def test_3(self):
        """test_3 Good PIN and bad token"""
        PIN1 = 1234
        PIN2 = 1234

        # random number generator
        RNG ="csprng*")
        libmpin.MPIN_CREATE_CSPRNG(RNG, self.RAW)

        # Generate Client master secret share for MIRACL and Customer
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RANDOM_GENERATE(RNG, MS1)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RANDOM_GENERATE(RNG, MS2)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

        # Generate server secret shares
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_SERVER_SECRET(MS1, SS1)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_SERVER_SECRET(MS2, SS2)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

        # Combine server secret shares
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RECOMBINE_G2(SS1, SS2, SERVER_SECRET)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

        # Generate client secret shares
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_SECRET(MS1, self.HASH_MPIN_ID, CS1)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_SECRET(MS2, self.HASH_MPIN_ID, CS2)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

        # Combine client secret shares : TOKEN is the full client secret
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RECOMBINE_G1(CS1, CS2, TOKEN)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

        # Generate Time Permit shares
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_PERMIT(, MS1, self.HASH_MPIN_ID, TP1)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_PERMIT(, MS2, self.HASH_MPIN_ID, TP2)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

        # Combine Time Permit shares
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RECOMBINE_G1(TP1, TP2, TIME_PERMIT)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

        # Client extracts PIN from secret to create Token
        PIN1 = 1234
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_EXTRACT_PIN(self.MPIN_ID, PIN1, TOKEN)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

        # Client first pass
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_CLIENT_1(, self.MPIN_ID, RNG, X, PIN2, TOKEN, SEC, U, UT, TIME_PERMIT)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

        # Server calculates H(ID) and H(T|H(ID))
        libmpin.MPIN_SERVER_1(, self.HASH_MPIN_ID, HID, HTID)

        # Server generates Random number Y and sends it to Client
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RANDOM_GENERATE(RNG, Y)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

        # Client second pass
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_CLIENT_2(X, Y, SEC)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

        # Server second pass
        # clientSecret aka V is equal to UT to model a bad token
        rtn = libmpin.MPIN_SERVER_2(, HID, HTID, Y, SERVER_SECRET, U, UT, UT, E, F)
        self.assertEqual(rtn, -19)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    if rtn != 0:
        print "libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_SECRET(MS2,HASH_MPIN_ID,CS2) Error %s" % rtn
    if DEBUG:
        print "CS1: %s" % toHex(CS1)
        print "CS2: %s" % toHex(CS2)

    # Combine client secret shares : TOKEN is the full client secret
    rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RECOMBINE_G1(CS1, CS2, TOKEN)
    if rtn != 0:
        print "libmpin.MPIN_RECOMBINE_G1( CS1, CS2, TOKEN) Error %s" % rtn
    print "Client Secret: %s" % toHex(TOKEN)

    # Generate Time Permit shares
    if DEBUG:
        print "Date %s" % date
    rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_PERMIT(date, MS1, HASH_MPIN_ID, TP1)
    if rtn != 0:
        print "libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_PERMIT(date,MS1,HASH_MPIN_ID,TP1) Error %s" % rtn
    rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_PERMIT(date, MS2, HASH_MPIN_ID, TP2)
    if rtn != 0:
        print "libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_PERMIT(date,MS2,HASH_MPIN_ID,TP2) Error %s" % rtn
    if DEBUG:
        print "TP1: %s" % toHex(TP1)
        print "TP2: %s" % toHex(TP2)

    # Combine Time Permit shares
    rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RECOMBINE_G1(TP1, TP2, TIME_PERMIT)
    if rtn != 0:
        print "libmpin.MPIN_RECOMBINE_G1(TP1, TP2, TIME_PERMIT) Error %s" % rtn
    if DEBUG:
        print "TIME_PERMIT: %s" % toHex(TIME_PERMIT)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def test_1(self):
        """test_1 Good PIN and good token"""
        vectors = json.load(open("./MPINTestVectors.json", "r"))
        for vector in vectors:
            print "Test vector {}".format(vector['test_no'])

            PIN1 = vector['PIN1']
            PIN2 = vector['PIN2']
            date = vector['DATE']

            # random number generator
            RNG ="csprng*")
            libmpin.MPIN_CREATE_CSPRNG(RNG, self.RAW)

            MS1_HEX = vector['MS1']
            MS2_HEX = vector['MS2']

            ms1_bin = MS1_HEX.decode("hex")
            MS1 ="octet*")
            MS1val ="char [%s]" % len(ms1_bin), ms1_bin)
            MS1[0].val = MS1val
            MS1[0].max = PGS
            MS1[0].len = PGS

            ms2_bin = MS2_HEX.decode("hex")
            MS2 ="octet*")
            MS2val ="char [%s]" % len(ms2_bin), ms2_bin)
            MS2[0].val = MS2val
            MS2[0].max = PGS
            MS2[0].len = PGS

            # Generate server secret shares
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_SERVER_SECRET(MS1, SS1)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['SS1'], toHex(SS1))
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_SERVER_SECRET(MS2, SS2)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['SS2'], toHex(SS2))

            # Combine server secret shares
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RECOMBINE_G2(SS1, SS2, SERVER_SECRET)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['SERVER_SECRET'], toHex(SERVER_SECRET))

            mpin_id = vector['MPIN_ID_HEX'].decode("hex")
            MPIN_ID ="octet*")
            MPIN_IDval ="char [%s]" % len(mpin_id), mpin_id)
            MPIN_ID[0].val = MPIN_IDval
            MPIN_ID[0].max = len(mpin_id)
            MPIN_ID[0].len = len(mpin_id)

            # Hash value of MPIN_ID
            HASH_MPIN_ID ="octet*")
            HASH_MPIN_IDval ="char []", HASH_BYTES)
            HASH_MPIN_ID[0].val = HASH_MPIN_IDval
            HASH_MPIN_ID[0].max = HASH_BYTES
            HASH_MPIN_ID[0].len = HASH_BYTES
            libmpin.MPIN_HASH_ID(MPIN_ID, HASH_MPIN_ID)
            self.assertEqual(vector['HASH_MPIN_ID_HEX'], toHex(HASH_MPIN_ID))

            # Generate client secret shares
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_SECRET(MS1, HASH_MPIN_ID, CS1)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['CS1'], toHex(CS1))
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_SECRET(MS2, HASH_MPIN_ID, CS2)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['CS2'], toHex(CS2))

            # Combine client secret shares : TOKEN is the full client secret
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RECOMBINE_G1(CS1, CS2, TOKEN)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['CLIENT_SECRET'], toHex(TOKEN))

            # Generate Time Permit shares
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_PERMIT(date, MS1, HASH_MPIN_ID, TP1)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['TP1'], toHex(TP1))
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_GET_CLIENT_PERMIT(date, MS2, HASH_MPIN_ID, TP2)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['TP2'], toHex(TP2))

            # Combine Time Permit shares
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RECOMBINE_G1(TP1, TP2, TIME_PERMIT)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['TIME_PERMIT'], toHex(TIME_PERMIT))

            # Client extracts PIN from secret to create Token
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_EXTRACT_PIN(MPIN_ID, PIN1, TOKEN)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['TOKEN'], toHex(TOKEN))

            x = vector['X'].decode("hex")
            X ="octet*")
            Xval ="char [%s]" % PGS, x)
            X[0].val = Xval
            X[0].max = PGS
            X[0].len = PGS

            # Client first pass. Use X value from test vectors
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_CLIENT_1(date, MPIN_ID, ffi.NULL, X, PIN2,
                                        TOKEN, SEC, U, UT, TIME_PERMIT)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['X'], toHex(X))
            self.assertEqual(vector['U'], toHex(U))
            self.assertEqual(vector['UT'], toHex(UT))
            self.assertEqual(vector['SEC'], toHex(SEC))

            # Server calculates H(ID) and H(T|H(ID))
            libmpin.MPIN_SERVER_1(date, HASH_MPIN_ID, HID, HTID)

            # Server generates Random number Y and sends it to Client
            # rtn = libmpin.MPIN_RANDOM_GENERATE(RNG,Y)
            # self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)

            # Use Y value from test vectors
            y = vector['Y'].decode("hex")
            Y ="octet*")
            Yval ="char [%s]" % PGS, y)
            Y[0].val = Yval
            Y[0].max = PGS
            Y[0].len = PGS

            # Client second pass
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_CLIENT_2(X, Y, SEC)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, 0)
            self.assertEqual(vector['V'], toHex(SEC))

            # Server second pass
            rtn = libmpin.MPIN_SERVER_2(date, HID, HTID, Y, SERVER_SECRET, U,
                                        UT, SEC, E, F)
            self.assertEqual(rtn, vector['SERVER_OUTPUT'])