Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, array_or_dtype, x_overlap=0):
        """ Create a spatial grid on the GPU(s).

        Input variables
        array_or_dtype -- can either be a numpy array of the same shape as
            the global space, or a numpy dtype. If a valid array is passed, 
            it will be loaded on to the GPU. If a dtype is passed, then
            an array of zeros, of that dtype will be loaded onto the GPU.

        Optional variables
        x_overlap -- the number of adjacent cells in either the negative or
            positive x-direction that need to simultaneously be accessed along
            with the current cell. Must be a non-negative integer. Default
            value is 0.


        shape = get_space_info()['shape'] # Get the shape of the space.
        xr = get_space_info()['x_range'] # Get the local x_range.
        all_x_ranges = get_space_info()['all_x_ranges'] # Get the local x_range.
        local_shape = (xr[1]-xr[0], shape[1], shape[2])

        self._set_gce_type('grid') # Set the gce type to grid.

        # Make sure overlap option is valid.
        if type(x_overlap) is not int:
            raise TypeError('x_overlap must be an integer.')
        elif x_overlap < 0:
            raise TypeError('x_overlap must be a non-negative integer.')

        if comm.rank == 0:
            # Process the array_or_dtype input variable.
            if type(array_or_dtype) is np.ndarray: # Input is an array.
                array = array_or_dtype

                # Make sure the array is of the correct shape.
                if array.shape != shape:
                    raise TypeError('Shape of array does not match shape of space.')

                # Make sure the array is of a valid datatype.

            elif type(array_or_dtype) is type: # Input is a datatype.
                self._get_dtype(array_or_dtype) # Validate the dtype.
                array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=self.dtype) # Make a zeros array.

            else: # Invalid input.
                raise TypeError('Input variable must be a numpy array or dtype')

            # Prepare array to be scattered.
            array = [array[r[0]:r[1],:,:] for r in all_x_ranges]

            array = None

        array = comm.scatter(array)

#         # Narrow down the array to local x_range.
#         array = array[xr[0]:xr[1],:,:]

        # Add padding to array, if needed.
        self._xlap = x_overlap
        if self._xlap is not 0:
            padding = np.empty((self._xlap,) + shape[1:3], dtype=array.dtype)
            array = np.concatenate((padding, array, padding), axis=0)

        self.to_gpu(array) # Load onto device.

        # Determine information needed for synchronization.
        if self._xlap is not 0:
            # Calculates the pointer to the x offset in a grid.
            ptr_dx = lambda x_pos: self.data.ptr + self.data.dtype.itemsize * \
                                        x_pos * shape[1] * shape[2]
            # Pointers to different sections of the grid that are relevant
            # for synchronization.
            self._sync_ptrs = { 'forw_src': ptr_dx(xr[1]-xr[0]), \
                                'back_dest': ptr_dx(0), \
                                'back_src': ptr_dx(self._xlap), \
                                'forw_dest': ptr_dx(xr[1]-xr[0] + self._xlap)}

            # Buffers used during synchronization.
            self._sync_buffers = [drv.pagelocked_empty( \
                                    (self._xlap, shape[1], shape[2]), \
                                    self.dtype) for k in range(4)]

            # Streams used during synchronization.
            self._sync_streams = [drv.Stream() for k in range(4)]

            # Used to identify neighboring MPI nodes with whom to synchronize.
            self._sync_adj = get_space_info()['mpi_adj']

            # Offset in bytes to the true start of the grid.
            # This is used to "hide" overlap areas from the kernel.
            self._xlap_offset = self.data.dtype.itemsize * \
                                self._xlap * shape[1] * shape[2]

            self.synchronize() # Synchronize the grid.
            comm.Barrier() # Wait for all grids to synchronize before proceeding.
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, array_or_dtype, x_overlap=0):
        """ Create a spatial grid on the GPU(s).

        Input variables
        array_or_dtype -- can either be a numpy array of the same shape as
            the global space, or a numpy dtype. If a valid array is passed, 
            it will be loaded on to the GPU. If a dtype is passed, then
            an array of zeros, of that dtype will be loaded onto the GPU.

        Optional variables
        x_overlap -- the number of adjacent cells in either the negative or
            positive x-direction that need to simultaneously be accessed along
            with the current cell. Must be a non-negative integer. Default
            value is 0.


        shape = get_space_info()['shape']  # Get the shape of the space.
        xr = get_space_info()['x_range']  # Get the local x_range.
        all_x_ranges = get_space_info()[
            'all_x_ranges']  # Get the local x_range.
        local_shape = (xr[1] - xr[0], shape[1], shape[2])

        self._set_gce_type('grid')  # Set the gce type to grid.

        # Make sure overlap option is valid.
        if type(x_overlap) is not int:
            raise TypeError('x_overlap must be an integer.')
        elif x_overlap < 0:
            raise TypeError('x_overlap must be a non-negative integer.')

        if comm.rank == 0:
            # Process the array_or_dtype input variable.
            if type(array_or_dtype) is np.ndarray:  # Input is an array.
                array = array_or_dtype

                # Make sure the array is of the correct shape.
                if array.shape != shape:
                    raise TypeError(
                        'Shape of array does not match shape of space.')

                # Make sure the array is of a valid datatype.

            elif type(array_or_dtype) is type:  # Input is a datatype.
                self._get_dtype(array_or_dtype)  # Validate the dtype.
                array = np.zeros(shape,
                                 dtype=self.dtype)  # Make a zeros array.

            else:  # Invalid input.
                raise TypeError(
                    'Input variable must be a numpy array or dtype')

            # Prepare array to be scattered.
            array = [array[r[0]:r[1], :, :] for r in all_x_ranges]

            array = None

        array = comm.scatter(array)

        #         # Narrow down the array to local x_range.
        #         array = array[xr[0]:xr[1],:,:]

        # Add padding to array, if needed.
        self._xlap = x_overlap
        if self._xlap is not 0:
            padding = np.empty((self._xlap, ) + shape[1:3], dtype=array.dtype)
            array = np.concatenate((padding, array, padding), axis=0)

        self.to_gpu(array)  # Load onto device.

        # Determine information needed for synchronization.
        if self._xlap is not 0:
            # Calculates the pointer to the x offset in a grid.
            ptr_dx = lambda x_pos: self.data.ptr + self.data.dtype.itemsize * \
                                        x_pos * shape[1] * shape[2]

            # Pointers to different sections of the grid that are relevant
            # for synchronization.
            self._sync_ptrs = { 'forw_src': ptr_dx(xr[1]-xr[0]), \
                                'back_dest': ptr_dx(0), \
                                'back_src': ptr_dx(self._xlap), \
                                'forw_dest': ptr_dx(xr[1]-xr[0] + self._xlap)}

            # Buffers used during synchronization.
            self._sync_buffers = [drv.pagelocked_empty( \
                                    (self._xlap, shape[1], shape[2]), \
                                    self.dtype) for k in range(4)]

            # Streams used during synchronization.
            self._sync_streams = [drv.Stream() for k in range(4)]

            # Used to identify neighboring MPI nodes with whom to synchronize.
            self._sync_adj = get_space_info()['mpi_adj']

            # Offset in bytes to the true start of the grid.
            # This is used to "hide" overlap areas from the kernel.
            self._xlap_offset = self.data.dtype.itemsize * \
                                self._xlap * shape[1] * shape[2]

            self.synchronize()  # Synchronize the grid.
            )  # Wait for all grids to synchronize before proceeding.
Ejemplo n.º 3
    data = None
data = CW.bcast(data, root=0)
# or CW.Bcast(data, root=0) for numpy arrays

print("On rank", rank, "data =", data)


#You might have to do some testing of doing a task on one process and sending that to everyone else though. If you are sending big stuff it might take a while.
#Something that is a litle bit different to broadcasting but still shares information on one node with others is scatter, which can scatter elements of a list, or array to all the process. This can be good with those independant tasks. So lets try scattering the pickle files:

if rank == 0:
    pickle_file = glob.glob("test_data_*.pkl")
    pickle_file = None
pickle_file = CW.scatter(pickle_file, root=0)

print("On rank", rank, "pickle_file =", pickle_file)


#Now that each rank has a file, it can do it's own thing.

#If individual processes were doing their own tasks, but you need to collate everything, you can do that using gather, which puts everything from the different ranks in a list:

data = (rank + 1)**2
print("On rank", rank, "data =", data)

data = CW.gather(data, root=0)
print("On rank", rank, "data =", data)