Ejemplo n.º 1
class RznetNode(CompositeNode):
    """class RznetNode: Encapsulates node operations for 
    an rznet-protocol serial port interface. Instanciated as ONLY child 
    of a Port node. (@fixme: Enforce the ONLY part...)
    version = '0.0'

    def __init__(self):
        self.running = 0
        self.line_handler = None
        self._pnts_map = {}
        self.debug_lvl = 0  # should be valid immediately after ctor, NOT just after configure()
        self.__status = None

    def configure(self, config):
        self.debug_print(1, 'RznetNode: configure()')
        CompositeNode.configure(self, config)
        #set_attribute(self, 'discover', 0, config, as_boolean)
        config_dir = _properties.properties.CONFIGURATION_DIR
        self.x_points_file_path = config_dir + '/xpoints_' + self.parent.name + '.net'  # HARDCODED - rmv from nodedefs!
        self.debug_print(1, self.x_points_file_path)
        self.xml_file_path = config_dir + '/rznp_' + self.parent.name + '.xml'  # HARDCODED - rmv from nodedefs!
            self, 'rzhost_slave_port', 6005, config,
            int)  # potl conn to PhWin, via skt; points file datum overrides
            self, 'rzhost_master_path', '',
            config)  # potl RZHostMaster conn to Ext Modem Server, via COMx
            self, 'QA', 0, config,
            as_boolean)  # 1: disables Int Modem Server, enables pass-through
        set_attribute(self, 'rznet_addr', 100000, config,
                      int)  # rznet addr; '0' = let ldisc determine it
        set_attribute(self, 'def_max_dev_subscrs', 256, config,
                      int)  # max subscrs allowed per device
            self, '__node_id__', '120077', config
        )  # allows dyn node creation; not presently used for RznetNode
        set_attribute(self, 'debug_lvl', 0, config, int)
        self.com_port_path = self.parent.as_node_url()

    def configuration(self):
        config = CompositeNode.configuration(self)
        get_attribute(self, 'debug_lvl', config, int)
        #get_attribute(self, 'discover', config, as_onoff)
        get_attribute(self, 'x_points_file_path', config)
        get_attribute(self, 'rzhost_slave_port', config, int)
        get_attribute(self, 'rzhost_master_path', config)
        get_attribute(self, 'QA', config, as_boolean)
        get_attribute(self, 'rznet_addr', config,
                      int)  # rznet addr; '0' = let ldisc determine it
        get_attribute(self, 'def_max_dev_subscrs', config, int)
        get_attribute(self, '__node_id__', config)
        get_attribute(self, 'com_port_path', config)
            self._token_list_ = self.get_token_list()
            get_attribute(self, '_token_list_', config)
        return config

    def start(self):
        self.debug_print(1, 'start()')
        if not self.running:
            self.running = 1
            self.__status = -1
            # If Config has disabled Internal Modem Server, try to get a ref to the
            # ComIfRouteNode at the given rzhost_master_path (in nodetree):
            port_node = None
            self.debug_print(1, 'rzhost_master_path = %s',
            if self.QA != 0:
                    com_if_node = as_internal_node(self.rzhost_master_path)
                except ENoSuchName, segment:
                    msglog.log('RznetNode', msglog.types.ERR,
                               ('Failed to find'
                                ' InterfaceRouterNode object'
                                ' at %s, at segment %s!'
                                ' Pass-through will not run.') %
                               (self.rzhost_master_path, segment))
                    port_node = com_if_node.parent
            self.debug_print(1, 'port_node = %s', str(port_node))
            # Create/init thread that runs the whole shootin' match. Pass in
            # desired rznet_addr:
            self.line_handler = RznetThread(self.parent,
                                            self.rzhost_slave_port, port_node,
                                            self.QA, self.rznet_addr, self)
            # applies to ALL devices
            self.line_handler.def_max_dev_subscrs = self.def_max_dev_subscrs
            # Discover kids in start() rather than in configure, because
            # creating nodes in configure could conceivably confuse the
            # framework (ie should it attempt to config the new nodes?).
            # discover_children() explicitly configs each child node.
            if self.parent.as_node_url() != '/services/control':  #under com
                self.discover_children()  #need to kick start old style nodes
            #next, start the line handler thread
            # opens RS485 file object, and slave and
            # cmd sockets
            # @fixme HACK to wait for the line_handler thread to init.
            # @fixme END HACK to wait for the line_handler thread to init.

            self.rznet_addr = self.line_handler.get_addrs()[
                0]  # get actual addr from ldisc:
            self.debug_print(1, 'ldisc has addr %d.', self.rznet_addr)
            )  #send this out AFTER all bound_proxies are started
            self.__status = 1
Ejemplo n.º 2
class RznetNode(CompositeNode):
    """class RznetNode: Encapsulates node operations for 
    an rznet-protocol serial port interface. Instanciated as ONLY child 
    of a Port node. (@fixme: Enforce the ONLY part...)
    version = '0.0'
    def __init__(self):
        self.running = 0
        self.line_handler = None
        self._pnts_map = {}
        self.debug_lvl = 0 # should be valid immediately after ctor, NOT just after configure()
        self.__status = None
    def configure(self, config):
        self.debug_print(1, 'RznetNode: configure()')
        CompositeNode.configure(self, config)
        #set_attribute(self, 'discover', 0, config, as_boolean)
        config_dir = _properties.properties.CONFIGURATION_DIR
        self.x_points_file_path = config_dir + '/xpoints_' + self.parent.name + '.net' # HARDCODED - rmv from nodedefs!
        self.debug_print(1, self.x_points_file_path)
        self.xml_file_path = config_dir + '/rznp_' + self.parent.name + '.xml' # HARDCODED - rmv from nodedefs!
        set_attribute(self, 'rzhost_slave_port', 6005, config, int) # potl conn to PhWin, via skt; points file datum overrides
        set_attribute(self, 'rzhost_master_path', '', config)  # potl RZHostMaster conn to Ext Modem Server, via COMx
        set_attribute(self, 'QA', 0, config, as_boolean)  # 1: disables Int Modem Server, enables pass-through
        set_attribute(self, 'rznet_addr', 100000, config, int)  # rznet addr; '0' = let ldisc determine it
        set_attribute(self, 'def_max_dev_subscrs', 256, config, int)  # max subscrs allowed per device
        set_attribute(self, '__node_id__', '120077', config)  # allows dyn node creation; not presently used for RznetNode
        set_attribute(self, 'debug_lvl', 0, config, int)
        self.com_port_path = self.parent.as_node_url()
    def configuration(self):
        config = CompositeNode.configuration(self)
        get_attribute(self, 'debug_lvl', config, int)
        #get_attribute(self, 'discover', config, as_onoff)
        get_attribute(self, 'x_points_file_path', config)
        get_attribute(self, 'rzhost_slave_port', config, int)
        get_attribute(self, 'rzhost_master_path', config)
        get_attribute(self, 'QA', config, as_boolean)
        get_attribute(self, 'rznet_addr', config, int)  # rznet addr; '0' = let ldisc determine it
        get_attribute(self, 'def_max_dev_subscrs', config, int)
        get_attribute(self, '__node_id__', config)
        get_attribute(self, 'com_port_path', config)
            self._token_list_ = self.get_token_list()
            get_attribute(self, '_token_list_', config)
        return config

    def start(self):
        self.debug_print(1, 'start()')
        if not self.running:
            self.running = 1
            self.__status = -1
            # If Config has disabled Internal Modem Server, try to get a ref to the 
            # ComIfRouteNode at the given rzhost_master_path (in nodetree):
            port_node = None
            self.debug_print(1, 'rzhost_master_path = %s',
            if self.QA != 0:
                    com_if_node = as_internal_node(self.rzhost_master_path)
                except ENoSuchName, segment:
                               ('Failed to find'
                               ' InterfaceRouterNode object'
                               ' at %s, at segment %s!'
                               ' Pass-through will not run.')
                               % (self.rzhost_master_path,
                    port_node = com_if_node.parent
            self.debug_print(1, 'port_node = %s', str(port_node))
            # Create/init thread that runs the whole shootin' match. Pass in
            # desired rznet_addr:
            self.line_handler = RznetThread(self.parent,
                                            self.rzhost_slave_port, port_node,
                                            self.QA, self.rznet_addr,
            # applies to ALL devices
            self.line_handler.def_max_dev_subscrs = self.def_max_dev_subscrs
            # Discover kids in start() rather than in configure, because
            # creating nodes in configure could conceivably confuse the
            # framework (ie should it attempt to config the new nodes?).
            # discover_children() explicitly configs each child node.
            if self.parent.as_node_url() != '/services/control': #under com
                self.discover_children() #need to kick start old style nodes
            #next, start the line handler thread
            self.line_handler.start(); # opens RS485 file object, and slave and
                                       # cmd sockets
            # @fixme HACK to wait for the line_handler thread to init.
            # @fixme END HACK to wait for the line_handler thread to init.
            self.rznet_addr = self.line_handler.get_addrs()[0] # get actual addr from ldisc:
            self.debug_print(1, 'ldisc has addr %d.', self.rznet_addr)
            self.line_handler.broadcast_update_request() #send this out AFTER all bound_proxies are started
            self.__status = 1