Ejemplo n.º 1
    def test_rejar(self):
        s = MockDest()
        with JarWriter(fileobj=s) as jar:
            jar.add('foo', 'foo')
            jar.add('bar', 'aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz')
            jar.add('baz/qux', 'aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz', False)

        new = MockDest()
        with JarWriter(fileobj=new) as jar:
            for j in JarReader(fileobj=s):
                jar.add(j.filename, j)

        jar = JarReader(fileobj=new)
        files = [j for j in jar]

        self.assertEqual(files[0].filename, 'foo')
        self.assertEqual(files[0].read(), 'foo')

        self.assertEqual(files[1].filename, 'bar')
        self.assertEqual(files[1].read(), 'aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz')

        self.assertEqual(files[2].filename, 'baz/qux')
        self.assertEqual(files[2].read(), 'aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz')
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def test_rejar(self):
        s = MockDest()
        with JarWriter(fileobj=s) as jar:
            jar.add("foo", b"foo")
            jar.add("bar", b"aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz")
            jar.add("baz/qux", b"aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz", False)

        new = MockDest()
        with JarWriter(fileobj=new) as jar:
            for j in JarReader(fileobj=s):
                jar.add(j.filename, j)

        jar = JarReader(fileobj=new)
        files = [j for j in jar]

        self.assertEqual(files[0].filename, "foo")
        self.assertEqual(files[0].read(), b"foo")

        self.assertEqual(files[1].filename, "bar")
        self.assertEqual(files[1].read(), b"aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz")

        self.assertEqual(files[2].filename, "baz/qux")
        self.assertEqual(files[2].read(), b"aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz")
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def process_symbols_archive(self, filename, processed_filename):
        ArtifactJob.process_symbols_archive(self, filename, processed_filename, skip_compressed=True)

        if self._symbols_archive_suffix != 'crashreporter-symbols-full.zip':

        import gzip

        with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, compress_level=5) as writer:
            reader = JarReader(filename)
            for filename in reader.entries:
                if not filename.endswith('.gz'):

                # Uncompress "libxul.so/D3271457813E976AE7BF5DAFBABABBFD0/libxul.so.dbg.gz" into "libxul.so.dbg".
                # After `settings append target.debug-file-search-paths /path/to/topobjdir/dist/crashreporter-symbols`,
                # Android Studio's lldb (7.0.0, at least) will find the ELF debug symbol files.
                # There are other paths that will work but none seem more desireable.  See
                # https://github.com/llvm-mirror/lldb/blob/882670690ca69d9dd96b7236c620987b11894af9/source/Host/common/Symbols.cpp#L324.
                basename = os.path.basename(filename).replace('.gz', '')
                destpath = mozpath.join('crashreporter-symbols', basename)
                self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                         {'destpath': destpath},
                         'Adding uncompressed ELF debug symbol file {destpath} to processed archive')
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def process_tests_zip_artifact(self, filename, processed_filename):
        from mozbuild.action.test_archive import OBJDIR_TEST_FILES
        added_entry = False

        with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, compress_level=5) as writer:
            reader = JarReader(filename)
            for filename, entry in reader.entries.iteritems():
                for pattern, (src_prefix, dest_prefix) in self.test_artifact_patterns:
                    if not mozpath.match(filename, pattern):
                    destpath = mozpath.relpath(filename, src_prefix)
                    destpath = mozpath.join(dest_prefix, destpath)
                    self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                             {'destpath': destpath},
                             'Adding {destpath} to processed archive')
                    mode = entry['external_attr'] >> 16
                    writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), reader[filename], mode=mode)
                    added_entry = True
                for files_entry in OBJDIR_TEST_FILES.values():
                    origin_pattern = files_entry['pattern']
                    leaf_filename = filename
                    if 'dest' in files_entry:
                        dest = files_entry['dest']
                        origin_pattern = mozpath.join(dest, origin_pattern)
                        leaf_filename = filename[len(dest) + 1:]
                    if mozpath.match(filename, origin_pattern):
                        destpath = mozpath.join('..', files_entry['base'], leaf_filename)
                        mode = entry['external_attr'] >> 16
                        writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), reader[filename], mode=mode)

        if not added_entry:
            raise ValueError('Archive format changed! No pattern from "{patterns}"'
                             'matched an archive path.'.format(
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def test_deflated_file_no_write(self):
        Test various conditions where DeflatedFile.copy is expected not to
        write in the destination file.
        src = self.tmppath("src.jar")
        dest = self.tmppath("dest")

        with JarWriter(src) as jar:
            jar.add("test", b"test")
            jar.add("test2", b"test")
            jar.add("fooo", b"fooo")

        jar = JarReader(src)
        # Initial copy
        f = DeflatedFile(jar["test"])

        # Ensure subsequent copies won't trigger writes
        self.assertEqual(b"test", open(dest, "rb").read())

        # When using a different file with the same content, no copy should
        # occur
        f = DeflatedFile(jar["test2"])
        self.assertEqual(b"test", open(dest, "rb").read())

        # Double check that under conditions where a copy occurs, we would get
        # an exception.
        f = DeflatedFile(jar["fooo"])
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, f.copy, DestNoWrite(dest))
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def test_deflated_file(self):
        Check that DeflatedFile.copy yields the proper content in the
        destination file in all situations that trigger different code paths
        (see TestFile.test_file)
        src = self.tmppath("src.jar")
        dest = self.tmppath("dest")

        contents = {}
        with JarWriter(src) as jar:
            for content in samples:
                name = "".join(
                    for i in range(8)
                jar.add(name, content, compress=True)
                contents[name] = content

        for j in JarReader(src):
            f = DeflatedFile(j)
            self.assertEqual(contents[j.filename], open(dest, "rb").read())
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def process_tests_artifact(self, filename, processed_filename):
        added_entry = False

        with JarWriter(file=processed_filename,
                       compress_level=5) as writer:
            reader = JarReader(filename)
            for filename, entry in reader.entries.iteritems():
                for pattern, (src_prefix,
                              dest_prefix) in self.test_artifact_patterns:
                    if not mozpath.match(filename, pattern):
                    destpath = mozpath.relpath(filename, src_prefix)
                    destpath = mozpath.join(dest_prefix, destpath)
                    self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact', {'destpath': destpath},
                             'Adding {destpath} to processed archive')
                    mode = entry['external_attr'] >> 16
                    added_entry = True

        if not added_entry:
            raise ValueError(
                'Archive format changed! No pattern from "{patterns}"'
                'matched an archive path.'.format(
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def test_jar_finder(self):
     self.jar = JarWriter(file=self.tmppath('test.jar'))
     reader = JarReader(file=self.tmppath('test.jar'))
     self.finder = JarFinder(self.tmppath('test.jar'), reader)
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def process_package_artifact(self, filename, processed_filename):
        added_entry = False

        with JarWriter(file=processed_filename,
                       compress_level=5) as writer:
            with tarfile.open(filename) as reader:
                for p, f in UnpackFinder(TarFinder(filename, reader)):
                    if not any(
                            mozpath.match(p, pat)
                            for pat in self.package_artifact_patterns):

                    # We strip off the relative "firefox/" bit from the path,
                    # but otherwise preserve it.
                    destpath = mozpath.join('bin',
                                            mozpath.relpath(p, "firefox"))
                    self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact', {'destpath': destpath},
                             'Adding {destpath} to processed archive')
                    writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), f.open(), mode=f.mode)
                    added_entry = True

        if not added_entry:
            raise ValueError(
                'Archive format changed! No pattern from "{patterns}" '
                'matched an archive path.'.format(
Ejemplo n.º 10
def main(argv):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Produce test archives')
    parser.add_argument('archive', help='Which archive to generate')
    parser.add_argument('outputfile', help='File to write output to')

    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    if not args.outputfile.endswith('.zip'):
        raise Exception('expected zip output file')

    # Adjust reftest entries only if processing reftests (because it is
    # unnecessary overhead otherwise).
    if args.archive == 'reftest':

    file_count = 0
    t_start = time.time()
    with open(args.outputfile, 'wb') as fh:
        # Experimentation revealed that level 5 is significantly faster and has
        # marginally larger sizes than higher values and is the sweet spot
        # for optimal compression. Read the detailed commit message that
        # introduced this for raw numbers.
        with JarWriter(fileobj=fh, optimize=False, compress_level=5) as writer:
            res = find_files(args.archive)
            for p, f in res:
                file_count += 1
                writer.add(p.encode('utf-8'), f.read(), mode=f.mode)

    duration = time.time() - t_start
    zip_size = os.path.getsize(args.outputfile)
    basename = os.path.basename(args.outputfile)
    print('Wrote %d files in %d bytes to %s in %.2fs' %
          (file_count, zip_size, basename, duration))
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def test_deflated_file_no_write(self):
        Test various conditions where DeflatedFile.copy is expected not to
        write in the destination file.
        src = self.tmppath('src.jar')
        dest = self.tmppath('dest')

        with JarWriter(src) as jar:
            jar.add('test', 'test')
            jar.add('test2', 'test')
            jar.add('fooo', 'fooo')

        jar = JarReader(src)
        # Initial copy
        f = DeflatedFile(jar['test'])

        # Ensure subsequent copies won't trigger writes
        self.assertEqual('test', open(dest, 'rb').read())

        # When using a different file with the same content, no copy should
        # occur
        f = DeflatedFile(jar['test2'])
        self.assertEqual('test', open(dest, 'rb').read())

        # Double check that under conditions where a copy occurs, we would get
        # an exception.
        f = DeflatedFile(jar['fooo'])
        self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, f.copy, DestNoWrite(dest))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def main(platform):
    build = MozbuildObject.from_environment()
    topsrcdir = build.topsrcdir
    distdir = build.distdir

    srcdir = os.path.join(topsrcdir, "b2g", "simulator")

    app_buildid = open(os.path.join(build.topobjdir, "buildid.h")).read().split(' ')[2]

    # The simulator uses a shorter version string,
    # it only keeps the major version digits A.B
    # whereas MOZ_B2G_VERSION is A.B.C.D
    b2g_version = build.config_environment.defines["MOZ_B2G_VERSION"].replace('"', '')
    version = ".".join(str(n) for n in LooseVersion(b2g_version).version[0:2])

    # Build a gaia profile specific to the simulator in order to:
    # - disable the FTU
    # - set custom prefs to enable devtools debugger server
    # - set custom settings to disable lockscreen and screen timeout
    # - only ship production apps
    gaia_path = build.config_environment.substs["GAIADIR"]
    builder = GaiaBuilder(build, gaia_path)
    env = {
      "NOFTU": "1",
      "GAIA_APP_TARGET": "production",
      "SETTINGS_PATH": os.path.join(srcdir, "custom-settings.json")
    builder.override_prefs(os.path.join(srcdir, "custom-prefs.js"))

    # Build the simulator addon xpi
    xpi_name = XPI_NAME % {"version": version, "platform": platform}
    xpi_path = os.path.join(distdir, xpi_name)

    update_path = "%s/%s" % (version, platform)
    update_url = UPDATE_URL % {"update_path": update_path}

    # Preprocess some files...
    manifest = os.path.join(build.topobjdir, "b2g", "simulator", "install.rdf")
    preprocess_file(os.path.join(srcdir, "install.rdf.in"),

    with JarWriter(xpi_path, optimize=False) as zip:
        # Ship addon files into the .xpi
        add_file_to_zip(zip, manifest, "install.rdf")
        add_file_to_zip(zip, os.path.join(srcdir, "bootstrap.js"), "bootstrap.js")
        add_file_to_zip(zip, os.path.join(srcdir, "icon.png"), "icon.png")
        add_file_to_zip(zip, os.path.join(srcdir, "icon64.png"), "icon64.png")

        # Ship b2g-desktop, but prevent its gaia profile to be shipped in the xpi
        add_dir_to_zip(zip, os.path.join(distdir, "b2g"), "b2g",
                       ("gaia", "B2G.app/Contents/MacOS/gaia",
        # Then ship our own gaia profile
        add_dir_to_zip(zip, os.path.join(gaia_path, "profile"), "profile")
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def process_host_bin(self, filename, processed_filename):
     with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, compress_level=5) as writer:
         # Turn 'HASH-mar.exe' into 'mar.exe'.  `filename` is a path on disk
         # without any of the path parts of the artifact, so we must inject
         # the desired `host/bin` prefix here.
         orig_basename = os.path.basename(filename).split('-', 1)[1]
         destpath = mozpath.join('host/bin', orig_basename)
         writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), open(filename, 'rb'))
Ejemplo n.º 14
 def process_symbols_archive(self, filename, processed_filename):
     with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, optimize=False, compress_level=5) as writer:
         reader = JarReader(filename)
         for filename in reader.entries:
             destpath = mozpath.join('crashreporter-symbols', filename)
             self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                      {'destpath': destpath},
                      'Adding {destpath} to processed archive')
             writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), reader[filename])
Ejemplo n.º 15
    def test_jar_finder(self):
        self.jar = JarWriter(file=self.tmppath("test.jar"))
        reader = JarReader(file=self.tmppath("test.jar"))
        self.finder = JarFinder(self.tmppath("test.jar"), reader)

        self.assertIsInstance(self.finder.get("bar"), DeflatedFile)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def test_add_from_finder(self):
        s = MockDest()
        with JarWriter(fileobj=s) as jar:
            finder = FileFinder(test_data_path)
            for p, f in finder.find("test_data"):
                jar.add("test_data", f)

        jar = JarReader(fileobj=s)
        files = [j for j in jar]

        self.assertEqual(files[0].filename, "test_data")
        self.assertEqual(files[0].read(), b"test_data")
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def test_deflated_file_open(self):
        Test whether DeflatedFile.open returns an appropriately reset file
        src = self.tmppath("src.jar")
        content = b"".join(samples)
        with JarWriter(src) as jar:
            jar.add("content", content)

        f = DeflatedFile(JarReader(src)["content"])
        self.assertEqual(content[:42], f.open().read(42))
        self.assertEqual(content, f.open().read())
Ejemplo n.º 18
    def test_deflated_file_open(self):
        Test whether DeflatedFile.open returns an appropriately reset file
        src = self.tmppath('src.jar')
        content = ''.join(samples)
        with JarWriter(src) as jar:
            jar.add('content', content)

        f = DeflatedFile(JarReader(src)['content'])
        self.assertEqual(content[:42], f.open().read(42))
        self.assertEqual(content, f.open().read())
Ejemplo n.º 19
    def test_preload(self):
        s = MockDest()
        with JarWriter(fileobj=s) as jar:
            jar.add('foo', 'foo')
            jar.add('bar', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
            jar.add('baz/qux', 'aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz')

        jar = JarReader(fileobj=s)
        self.assertEqual(jar.last_preloaded, None)

        with JarWriter(fileobj=s) as jar:
            jar.add('foo', 'foo')
            jar.add('bar', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
            jar.add('baz/qux', 'aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz')
            jar.preload(['baz/qux', 'bar'])

        jar = JarReader(fileobj=s)
        self.assertEqual(jar.last_preloaded, 'bar')
        files = [j for j in jar]

        self.assertEqual(files[0].filename, 'baz/qux')
        self.assertEqual(files[1].filename, 'bar')
        self.assertEqual(files[2].filename, 'foo')
Ejemplo n.º 20
 def process_symbols_archive(self, filename, processed_filename, skip_compressed=False):
     with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, compress_level=5) as writer:
         reader = JarReader(filename)
         for filename in reader.entries:
             if skip_compressed and filename.endswith('.gz'):
                 self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                          {'filename': filename},
                          'Skipping compressed ELF debug symbol file {filename}')
             destpath = mozpath.join('crashreporter-symbols', filename)
             self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                      {'destpath': destpath},
                      'Adding {destpath} to processed archive')
             writer.add(destpath.encode('utf-8'), reader[filename])
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def test_preload(self):
        s = MockDest()
        with JarWriter(fileobj=s) as jar:
            jar.add("foo", b"foo")
            jar.add("bar", b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
            jar.add("baz/qux", b"aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz")

        jar = JarReader(fileobj=s)
        self.assertEqual(jar.last_preloaded, None)

        with JarWriter(fileobj=s) as jar:
            jar.add("foo", b"foo")
            jar.add("bar", b"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
            jar.add("baz/qux", b"aaaaaaaaaaaaanopqrstuvwxyz")
            jar.preload(["baz/qux", "bar"])

        jar = JarReader(fileobj=s)
        self.assertEqual(jar.last_preloaded, "bar")
        files = [j for j in jar]

        self.assertEqual(files[0].filename, "baz/qux")
        self.assertEqual(files[1].filename, "bar")
        self.assertEqual(files[2].filename, "foo")
Ejemplo n.º 22
def make_archive(archive_name, base, exclude, include):
    compress = ['**/*.sym']
    finder = FileFinder(base, ignore=exclude)
    if not include:
        include = ['*']
    archive_basename = os.path.basename(archive_name)
    with open(archive_name, 'wb') as fh:
        with JarWriter(fileobj=fh, optimize=False, compress_level=5) as writer:
            for pat in include:
                for p, f in finder.find(pat):
                    print('  Adding to "%s":\n\t"%s"' % (archive_basename, p))
                    should_compress = any(mozpath.match(p, pat) for pat in compress)
                    writer.add(p.encode('utf-8'), f, mode=f.mode,
                               compress=should_compress, skip_duplicates=True)
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def process_artifact(self, filename, processed_filename):
        # Extract all .so files into the root, which will get copied into dist/bin.
        with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, optimize=False, compress_level=5) as writer:
            for f in JarReader(filename):
                if not f.filename.endswith('.so') and \
                   not f.filename in ('platform.ini', 'application.ini'):

                basename = os.path.basename(f.filename)
                self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                    {'basename': basename},
                   'Adding {basename} to processed archive')

                basename = mozpath.join('bin', basename)
                writer.add(basename.encode('utf-8'), f)
Ejemplo n.º 24
    def process_package_artifact(self, filename, processed_filename):
        # Extract all .so files into the root, which will get copied into dist/bin.
        with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, optimize=False, compress_level=5) as writer:
            for p, f in UnpackFinder(JarFinder(filename, JarReader(filename))):
                if not any(mozpath.match(p, pat) for pat in self.package_artifact_patterns):

                dirname, basename = os.path.split(p)
                self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                    {'basename': basename},
                   'Adding {basename} to processed archive')

                basedir = 'bin'
                if not basename.endswith('.so'):
                    basedir = mozpath.join('bin', dirname.lstrip('assets/'))
                basename = mozpath.join(basedir, basename)
                writer.add(basename.encode('utf-8'), f.open())
Ejemplo n.º 25
    def process_package_artifact(self, filename, processed_filename):
        added_entry = False
        with JarWriter(file=processed_filename, optimize=False, compress_level=5) as writer:
            for p, f in UnpackFinder(JarFinder(filename, JarReader(filename))):
                if not any(mozpath.match(p, pat) for pat in self.package_artifact_patterns):

                # strip off the relative "firefox/" bit from the path:
                basename = mozpath.relpath(p, "firefox")
                basename = mozpath.join('bin', basename)
                self.log(logging.INFO, 'artifact',
                    {'basename': basename},
                    'Adding {basename} to processed archive')
                writer.add(basename.encode('utf-8'), f.open(), mode=f.mode)
                added_entry = True

        if not added_entry:
            raise ValueError('Archive format changed! No pattern from "{patterns}"'
                             'matched an archive path.'.format(
Ejemplo n.º 26
def main(argv):
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Produce test archives')
    parser.add_argument('archive', help='Which archive to generate')
    parser.add_argument('outputfile', help='File to write output to')

    args = parser.parse_args(argv)

    out_file = args.outputfile
    if not out_file.endswith(('.tar.gz', '.zip')):
        raise Exception('expected tar.gz or zip output file')

    file_count = 0
    t_start = time.time()
    res = find_files(args.archive)
    with open(out_file, 'wb') as fh:
        # Experimentation revealed that level 5 is significantly faster and has
        # marginally larger sizes than higher values and is the sweet spot
        # for optimal compression. Read the detailed commit message that
        # introduced this for raw numbers.
        if out_file.endswith('.tar.gz'):
            files = dict(res)
            create_tar_gz_from_files(fh, files, compresslevel=5)
            file_count = len(files)
        elif out_file.endswith('.zip'):
            with JarWriter(fileobj=fh, optimize=False,
                           compress_level=5) as writer:
                for p, f in res:
                    file_count += 1
            raise Exception('unhandled file extension: %s' % out_file)

    duration = time.time() - t_start
    zip_size = os.path.getsize(args.outputfile)
    basename = os.path.basename(args.outputfile)
    print('Wrote %d files in %d bytes to %s in %.2fs' %
          (file_count, zip_size, basename, duration))
Ejemplo n.º 27
    def test_deflated_file(self):
        Check that DeflatedFile.copy yields the proper content in the
        destination file in all situations that trigger different code paths
        (see TestFile.test_file)
        src = self.tmppath('src.jar')
        dest = self.tmppath('dest')

        contents = {}
        with JarWriter(src) as jar:
            for content in samples:
                name = ''.join(
                    random.choice(string.letters) for i in xrange(8))
                jar.add(name, content, compress=True)
                contents[name] = content

        for j in JarReader(src):
            f = DeflatedFile(j)
            self.assertEqual(contents[j.filename], open(dest, 'rb').read())
Ejemplo n.º 28
def write_zip(zip_path, prefix=None):
    """Write toolchain data to a zip file."""
    prefix = six.ensure_binary(prefix, encoding="utf-8")

    with JarWriter(file=zip_path, compress_level=5) as zip:
        manifest = {}
        for p, data, mode in resolve_files_and_hash(manifest):
            if prefix:
                p = mozpath.join(prefix, p)

            zip.add(p, data, mode=mode)

        sha256_manifest = format_manifest(manifest)

        sdk_path = b"SDK_VERSION"
        sha256_path = b"MANIFEST.SHA256"
        if prefix:
            sdk_path = mozpath.join(prefix, sdk_path)
            sha256_path = mozpath.join(prefix, sha256_path)

        zip.add(sdk_path, SDK_RELEASE.encode("utf-8"))
        zip.add(sha256_path, sha256_manifest)
def write_zip(zip_path, prefix=None):
    """Write toolchain data to a zip file."""
    if isinstance(prefix, unicode):  # noqa Special case for Python 2
        prefix = prefix.encode("utf-8")

    with JarWriter(file=zip_path, compress_level=5) as zip:
        manifest = {}
        for p, data, mode in resolve_files_and_hash(manifest):
            if prefix:
                p = mozpath.join(prefix, p)

            zip.add(p, data, mode=mode)

        sha256_manifest = format_manifest(manifest)

        sdk_path = b"SDK_VERSION"
        sha256_path = b"MANIFEST.SHA256"
        if prefix:
            sdk_path = mozpath.join(prefix, sdk_path)
            sha256_path = mozpath.join(prefix, sha256_path)

        zip.add(sdk_path, SDK_RELEASE.encode("utf-8"))
        zip.add(sha256_path, sha256_manifest)
Ejemplo n.º 30
def write_zip(zip_path, prefix=None):
    """Write toolchain data to a zip file."""
    if isinstance(prefix, unicode):
        prefix = prefix.encode('utf-8')

    with JarWriter(file=zip_path, optimize=False, compress=5) as zip:
        manifest = {}
        for p, data, mode in resolve_files_and_hash(manifest):
            if prefix:
                p = mozpath.join(prefix, p)

            zip.add(p, data, mode=mode)

        sha256_manifest = format_manifest(manifest)

        sdk_path = b'SDK_VERSION'
        sha256_path = b'MANIFEST.SHA256'
        if prefix:
            sdk_path = mozpath.join(prefix, sdk_path)
            sha256_path = mozpath.join(prefix, sha256_path)

        zip.add(sdk_path, SDK_RELEASE.encode('utf-8'))
        zip.add(sha256_path, sha256_manifest)