Ejemplo n.º 1
async def on_message(message):
    pre = get_prefix
    print (pre)
    if message.author == client.user:

    # handle help and all of the playbook interactions
    response = plain_command_handler(message)

    if response:
        await message.channel.send(response)

    response = embed_command_handler(message)

    if response:
        await message.channel.send(embed=response)

    #list moves
    move_list = get_moves(message)

    if move_list:
        await message.channel.send(move_list)

    #remember generic ! should always be last in the tree
    elif message.content.startswith("!"):
        log_line = message.guild.name + "|" + message.channel.name + "|" + message.author.name + "|" + message.content
        response =  mad_parse(message)
        if response: await message.channel.send(embed=response)

    await client.process_commands(message)
Ejemplo n.º 2
Archivo: game.py Proyecto: dem-ola/fufu
def play():
    ''' play the game '''
    orientation = {'N': 0, 'S': 180, 'E': 90, 'W': 270}
    glide = 12
    mm = 0
    for move in moves.get_moves():
        # who's moving
        actor, direction = move.split(SEP)
        f = F[actor]
        if f.static : continue
        if not f.alive: continue

        has_weapon = False if f.weapon is None else True
        print(mm:=mm+1, f, '->', direction)

        # set angle
        angle = orientation[direction]
        if has_weapon:

        # move
        f_pos_old = tuptoint(f.position())
        step = span/glide
        for _ in range(glide):
            if has_weapon:
        f_pos_new = tuptoint(f.position())

        # update board tracking
        occupied = f_pos_new in F_Pos
        update_position('old', f_pos_old, f, F_Pos)
        update_position('new', f_pos_new, f, F_Pos)

        # fight if occupied
        if occupied:
            print('someone here already -> ', F_Pos[f_pos_new][0])
            normal_speed = f.speed()
            ring, at, df = warmup(f_pos_new)
            winner, loser = bell(angle, at, df, normal_speed)
            final_rites(ring, loser)
            if loser == f: 

        # update weapons tracking dict
        if has_weapon:
            update_position('old', f_pos_old, f.weapon, W_Pos)
            update_position('old', f_pos_new, f.weapon, W_Pos)
            # pick any weapons
            if f_pos_new in W_Pos:
                f.weapon.forward(0) # so weapon shows atop
Ejemplo n.º 3
async def on_message(message):
    if message.author == client.user:

    # handle help and all of the playbook interactions
    if message.content.startswith("!"):
        response = plain_command_handler(message)

        if response:
            log_line = msg_log_line(message)
            await message.channel.send(response)

        response = embed_command_handler(message)

        if response:
            log_line = msg_log_line(message)
            await message.channel.send(embed=response)

    #answer a call for help
    if message.content.startswith("!help"):
        log_line = msg_log_line(message)
        help_file = open("help", "r")
        response = help_file.read()

        await message.author.send(response)
        await message.channel.send("I have sent help to your PMs.")

    #list moves#
    if message.content.startswith("!"):
        move_list = get_moves(message)
        if move_list:
            await message.channel.send(move_list)
        #remember generic ! should always be last in the tree#
            log_line = msg_log_line(message)
            response = mad_parse(message)
            if response:
                (response, addendum) = response
                #            if addendum is not None:  ##testing if going first made a difference
                #                await message.channel.send(content = addendum)
                await message.channel.send(embed=response)
                if addendum is not None:
                    await message.channel.send(content=addendum)
                logger.info('no match found for ' + message.content)
Ejemplo n.º 4
async def on_message(message):
    if message.author == client.user:

    lang = get_raw_lang(message)

    # handle help and all of the playbook interactions
    response = plain_command_handler(message, lang)

    if response:
        log_line = message.guild.name + "|" + message.channel.name + "|" + message.author.name + "|" + message.content
        await message.channel.send(response)

    response = embed_command_handler(message, lang)

    if response:
        log_line = message.guild.name + "|" + message.channel.name + "|" + message.author.name + "|" + message.content
        await message.channel.send(embed=response)

    #answer a call for help
    if message.content.startswith("!help"):
        log_line = message.guild.name + "|" + message.channel.name + "|" + message.author.name + "|" + message.content
        help_file = open("help", "r")
        response = help_file.read()

        await message.author.send(response)
        await message.channel.send("I have sent help to your PMs.")

    #list moves#
    move_list = get_moves(message, lang)
    if move_list:
        await message.channel.send(move_list)
    #remember generic ! should always be last in the tree#
    elif message.content.startswith("!"):
        log_line = message.guild.name + "|" + message.channel.name + "|" + message.author.name + "|" + message.content
        response = mad_parse(message)
        if response:
            await message.channel.send(embed=response)
            logger.info('no match found for ' + message.content)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def human_turn(playing_board, my_pieces, computer_pieces):

    # Get a list of all the pieces that can be moved
    edible = can_eat(playing_board, my_pieces, contents.WHITE, contents.BLACK)

    # Print the list of pieces

    # Get which piece the user wants to move
    index = get_piece(edible[0])

    # Get where the user would like to move that piece
    print 'Please select where to move this piece to'
    moves = get_moves(playing_board, index, contents.WHITE, contents.BLACK)
    move = get_move(moves)

    # Make the move
    make_move(playing_board, index, move, edible[1])
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
                        "The Maker",
                        {"element": "???",
                         "quirk": "Flogna",
                         "form": "Ghost",
                         "gender": 0,
                         "orientation": 0},
                        {"HP": sys.maxint,
                         "MP": sys.maxint,
                         "Attack": sys.maxint,
                         "Defense": sys.maxint,
                         "Special": sys.maxint,
                         "Resistance": sys.maxint,
                         "Speed": sys.maxint,
                         "Luck": sys.maxint,
                         "Accuracy": sys.maxint,
                         "Evasion": sys.maxint},
                         dict([(x, 0) for x in get_moves().keys()]))
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self):
     unsigned_moves = dict([(x, 0) for x in get_moves().keys()])
     for signature in get_signatures().keys():
         del unsigned_moves[signature]
                        {"element": "Psychic",
                         "color": "magenta",
                         "quirk": "Synchronize",
                         "form": "Ghost",
                         "gender": 0,
                         "bio": "Because it can use all kinds of moves, many scientists believe Mew to be the ancestor of all Pokemon. Apparently, it appears only to those who are pure of heart and have a strong desire to see it."},
                        {"HP": 100,
                         "MP": 100,
                         "Attack": 100,
                         "Defense": 100,
                         "Special": 100,
                         "Resistance": 100,
                         "Speed": 100,
                         "Luck": 100},
Ejemplo n.º 8
def a_star_sandbar(screen=[], old_loc=[], loop=False, frame_num=0, *args):
    # Performs A* on the frog in order to get the player to the half-way point
    # (the sandbar). Takes the screen and previous player's location, and
    # returns the move or set of moves to make as well as the player's new position.
    loc = old_loc
    guide = set_guide(screen, loc)
    loc = guide.pop()

    dist = sandbar_distance(loc)
    node = []
    if frame_num:
        # Dynamic nodes are made up of location, move that got there,
        # the cost of the node (traveled + heuristic), the frame it
        # came from, and the parent of the current node (implicit list).
        node = [loc, None, dist, frame_num, None]
        # Nodes are made up of location, move that got there,
        # the cost of the node (traveled + heuristic) and the
        # parent node of the current one(they're implicitly linked).
        node = [loc, None, dist, None]

    frontier = priority_queue()
    frontier.push(node, dist)

    explored = []
    move = 0
    move_list = []
    if frame_num:
        while True:
            if frontier.is_empty():
                return None
            parent_node = frontier.pop()
            loc, move, this_cost, frame, grand_parent_node = parent_node
            if loc in explored:
            if not sandbar_distance(loc):
                while parent_node:
                    _, action, _, _, parent_node = parent_node
                    if not action == None:
                        if not loop:
                            move = action
                if loop:
                    return move_list
                    move = [move, loc]
                    return move

            for move in get_moves(guide, loc, frame):
                action, new_loc = move
                h_cost = sandbar_distance(new_loc)
                new_cost = 1 + h_cost
                next_frame = 5 + frame
                child_node = [
                    new_loc, action, new_cost, next_frame, parent_node
                if not ((new_loc in explored) or (new_loc in frontier)):
                    frontier.push(child_node, new_cost)
                elif (new_loc in frontier):
                    frontier.push(child_node, new_cost)
        while True:
            if frontier.is_empty():
                return None
            parent_node = frontier.pop()
            loc, move, this_cost, grand_parent_node = parent_node
            if loc in explored:
            if not sandbar_distance(loc):
                while parent_node:
                    _, action, _, parent_node = parent_node
                    if not action == None:
                        if not loop:
                            move = action
                if loop:
                    return move_list
                    move = [move, loc]
                    return move

            for move in get_moves(guide, loc):
                action, new_loc = move
                h_cost = sandbar_distance(new_loc)
                new_cost = 1 + h_cost
                child_node = [new_loc, action, new_cost, parent_node]
                if not ((new_loc in explored) or (new_loc in frontier)):
                    frontier.push(child_node, new_cost)
                elif (new_loc in frontier):
                    frontier.push(child_node, new_cost)
Ejemplo n.º 9
def a_sure(screen=[], old_loc=[], loop=False, frame_num=0, *args):
    # Takes the screen and the previous player's position as input
    # and returns either the next move to make or the set of moves
    # to make as well as the new position of the player.
    loc = old_loc
    guide = set_guide(screen, loc)
    loc = guide.pop()
    closest = []  # a list, with first element being h_cost, then the node

    dist = goal_distance(loc, guide)
    # Nodes are made up of location, move that got there,
    # the cost of the node (traveled + heuristic), and the
    # parent node of the current one (they're implicitly linked).
    node = [loc, None, dist, None]
    closest = [dist, node]

    frontier = priority_queue()
    frontier.push(node, dist)

    explored = []
    move = 0
    move_list = []
    while True:
        if frontier.is_empty():
            parent_node = closest[1]
            while parent_node:
                loc, action, _, parent_node = parent_node
                if not action == None:
                    if not loop:
                        move = action
            #print("a_sure: incomplete move: " + str(move) + " from distance " + str(goal_distance(loc, guide)))
            if loop:
                return move_list
                move = [move, loc]
                return move
        parent_node = frontier.pop()
        loc, move, this_cost, grand_parent_node = parent_node
        if loc in explored:
        if not goal_distance(loc, guide):
            while parent_node:
                loc, action, _, parent_node = parent_node
                if not action == None:
                    if not loop:
                        move = action
            #print("a_sure: complete move: " + str(move) + " from location: " + str(loc))
            if loop:
                return move_list
                move = [move, loc]
                return move

        for new_move in get_moves(guide, loc, frame_num):
            new_action, new_loc = new_move
            # print("a_sure: new_action = " + str(new_action) + " new_loc = " + str(new_loc))
            new_h_cost = goal_distance(new_loc, guide)
            new_cost = 1 + new_h_cost
            this_child_node = [new_loc, new_action, new_cost, parent_node]
            if not ((new_loc in explored) or
                    (new_loc in frontier)) or (new_action == 0):
                #print("a_sure: checked location: " + str(new_loc))
                frontier.push(this_child_node, new_cost)
            elif (new_loc in frontier):
                #print("a_sure: re-entered location: " + str(new_loc))
                frontier.push(this_child_node, new_cost)
            if (new_h_cost < closest[0]):
                closest = [new_h_cost, this_child_node]
            elif (new_h_cost == closest[0]):
                if (new_cost < closest[1][2]):
                    closest = [new_h_cost, this_child_node]
Ejemplo n.º 10
def alpha_beta_max(playing_board, comp_pieces, human_pieces, iteration, alpha,
    # Get globals
    global NODES_MADE
    global MAX_PRUNES

    # Find if this node is a terminal node
    if is_terminal(playing_board, contents.BLACK):
        return [comp_pieces, 1000, iteration]
    if is_terminal(playing_board, contents.WHITE):
        return [human_pieces, -1000, iteration]

    # If this iteration is as far down as the tree should go
    if iteration is 0:
        # Get a utility of this node
        utility = get_utility(comp_pieces, human_pieces, contents.BLACK)
        return [comp_pieces, utility, iteration]

    # Start the search!
    smallest_value = -1000
    potential_moves = list(comp_pieces)

    # Find all the pieces that can be moved
    edible = can_eat(playing_board, comp_pieces, contents.BLACK,

    # For each piece that can be moved
    for i, piece in enumerate(edible[0]):
        # Get the moves for that piece
        all_moves_for_piece = get_moves(playing_board, piece, contents.BLACK,

        # If a piece has to be eaten
        if edible[1] is True:
            current_max = -1001
            potential_eating_moves = None
            # For all the moves that can be taken
            for move in all_moves_for_piece:
                # Accounts for the return of get_moves
                if type(all_moves_for_piece[move]) is bool:
                # A new node was created
                NODES_MADE += 1
                # Find the new move
                new_moves = list(comp_pieces)
                piece_index = comp_pieces.index(piece)
                new_moves[piece_index] = all_moves_for_piece[move]

                # Get the utility of the node
                eating_utility = get_utility(new_moves, human_pieces,

                # If this move is the best move so far
                if eating_utility > current_max:
                    current_max = eating_utility
                    potential_eating_moves = list(new_moves)

            # Return best move for eating
            return [potential_eating_moves, current_max, iteration]

        # If no piece can be eaten
        for move in all_moves_for_piece:
            # Accounts for the return of get_moves
            if type(all_moves_for_piece[move]) is bool:

            # A new node was created
            NODES_MADE += 1
            # Find the new move
            new_moves = list(comp_pieces)
            new_moves[i] = all_moves_for_piece[move]

            # Call the min player
            minimum = alpha_beta_min(playing_board, new_moves, human_pieces,
                                     iteration - 1, alpha, beta)

            # Get the min utility
            min_utility = minimum[1]

            # If the min utility is a min value
            if min_utility > smallest_value:
                smallest_value = min_utility
                potential_moves = list(new_moves)

            # If the tree can be pruned
            if smallest_value >= beta:
                # Prune!
                MAX_PRUNES += 1
                return [list(new_moves), smallest_value, iteration]

            # Fix alpha value
            if alpha < smallest_value:
                alpha = smallest_value

    # If potential moves did not work out
    if potential_moves is comp_pieces:
        return [new_moves, smallest_value, iteration]
    # If potential moves did work out
        return [potential_moves, smallest_value, iteration]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def alpha_beta_min(playing_board, comp_pieces, human_pieces, iteration, alpha,
    # Get globals
    global NODES_MADE
    global MIN_PRUNES

    # Find if this node is a terminal node
    if is_terminal(playing_board, contents.WHITE):
        return [human_pieces, -1000, iteration]
    if is_terminal(playing_board, contents.BLACK):
        return [comp_pieces, 1000, iteration]

    # If this iteration is as far down as the tree should go
    if iteration is 0:
        # Get a utility of this node
        utility = get_utility(human_pieces, comp_pieces, contents.WHITE)
        return [human_pieces, utility, iteration]

    # Start the search!
    largest_value = 1000
    potential_moves = list(human_pieces)

    # Find all the pieces that can be moved
    edible = can_eat(playing_board, human_pieces, contents.WHITE,

    # For each piece that can be moved
    for i, piece in enumerate(edible[0]):
        # Get the moves for that piece
        all_moves_for_piece = get_moves(playing_board, piece, contents.WHITE,

        # If a piece has to be eaten
        if edible[1] is True:
            current_min = 1001
            potential_eating_moves = None
            # For all the moves that can be taken
            for move in all_moves_for_piece:
                # Accounts for the return of get_moves
                if type(all_moves_for_piece[move]) is bool:

                # A new node was created
                NODES_MADE += 1

                # Check for a bad output
                if piece in comp_pieces:
                    piece_index = comp_pieces.index(piece)

                # Find the new move
                new_moves = list(comp_pieces)
                new_moves[piece_index] = all_moves_for_piece[move]

                # Get the utility of the node
                eating_utility = get_utility(new_moves, human_pieces,

                # If this move is the best move so far
                if eating_utility < current_min:
                    current_min = eating_utility
                    potential_eating_moves = list(new_moves)

            # Return best move for eating
            return [potential_eating_moves, current_min, iteration]

        # If no piece can be eaten
        for move in all_moves_for_piece:
            # Accounts for the return of get_moves
            if type(all_moves_for_piece[move]) is bool:

            # A new node was created
            NODES_MADE += 1

            # Find the new move
            new_moves = list(human_pieces)
            new_moves[i] = all_moves_for_piece[move]

            # Call the max player
            maximum = alpha_beta_max(playing_board, comp_pieces, new_moves,
                                     iteration - 1, alpha, beta)

            # Get the max utility
            max_utility = maximum[1]

            # If the max utility is a max value
            if max_utility < largest_value:
                largest_value = max_utility
                potential_moves = list(new_moves)

            # If the tree can be pruned
            if largest_value <= alpha:
                # Prune!
                MIN_PRUNES += 1
                return [list(new_moves), largest_value, iteration]

            # Fix beta value
            if beta > largest_value:
                beta = largest_value

    # If potential moves did not work out
    if potential_moves is comp_pieces:
        return [new_moves, largest_value, iteration]
    # If potential moves did work out
        return [potential_moves, largest_value, iteration]
Ejemplo n.º 12
import os
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from model import get_piece_moved, legal_start
from sklearn.linear_model import PassiveAggressiveClassifier
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, confusion_matrix

import random

if __name__ == "__main__":

    start = datetime(2018, 12, 8)
    end = datetime(2021, 7, 7)
    games = 500
    print("gathering games")

    white, black = get_moves('whoisis', start, end, games, split=True)
    train, test = train_test_split(black)

    train = black[:-len(black) // 9]
    test = black[len(black) // 9:]
    x_train = np.array([data[0] for data in train])
    x_test = np.array([data[0] for data in test])
    y_train = get_piece_moved([data[0] for data in train],
                              legal_start([data[2] for data in train], False))
    y_test = get_piece_moved([data[0] for data in test],
                             legal_start([data[2] for data in test], False))

    ans = []
    for board in x_test:
        ans.append(random.randint(0, 5))