def cam_tab( self ): """ The cam module Preff Tab. Arguments: - self: The main object pointer. """ frame = Gtk.Frame() camBox = Gtk.Grid() camBox.set_column_spacing(6) mapperActive = Gtk.CheckButton( _("Show Point Mapper") ) mapperActive.set_active( self.cfg.getboolean( "gui", "showPointMapper" ) ) mapperActive.connect( "toggled", self._checkToggled, "gui", "showPointMapper" ) camBox.add( mapperActive ) showCapture = Gtk.CheckButton( _("Show Capture") ) showCapture.set_active( self.cfg.getboolean( "gui", "showCapture" ) ) showCapture.connect( "toggled", self._checkToggled, "gui", "showCapture" ) camBox.attach_next_to( showCapture, mapperActive, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 1, 1 ) camBox.show_all() frame.add( camBox ) self.noteBook.insert_page(frame, Gtk.Label(label= _("Camera")), -1)
def mouseTab( self ): """ The cam module Preff Tab. Arguments: - self: The main object pointer. """ frame = Gtk.Frame() camBox = Gtk.Grid() camBox.set_column_spacing(6) reqMov = self.addSpin( _("Step Speed: "), "stepSpeed", self.cfg.getint( "mouse", "stepSpeed" ), "mouse", "stepSpeed" ) camBox.add( reqMov ) ############################################### # # # THE WHEEL HAS ALREADY BEEN DISCOVERED # # SO, LETS USE MOUSETWEAK INSTEAD OF # # ADD THIS SUPPORT TO MOUSETRAP. # ############################################### # defClickF = gtk.frame( _( "Default Click:" ) ) # # defClicks = { "b1c" : _("Left Click"), # "b1d" : _("Double Click"), # "b1p" : _("Drag/Drop Click"), # "b3c" : _("Right Click")} # # defClicksInv = dict((v,k) for k,v in defClicks.iteritems()) # # defClick = gtk.combo_box_new_text() # defClick.append_text(defClicks[self.cfg.get( "mouse", "defClick" )]) # # defClicklBl = gtk.Label(self.cfg.get( "mouse", "defClick" )) # self.preffWidgets['defClick'] = defClicklBl # # for mode in defClicks: # if mode == self.cfg.get( "mouse", "defClick" ): # continue # defClick.append_text( defClicks[mode] ) # # defClick.connect('changed', self._comboChanged, "mouse", "defClick", defClicksInv) # defClick.set_active(0) # # defClickF.add( defClick) # camBox.pack_start( defClickF, False, False ) camBox.show_all() frame.add( camBox ) self.noteBook.insert_page(frame, Gtk.Label(label= _("Mouse")), -1)
def buildInterface( self ): """ Builds the preffGUI. Arguments: - self: The main object pointer. """ accelGroup = Gtk.AccelGroup() self.add_accel_group( accelGroup ) accelGroup = accelGroup self.set_title( _("mouseTrap Preferences") ) self.set_size_request( 300, 100) self.connect( "destroy", self.close) self.window = Gtk.Grid() self.noteBook = Gtk.Notebook() self.noteBook.set_tab_pos( Gtk.PositionType.TOP ) self.window.add( self.noteBook ) self.main_gui_tab() self.cam_tab() self.algorithm_tab() self.addons_tab() self.mouseTab() self.debug_tab() #################### # Bottom's buttons # #################### self.buttonsBox = Gtk.Grid() self.acceptButton = Gtk.Button( _("Accept"), stock=Gtk.STOCK_OK) self.acceptButton.connect("clicked", self.acceptButtonClick ) self.buttonsBox.add( self.acceptButton ) self.cancelButton = Gtk.Button( _("Accept"), stock=Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL ) self.cancelButton.connect("clicked", self.close ) self.buttonsBox.add( self.cancelButton ) self.applyButton = Gtk.Button( _("Accept"), stock=Gtk.STOCK_APPLY ) self.applyButton.connect( "clicked", self.applyButtonClick ) self.buttonsBox.add( self.applyButton ) self.buttonsBox.show_all() self.window.attach_next_to(self.buttonsBox, self.noteBook, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 1, 1) self.window.show_all() self.add( self.window )
def create_labled_input(self, key): """ Creates a textbox with a lable. Arguments: - self: The main object pointer. - key: The parent key. """ hbox = Gtk.HBox() label = Gtk.Label(_(key.capitalize())) label.set_use_underline( True ) hbox.pack_start(label, True, True, 0) val = str(self.idm_stgs[key]["value"]) if self.cfg.get(self.idm, key): val = self.cfg.get(self.idm, key) entry = Gtk.Entry() entry.set_text(val) entry.connect("changed", self.value_changed, key) hbox.pack_start(entry, True, True, 0) hbox.show_all() return hbox
def warningDialog( message, parent ): """ Creates a warning dialog using the messageDialog function. Arguments: - message: The dialog message - parent: The parent window. None if there's not one. """ return messageDialog( _("Information Dialog"), message, parent, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING )
def errorDialog( message, parent ): """ Creates an error dialog using the messageDialog function. Arguments: - message: The dialog message - parent: The parent window. None if there's not one. """ return messageDialog( _("Error Dialog"), message, parent, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_ERROR )
def __init__(self, controller): AddonsBase.__init__(self, controller) if self.cfg.getboolean("main", "startCam") and self.cfg.get("main", "algorithm") == "forehead": self.button = Gtk.Button(_("Recalc Point")) self.button.connect("clicked", self.recalc) self.add_item(self.button) debug.debug("addon.recalc", "Recalc Addon started")
def __init__(self, cfg, name, stgs): """ Idm Settings window. Arguments: self: The main object pointer. cfg: The config object. stgs: The idm's settings dict to parse. """ super(IdmSettings, self).__init__() self.cfg = cfg self.idm_stgs = eval(stgs) self.idm = name.lower() self.tmp = {} self.set_title(_("%s Config's Dialog" % self.idm.capitalize())) self.main_vbox = Gtk.VBox(spacing=6) self.add_widgets() buttons_box = Gtk.HBox(spacing=6) button = Gtk.Button( _("Accept"), stock=Gtk.STOCK_OK ) button.connect("clicked", self.accept_button) buttons_box.pack_start(button, False, False, 0) button = Gtk.Button( _("Cancel"), stock=Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL ) button.connect("clicked", self.cancel_button) buttons_box.pack_start(button, False, False, 0) buttons_box.show_all() self.main_vbox.pack_start(buttons_box, False, False, 0) self.main_vbox.show_all() self.show_all() self.add(self.main_vbox) if not self.cfg.has_section(self.idm): self.cfg.add_section(self.idm)
def __init__(self, controller): AddonsBase.__init__(self, controller) if self.cfg.getboolean("main", "startCam") and \ self.cfg.get("main", "algorithm") == "forehead": self.button = gtk.Button(_("Recalc Point")) self.button.connect("clicked", self.recalc) self.add_item(self.button) debug.debug("addon.recalc", "Recalc Addon started")
def main_gui_tab( self ): """ The mainGui Preff Tab. Arguments: - self: The main object pointer. """ frame = Gtk.Frame() general_box = Gtk.Grid() general_box.set_column_spacing(6) # mWindowActive = Gtk.CheckButton( _("Show main window") ) # mWindowActive.set_active( self.cfg.getboolean( "gui", "showMainGui" ) ) # mWindowActive.connect( "toggled", self._checkToggled, "gui", "showMainGui" ) # # mainGuiBox.add( mWindowActive ) cAmActive = Gtk.CheckButton( _("Activate Camera module") ) cAmActive.set_active( self.cfg.getboolean( "main", "startCam" ) ) cAmActive.connect( "toggled", self._checkToggled, "main", "startCam" ) general_box.add( cAmActive ) flipImage = Gtk.CheckButton( _("Flip Image") ) flipImage.set_active( self.cfg.getboolean( "cam", "flipImage" ) ) flipImage.connect( "toggled", self._checkToggled, "cam", "flipImage" ) general_box.attach_next_to( flipImage, cAmActive, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 1, 1 ) inputDevIndex = self.addSpin( _("Input Video Device Index: "), "inputDevIndex", self.cfg.getint( "cam", "inputDevIndex" ), "cam", "inputDevIndex", 0) general_box.attach_next_to( inputDevIndex, flipImage, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 1, 1 ) general_box.show_all() frame.add( general_box ) self.noteBook.insert_page(frame, Gtk.Label(label= _("General")), -1)
def debug_tab( self ): """ The debuging Preff Tab. Arguments: - self: The main object pointer. """ frame = Gtk.Frame() debugBox = Gtk.Grid() debugBox.set_column_spacing(6) levelHbox = Gtk.Grid() levelHbox.set_row_spacing(4) levellabel = Gtk.Label(label= _("Debugging Level:") ) levellabel.set_alignment( 0.0, 0.5 ) levelHbox.add( levellabel ) adj = Gtk.Adjustment( self.cfg.getint( "main", "debugLevel" ), 10, 50, 10, 1, 0) levelSpin = Gtk.SpinButton() levelSpin.set_adjustment(adj) levelSpin.set_wrap( True ) levelHbox.add( levelSpin ) levelSpin.connect( "value-changed", self._spinChanged, "main", "debugLevel" ) debugBox.add( levelHbox ) debugBox.show_all() frame.add( debugBox ) self.noteBook.insert_page(frame, Gtk.Label(label= _("Debug")), -1)
def confirmDialog( message, parent ): """ Creates a confirmation dialog. Arguments: - message: The dialog message - parent: The parent window. None if there's not one. """ dialog = createDialog( _( "Confirmation Dialog" ), parent, Gtk.DialogFlags.MODAL | Gtk.DialogFlags.DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, \ (Gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, Gtk.ResponseType.REJECT, \ Gtk.STOCK_OK, Gtk.ResponseType.ACCEPT)) addImage( dialog, Gtk.STOCK_DIALOG_WARNING, True) addLabelMessage( dialog, message ) return
def usage(self): """ Prints the usage Arguments: - self: The main object pointer """ print(( _("Usage: mouseTrap [OPTION...]"))) # '-?, --help' that is used to display usage information. # print(( "-?, -h, --help " + \ _(" Show this help message"))) # Option: # '-i' that is used to set the input camera index. E.g: -i 0 print(( "-s, --set " + \ _(" Sets new value to Non Boolean options E.g -s inputDevIndex-1"))) # Options: # -e, --enable Allow the users to enable modules not permantly print(( "-e, --enable=[" \ + "main-window" + "|" \ + "cam") + "]") print(( _(" Enable the selected options"))) # Options: # -d, --disable Allow the users to disable modules not permanently. print(( "-d, --disable=[" \ + "main-window" + "|" \ + "cam" + "]")) print(( _(" Disable the selected options"))) # Options: # -t --timeout To change the mouse timeout not permanently. print(( "-v, --version " + \ _(" Shows mouseTrap version"))) print(( _("\nReport bugs to [email protected]")))
def addons_tab( self ): """ The cam module Preff Tab. Arguments: - self: The main object pointer. """ frame = Gtk.Frame() algo_box = Gtk.Grid() algo_box.set_column_spacing(6) liststore = Gtk.ListStore(bool, str, str, str) conf_button = Gtk.Button(stock=Gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES) conf_button.connect('clicked', self.show_alg_pref, liststore) conf_button.set_sensitive(False) tree_view = Gtk.TreeView(liststore) tree_view.connect("cursor-changed", self._tree_view_click, conf_button) toggle_cell = Gtk.CellRendererToggle() toggle_cell.connect( 'toggled', self._enable_disable_addon, liststore) toggle_cell.set_property('activatable', True) name_cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() desc_cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() toggle_column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Active'), toggle_cell) name_column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Name')) desc_column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Description')) for add in self.adds.get_addons_list(): add_inf = self.adds.get_addon_inf(add) if not add_inf: continue state = False if add_inf["name"].lower() in self.cfg.getList("main", "addon"): state = True # FIXME: I don't know what the purpose of this liststore is, # but it wants strings, so let's not argue for now. ;) liststore.append([state, add_inf["name"], add_inf["dsc"], str(add_inf["stgs"])]) tree_view.append_column(toggle_column) tree_view.append_column(name_column) tree_view.append_column(desc_column) name_column.pack_start(name_cell, True) desc_column.pack_start(desc_cell, True) toggle_column.add_attribute( toggle_cell, "active", 0 ) toggle_column.set_max_width(30) #toggle_column.set_attributes( toggle_cell, background=2 ) name_column.set_attributes(name_cell, text=1) desc_column.set_attributes(desc_cell, text=2) algo_box.add(tree_view) algo_box.attach_next_to(conf_button, tree_view, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 1, 1) algo_box.show_all() frame.add( algo_box ) self.noteBook.insert_page(frame, Gtk.Label(label= _("Addons")), -1)
def algorithm_tab( self ): """ The cam module Preff Tab. Arguments: - self: The main object pointer. """ frame = Gtk.Frame() algo_box = Gtk.Grid() algo_box.set_column_spacing(6) liststore = Gtk.ListStore(bool, str, str, str) conf_button = Gtk.Button(stock=Gtk.STOCK_PREFERENCES) conf_button.connect('clicked', self.show_alg_pref, liststore) conf_button.set_sensitive(False) scripts_combo = Gtk.ComboBoxText() scripts_combo.append_text(self.cfg.get("scripts", "name")) for script in get_scripts_list(): if script.lower() != self.cfg.get("scripts", "name"): scripts_combo.append_text(script) scripts_combo.connect('changed', self._comboChanged, "scripts", "name") scripts_combo.set_active(0) tree_view = Gtk.TreeView(liststore) tree_view.connect("cursor-changed", self._tree_view_click, conf_button) toggle_cell = Gtk.CellRendererToggle() toggle_cell.set_radio(True) toggle_cell.connect( 'toggled', self._toggle_cell_changed, liststore) toggle_cell.set_property('activatable', True) #toggle_cell.set_property('background-set' , True) name_cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() desc_cell = Gtk.CellRendererText() toggle_column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Active Algorithms'), toggle_cell) name_column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Installed Algorithms')) desc_column = Gtk.TreeViewColumn(_('Description')) for alg in pocv.get_idms_list(): alg_inf = pocv.get_idm_inf(alg) if not alg_inf: continue state = False if alg_inf["name"].lower() in self.cfg.get("main", "algorithm").lower(): state = True # FIXME: I don't know what the purpose of this liststore is, # but it wants strings, so let's not argue for now. ;) liststore.append([state, alg_inf["name"], alg_inf["dsc"], str(alg_inf["stgs"])]) #liststore.append([False, "%s: %s" % (alg_inf["name"], alg_inf["dsc"]), alg_inf["stgs"]]) tree_view.append_column(toggle_column) tree_view.append_column(name_column) tree_view.append_column(desc_column) name_column.pack_start(name_cell, True) desc_column.pack_start(desc_cell, True) toggle_column.add_attribute( toggle_cell, "active", 0 ) toggle_column.set_max_width(30) #toggle_column.set_attributes( toggle_cell, background=2 ) name_column.set_attributes(name_cell, text=1) desc_column.set_attributes(desc_cell, text=2) algo_box.add(tree_view) algo_box.attach_next_to(conf_button, tree_view, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 1, 1) algo_box.attach_next_to(scripts_combo, conf_button, Gtk.PositionType.BOTTOM, 1, 1) algo_box.show_all() frame.add( algo_box ) self.noteBook.insert_page(frame, Gtk.Label(label= _("Algorithm")), -1)