", "3", "5", "7"],
            "value": "3"
        }, {
            "label": "Iterations",
            "name": "iterations",
            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 65535,
            "step": 1,
            "value": 1

        # ----------------------------C/OpenCv code---------------------------
        self.codes[1] = \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_o0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'int block$id$_arg_iterations = $iterations$;\n' + \
            'IplConvKernel * block$id$_arg_mask = ' + \
            'cvCreateStructuringElementEx($masksizex$ , $masksizey$, 1, 1,CV_SHAPE_RECT,NULL);\n'

        self.codes[2] = '''
                block$id$_img_o0 = cvCloneImage(block$id$_img_i0);
        self.codes[3] = "cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_i0);\n" + \

        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_init(self):
     model = Plugin()
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self):
        self.maxDist = 60

        # Appearance
        self.help = 'Input1 is the left image and Input2 " + \
            "is the right image. Output is the depth image.'

        self.label = "images/stereoCorr.png"
        self.color = "10:10:20:150"
        self.in_types = [
        self.out_types = ["mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image"]
        self.group = "Feature Detection"

        self.properties = [{
            "name": "Max Distance",
            "label": "maxDist",
            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 655,
            "step": 1

        # -------------------C/OpenCv code------------------------------------
        self.codes[1] = \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_i1 = NULL;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_o0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_ts0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_ts1 = NULL;\n'

        self.codes[2] = \
            '\nif(block$id$_img_i0 && block$id$_img_i1)\n{\n' + \
            '   if(!block$id$_img_o0)\n' + \
            '       block$id$_img_o0 = cvCreateImage' + \
            '(cvGetSize(block$id$_img_i0), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);\n' + \
            '   if(!block$id$_img_ts0)\n' + \
            '       block$id$_img_ts0 = cvCreateImage' + \
            '(cvGetSize(block$id$_img_i0), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);\n' + \
            '   if(!block$id$_img_ts1)\n' + \
            '       block$id$_img_ts1 = cvCreateImage' + \
            '(cvGetSize(block$id$_img_i0), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);\n' + \
            '   cvCvtColor(block$id$_img_i0, ' + \
            'block$id$_img_ts0, CV_BGR2GRAY);\n' + \
            '   cvCvtColor(block$id$_img_i1, ' + \
            'block$id$_img_ts1, CV_BGR2GRAY);\n' + \
            '   cvFindStereoCorrespondence' + \
            '(block$id$_img_ts0, block$id$_img_ts1, ' + \
            'block$id$_img_o0, $maxDist$, 15, 3, 6, 8, 15 );\n}\n'

        self.codes[3] = \
            'cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_o0);\n' + \
            'cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_i0);\n' + \
            'cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_i1);\n' + \
            'if(block$id$_img_ts0)\n\tcvReleaseImage' + \
            '(&block$id$_img_ts0);\n' + \

        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def __init__(self):
        self.cascade_name = "/usr/share/mosaicode/images/" + \
        self.min_neighbors = 2

        # Appearance
        self.help = 'Haar (face) Detector finds regions on the input ' + \
            'image according to the given haar-classifier. \n' + \
            'First Output is the center of the first detected feature, ' + \
            'second is a rectangle around the first ' + \
            'detected feature and the third is the input image with ' + \
            'the detected features tagged by a red circle.\n' + \
            'The last output is the number of detected faces.'
        self.label = "Haar Detector"
        self.color = "50:220:40:150"
        self.in_types = ["mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image"]
        self.out_types = [
        self.group = "Feature Detection"

        self.properties = [
                "name": "File Name",
                "label": "cascade_name",
                "type": MOSAICODE_SAVE_FILE
                "name": "Min neighbors",
                "label": "min_neighbors",
                "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
                "lower": 1,
                "upper": 99,
                "step": 1

        # ------------------------------C/OpenCv code--------------------------
        self.codes[1] = \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'CvPoint block$id$_point_o0 = cvPoint(0,0);\n' + \
            'CvRect block$id$_rect_o1 = cvRect( 0, 0, 1, 1);\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_o2 = NULL;\n' + \
            'double block$id$_double_o3 = 0.0;\n' + \
            'static CvMemStorage* block$id$_storage = 0;\n' + \
            'static CvHaarClassifierCascade* block$id$_cascade = 0;\n' + \
            'const char* block$id$_cascade_name = "$cascade_name$";\n'

        self.codes[2] = \
            '\nif(block$id$_img_i0){\n' + \
            '  double scale = 1.3;\n' + \
            '  block$id$_cascade = (CvHaarClassifierCascade*)' + \
            'cvLoad( block$id$_cascade_name, 0, 0, 0 );\n' + \
            '  IplImage* gray = cvCreateImage( cvSize' + \
            '(block$id$_img_i0->width,block$id$_img_i0->height), 8, 1 );\n' + \
            '  IplImage* small_img = cvCreateImage' + \
            '( cvSize( cvRound (block$id$_img_i0->width/scale), cvRound ' + \
            '(block$id$_img_i0->height/scale)),8, 1 );\n' + \
            '  cvCvtColor( block$id$_img_i0, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY );\n' + \
            '  cvResize( gray, small_img, CV_INTER_LINEAR );\n' + \
            '  cvEqualizeHist( small_img, small_img );\n' + \
            '  if(!block$id$_img_o2)\n' + \
            '  block$id$_img_o2 = cvCloneImage(block$id$_img_i0);\n' + \
            '  cvCopy(block$id$_img_i0,block$id$_img_o2,0);\n' + \
            '  block$id$_storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);\n' + \
            '  cvClearMemStorage( block$id$_storage );\n' + \
            '  block$id$_rect_o1 = cvRect( 0, 0, 1, 1);\n' + \
            '  CvSeq* faces = cvHaarDetectObjects(small_img, ' + \
            'block$id$_cascade, block$id$_storage,' + \
            '1.1,$min_neighbors$, 0/*CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING*/,' + \
            'cvSize(30, 30) );\n' + \
            '  block$id$_double_o3 = faces->total;\n' + \
            '  if(faces)\n' + \
            '  {\n' + \
            '      int i;\n' + \
            '      for( i = 0; i < (faces ? faces->total : 0); i++ )\n' + \
            '      {\n' + \
            '      CvRect* r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem( faces, i );\n' + \
            '          if(r)\n' + \
            '          {\n' + \
            '              CvPoint center;\n' + \
            '              int radius;\n' + \
            '              center.x = cvRound((r->x + ' + \
            'r->width*0.5)*scale);\n' + \
            '              center.y = cvRound((r->y + ' + \
            'r->height*0.5)*scale);\n' + \
            '              radius = cvRound((r->width + ' + \
            'r->height)*0.25*scale);\n' + \
            '              cvCircle( block$id$_img_o2, center, ' + \
            'radius, cvScalarAll(0), 3, 8, 0 );\n' + \
            '              if(i == 0)\n' + \
            '              {\n' + \
            '                  block$id$_point_o0 = center;\n' + \
            '                  block$id$_rect_o1.x = (r->x)*scale;\n' + \
            '                  block$id$_rect_o1.y = (r->y)*scale;\n' + \
            '                  block$id$_rect_o1.width ' + \
            '= (r->width)*scale;\n' + \
            '                  block$id$_rect_o1.height' + \
            ' = (r->height)*scale;\n' + \
            '              }\n' + \
            '          }\n' + \
            '      }\n' + \
            '  }\n' + \
            '  cvReleaseImage( &gray );\n' + \
            '  cvReleaseImage( &small_img );\n' + \

        self.codes[3] = \
            'cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_o2);\n' + \
            'cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_i0);\n' + \

        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self):
        self.minX = 0
        self.maxX = 500
        self.minY = 0
        self.maxY = 500
        self.minVal = 0
        self.maxVal = 500
        self.minORmax = "min"
        self.criteria = "pos"

        # Appearance
        self.help = "Finds min or max from input image and judges " + \
            "it according to a custom criteria."
        self.label = "Find Min or Max"
        self.color = "50:50:200:150"
        self.in_types = ["mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image"]
        self.out_types = ["mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.double", "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.point"]
        self.group = "Feature Detection"

        self.properties = [{"name": "Min X",
                            "label": "minX",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
                            "lower": 0,
                            "upper": 65535,
                            "step": 1
                           {"name": "Max X",
                            "label": "maxX",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
                            "lower": 0,
                            "upper": 65535,
                            "step": 1
                           {"name": "Min Y",
                            "label": "minY",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
                            "lower": 0,
                            "upper": 65535,
                            "step": 1
                           {"name": "Max Y",
                            "label": "maxY",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
                            "lower": 0,
                            "upper": 65535,
                            "step": 1
                           {"name": "Min Val",
                            "label": "minVal",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
                            "lower": 0,
                            "upper": 65535,
                            "step": 1
                           {"name": "Max Val",
                            "label": "maxVal",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
                            "lower": 0,
                            "upper": 65535,
                            "step": 1
                           {"name": "Min Or Max",
                            "label": "minORmax",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_COMBO,
                            "values": ["min", "max"]
                           {"name": "Criteria",
                            "label": "criteria",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_COMBO,
                            "values": ["pos", "val"]
    def __init__(self):

        self.language = "javascript"
        self.framework = "webaudio"
        self.help = "ADSR"
        self.label = "ADSR"
        self.color = "50:150:250:150"

        self.in_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_javascript_webaudio.extensions.ports.sound",
            "label": "Sound",
            "name": "sound"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_javascript_webaudio.extensions.ports.float",
            "label": "Event Play",
            "name": "play"
        self.out_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_javascript_webaudio.extensions.ports.sound",
            "label": "Sound",
            "name": "sound"

        self.group = "Sound"

        self.properties = [{
            "name": "a",
            "label": "Attack",
            "type": MOSAICODE_FLOAT,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 10000,
            "step": 1,
            "value": 5
        }, {
            "name": "d",
            "label": "Delay",
            "type": MOSAICODE_FLOAT,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 10000,
            "step": 1,
            "value": 2
        }, {
            "name": "s",
            "label": "Sustain",
            "type": MOSAICODE_FLOAT,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 10000,
            "step": 1,
            "value": 100
        }, {
            "name": "r",
            "label": "Release",
            "type": MOSAICODE_FLOAT,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 10000,
            "step": 1,
            "value": 50
        }, {
            "name": "g",
            "label": "Gain",
            "type": MOSAICODE_FLOAT,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 10000,
            "step": 1,
            "value": 0.5

        self.codes[0] = """
Envelope = function(context, a, d, s, r, g) {
this.node = context.createGain()
this.context = context;
this.node.gain.value = 0;
this.a = a / 1000.0;
this.d = d / 1000.0;
this.s = s / 1000.0;
this.r = r / 1000.0;
this.g = g;

Envelope.prototype.play = function(e) {
var time = this.context.currentTime;
// Zero
this.node.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, time);
// Attack time
time += this.a;
this.node.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(1, time);
// Decay time
time += this.d;
this.node.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0.5, time);
// Sustain time (do nothing)
time += this.s;
// Release time
time += this.r;
this.node.gain.linearRampToValueAtTime(0, time);
        self.codes[1] = """
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def __init__(self):
        self.masksize = "3x3"
        self.iterations = 1

        # Appearance
        self.help = "Operação morfológica que provoca erosão " + \
            "nos objetos de uma imagem, reduzindo suas dimensões."
        self.label = "Erosion"
        self.color = "180:230:220:150"
        self.in_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "input_image",
            "label": "Input Image"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.int",
            "name": "interaction",
            "label": "Interactions"
        self.out_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "output_image",
            "label": "Output Image"

        self.group = "Morphological Operations"

        self.properties = [{
            "label": "Mask Size X",
            "name": "masksizex",
            "type": MOSAICODE_COMBO,
            "values": ["1", "3", "5", "7"],
            "value": "3"
        }, {
            "label": "Mask Size Y",
            "name": "masksizey",
            "type": MOSAICODE_COMBO,
            "values": ["1", "3", "5", "7"],
            "value": "3"
        }, {
            "name": "Iterations",
            "label": "iterations",
            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 65535,
            "step": 1

        # --------------------------C/OpenCv code------------------------------
        self.codes[1] = \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL; // ERODE input\n' + \
            'int block$id$_int_i1 = $prop[iterations]$; // ERODE iterarions\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_o0 = NULL; // ERODE output\n' + \
            'IplConvKernel * block$id$_arg_mask = ' + \
            'cvCreateStructuringElementEx($prop[masksizex]$ , $prop[masksizey]$, 1, 1,CV_SHAPE_RECT,NULL);\n'

        self.codes[2] = \
            '\nif(block$id$_img_i0){\n' + \
            'block$id$_img_o0 = cvCloneImage(block$id$_img_i0);\n' + \
            'cvErode(block$id$_img_i0, block$id$_img_o0, ' + \
            'block$id$_arg_mask, block$id$_int_i1);\n' + \

        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def __new(self, widget=None, data=None):
     PluginEditor(self, Plugin())
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self):

        self.language = "javascript"
        self.framework = "webaudio"
        self.help = "Sound output"
        self.label = "Oscillator"
        self.color = "50:150:250:150"
        self.in_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_javascript_webaudio.extensions.ports.sound",
            "label": "Osc Frequency",
            "name": "osc_freq"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_javascript_webaudio.extensions.ports.float",
            "label": "Frequency",
            "name": "freq"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_javascript_webaudio.extensions.ports.float",
            "name": "type",
            "label": "Type"
        self.out_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_javascript_webaudio.extensions.ports.sound",
            "name": "sound",
            "label": "Sound"
        self.group = "Sound"

        self.properties = [{
            "name": "freq",
            "label": "Frequency",
            "type": MOSAICODE_FLOAT,
            "lower": 0,
            "step": 1,
            "value": 440
        }, {
            "name": "type",
            "label": "Type",
            "type": MOSAICODE_COMBO,
            "values": ["square", "sine", "sawtooth", "triangle"],
            "value": "sine"

        self.codes[0] = """
// block_$id$ = Oscillator
var block_$id$ =  context.createOscillator();
var $in_ports[osc_freq]$ = block_$id$.frequency;
var $out_ports[sound]$ = null;
var $in_ports[freq]$ = function(value){
    block_$id$.frequency.value = value;
var $in_ports[type]$ = function(value){
    oscillator = ''
    if (value < 1) oscillator = 'square';
    if (value == 1) oscillator = 'sine';
    if (value == 2) oscillator = 'sawtooth';
    if (value > 2) oscillator = 'triangle';
    block_$id$.type = oscillator;
        self.codes[1] = """
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def load(cls, file_name):
        This method loads the block from XML file.


            * **Types** (:class:`boolean<boolean>`)
        if os.path.exists(file_name) is False:
        parser = XMLParser(file_name)

        if parser.getTag("MosaicodePlugin") is None:
            return None

        plugin = Plugin()

        plugin.type = parser.getTagAttr("MosaicodePlugin", "type")
        plugin.language = parser.getTagAttr("MosaicodePlugin", "language")
        plugin.framework = parser.getTagAttr("MosaicodePlugin", "framework")

        plugin.label = parser.getTagAttr("MosaicodePlugin", "label")
        plugin.group = parser.getTagAttr("MosaicodePlugin", "group")
        plugin.color = parser.getTagAttr("MosaicodePlugin", "color")
        plugin.help = parser.getTagAttr("MosaicodePlugin", "help")
        plugin.source = parser.getTagAttr("MosaicodePlugin", "source")

        count = 0
        for code in plugin.codes:
            plugin.codes[count] = parser.getTag("MosaicodePlugin").getTag("code" + str(count)).getText()
            count = count + 1

        props = parser.getTag("MosaicodePlugin").getTag(
        for prop in props:

        in_ports = parser.getTag("MosaicodePlugin").getTag(
        for port in in_ports:

        out_ports = parser.getTag("MosaicodePlugin").getTag(
        for port in out_ports:

        if plugin.type == "mosaicode.model.plugin":
            return None
        return plugin
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self):
        self.help = "Operação de filtragem destinada a suavizar uma imagem."
        self.label = "Match Template"
        self.color = "180:180:10:150"
        self.in_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "first_image",
            "label": "First Image"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "second_image",
            "label": "Second Image"
        self.out_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "output_image",
            "label": "Output Image"
        self.group = "Feature Detection"

        self.properties = [{
            "label": "Scale Factor",
            "name": "scaleFactor",
            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 99,
            "step": 1,
            "value": 6
        }, {
            "values": [

        # ------------------------------C/OpenCv code--------------------------
        self.codes[1] = \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_i1 = NULL;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_t0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_o0 = NULL;\n'

        self.codes[2] =  \
            'if(block$id$_img_i0 && block$id$_img_i1){\n' + \
            '\tdouble width$id$ = block$id$_img_i0->width - ' + \
            'block$id$_img_i1->width +1;\n' + \
            '\tdouble height$id$ = block$id$_img_i0->height - ' + \
            'block$id$_img_i1->height +1;\n' + \
            '\tCvSize size$id$ = cvSize(width$id$,height$id$);\n' + \
            '\tblock$id$_img_t0 = cvCreateImage(size$id$,32,1);\n' + \
            '\tblock$id$_img_o0 = cvCreateImage(size$id$,8,1);\n' + \
            '\tcvMatchTemplate(block$id$_img_i0 , block$id$_img_i1, ' + \
            'block$id$_img_t0, $method$);\n' + \
            '\tcvConvertScale(block$id$_img_t0, block$id$_img_o0, pow(10,-($scaleFactor$)),0);\n' + \

        self.codes[3] = \
            'cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_o0);\n' + \
            'cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_t0);\n' + \
            'cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_i1);\n' + \
        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def __init__(self):

        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
        self.help = "Adiciona bordas na imagem."
        self.label = "Add Border"
        self.color = "0:180:210:150"
        self.in_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "input_image",
            "label": "Input Image"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.int",
            "name": "border_size",
            "label": "Border Size"
        self.out_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "output_image",
            "label": "Output Image"
        self.group = "Experimental"

        self.properties = [{
            "label": "Color",
            "name": "color",
            "type": MOSAICODE_COLOR,
            "value": "#FF0000"
        }, {
            "values": [
        }, {
            "label": "Border Size",
            "name": "border_size",
            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
            "value": "50"

        self.codes[0] = \
            "CvScalar get_scalar_color(const char * rgbColor){\n" + \
            "   if (strlen(rgbColor) < 13 || rgbColor[0] != '#')\n" + \
            "       return cvScalar(0,0,0,0);\n" + \
            "   char r[4], g[4], b[4];\n" + \
            "   strncpy(r, rgbColor+1, 4);\n" + \
            "   strncpy(g, rgbColor+5, 4);\n" + \
            "   strncpy(b, rgbColor+9, 4);\n" + \
            "\n" + \
            "   int ri, gi, bi = 0;\n" + \
            "   ri = (int)strtol(r, NULL, 16);\n" + \
            "   gi = (int)strtol(g, NULL, 16);\n" + \
            "   bi = (int)strtol(b, NULL, 16);\n" + \
            "\n" + \
            "   ri /= 257;\n" + \
            "   gi /= 257;\n" + \
            "   bi /= 257;\n" + \
            "   \n" + \
            "   return cvScalar(bi, gi, ri, 0);\n" + \

        self.codes[1] = \
            "IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n" + \
            "int block$id$_int_i1 = $prop[border_size]$;\n" + \
            "IplImage * block$id$_img_o0 = NULL;\n"

        self.codes[2] = \
            'if(block$id$_img_i0){\n' + \
            '\tCvSize size$id$ = cvSize(block$id$_img_i0->width +' + \
            ' block$id$_int_i1 * 2, block$id$_img_i0->height' + \
            ' + block$id$_int_i1 * 2);\n' + \
            '\tblock$id$_img_o0 = cvCreateImage(size$id$,' + \
            ' block$id$_img_i0->depth,block$id$_img_i0->nChannels);\n' + \
            '\tCvPoint point$id$ = cvPoint' + \
            '(block$id$_int_i1, block$id$_int_i1);\n' + \
            '\tCvScalar color = get_scalar_color("$prop[color]$");\n' + \
            '\tcvCopyMakeBorder(block$id$_img_i0, block$id$_img_o0,' + \
            ' point$id$, $prop[type]$, color);\n' + \
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def setUp(self):
     """Do the test basic setup."""
     plugin = Plugin()
     self.block_model = BlockModel(plugin)
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def test_init(self):
     model = Plugin()
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def __init__(self):
        self.x0 = 0
        self.y0 = 0
        self.width = 640
        self.height = 480

        # Appearance
        self.help = "Corta a Imagem de acordo com o Retangulo de entrada."
        self.label = "Crop Image"
        self.color = "50:50:200:150"
        self.in_types = ["mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image", "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.rect"]
        self.out_types = ["mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image"]
        self.group = "Experimental"

        self.properties = [{"name": "X",
                            "label": "x0",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
                            "lower": 1,
                            "upper": 65535,
                            "step": 1
                           {"name": "Y",
                            "label": "y0",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
                            "lower": 1,
                            "upper": 65535,
                            "step": 1
                           {"name": "Width",
                            "label": "width",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
                            "lower": 1,
                            "upper": 65535,
                            "step": 1
                           {"name": "Height",
                            "label": "height",
                            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
                            "lower": 1,
                            "upper": 65535,
                            "step": 1

        # ------------------------C/OpenCv code--------------------------------
        self.codes[1] = \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_o0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'CvRect  block$id$_rect_i1 = cvRect' + \
            '($x0$, $y0$, $width$, $height$);\n'

        self.codes[2] = \
            '\nif(block$id$_img_i0){\n' + \
            '   block$id$_rect_i1.x = MAX' + \
            '(0,block$id$_rect_i1.x);//Check whether point is negative\n' + \
            '   block$id$_rect_i1.y = MAX' + \
            '(0,block$id$_rect_i1.y);\n' + \
            '   block$id$_rect_i1.x = MIN(block$id$_img_i0->width-1,' + \
            'block$id$_rect_i1.x);//Check whether ' + \
            'point is out of the image\n' + \
            '   block$id$_rect_i1.y = MIN' + \
            '(block$id$_img_i0->height-1,' + \
            'block$id$_rect_i1.y);\n' + \
            '   block$id$_rect_i1.width = MIN' + \
            '(block$id$_img_i0->width-block$id$_rect_i1.x,' + \
            'block$id$_rect_i1.width);' + \
            '//Check whether rect reaches out of the image\n' + \
            '   block$id$_rect_i1.height = MIN(block$id$_img_i0->' + \
            'height-block$id$_rect_i1.y,block$id$_rect_i1.height);\n' + \
            '   block$id$_img_o0 = cvCreateImage' + \
            '(cvSize(block$id$_rect_i1.width,' + \
            'block$id$_rect_i1.height),' + \
            ' block$id$_img_i0->depth,block$id$_img_i0->nChannels);\n' + \
            '   cvSetImageROI(block$id$_img_i0,block$id$_rect_i1);\n' + \
            '   cvCopyImage(block$id$_img_i0,block$id$_img_o0);\n' + \
        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self):
        self.isCenter = True
        self.isScalling = True
        self.isFilling = True
        self.angle = 0

        # Appearance
        self.help = "Adiciona bordas na imagem."
        self.label = "Rotate Image"
        self.color = "90:5:10:150"
        self.in_types = [
        self.out_types = ["mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image"]
        self.group = "Experimental"

        self.properties = [{
            "name": "Use Image Center",
            "label": "isCenter",
            "type": MOSAICODE_CHECK
        }, {
            "name": "Resize Image To Fit In",
            "label": "isScalling",
            "type": MOSAICODE_CHECK
        }, {
            "name": "Fill Leftovers",
            "label": "isFilling",
            "type": MOSAICODE_CHECK
        }, {
            "name": "Point X",
            "label": "x",
            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
            "value": 20,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 65535,
            "step": 1
        }, {
            "name": "Point Y",
            "label": "y",
            "value": 20,
            "type": MOSAICODE_INT,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 65535,
            "step": 1
        }, {
            "name": "Angle",
            "label": "angle",
            "type": MOSAICODE_FLOAT,
            "lower": 0,
            "upper": 360,
            "step": 1

        # -------------------C/OpenCv code------------------------------------
        self.codes[1] = \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'double block$id$_double_i1 = $angle$;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_o0 = NULL;\n'

        self.codes[0] = \
            "#define PI 3.1415926535898\n" + \
            "double rads(double degs){\n" + \
            "   return (PI/180 * degs);\n" + \
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def __init__(self):
        self.masksize = "7x7"

        # Appearance
        self.help = "Operação de morfologia matemática para realizar o " + \
            "fechamento da imagem de acordo com o elemento estruturante." + \
            "Equivale a aplicação de uma dilatação seguida de uma erosão."
        self.label = "Closing"
        self.color = "180:230:220:150"
        self.group = "Morphological Operations"
        self.in_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "input_image",
            "label": "Input Image"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.int",
            "name": "masksizex",
            "label": "Mask Size X"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.int",
            "name": "masksizey",
            "label": "Mask Size Y"
        self.out_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "output_image",
            "label": "Output Image"

        self.properties = [{
            "label": "Mask Size X",
            "name": "masksizex",
            "type": MOSAICODE_COMBO,
            "values": ["1", "3", "5", "7"],
            "value": "3"
        }, {
            "label": "Mask Size Y",
            "name": "masksizey",
            "type": MOSAICODE_COMBO,
            "values": ["1", "3", "5", "7"],
            "value": "3"

        # -------------------C/OpenCv code---------------------------------
        self.codes[1] = \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'int block$id$_int_i1 = $masksizex$;\n' + \
            'int block$id$_int_i2 = $masksizey$;\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_img_o0 = NULL;\n' + \
            'IplConvKernel * block$id$_arg_mask = NULL;\n'

        self.codes[2] = \
            '\nif(block$id$_img_i0){\n' + \
            'if (block$id$_int_i1 % 2 == 0) block$id$_int_i1++;\n' + \
            'if (block$id$_int_i2 % 2 == 0) block$id$_int_i2++;\n' + \
            'block$id$_arg_mask = ' + \
            'cvCreateStructuringElementEx(block$id$_int_i1 ,' + \
            'block$id$_int_i2, 1, 1,CV_SHAPE_RECT,NULL);\n' + \
            'IplImage * block$id$_auxImg;\n' + \
            'block$id$_img_o0 = cvCloneImage(block$id$_img_i0);\n' + \
            'block$id$_auxImg = cvCloneImage(block$id$_img_i0);\n' + \
            'cvMorphologyEx(block$id$_img_i0, block$id$_img_o0, NULL,' + \
            'block$id$_arg_mask, CV_MOP_CLOSE, 1);\n}\n'

        self.codes[3] = \
            'cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_o0);\n' + \
            'cvReleaseStructuringElement(&block$id$_arg_mask);\n' + \

        # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def __init__(self):

        # Appearance
        self.help = "Permite a operação lógica 'E' entre as duas entradas." + \
            " Para esse bloco há duas possibilidades." + \
            "Primeira: Executa a operação entre" + \
            " duas imagens ponto a ponto." + \
            "Segunda: Executa a operação entre um " + \
            "valor constante e cada ponto da imagem."
        self.label = "And"
        self.color = "10:180:10:150"
        self.in_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "first_image",
            "label": "First Image"
        }, {
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "second_image",
            "label": "Second Image"
        self.out_ports = [{
            "type": "mosaicode_c_opencv.extensions.ports.image",
            "name": "output_image",
            "label": "Output Image"
        self.group = "Arithmetic and logical operations"

        self.codes[0] = r"""
// And, Xor, Division, subtraction, sum, or,
//multiplication need images with the same size
void adjust_images_size(IplImage * img1, IplImage * img2, IplImage * img3){
    if(img1->width != img2->width || img1->height != img2->height){
    int minW,minH;
    if(img1->width > img2->width)
        minW = img2->width;
        minW = img1->width;

    if(img1->height > img2->height)
        minH = img2->height;
        minH = img1->height;

    cvSetImageROI(img2, cvRect( 0, 0, minW, minH ));
    cvSetImageROI(img1, cvRect( 0, 0, minW, minH ));
    cvSetImageROI(img3, cvRect( 0, 0, minW, minH ));

        self.codes[1] = "// $id$ - And\n" + \
                    "IplImage * block$id$_img_i0 = NULL;\n" + \
                    "IplImage * block$id$_img_i1 = NULL;\n" + \
                    "IplImage * block$id$_img_o0 = NULL;\n"

        self.codes[2] = \
            '\nif(block$id$_img_i0 && block$id$_img_i1){\n' + \
            '\tblock$id$_img_o0 = cvCloneImage(block$id$_img_i0);\n' + \
            '\tadjust_images_size(block$id$_img_i0, ' + \
            'block$id$_img_i1, block$id$_img_o0);\n' + \
            '\tcvAnd(block$id$_img_i0, ' + \
            'block$id$_img_i1, block$id$_img_o0,0);\n' + \
            '\tcvResetImageROI(block$id$_img_o0);\n' + \

        self.codes[3] = "cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_i0);\n" + \
                    "cvReleaseImage(&block$id$_img_i1);\n" + \

        self.language = "c"
        self.framework = "opencv"
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def __init__(self, port_manager, port):
        self.port_manager = port_manager
        Gtk.Dialog.__init__(self, _("Port Editor"), self.port_manager, 0,
                            (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.CANCEL,
                             Gtk.STOCK_SAVE, Gtk.ResponseType.OK))

        self.main_control = self
        self.set_default_size(600, 300)

        vbox = Gtk.VBox()
        box = self.get_content_area()
        box.pack_start(vbox, True, True, 0)

        self.type = StringField({"label": _("Type")}, None)
        self.language = StringField({"label": _("Language")}, None)
        self.label = StringField({"label": _("Label")}, None)
        self.color = ColorField({"label": _("Color")}, None)
        self.code = CodeField({"label": _("Code")}, None)
        self.multiple = CheckField({"label": _("Multiple")}, None)

        self.input_code_widgets = []
        self.output_code_widgets = []
        for code in Plugin().codes:
            self.input_code_widgets.append(CodeField({"label": ""}, None))
            self.output_code_widgets.append(CodeField({"label": ""}, None))

        if port is not None:

            count = 0
            for code in Plugin().codes:
                count = count + 1

        vbox.pack_start(self.type, False, False, 1)
        vbox.pack_start(self.language, False, False, 1)
        vbox.pack_start(self.label, False, False, 1)
        vbox.pack_start(self.color, False, False, 1)
        vbox.pack_start(self.multiple, False, False, 1)

        self.code_notebook = Gtk.Notebook()
        vbox.pack_start(self.code_notebook, True, True, 1)
                                       Gtk.Label(_("Connection Code")))

        count = 0
        for code_widget in self.input_code_widgets:
            self.code_notebook.append_page(code_widget, Gtk.Label(_("Input Code " + \
            count = count + 1

        count = 0
        for code_widget in self.output_code_widgets:
            self.code_notebook.append_page(code_widget, Gtk.Label(_("Output Code " + \
            count = count + 1

        result = self.run()
        if result == Gtk.ResponseType.OK: