Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, methodName):
     self.gp = GpactivateStandby()
     self.verify = StandbyVerify()
     self.config = GPDBConfig()
     self.disk = Disk()
     self.sdby_mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY')
     self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT')
     super(OODClass, self).__init__(methodName)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def __init__(self,methodName):
     self.gp = GpactivateStandby()
     self.verify = StandbyVerify()
     self.config = GPDBConfig()
     self.disk = Disk()
     self.sdby_mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY')
     self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT')
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
     self.disk = Disk()
Ejemplo n.º 4
class Steps():

    def __init__(self):
        self.disk = Disk()

    def get_segments(self): 
        get_seg_sql = "select distinct(hostname) from gp_segment_configuration;"
        res = PSQL.run_sql_command(get_seg_sql, dbname = 'template1', flags ='-q -t')
        return res.strip().split('\n')

    def checkDiskUsage(self, host, disk):  # This now checks for only /data
        (rc, result) = self.disk.get_disk_usage(host, '/'+disk)
        if rc != 0:
            raise Exception ("The specified mount /data is not present for the device")
            available_usage = result
            return available_usage

    def fillDisk(self, filename, host):
        cmd_prefix = "ssh " +host+ " \""
        cmd_postfix = "\""
        location = os.getcwd()
        if not os.path.isdir('%s/diskfill/' % location):
            os.makedirs('%s/diskfill/' % location)
        cmd_str = cmd_prefix + "dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024K count=1000 of=" +location+ "/diskfill/" + filename +cmd_postfix      
        results={'rc':0, 'stdout':'', 'stderr':''}
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, results=results)
        if int(results['rc']) !=0:
            raise Exception('disk fill not working')

    def changetracking(self, type = 'mirror'):
        ''' Routine to inject fault that places system in change tracking'''
        tinctest.logger.info("Put system in changetracking ")
        cmd_str = 'gpfaultinjector -f filerep_consumer -m async -y fault -r %s -H ALL' %type
        results={'rc':0, 'stdout':'', 'stderr':''}
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, results=results)
        return results['stdout']

    def is_dbdown(self):
        '''return true if system is the system is down'''
        tinctest.logger.info("checking if segments are up and in sync")
        cmd_str = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where mode = 'c'"
        res = PSQL.run_sql_command(cmd_str, dbname = 'template1', flags ='-q -t')
        if int(res.strip()) > 0:
            return True
        return False

    def checkLogMessage(self):
        ''' Select from gp_toolkit log message to see if the concurrent test run resulted in No space left on device'''
        log_sql = "select substring(logmessage from 0 for 60) from gp_toolkit.__gp_log_segment_ext where logmessage like '%disabled%';"
        for i in range(1,25):
            result = PSQL.run_sql_command(log_sql, dbname = 'template1', flags ='-q -t')
            result= res.strip().split('\n')
            log_chk = False
            for logmsg in result:
                if ('write error for change tracking full log' in logmsg[0] ):
                    log_chk = True
            if log_chk == True:
        if log_chk == False:
            raise Exception("Message 'changetracking disabled' not found in the logs")
        return True

    def remove_fillfiles(self, filename, host):
        location = os.getcwd()
        cmd_str = "ssh %s rm %s/diskfill/%s*" % (host,location, filename)

        results={'rc':0, 'stdout':'', 'stderr':''}
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, results=results)
        if int(results['rc']) !=0:
            raise Exception('Unable to delete the fill files')

    def recover_segments(self):
        '''call gprecoverseg -a to recover down segments'''
        tinctest.logger.info("call gprecoverseg -a to recover down segments")
        cmd_str = 'gprecoverseg -a'
        results={'rc':0, 'stdout':'', 'stderr':''}
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, results=results)
Ejemplo n.º 5
class OODClass(MPPTestCase):

    def __init__(self,methodName):
        self.gp = GpactivateStandby()
        self.verify = StandbyVerify()
        self.config = GPDBConfig()
        self.disk = Disk()
        self.sdby_mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY')
        self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT')

    def initiate_standby(self):

    def check_standby(self):

    def get_standby_dbid(self):
       std_sql = "select dbid from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';"
       standby_dbid = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql, flags = '-q -t', dbname= 'template1')
       return standby_dbid.strip()

    def restart_standby(self):
        sdby_host =  self.config.get_master_standbyhost()
        stdby_dbid = self.get_standby_dbid()
        cmd="pg_ctl -D %s -o '-p %s --gp_dbid=%s --gp_num_contents_in_cluster=2 --silent-mode=true -i -M master --gp_contentid=-1 -x 0 -E' start &"%(self.sdby_mdd, self.pgport, stdby_dbid)
        self.assertTrue(self.gp.run_remote(sdby_host,cmd, self.pgport, self.sdby_mdd))

    def check_diskusage(self, host):  # This now checks for only /data
        (rc, result) = self.disk.get_disk_usage(host, '/data')
        if rc != 0:
            raise Exception ("The specified mount /data is not present for the device")
            available_usage = result
            return available_usage

    def _fill(self, filename, host):
        cmd_prefix = "ssh " +host+ " \""
        cmd_postfix = "\""
        location = '/data'
        if not os.path.isdir('%s/diskfill/' % location):
            os.makedirs('%s/diskfill/' % location)
        cmd_str = cmd_prefix + "dd if=/dev/zero bs=16384K count=2000 of=" +location+ "/diskfill/" + filename +cmd_postfix
        cmd = Command(name='Fill Disk', cmdStr=cmd_str)
        tinctest.logger.info(" %s" % cmd)
        result = cmd.get_results()
        if result.rc !=0:
            tinctest.logger.error('disk fill not working. Its already full')

    def filldisk(self):
        host =  self.config.get_master_standbyhost()
        disk_usage = self.check_diskusage(host)
        i = 0
        while(int(disk_usage.strip()) >1000000):
            filename = 'new_space_%s' % i
            self._fill(filename, host)
            i +=1
            disk_usage = self.check_diskusage(host)

    def remove_fillfiles(self, filename, host):
        location = '/data'
        cmd_str = "ssh %s rm %s/diskfill/%s*" % (host,location, filename)
        cmd = Command(name='Remove fill files', cmdStr=cmd_str)
        tinctest.logger.info(" %s" % cmd)
        result = cmd.get_results()
        if result.rc !=0:
            raise Exception('Unable to delete the fill files')

    def cleanup(self):
        host =  self.config.get_master_standbyhost()
        self.remove_fillfiles('new_space', host)    
        #Recover segemnts in case segments and standby were on the same host
        cmd = Command(name='gprecoverseg', cmdStr='gprecoverseg -a')
        tinctest.logger.info(" %s" % cmd)
        result = cmd.get_results()
        if result.rc !=0:
            raise Exception('gprecoverseg failed')
        while(self.config.is_not_insync_segments() == False):
                tinctest.logger.info('Waiting for DB to be in sync')    
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     self.disk = Disk()
Ejemplo n.º 7
class Steps():

    def __init__(self):
        self.disk = Disk()

    def get_segments(self): 
        get_seg_sql = "select distinct(hostname) from gp_segment_configuration;"
        res = PSQL.run_sql_command(get_seg_sql, dbname = 'template1', flags ='-q -t')
        return res.strip().split('\n')

    def checkDiskUsage(self, host, disk):  # This now checks for only /data
        (rc, result) = self.disk.get_disk_usage(host, '/'+disk)
        if rc != 0:
            raise Exception ("The specified mount /data is not present for the device")
            available_usage = result
            return available_usage

    def fillDisk(self, filename, host):
        cmd_prefix = "ssh " +host+ " \""
        cmd_postfix = "\""
        location = os.getcwd()
        if not os.path.isdir('%s/diskfill/' % location):
            os.makedirs('%s/diskfill/' % location)
        cmd_str = cmd_prefix + "dd if=/dev/zero bs=1024K count=1000 of=" +location+ "/diskfill/" + filename +cmd_postfix      
        results={'rc':0, 'stdout':'', 'stderr':''}
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, results=results)
        if int(results['rc']) !=0:
            raise Exception('disk fill not working')

    def changetracking(self, type = 'mirror'):
        ''' Routine to inject fault that places system in change tracking'''
        tinctest.logger.info("Put system in changetracking ")
        cmd_str = 'gpfaultinjector -f filerep_consumer -m async -y fault -r %s -H ALL' %type
        results={'rc':0, 'stdout':'', 'stderr':''}
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, results=results)
        return results['stdout']

    def is_dbdown(self):
        '''return true if system is the system is down'''
        tinctest.logger.info("checking if segments are up and in sync")
        cmd_str = "select count(*) from gp_segment_configuration where mode = 'c'"
        res = PSQL.run_sql_command(cmd_str, dbname = 'template1', flags ='-q -t')
        if int(res.strip()) > 0:
            return True
        return False

    def checkLogMessage(self):
        ''' Select from gp_toolkit log message to see if the concurrent test run resulted in No space left on device'''
        log_sql = "select substring(logmessage from 0 for 60) from gp_toolkit.__gp_log_segment_ext where logmessage like '%disabled%';"
        for i in range(1,25):
            result = PSQL.run_sql_command(log_sql, dbname = 'template1', flags ='-q -t')
            result= res.strip().split('\n')
            log_chk = False
            for logmsg in result:
                if ('write error for change tracking full log' in logmsg[0] ):
                    log_chk = True
            if log_chk == True:
        if log_chk == False:
            raise Exception("Message 'changetracking disabled' not found in the logs")
        return True

    def remove_fillfiles(self, filename, host):
        location = os.getcwd()
        cmd_str = "ssh %s rm %s/diskfill/%s*" % (host,location, filename)

        results={'rc':0, 'stdout':'', 'stderr':''}
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, results=results)
        if int(results['rc']) !=0:
            raise Exception('Unable to delete the fill files')

    def recover_segments(self):
        '''call gprecoverseg -a to recover down segments'''
        tinctest.logger.info("call gprecoverseg -a to recover down segments")
        cmd_str = 'gprecoverseg -a'
        results={'rc':0, 'stdout':'', 'stderr':''}
        run_shell_command(cmd_str, results=results)
Ejemplo n.º 8
class OODClass(MPPTestCase):
    def __init__(self, methodName):
        self.gp = GpactivateStandby()
        self.verify = StandbyVerify()
        self.config = GPDBConfig()
        self.disk = Disk()
        self.sdby_mdd = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY')
        self.pgport = os.environ.get('PGPORT')
        super(OODClass, self).__init__(methodName)

    def initiate_standby(self):

    def check_standby(self):

    def get_standby_dbid(self):
        std_sql = "select dbid from gp_segment_configuration where content='-1' and role='m';"
        standby_dbid = PSQL.run_sql_command(std_sql,
                                            flags='-q -t',
        return standby_dbid.strip()

    def restart_standby(self):
        sdby_host = self.config.get_master_standbyhost()
        stdby_dbid = self.get_standby_dbid()
        cmd = "pg_ctl -D %s -o '-p %s -b %s -z 2 --silent-mode=true -i -M master -C -1 -x 0 -E' start &" % (
            self.sdby_mdd, self.pgport, stdby_dbid)
            self.gp.run_remote(sdby_host, cmd, self.pgport, self.sdby_mdd))

    def check_diskusage(self, host):  # This now checks for only /data
        (rc, result) = self.disk.get_disk_usage(host, '/data')
        if rc != 0:
            raise Exception(
                "The specified mount /data is not present for the device")
            available_usage = result
            return available_usage

    def _fill(self, filename, host):
        cmd_prefix = "ssh " + host + " \""
        cmd_postfix = "\""
        location = '/data'
        if not os.path.isdir('%s/diskfill/' % location):
            os.makedirs('%s/diskfill/' % location)
        cmd_str = cmd_prefix + "dd if=/dev/zero bs=16384K count=2000 of=" + location + "/diskfill/" + filename + cmd_postfix
        cmd = Command(name='Fill Disk', cmdStr=cmd_str)
        tinctest.logger.info(" %s" % cmd)
        result = cmd.get_results()
        if result.rc != 0:
            tinctest.logger.error('disk fill not working. Its already full')

    def filldisk(self):
        host = self.config.get_master_standbyhost()
        disk_usage = self.check_diskusage(host)
        i = 0
        while (int(disk_usage.strip()) > 1000000):
            filename = 'new_space_%s' % i
            self._fill(filename, host)
            i += 1
            disk_usage = self.check_diskusage(host)

    def remove_fillfiles(self, filename, host):
        location = '/data'
        cmd_str = "ssh %s rm %s/diskfill/%s*" % (host, location, filename)
        cmd = Command(name='Remove fill files', cmdStr=cmd_str)
        tinctest.logger.info(" %s" % cmd)
        result = cmd.get_results()
        if result.rc != 0:
            raise Exception('Unable to delete the fill files')

    def cleanup(self):
        host = self.config.get_master_standbyhost()
        self.remove_fillfiles('new_space', host)
        #Recover segemnts in case segments and standby were on the same host
        cmd = Command(name='gprecoverseg', cmdStr='gprecoverseg -a')
        tinctest.logger.info(" %s" % cmd)
        result = cmd.get_results()
        if result.rc != 0:
            raise Exception('gprecoverseg failed')
        while (self.config.is_not_insync_segments() == False):
            tinctest.logger.info('Waiting for DB to be in sync')