Ejemplo n.º 1
def valid_builder(buildername):
    """Determine if the builder you're trying to trigger is valid."""
    builders = query_builders()
    if buildername in builders:
        LOG.debug("Buildername %s is valid." % buildername)
        return True
        LOG.warning("Buildername %s is *NOT* valid." % buildername)
        LOG.info("Check the file we just created builders.txt for " "a list of valid builders.")
        with open(path_to_file("builders.txt"), "wb") as fd:
            for b in sorted(builders):
                fd.write(b + "\n")

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _fetch_file(filename):
    Helper method to download files.

    This function caches the uncompressed gzip files requested in the past.

    Returns all jobs inside of this buildjson file.
    url = "%s/%s.gz" % (BUILDJSON_DATA, filename)
    # If the file exists and is valid we won't download it again
    fetch_file(filename, url)

    LOG.debug("About to load %s." % filename)
    builds = json.load(open(path_to_file(filename)))["builds"]
    return builds
Ejemplo n.º 3
def valid_builder(buildername):
    """Determine if the builder you're trying to trigger is valid."""
    builders = query_builders()
    if buildername in builders:
        LOG.debug("Buildername %s is valid." % buildername)
        return True
        LOG.warning("Buildername %s is *NOT* valid." % buildername)
        LOG.info("Check the file we just created builders.txt for "
                 "a list of valid builders.")
        with open(path_to_file('builders.txt'), "wb") as fd:
            for b in sorted(builders):
                fd.write(b + "\n")

        return False
Ejemplo n.º 4
def _fetch_data(filename):
    Helper method to fetch the buildjson data we need.

    This function caches the uncompressed gzip files requested in the past.

    Returns all jobs inside of this buildjson file.
    url = "%s/%s.gz" % (BUILDJSON_DATA, filename)

    if not os.path.isabs(filename):
        filepath = path_to_file(filename)
        filepath = filename

    # If the file exists and is valid we won't download it again
    json_contents = load_file(filepath, url)

    return json_contents["builds"]
Ejemplo n.º 5
def setup_logging(level=logging.INFO):
    Save every message (including debug ones) to ~/.mozilla/mozci/mozci-debug.log.

    Log messages of level equal or greater then 'level' to the terminal.

    As seen in:
    global LOG
    if LOG:
        return LOG

    # We need to set the root logger or we will not see messages from dependent
    # modules
    LOG = logging.getLogger()

    # Handler 1 - Store all debug messages in a specific file
                        format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:\t %(message)s',
                        datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S',

    # Handler 2 - Console output
    console = logging.StreamHandler()
    # console does not use the same formatter specified in basicConfig
    # we have to set it again
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
        '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s:\t %(message)s',
        datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S')
    LOG.info("Setting %s level" % logging.getLevelName(level))

    if level != logging.DEBUG:
        # requests is too noisy and adds no value

    return LOG
Ejemplo n.º 6
def setup_logging(level=logging.INFO):
    Save every message (including debug ones) to ~/.mozilla/mozci/mozci-debug.log.

    Log messages of level equal or greater then 'level' to the terminal.

    As seen in:
    global LOG
    if LOG:
        return LOG

    # We need to set the root logger or we will not see messages from dependent
    # modules
    LOG = logging.getLogger()

    # Handler 1 - Store all debug messages in a specific file
                        format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:\t%(message)s',
                        datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S',

    # Handler 2 - Console output
    console = logging.StreamHandler()
    # console does not use the same formatter specified in basicConfig
    # we have to set it again
    formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s:\t%(message)s',
                                  datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S')
    LOG.info("Setting %s level" % logging.getLevelName(level))

    if level != logging.DEBUG:
        # requests is too noisy and adds no value

    return LOG
Ejemplo n.º 7
def _fetch_data(filename):
    Helper method to fetch the buildjson data we need.

    This function caches the uncompressed gzip files requested in the past.

    Returns all jobs inside of this buildjson file.
    global BUILDS_CACHE
    if filename in BUILDS_CACHE:
        return BUILDS_CACHE[filename]
    url = "%s/%s.gz" % (BUILDJSON_DATA, filename)

    if not os.path.isabs(filename):
        filepath = path_to_file(filename)
        filepath = filename

    # If the file exists and is valid we won't download it again
    json_contents = load_file(filepath, url)
    BUILDS_CACHE[filename] = json_contents["builds"]
    return json_contents["builds"]
"""This script writes a mapping from platforms to tests that run in it to graph.json."""

import ujson as json

from mozci.platforms import build_tests_per_platform_graph, _filter_builders_matching
from mozci.sources.allthethings import fetch_allthethings_data
from mozci.utils.transfer import path_to_file

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open(path_to_file('graph.json'), 'w') as f:
        builders = _filter_builders_matching(fetch_allthethings_data()['builders'], " try ")
        graph = build_tests_per_platform_graph(builders)
        json.dump(graph, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
Ejemplo n.º 9
This script is designed as a way to determine meta-data about repositories.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
import logging
import os

from buildapi_client import BuildapiAuthError, make_query_repositories_request

from mozci.errors import AuthenticationError, MozciError
from mozci.utils.authentication import get_credentials, remove_credentials
from mozci.utils.transfer import path_to_file

LOG = logging.getLogger('mozci')
REPOSITORIES_FILE = path_to_file("repositories.txt")

# Functions to query
def query_repository(repo_name):
    Return dictionary with information about a specific repository.

    Raises MozciError if the repository does not exist.
    repositories = query_repositories()
    if repo_name not in repositories:
        repositories = query_repositories(clobber=True)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def setup_logging(level=logging.INFO, datefmt='%I:%M:%S', show_timestamps=True,
                  show_name_level=False, requests_output=False):
    """ It helps set up mozci's logging and makes it easy to customize.

    It returns a cached logger if already called once.

    By default:
    * It logs INFO messages
    * It sets the default datefmt
    * It sets to show the timestamps of the messages
    * It does not show the messages level name (e.g. 'DEBUG')
    * It mutes INFO messages of the requests package since it is noisy
    * It logs messages of level equal or greater than 'level' to the terminal.
    * It also saves every message (including debug ones) to ~/.mozilla/mozci/mozci-debug.log.

    :param level: It sets which level messages to log
    :type level: int
    :param datefmt: It sets the format of the timestamps
    :type datefmt: str
    :param show_timestamps: It determines if to show the timestamps
    :type show_timestamps: bool
    :param show_name_level: It determines if to show the level name
    :type show_name_level: bool
    :param requests_output: It determines if to show logging of requests below the WARNING level
    :type requests_output: bool
    :returns: cached logger
    :rtype: logging.LOGGER

    As seen in:
    global LOG
    if LOG:
        return LOG

    # We need to set the root logger or we will not see messages from dependent
    # modules
    LOG = logging.getLogger()

    format = ''
    if show_timestamps:
        format += '%(asctime)s '

    format += '%(name)s'

    if show_name_level:
        format += ' %(levelname)s '

    format += '\t%(message)s'

    # Handler 1 - Store all debug messages in a specific file

    # Handler 2 - Console output
    console = logging.StreamHandler()
    # console does not use the same formatter specified in basicConfig
    # we have to set it again
    formatter = logging.Formatter(format, datefmt=datefmt)
    LOG.info("Setting %s level" % logging.getLevelName(level))

    if not requests_output:
        # requests is too noisy and adds no value
        # Set the value to warning to show actual issues

    return LOG
Ejemplo n.º 11
#! /usr/bin/env python
This script is designed as a way to determine meta-data about repositories.
from __future__ import absolute_import
import json
import logging
import os

from thclient import TreeherderClient

from mozci.errors import MozciError
from mozci.utils.transfer import path_to_file

LOG = logging.getLogger("mozci")
REPOSITORIES_FILE = path_to_file("repositories.txt")
TREEHERDER_URL = "treeherder.mozilla.org"

# Functions to query
def query_repository(repo_name):
    Return dictionary with information about a specific repository.

    Raises MozciError if the repository does not exist.
    repositories = query_repositories()
    if repo_name not in repositories:
Ejemplo n.º 12

* **master_builders**
* **slavepools**
import json
import logging
import os

import requests

from mozci.utils.transfer import path_to_file

LOG = logging.getLogger('mozci')

FILENAME = path_to_file("allthethings.json")

DATA = None

def fetch_allthethings_data(no_caching=False, verify=True):
    It fetches the allthethings.json file.

    If no_caching is True, we fetch it every time without creating a file.
    If verify is False, we load from disk without checking. This should only be used if
    allthethings.json exists and it's trusted.
    def _fetch():
"""This script writes a mapping from platforms to tests that run in it to graph.json."""
import json

from mozci.platforms import build_tests_per_platform_graph, list_builders
from mozci.utils.transfer import path_to_file

if __name__ == '__main__':
    with open(path_to_file('graph.json'), 'w') as f:
        graph = build_tests_per_platform_graph(builders=list_builders(
        json.dump(graph, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
Ejemplo n.º 14

* **master_builders**
* **slavepools**
import json
import logging
import os

import requests

from mozci.utils.transfer import path_to_file

LOG = logging.getLogger('mozci')

FILENAME = path_to_file("allthethings.json")

DATA = None

def fetch_allthethings_data(no_caching=False, verify=True):
    It fetches the allthethings.json file.

    If no_caching is True, we fetch it every time without creating a file.
    If verify is False, we load from disk without checking. This should only be used if
    allthethings.json exists and it's trusted.
    def _fetch():
Ejemplo n.º 15
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
"""Module for http authentication operations."""

import getpass
import logging
import os

import keyring
import requests

from mozci.utils.transfer import path_to_file

AUTH = None
CREDENTIALS_PATH = path_to_file("credentials.cfg")
KEYRING_KEY = 'ldap'
# We use buildapi since we don't have a better option
LDAP_HOST = 'https://secure.pub.build.mozilla.org/buildapi/self-serve'
LOG = logging.getLogger('mozci')

def _prompt_password_storing(https_username):
    https_password = getpass.getpass()
    store_password = raw_input(
        "Do you want to store your password in encrypted form (y or n)? ")

    if store_password == "y":
        keyring.set_password(KEYRING_KEY, https_username, https_password)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def setup_logging(level=logging.INFO,
    """ It helps set up mozci's logging and makes it easy to customize.

    It returns a cached logger if already called once.

    By default:
    * It logs INFO messages
    * It sets the default datefmt
    * It sets to show the timestamps of the messages
    * It does not show the messages level name (e.g. 'DEBUG')
    * It mutes INFO messages of the requests package since it is noisy
    * It logs messages of level equal or greater than 'level' to the terminal.
    * It also saves every message (including debug ones) to ~/.mozilla/mozci/mozci-debug.log.

    :param level: It sets which level messages to log
    :type level: int
    :param datefmt: It sets the format of the timestamps
    :type datefmt: str
    :param show_timestamps: It determines if to show the timestamps
    :type show_timestamps: bool
    :param show_name_level: It determines if to show the level name
    :type show_name_level: bool
    :param requests_output: It determines if to show logging of requests below the WARNING level
    :type requests_output: bool
    :returns: cached logger
    :rtype: logging.LOGGER

    As seen in:
    global LOG
    if LOG:
        return LOG

    # We need to set the root logger or we will not see messages from dependent
    # modules
    LOG = logging.getLogger()

    format = ''
    if show_timestamps:
        format += '%(asctime)s '

    format += '%(name)s'

    if show_name_level:
        format += ' %(levelname)s '

    format += '\t%(message)s'

    # Handler 1 - Store all debug messages in a specific file

    # Handler 2 - Console output
    console = logging.StreamHandler()
    # console does not use the same formatter specified in basicConfig
    # we have to set it again
    formatter = logging.Formatter(format, datefmt=datefmt)
    LOG.info("Setting %s level" % logging.getLevelName(level))

    if not requests_output:
        # requests is too noisy and adds no value
        # Set the value to warning to show actual issues

    return LOG
Ejemplo n.º 17
# You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
# ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****

"""Module for http authentication operations."""

import getpass
import logging
import os

import keyring
import requests

from mozci.utils.transfer import path_to_file

AUTH = None
CREDENTIALS_PATH = path_to_file("credentials.cfg")
KEYRING_KEY = 'ldap'
# We use buildapi since we don't have a better option
LDAP_HOST = 'https://secure.pub.build.mozilla.org/buildapi/self-serve'
LOG = logging.getLogger('mozci')

def _prompt_password_storing(https_username):
    https_password = getpass.getpass()
    store_password = raw_input(
        "Do you want to store your password in encrypted form (y or n)? ")

    if store_password == "y":
        keyring.set_password(KEYRING_KEY, https_username, https_password)