Ejemplo n.º 1
def dx(u, FST, axis=0):
    """Compute integral of u over domain for channel solvers"""
    sx = list(range(3))
    uu = np.sum(u, axis=tuple(sx))
    sl = FST.local_slice(False)[axis]
    M = FST.shape()[axis]
    c = np.zeros(M)
    cc = np.zeros(M)
    cc[sl] = uu
    FST.comm.Reduce(cc, c, op=MPI.SUM, root=0)
    quad = FST.bases[axis].quad
    if FST.comm.Get_rank() == 0:
        if quad == 'GL':
            ak = np.zeros_like(c)
            ak = dct(c, ak, 1, axis=0)
            ak /= (M-1)
            w = np.arange(0, M, 1, dtype=float)
            w[2:] = 2./(1-w[2:]**2)
            w[0] = 1
            w[1::2] = 0
            return sum(ak*w)*np.prod(np.take(config.params.L/config.params.N, sx))

        assert quad == 'GC'
        d = np.zeros(M)
        k = 2*(1 + np.arange((M-1)//2))
        d[::2] = (2./M)/np.hstack((1., 1.-k*k))
        w = np.zeros_like(d)
        w = dct(d, w, type=3, axis=0)
        return np.sum(c*w)*np.prod(np.take(config.params.L/config.params.N, sx))
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 2
def dx(u, FST):
    """Compute integral of u over domain"""
    uu = sum(u, axis=(1, 2))
    sl = FST.local_slice(False)[0]
    M = FST.shape()[0]
    c = zeros(M)
    cc = zeros(M)
    cc[sl] = uu
    FST.comm.Reduce(cc, c, op=MPI.SUM, root=0)
    quad = FST.bases[0].quad
    if FST.comm.Get_rank() == 0:
        if quad == 'GL':
            ak = zeros_like(c)
            ak = dct(c, ak, 1, axis=0)
            ak /= (M - 1)
            w = arange(0, M, 1, dtype=float)
            w[2:] = 2. / (1 - w[2:]**2)
            w[0] = 1
            w[1::2] = 0
            return sum(ak * w) * config.params.L[1] * config.params.L[
                2] / config.params.N[1] / config.params.N[2]

        assert quad == 'GC'
        d = zeros(M)
        k = 2 * (1 + arange((M - 1) // 2))
        d[::2] = (2. / M) / hstack((1., 1. - k * k))
        w = zeros_like(d)
        w = dct(d, w, type=3, axis=0)
        return sum(c * w) * config.params.L[1] * config.params.L[
            2] / config.params.N[1] / config.params.N[2]
    return 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def dx(self, u, quad):
        """Compute integral of u over domain"""
        uu = sum(u, axis=(1, 2))
        c = zeros(self.N[0])
        self.comm.Gather(uu, c)
        if self.rank == 0:
            if quad == 'GL':
                ak = zeros_like(c)
                ak = dct(c, ak, 1, axis=0)
                ak /= (self.N[0] - 1)
                w = arange(0, self.N[0], 1, dtype=self.float)
                w[2:] = 2. / (1 - w[2:]**2)
                w[0] = 1
                w[1::2] = 0
                return sum(
                    ak * w) * self.L[1] * self.L[2] / self.N[1] / self.N[2]

            assert quad == 'GC'
            d = zeros(self.N[0])
            k = 2 * (1 + arange((self.N[0] - 1) // 2))
            d[::2] = (2. / self.N[0]) / hstack((1., 1. - k * k))
            w = zeros_like(d)
            w = dct(d, w, type=3, axis=0)
            return sum(c * w) * self.L[1] * self.L[2] / self.N[1] / self.N[2]

        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def ifct(self, fk, cj):
        """Inverse fast Chebyshev transform."""
        if self.quad == "GC":
            cj[:] = 0.5*dct(fk, type=3, axis=0)
            cj += 0.5*fk[0]
        elif self.quad == "GL":
            cj[:] = 0.5*dct(fk, type=1, axis=0)
            cj += 0.5*fk[0]
            cj[::2] += 0.5*fk[-1]
            cj[1::2] -= 0.5*fk[-1]

        return cj
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def ifct(self, fk, cj):
        """Inverse fast Chebyshev transform."""
        if self.quad == "GC":
            cj[:] = 0.5 * dct(fk, type=3, axis=0)
            cj += 0.5 * fk[0]

        elif self.quad == "GL":
            cj[:] = 0.5 * dct(fk, type=1, axis=0)
            cj += 0.5 * fk[0]
            cj[::2] += 0.5 * fk[-1]
            cj[1::2] -= 0.5 * fk[-1]

        return cj
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def fct(self, fj, cj):
     """Fast Chebyshev transform."""
     N = fj.shape[0]
     if self.quad == "GC":
         cj[:] = dct(fj, type=2, axis=0)            
         cj /= N
         cj[0] /= 2
     elif self.quad == "GL":
         cj[:] = dct(fj, type=1, axis=0)/(N-1)
         cj[0] /= 2
         cj[-1] /= 2
     return cj
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def fastChebScalar(self, fj, fk):
        """Fast Chebyshev scalar product."""
        if self.fast_transform:
            N = fj.shape[0]
            if self.quad == "GC":
                fk[:] = dct(fj, type=2, axis=0)*(pi/(2*N))
            elif self.quad == "GL":
                fk[:] = dct(fj, type=1, axis=0)*(pi/(2*(N-1)))
            if self.points is None: self.init(fj.shape[0])
            fk[:] = np.dot(self.V, fj*self.weights)

        return fk
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def fct(self, fj, cj):
        """Fast Chebyshev transform."""
        N = fj.shape[0]
        if self.quad == "GC":
            cj[:] = dct(fj, type=2, axis=0)
            cj /= N
            cj[0] /= 2

        elif self.quad == "GL":
            cj[:] = dct(fj, type=1, axis=0) / (N - 1)
            cj[0] /= 2
            cj[-1] /= 2

        return cj
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def fastChebScalar(self, fj, fk):
        """Fast Chebyshev scalar product."""
        if self.fast_transform:
            N = fj.shape[0]
            if self.quad == "GC":
                fk[:] = dct(fj, type=2, axis=0) * pi / (2 * N)

            elif self.quad == "GL":
                fk[:] = dct(fj, type=1, axis=0) * pi / (2 * (N - 1))
            if self.points is None: self.init(fj.shape[0])
            fk[:] = np.dot(self.V, fj * self.weights)

        return fk
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def ifct(self, fk, cj):
        """Inverse fast Chebyshev transform."""
        if self.quad == "GC":
            cj = dct(fk, cj, type=3, axis=0)
            cj *= 0.5
            cj += fk[0]/2
        elif self.quad == "GL":
            cj = dct(fk, cj, type=1, axis=0)
            cj *= 0.5
            cj += fk[0]/2
            cj[::2] += fk[-1]/2
            cj[1::2] -= fk[-1]/2

        return cj
Ejemplo n.º 11
    def fastChebScalar(self, fj, fk):
        """Fast Chebyshev scalar product."""
        N = fj.shape[0]
        if self.fast_transform:
            if self.quad == "GC":
                fk = dct(fj, fk, type=2, axis=0)
                fk *= (pi/(2*N))
            elif self.quad == "GL":
                fk = dct(fj, fk, type=1, axis=0)
                fk *= (pi/(2*(N-1)))
            if not self.points.shape == (N,): self.init(N)
            fk[:] = np.dot(self.V, fj*self.weights)

        return fk
Ejemplo n.º 12
def energy(u, N, comm, rank, L):
    uu = sum(u, axis=(1, 2))
    c = zeros(N[0])
    comm.Gather(uu, c)
    if rank == 0:
        ak = 1. / (N[0] - 1) * dct(c, 1, axis=0)
        w = arange(0, N[0], 1, dtype=float)
        w[2:] = 2. / (1 - w[2:]**2)
        w[0] = 1
        w[1::2] = 0
        return sum(ak * w) * L[1] * L[2] / N[1] / N[2]
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 13
def energy(u, N, comm, rank, L):
    uu = sum(u, axis=(1,2))
    c = zeros(N[0])
    comm.Gather(uu, c)
    if rank == 0:
        ak = 1./(N[0]-1)*dct(c, 1, axis=0)
        w = arange(0, N[0], 1, dtype=float)
        w[2:] = 2./(1-w[2:]**2)
        w[0] = 1
        w[1::2] = 0
        return sum(ak*w)*L[1]*L[2]/N[1]/N[2]
        return 0    
Ejemplo n.º 14
def Q(u, rank, comm, N):
    """Integrate u over entire computational domain
    L = config.L
    uu = sum(u, axis=(1,2))
    c = zeros(N[0])
    comm.Gather(uu, c)
    if rank == 0:
        ak = 1./(N[0]-1)*dct(c, 1, axis=0)
        w = arange(0, N[0], 1, dtype=float)
        w[2:] = 2./(1-w[2:]**2)
        w[0] = 1
        w[1::2] = 0
        return sum(ak*w)*L[1]*L[2]/N[1]/N[2]
        return 0
Ejemplo n.º 15
def Q(u, rank, comm, N):
    """Integrate u over entire computational domain
    L = config.L
    uu = sum(u, axis=(1,2))
    c = zeros(N[0])
    comm.Gather(uu, c)
    if rank == 0:
        ak = 1./(N[0]-1)*dct(c, 1, axis=0)
        w = arange(0, N[0], 1, dtype=float)
        w[2:] = 2./(1-w[2:]**2)
        w[0] = 1
        w[1::2] = 0
        return sum(ak*w)*L[1]*L[2]/N[1]/N[2]
        return 0