Ejemplo n.º 1
    def setup(cls):
        module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
        snl_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'snl.yaml')
        cls.snldb = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(snl_f)

        tasks_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'materials.yaml')
        with open(tasks_f) as f2:
            task_creds = yaml.load(f2)

        mc = MongoClient(task_creds['host'], task_creds['port'])
        db = mc[task_creds['database']]
        db.authenticate(task_creds['admin_user'], task_creds['admin_password'])
        cls.materials = db[task_creds['collection']]
Ejemplo n.º 2
def archive_deprecated_fws():
    # find all snlgroups that are deprecated, and archive all WFs that have deprecated fw_ids so we don't run them
    module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    snl_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'snl.yaml')
    snldb = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(snl_f)
    snlgroups = snldb.snlgroups

    lp_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml')
    lpdb = LaunchPad.from_file(lp_f)

    for g in snlgroups.find({'canonical_snl.about.remarks':'DEPRECATED'}, {'snlgroup_id': 1}):
        while lpdb.fireworks.find_one({'spec.snlgroup_id': g['snlgroup_id'], 'state': {'$ne': 'ARCHIVED'}}, {'fw_id': 1}):
            fw = lpdb.fireworks.find_one({'spec.snlgroup_id': g['snlgroup_id'], 'state': {'$ne': 'ARCHIVED'}}, {'fw_id': 1})
            print fw['fw_id']

    print 'DONE'
Ejemplo n.º 3
def find_alternate_canonical():
    # see if we can replace a deprecated canonical SNL with a non-deprecated one

    module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

    snl_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'snl.yaml')
    snldb = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(snl_f)
    snl = snldb.snl
    snlgroups = snldb.snlgroups

    for g in snlgroups.find({"canonical_snl.about.remarks":"DEPRECATED"}, {"snlgroup_id": 1, "all_snl_ids": 1}):
        for s in snl.find({"snl_id": {"$in": g['all_snl_ids']}, "about.remarks": {"$ne": "DEPRECATED"}}):
            canonical_mpsnl = MPStructureNL.from_dict(s)
            snldb.switch_canonical_snl(g['snlgroup_id'], canonical_mpsnl)
            print g['snlgroup_id']

    print 'DONE'
Ejemplo n.º 4
def get_colls():
    colls = namedtuple('Collections', ['snl', 'snlgroups'])
    sma = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(snl_f)
    lp = LaunchPad.from_file(fw_f)

    colls.snl = sma.snl
    colls.snlgroups = sma.snlgroups
    colls.fireworks = lp.fireworks
    colls.launches = lp.launches

    with open(tasks_f) as f2:
        task_creds = yaml.load(f2)

    mc = MongoClient(task_creds['host'], task_creds['port'])
    db = mc[task_creds['database']]
    db.authenticate(task_creds['admin_user'], task_creds['admin_password'])
    colls.tasks = db['tasks']

    return colls
Ejemplo n.º 5
def detect():
    module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    snl_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'snl.yaml')
    snldb = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(snl_f)

    snl = snldb.snl
    snlgroups = snldb.snlgroups
    q = {"about._icsd.icsd_id":{"$exists":True}}  # icsd strctures
    q["about._icsd.coll_code"] =  {"$exists":False} # old ICSD structure
    q["about.history.description.fw_id"] = {"$exists":False} # non structure relaxations

    for old_s in snl.find(q, {"snl_id": 1, 'about._icsd.icsd_id': 1, 'about._materialsproject.deprecated.crystal_id_deprecated': 1}):
        icsd_id = old_s['about']['_icsd']['icsd_id']
        crystal_id = old_s['about']['_materialsproject']['deprecated']['crystal_id_deprecated']

        new_s = snl.find_one({"about._icsd.icsd_id":icsd_id, "about._icsd.coll_code":{"$exists":True}}, {"snl_id": 1})
        if new_s:
            n_groups = snlgroups.find({"all_snl_ids":{"$in":[old_s['snl_id'], new_s['snl_id']]}}).count()
            if n_groups != 1:
                # The crystal_id is bad
                print crystal_id
Ejemplo n.º 6
def fix():

    # initialize databases
    module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

    snl_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'snl.yaml')
    snldb = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(snl_f)
    snl = snldb.snl
    snlgroups = snldb.snlgroups

    tasks_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'tasks.yaml')
    with open(tasks_f) as f2:
        task_creds = yaml.load(f2)

    mc = MongoClient(task_creds['host'], task_creds['port'])
    db = mc[task_creds['database']]
    db.authenticate(task_creds['admin_user'], task_creds['admin_password'])
    tasks = db['tasks']

    tasks_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'tasks.yaml')
    with open(tasks_f) as f2:
        task_creds = yaml.load(f2)

    mc = MongoClient(task_creds['host'], task_creds['port'])
    db = mc[task_creds['database']]
    db.authenticate(task_creds['admin_user'], task_creds['admin_password'])
    tasks = db['tasks']

    lp_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'my_launchpad.yaml')
    lpdb = LaunchPad.from_file(lp_f)
    fws = lpdb.fireworks
    launches = lpdb.launches

    sb_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'submission.yaml')
    sbdb = SubmissionMongoAdapter.from_file(sb_f)
    submissions = sbdb.jobs

    bad_crystal_ids = []

    crystals_file = os.path.join(module_dir, 'bad_crystals.txt')
    with open(crystals_file) as f:
        for line in f:

    for c_id in bad_crystal_ids:
        if c_id == 100892 or c_id == 100202:
            print 'SKIP'

            # FIX SNL
            for s in snl.find({'about._materialsproject.deprecated.crystal_id_deprecated': c_id}, {'snl_id': 1}):
                snl.update({'snl_id': s['snl_id']}, {'$pushAll': {"about.remarks": ['DEPRECATED', 'SEVERE BUG IN ICSD CONVERSION']}})

            # FIX SNLGROUPS
            for s in snlgroups.find({'canonical_snl.about._materialsproject.deprecated.crystal_id_deprecated': c_id}, {'snlgroup_id': 1}):
                snlgroups.update({'snlgroup_id': s['snlgroup_id']}, {'$pushAll': {"canonical_snl.about.remarks": ['DEPRECATED', 'SEVERE BUG IN ICSD CONVERSION']}})

            # FIX FWs pt 1
            for s in fws.find({'spec.mpsnl.about._materialsproject.deprecated.crystal_id_deprecated': c_id}, {'fw_id': 1}):
                fws.update({'fw_id': s['fw_id']}, {'$pushAll': {"spec.mpsnl.about.remarks": ['DEPRECATED', 'SEVERE BUG IN ICSD CONVERSION']}})

            # FIX FWs pt 2
            for s in fws.find({'spec.force_mpsnl.about._materialsproject.deprecated.crystal_id_deprecated': c_id}, {'fw_id': 1}):
                fws.update({'fw_id': s['fw_id']}, {'$pushAll': {"spec.force_mpsnl.about.remarks": ['DEPRECATED', 'SEVERE BUG IN ICSD CONVERSION']}})

            # FIX Launches
            for s in launches.find({'action.update_spec.mpsnl.about._materialsproject.deprecated.crystal_id_deprecated': c_id}, {'launch_id': 1}):
                launches.update({'launch_id': s['launch_id']}, {'$pushAll': {"action.update_spec.mpsnl.about.remarks": ['DEPRECATED', 'SEVERE BUG IN ICSD CONVERSION']}})

            # FIX TASKS
            for s in tasks.find({'snl.about._materialsproject.deprecated.crystal_id_deprecated': c_id}, {'task_id': 1}):
                tasks.update({'task_id': s['task_id']}, {'$pushAll': {"snl.about.remarks": ['DEPRECATED', 'SEVERE BUG IN ICSD CONVERSION']}})
                tasks.update({'task_id': s['task_id']}, {'$pushAll': {"snl_final.about.remarks": ['DEPRECATED', 'SEVERE BUG IN ICSD CONVERSION']}})

            # FIX SUBMISSIONS
            for s in submissions.find({'about._materialsproject.deprecated.crystal_id_deprecated': c_id}, {'submission_id': 1}):
                submissions.update({'submission_id': s['submission_id']}, {'$pushAll': {"about.remarks": ['DEPRECATED', 'SEVERE BUG IN ICSD CONVERSION']}})

            print 'FIXED', c_id
Ejemplo n.º 7
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from custodian.vasp.handlers import VaspErrorHandler

cwd = os.getcwd()

# DONE manually: "mp-987" -> fw_id: 119629

lpdb = LaunchPad.from_file(
spec = {
    'task_type': 'Controller: add Electronic Structure v2',
    '_priority': 100000
sma = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(
with open('/global/homes/m/matcomp/mp_prod/materials_db_prod.yaml') as f:
    creds = yaml.load(f)
client = MongoClient(creds['host'], creds['port'])
db = client[creds['db']]
db.authenticate(creds['username'], creds['password'])
materials = db['materials']
tasks = db['tasks']
print materials.count()

def append_wf(fw_id, parent_fw_id=None):
    wf = lpdb.workflows.find_one({'nodes': fw_id}, {
        'parent_links': 1,
        'links': 1,
        'name': 1
Ejemplo n.º 8
if __name__ == '__main__':

    module_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    automation_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'automation.yaml')
    snl_f = os.path.join(module_dir, 'snl.yaml')

    with open(automation_f) as f:
        y = yaml.load(f)

    mc = MongoClient(y['host'], y['port'])
    db = mc[y['db']]

    db.authenticate(y['username'], y['password'])

    snldb = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(snl_f)

    prev_ids = []  # MPS ids that we already took care of

    print 'INITIALIZING'
    if RESET:
        time.sleep(10)  # makes me sleep better at night

        for mps in snldb.snl.find({}, {"about._materialsproject.deprecated.mps_ids": 1}):

    print 'PROCESSING'
    for mps in db.mps.find(timeout=False):
import time, yaml, sys
from fireworks.core.launchpad import LaunchPad
from fireworks.core.firework import Firework, Workflow
from mpworks.firetasks.controller_tasks import AddEStructureTask
from fireworks.utilities.fw_utilities import get_slug
from mpworks.snl_utils.snl_mongo import SNLMongoAdapter
from pymongo import MongoClient
from collections import Counter
from datetime import datetime
from fnmatch import fnmatch

# DONE manually: "mp-987" -> fw_id: 119629

lpdb = LaunchPad.from_file('/global/homes/m/matcomp/mp_prod/config/config_Mendel/my_launchpad.yaml')
spec = {'task_type': 'Controller: add Electronic Structure v2', '_priority': 100000}
sma = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file('/global/homes/m/matcomp/mp_prod/config/dbs/snl_db.yaml')
with open('/global/homes/m/matcomp/mp_prod/materials_db_prod.yaml') as f:
    creds = yaml.load(f)
client = MongoClient(creds['host'], creds['port'])
db = client[creds['db']]
db.authenticate(creds['username'], creds['password'])
materials = db['materials']
tasks = db['tasks']

def append_wf(fw_id, parent_fw_id=None):
    wf = lpdb.workflows.find_one({'nodes':fw_id}, {'parent_links':1,'links':1,'name':1})
        if parent_fw_id is None:
            parent_fw_id = wf['parent_links'][str(fw_id)][-1]
        # non-defused AddEStructureTask v2 already in children?
        for child_fw_id in wf['links'][str(parent_fw_id)]:
Ejemplo n.º 10
def analyze(args):
    """analyze data at any point for a copy of the streaming figure"""
    # NOTE: make copy online first with suffix _%Y-%m-%d and note figure id
    fig = py.get_figure(creds['username'], args.fig_id)
    if args.t:
        if args.fig_id == 42:
            label_entries = filter(
                None, '<br>'.join(fig['data'][2]['text']).split('<br>'))
            pairs = map(make_tuple, label_entries)
            grps = set(chain.from_iterable(pairs))
            snlgrp_cursor = sma.snlgroups.aggregate([{
                '$match': {
                    'snlgroup_id': {
                        '$in': list(grps)
                    'canonical_snl.about.projects': {
                        '$ne': 'CederDahn Challenge'
            }, {
                '$project': {
                    'snlgroup_id': 1,
                    'canonical_snl.snlgroup_key': 1,
                    '_id': 0
            snlgroup_keys = {}
            for d in snlgrp_cursor:
                    d['snlgroup_id']] = d['canonical_snl']['snlgroup_key']
            print snlgroup_keys[40890]
            sma2 = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(
                os.path.join(os.environ['DB_LOC'], 'materials_db.yaml'))
            materials_cursor = sma2.database.materials.aggregate([{
                '$match': {
                    'snlgroup_id_final': {
                        '$in': list(grps)
                    'snl_final.about.projects': {
                        '$ne': 'CederDahn Challenge'
            }, {
                '$project': {
                    'snlgroup_id_final': 1,
                    '_id': 0,
                    'task_id': 1,
                    'final_energy_per_atom': 1,
                    'band_gap.search_gap.band_gap': 1,
                    'volume': 1,
                    'nsites': 1
            snlgroup_data = {}
            for material in materials_cursor:
                snlgroup_id = material['snlgroup_id_final']
                final_energy_per_atom = material['final_energy_per_atom']
                band_gap = material['band_gap']['search_gap']['band_gap']
                volume_per_atom = material['volume'] / material['nsites']
                snlgroup_data[snlgroup_id] = {
                    'final_energy_per_atom': final_energy_per_atom,
                    'band_gap': band_gap,
                    'task_id': material['task_id'],
                    'volume_per_atom': volume_per_atom
            print snlgroup_data[40890]
            filestem = 'mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snlgroups_2_'
            with open(filestem+'in_matdb.csv', 'wb') as f, \
                    open(filestem+'notin_matdb.csv', 'wb') as g:
                writer1, writer2 = csv.writer(f), csv.writer(g)
                header = [
                    'category', 'composition', 'snlgroup_id 1', 'sg_num 1',
                    'task_id 1', 'snlgroup_id 2', 'sg_num 2', 'task_id 2',
                    'delta_energy', 'delta_bandgap', 'delta_volume_per_atom',
                    'rms_dist', 'scenario'
                for primary_id, secondary_id in pairs:
                    if primary_id not in snlgroup_keys or \
                       secondary_id not in snlgroup_keys:
                    composition, primary_sg_num = snlgroup_keys[
                    secondary_sg_num = snlgroup_keys[secondary_id].split(
                    category = 'same SGs' if primary_sg_num == secondary_sg_num else 'diff. SGs'
                    if primary_id not in snlgroup_data or secondary_id not in snlgroup_data:
                        delta_energy, delta_bandgap, delta_volume_per_atom = '', '', ''
                        delta_energy = "{0:.3g}".format(abs(
                            snlgroup_data[primary_id]['final_energy_per_atom'] - \
                        delta_bandgap = "{0:.3g}".format(abs(
                            snlgroup_data[primary_id]['band_gap'] - \
                        delta_volume_per_atom = "{0:.3g}".format(abs(
                            snlgroup_data[primary_id]['volume_per_atom'] - \
                    scenario, rms_dist_str = '', ''
                    if category == 'diff. SGs' and delta_energy and delta_bandgap:
                        scenario = 'different' if (
                            float(delta_energy) > 0.01
                            or float(delta_bandgap) > 0.1) else 'similar'
                        snlgrp1_dict = sma.snlgroups.find_one(
                            {"snlgroup_id": primary_id})
                        snlgrp2_dict = sma.snlgroups.find_one(
                            {"snlgroup_id": secondary_id})
                        snlgrp1 = SNLGroup.from_dict(snlgrp1_dict)
                        snlgrp2 = SNLGroup.from_dict(snlgrp2_dict)
                        primary_structure = snlgrp1.canonical_structure
                        secondary_structure = snlgrp2.canonical_structure
                        rms_dist = matcher.get_rms_dist(
                            primary_structure, secondary_structure)
                        if rms_dist is not None:
                            rms_dist_str = "({0:.3g},{1:.3g})".format(
                            print rms_dist_str
                    row = [
                        category, composition,
                        primary_id, primary_sg_num,
                        snlgroup_data[primary_id]['task_id'] \
                        if primary_id in snlgroup_data else '',
                        secondary_id, secondary_sg_num,
                        snlgroup_data[secondary_id]['task_id'] \
                        if secondary_id in snlgroup_data else '',
                        delta_energy, delta_bandgap, delta_volume_per_atom,
                        rms_dist_str, scenario
                    if delta_energy and delta_bandgap: writer1.writerow(row)
                    else: writer2.writerow(row)
        elif args.fig_id == 16:
            out_fig = Figure()
            badsnls_trace = Scatter(x=[],
                                    name='SG Changes')
            bisectrix = Scatter(x=[0, 230],
                                y=[0, 230],
            print 'pulling bad snls from plotly ...'
            bad_snls = OrderedDict()
            for category, text in zip(fig['data'][2]['y'],
                for snl_id in map(int, text.split('<br>')):
                    bad_snls[snl_id] = category
            with open('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snls.csv', 'wb') as f:
                print 'pulling bad snls from database ...'
                mpsnl_cursor = sma.snl.find({
                    'snl_id': {
                        '$in': bad_snls.keys()
                    'about.projects': {
                        '$ne': 'CederDahn Challenge'
                writer = csv.writer(f)
                    'snl_id', 'category', 'snlgroup_key', 'nsites', 'remarks',
                    'projects', 'authors'
                print 'writing bad snls to file ...'
                for mpsnl_dict in mpsnl_cursor:
                    mpsnl = MPStructureNL.from_dict(mpsnl_dict)
                    row = [
                        mpsnl.snl_id, bad_snls[mpsnl.snl_id],
                    row += _get_snl_extra_info(mpsnl)
                    sg_num = mpsnl.snlgroup_key.split('--')[1]
                    if (bad_snls[mpsnl.snl_id] == 'SG default' and sg_num != '-1') or \
                       bad_snls[mpsnl.snl_id] == 'SG change':
                        sf = SpacegroupAnalyzer(mpsnl.structure, symprec=0.1)
                        if bad_snls[mpsnl.snl_id] == 'SG default':
                            print sg_num, sf.get_spacegroup_number()
                print 'plotting out-fig ...'
                out_fig['data'] = Data([bisectrix, badsnls_trace])
                out_fig['layout'] = Layout(
                    title='Spacegroup Assignment Changes',
                                title='old SG number',
                                range=[0, 230]),
                                title='new SG number',
                                range=[0, 230]),
                filename = 'spacegroup_changes_'
                filename += datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                py.plot(out_fig, filename=filename, auto_open=False)
        elif args.fig_id == 43:  # SNLGroupMemberChecker
            matcher2 = StructureMatcher(ltol=0.2,
            print 'pulling data from plotly ...'
            trace = Scatter(x=[],
            bad_snls = OrderedDict()  # snlgroup_id : [ mismatching snl_ids ]
            for category, text in zip(fig['data'][2]['y'],
                if category != 'mismatch': continue
                for entry in text.split('<br>'):
                    fields = entry.split(':')
                    snlgroup_id = int(fields[0].split(',')[0])
                    print snlgroup_id
                    snlgrp_dict = sma.snlgroups.find_one(
                        {'snlgroup_id': snlgroup_id})
                    snlgrp = SNLGroup.from_dict(snlgrp_dict)
                    s1 = snlgrp.canonical_structure.get_primitive_structure()
                    bad_snls[snlgroup_id] = []
                    for i, snl_id in enumerate(fields[1].split(',')):
                        mpsnl_dict = sma.snl.find_one({'snl_id': int(snl_id)})
                        if 'CederDahn Challenge' in mpsnl_dict['about'][
                            print 'skip CederDahn: %s' % snl_id
                        mpsnl = MPStructureNL.from_dict(mpsnl_dict)
                        s2 = mpsnl.structure.get_primitive_structure()
                        is_match = matcher2.fit(s1, s2)
                        if is_match: continue
                        trace['y'].append(i + 1)
                    if len(bad_snls[snlgroup_id]) < 1:
                        bad_snls.pop(snlgroup_id, None)
            with open('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snlgroups.csv',
                      'wb') as f:
                print 'pulling bad snlgroups from database ...'
                snlgroup_cursor = sma.snlgroups.find({
                    'snlgroup_id': {
                        '$in': bad_snls.keys()
                writer = csv.writer(f)
                    ['snlgroup_id', 'snlgroup_key', 'mismatching snl_ids'])
                print 'writing bad snlgroups to file ...'
                for snlgroup_dict in snlgroup_cursor:
                    snlgroup = SNLGroup.from_dict(snlgroup_dict)
                    row = [
                        ' '.join(bad_snls[snlgroup.snlgroup_id])
            print 'plotting out-fig ...'
            out_fig = Figure()
            out_fig['data'] = Data([trace])
            out_fig['layout'] = Layout(
                title='Member Mismatches of SNLGroup Canonicals',
                yaxis=YAxis(showgrid=False, title='# mismatching SNLs'),
            filename = 'groupmember_mismatches_'
            filename += datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
            py.plot(out_fig, filename=filename, auto_open=False)
        errors = Counter()
        bad_snls = OrderedDict()
        bad_snlgroups = OrderedDict()
        for i, d in enumerate(fig['data']):
            if not isinstance(d, Scatter): continue
            if not 'x' in d or not 'y' in d or not 'text' in d: continue
            start_id = int(d['name'].split(' - ')[0][:-1]) * 1000
            marker_colors = d['marker']['color']
            if i < 2 * num_snl_streams:  # spacegroups
                errors += Counter(marker_colors)
                for idx, color in enumerate(marker_colors):
                    snl_id = start_id + d['x'][idx]
                    color_index = category_colors.index(color)
                    category = categories[color_index]
                    bad_snls[snl_id] = category
            else:  # groupmembers
                for idx, color in enumerate(marker_colors):
                    if color != category_colors[0]: continue
                    snlgroup_id = start_id + d['x'][idx]
                    mismatch_snl_id, canonical_snl_id = d['text'][idx].split(
                        ' != ')
                    bad_snlgroups[snlgroup_id] = int(mismatch_snl_id)
        print errors
        fig_data = fig['data'][-1]
        fig_data['x'] = [
            errors[color] for color in fig_data['marker']['color']
        filename = _get_filename()
        print filename
        #py.plot(fig, filename=filename)
        with open('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snls.csv', 'wb') as f:
            mpsnl_cursor = sma.snl.find({'snl_id': {'$in': bad_snls.keys()}})
            writer = csv.writer(f)
                'snl_id', 'category', 'snlgroup_key', 'nsites', 'remarks',
                'projects', 'authors'
            for mpsnl_dict in mpsnl_cursor:
                mpsnl = MPStructureNL.from_dict(mpsnl_dict)
                row = [
                    mpsnl.snl_id, bad_snls[mpsnl.snl_id], mpsnl.snlgroup_key
                row += _get_snl_extra_info(mpsnl)
        with open('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snlgroups.csv', 'wb') as f:
            snlgrp_cursor = sma.snlgroups.find(
                {'snlgroup_id': {
                    '$in': bad_snlgroups.keys()
            first_mismatch_snls_cursor = sma.snl.find(
                {'snl_id': {
                    '$in': bad_snlgroups.values()
            first_mismatch_snl_info = OrderedDict()
            for mpsnl_dict in first_mismatch_snls_cursor:
                mpsnl = MPStructureNL.from_dict(mpsnl_dict)
                first_mismatch_snl_info[mpsnl.snl_id] = _get_snl_extra_info(
            writer = csv.writer(f)
                'snlgroup_id', 'snlgroup_key', 'canonical_snl_id',
                'first_mismatching_snl_id', 'nsites', 'remarks', 'projects',
            for snlgrp_dict in snlgrp_cursor:
                snlgrp = SNLGroup.from_dict(snlgrp_dict)
                first_mismatch_snl_id = bad_snlgroups[snlgrp.snlgroup_id]
                row = [
                    snlgrp.snlgroup_id, snlgrp.canonical_snl.snlgroup_key,
                    snlgrp.canonical_snl.snl_id, first_mismatch_snl_id
                row += [
                    ' & '.join(pair) if pair[0] != pair[1] else pair[0]
                    for pair in zip(
Ejemplo n.º 11
import os
import plotly.plotly as py
from pandas import DataFrame
from mpworks.snl_utils.snl_mongo import SNLMongoAdapter

sma = SNLMongoAdapter.auto_load()
sma2 = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(
    os.path.join(os.environ['DB_LOC'], 'materials_db.yaml'))

def _get_snlgroup_id(snl_id):
    return sma.snlgroups.find_one({'all_snl_ids': int(snl_id)}, {
        'snlgroup_id': 1,
        '_id': 0

def _get_mp_id(snlgroup_id):
    mat = sma2.database.materials.find_one({'snlgroup_id_final': snlgroup_id},
                                               '_id': 0,
                                               'task_id': 1
    if mat is not None:
        return mat['task_id']
    return 'not found'

def _get_mp_link(mp_id):
    if mp_id == 'not found': return mp_id
    url = 'link:$$https://materialsproject.org/materials/'
Ejemplo n.º 12
def analyze(args):
    """analyze data at any point for a copy of the streaming figure"""
    # NOTE: make copy online first with suffix _%Y-%m-%d and note figure id
    fig = py.get_figure(creds['username'], args.fig_id)
    if args.t:
        if args.fig_id == 42:
            label_entries = filter(None, '<br>'.join(fig['data'][2]['text']).split('<br>'))
            pairs = map(make_tuple, label_entries)
            grps = set(chain.from_iterable(pairs))
            snlgrp_cursor = sma.snlgroups.aggregate([
                { '$match': {
                    'snlgroup_id': { '$in': list(grps) },
                    'canonical_snl.about.projects': {'$ne': 'CederDahn Challenge'}
                } },
                { '$project': { 'snlgroup_id': 1, 'canonical_snl.snlgroup_key': 1, '_id': 0 } }
            ], cursor={})
            snlgroup_keys = {}
            for d in snlgrp_cursor:
                snlgroup_keys[d['snlgroup_id']] = d['canonical_snl']['snlgroup_key']
            print snlgroup_keys[40890]
            sma2 = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(
                os.path.join(os.environ['DB_LOC'], 'materials_db.yaml')
            materials_cursor = sma2.database.materials.aggregate([
                { '$match': {
                    'snlgroup_id_final': { '$in': list(grps) },
                    'snl_final.about.projects': {'$ne': 'CederDahn Challenge'}
                } },
                { '$project': {
                    'snlgroup_id_final': 1, '_id': 0, 'task_id': 1,
                    'final_energy_per_atom': 1,
                    'band_gap.search_gap.band_gap': 1,
                    'volume': 1, 'nsites': 1
            ], cursor={})
            snlgroup_data = {}
            for material in materials_cursor:
                snlgroup_id = material['snlgroup_id_final']
                final_energy_per_atom = material['final_energy_per_atom']
                band_gap = material['band_gap']['search_gap']['band_gap']
                volume_per_atom = material['volume'] / material['nsites']
                snlgroup_data[snlgroup_id] = {
                    'final_energy_per_atom': final_energy_per_atom,
                    'band_gap': band_gap, 'task_id': material['task_id'],
                    'volume_per_atom': volume_per_atom
            print snlgroup_data[40890]
            filestem = 'mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snlgroups_2_'
            with open(filestem+'in_matdb.csv', 'wb') as f, \
                    open(filestem+'notin_matdb.csv', 'wb') as g:
                writer1, writer2 = csv.writer(f), csv.writer(g)
                header = [
                    'category', 'composition',
                    'snlgroup_id 1', 'sg_num 1', 'task_id 1',
                    'snlgroup_id 2', 'sg_num 2', 'task_id 2',
                    'delta_energy', 'delta_bandgap', 'delta_volume_per_atom',
                    'rms_dist', 'scenario'
                for primary_id, secondary_id in pairs:
                    if primary_id not in snlgroup_keys or \
                       secondary_id not in snlgroup_keys: continue
                    composition, primary_sg_num = snlgroup_keys[primary_id].split('--')
                    secondary_sg_num = snlgroup_keys[secondary_id].split('--')[1]
                    category = 'same SGs' if primary_sg_num == secondary_sg_num else 'diff. SGs'
                    if primary_id not in snlgroup_data or secondary_id not in snlgroup_data:
                        delta_energy, delta_bandgap, delta_volume_per_atom = '', '', ''
                        delta_energy = "{0:.3g}".format(abs(
                            snlgroup_data[primary_id]['final_energy_per_atom'] - \
                        delta_bandgap = "{0:.3g}".format(abs(
                            snlgroup_data[primary_id]['band_gap'] - \
                        delta_volume_per_atom = "{0:.3g}".format(abs(
                            snlgroup_data[primary_id]['volume_per_atom'] - \
                    scenario, rms_dist_str = '', ''
                    if category == 'diff. SGs' and delta_energy and delta_bandgap:
                        scenario = 'different' if (
                            float(delta_energy) > 0.01 or float(delta_bandgap) > 0.1
                        ) else 'similar'
                        snlgrp1_dict = sma.snlgroups.find_one({ "snlgroup_id": primary_id })
                        snlgrp2_dict = sma.snlgroups.find_one({ "snlgroup_id": secondary_id })
                        snlgrp1 = SNLGroup.from_dict(snlgrp1_dict)
                        snlgrp2 = SNLGroup.from_dict(snlgrp2_dict)
                        primary_structure = snlgrp1.canonical_structure
                        secondary_structure = snlgrp2.canonical_structure
                        rms_dist = matcher.get_rms_dist(primary_structure, secondary_structure)
                        if rms_dist is not None:
                            rms_dist_str = "({0:.3g},{1:.3g})".format(*rms_dist)
                            print rms_dist_str
                    row = [
                        category, composition,
                        primary_id, primary_sg_num,
                        snlgroup_data[primary_id]['task_id'] \
                        if primary_id in snlgroup_data else '',
                        secondary_id, secondary_sg_num,
                        snlgroup_data[secondary_id]['task_id'] \
                        if secondary_id in snlgroup_data else '',
                        delta_energy, delta_bandgap, delta_volume_per_atom,
                        rms_dist_str, scenario
                    if delta_energy and delta_bandgap: writer1.writerow(row)
                    else: writer2.writerow(row)
        elif args.fig_id == 16:
            out_fig = Figure()
            badsnls_trace = Scatter(x=[], y=[], text=[], mode='markers', name='SG Changes')
            bisectrix = Scatter(x=[0,230], y=[0,230], mode='lines', name='bisectrix')
            print 'pulling bad snls from plotly ...'
            bad_snls = OrderedDict()
            for category, text in zip(fig['data'][2]['y'], fig['data'][2]['text']):
                for snl_id in map(int, text.split('<br>')):
                    bad_snls[snl_id] = category
            with open('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snls.csv', 'wb') as f:
                print 'pulling bad snls from database ...'
                mpsnl_cursor = sma.snl.find({
                    'snl_id': { '$in': bad_snls.keys() },
                    'about.projects': {'$ne': 'CederDahn Challenge'}
                writer = csv.writer(f)
                    'snl_id', 'category', 'snlgroup_key', 'nsites', 'remarks', 'projects', 'authors'
                print 'writing bad snls to file ...'
                for mpsnl_dict in mpsnl_cursor:
                    mpsnl = MPStructureNL.from_dict(mpsnl_dict)
                    row = [ mpsnl.snl_id, bad_snls[mpsnl.snl_id], mpsnl.snlgroup_key ]
                    row += _get_snl_extra_info(mpsnl)
                    sg_num = mpsnl.snlgroup_key.split('--')[1]
                    if (bad_snls[mpsnl.snl_id] == 'SG default' and sg_num != '-1') or \
                       bad_snls[mpsnl.snl_id] == 'SG change':
                        sf = SpacegroupAnalyzer(mpsnl.structure, symprec=0.1)
                        if bad_snls[mpsnl.snl_id] == 'SG default':
                            print sg_num, sf.get_spacegroup_number()
                print 'plotting out-fig ...'
                out_fig['data'] = Data([bisectrix, badsnls_trace])
                out_fig['layout'] = Layout(
                    showlegend=False, hovermode='closest',
                    title='Spacegroup Assignment Changes',
                    xaxis=XAxis(showgrid=False, title='old SG number', range=[0,230]),
                    yaxis=YAxis(showgrid=False, title='new SG number', range=[0,230]),
                filename = 'spacegroup_changes_'
                filename += datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') 
                py.plot(out_fig, filename=filename, auto_open=False)
        elif args.fig_id == 43: # SNLGroupMemberChecker
            matcher2 = StructureMatcher(
                ltol=0.2, stol=0.3, angle_tol=5, primitive_cell=False, scale=True,
                attempt_supercell=True, comparator=ElementComparator()
            print 'pulling data from plotly ...'
            trace = Scatter(x=[], y=[], text=[], mode='markers', name='mismatches')
            bad_snls = OrderedDict() # snlgroup_id : [ mismatching snl_ids ]
            for category, text in zip(fig['data'][2]['y'], fig['data'][2]['text']):
                if category != 'mismatch': continue
                for entry in text.split('<br>'):
                    fields = entry.split(':')
                    snlgroup_id = int(fields[0].split(',')[0])
                    print snlgroup_id
                    snlgrp_dict = sma.snlgroups.find_one({ 'snlgroup_id': snlgroup_id })
                    snlgrp = SNLGroup.from_dict(snlgrp_dict)
                    s1 = snlgrp.canonical_structure.get_primitive_structure()
                    bad_snls[snlgroup_id] = []
                    for i, snl_id in enumerate(fields[1].split(',')):
                        mpsnl_dict = sma.snl.find_one({ 'snl_id': int(snl_id) })
                        if 'CederDahn Challenge' in mpsnl_dict['about']['projects']:
                            print 'skip CederDahn: %s' % snl_id
                        mpsnl = MPStructureNL.from_dict(mpsnl_dict)
                        s2 = mpsnl.structure.get_primitive_structure()
                        is_match = matcher2.fit(s1, s2)
                        if is_match: continue
                    if len(bad_snls[snlgroup_id]) < 1:
                        bad_snls.pop(snlgroup_id, None)
            with open('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snlgroups.csv', 'wb') as f:
                print 'pulling bad snlgroups from database ...'
                snlgroup_cursor = sma.snlgroups.find({
                    'snlgroup_id': { '$in': bad_snls.keys() },
                writer = csv.writer(f)
                writer.writerow(['snlgroup_id', 'snlgroup_key', 'mismatching snl_ids'])
                print 'writing bad snlgroups to file ...'
                for snlgroup_dict in snlgroup_cursor:
                    snlgroup = SNLGroup.from_dict(snlgroup_dict)
                    row = [
                        snlgroup.snlgroup_id, snlgroup.canonical_snl.snlgroup_key,
                        ' '.join(bad_snls[snlgroup.snlgroup_id])
            print 'plotting out-fig ...'
            out_fig = Figure()
            out_fig['data'] = Data([trace])
            out_fig['layout'] = Layout(
                showlegend=False, hovermode='closest',
                title='Member Mismatches of SNLGroup Canonicals',
                xaxis=XAxis(showgrid=False, title='snlgroup_id', showexponent='none'),
                yaxis=YAxis(showgrid=False, title='# mismatching SNLs'),
            filename = 'groupmember_mismatches_'
            filename += datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') 
            py.plot(out_fig, filename=filename, auto_open=False)
        errors = Counter()
        bad_snls = OrderedDict()
        bad_snlgroups = OrderedDict()
        for i,d in enumerate(fig['data']):
            if not isinstance(d, Scatter): continue
            if not 'x' in d or not 'y' in d or not 'text' in d: continue
            start_id = int(d['name'].split(' - ')[0][:-1])*1000
            marker_colors = d['marker']['color']
            if i < 2*num_snl_streams: # spacegroups
                errors += Counter(marker_colors)
                for idx,color in enumerate(marker_colors):
                    snl_id = start_id + d['x'][idx]
                    color_index = category_colors.index(color)
                    category = categories[color_index]
                    bad_snls[snl_id] = category
            else: # groupmembers
                for idx,color in enumerate(marker_colors):
                    if color != category_colors[0]: continue
                    snlgroup_id = start_id + d['x'][idx]
                    mismatch_snl_id, canonical_snl_id = d['text'][idx].split(' != ')
                    bad_snlgroups[snlgroup_id] = int(mismatch_snl_id)
        print errors
        fig_data = fig['data'][-1]
        fig_data['x'] = [ errors[color] for color in fig_data['marker']['color'] ]
        filename = _get_filename()
        print filename
        #py.plot(fig, filename=filename)
        with open('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snls.csv', 'wb') as f:
            mpsnl_cursor = sma.snl.find({ 'snl_id': { '$in': bad_snls.keys() } })
            writer = csv.writer(f)
                'snl_id', 'category', 'snlgroup_key', 'nsites', 'remarks', 'projects', 'authors'
            for mpsnl_dict in mpsnl_cursor:
                mpsnl = MPStructureNL.from_dict(mpsnl_dict)
                row = [ mpsnl.snl_id, bad_snls[mpsnl.snl_id], mpsnl.snlgroup_key ]
                row += _get_snl_extra_info(mpsnl)
        with open('mpworks/check_snl/results/bad_snlgroups.csv', 'wb') as f:
            snlgrp_cursor = sma.snlgroups.find({ 'snlgroup_id': { '$in': bad_snlgroups.keys() } })
            first_mismatch_snls_cursor = sma.snl.find({ 'snl_id': { '$in': bad_snlgroups.values() } })
            first_mismatch_snl_info = OrderedDict()
            for mpsnl_dict in first_mismatch_snls_cursor:
                mpsnl = MPStructureNL.from_dict(mpsnl_dict)
                first_mismatch_snl_info[mpsnl.snl_id] = _get_snl_extra_info(mpsnl)
            writer = csv.writer(f)
                'snlgroup_id', 'snlgroup_key',
                'canonical_snl_id', 'first_mismatching_snl_id',
                 'nsites', 'remarks', 'projects', 'authors'
            for snlgrp_dict in snlgrp_cursor:
                snlgrp = SNLGroup.from_dict(snlgrp_dict)
                first_mismatch_snl_id = bad_snlgroups[snlgrp.snlgroup_id]
                row = [
                    snlgrp.snlgroup_id, snlgrp.canonical_snl.snlgroup_key,
                    snlgrp.canonical_snl.snl_id, first_mismatch_snl_id
                row += [
                    ' & '.join(pair) if pair[0] != pair[1] else pair[0]
                    for pair in zip(
Ejemplo n.º 13
import os
import plotly.plotly as py
from pandas import DataFrame
from mpworks.snl_utils.snl_mongo import SNLMongoAdapter

sma = SNLMongoAdapter.auto_load()
sma2 = SNLMongoAdapter.from_file(
    os.path.join(os.environ['DB_LOC'], 'materials_db.yaml')

def _get_snlgroup_id(snl_id):
    return sma.snlgroups.find_one(
        {'all_snl_ids': int(snl_id)},
        {'snlgroup_id': 1, '_id': 0}

def _get_mp_id(snlgroup_id):
    mat = sma2.database.materials.find_one(
        {'snlgroup_id_final': snlgroup_id},
        {'_id': 0, 'task_id': 1}
    if mat is not None:
        return mat['task_id']
    return 'not found'

def _get_mp_link(mp_id):
    if mp_id == 'not found': return mp_id
    url = 'link:$$https://materialsproject.org/materials/'
    url += mp_id
    url += '$$[%s]' % mp_id