Ejemplo n.º 1
	def __init__(self, i=0, j=0, dir=0, mag=0):
		if dir!=0 or mag!=0:
			if hasattr(dir, "to_rad"):
				dir = dir.to_rad()
			self.i = math.cos(dir) * mag
			self.j = math.sin(dir) * mag
		elif isiterable(i):
			self.i,self.j = i
			self.i = i
			self.j = j
Ejemplo n.º 2
	def __rmul__(self,oth):
		Can apply another matrix or similar nested iterable (where cols in lhs equals
		rows in rhs), or a scalar value, to this matrix. The result is a matrix.
		if isinstance(oth,Matrix) or isiterable(oth):
			# matrix
			oth_m = oth
			if not isinstance(oth_m,Matrix):
				oth_m = Matrix(oth_m)
			return oth_m._mat_mul(self)
			# scalar
			return Matrix._make_new(lambda i,j: oth * self.data[i][j], self.rows, self.cols)
Ejemplo n.º 3
	def __init__(self,data):
		Can construct from singly or doubly nested iterable. Each inner item
		forms a row in the matrix. E.g:
		(1,2,3) => | 1 |
		           | 2 |
		           | 3 |
			(1,2,3),  =>  | 1 2 3 |
			(4,5,6)       | 4 5 6 |
		self.data = tuple([tuple(x) if isiterable(x) else (x,) for x in data])
		self.rows = len(self.data)
		self.cols = len(self.data[0]) if len(self.data)>0 else 0
Ejemplo n.º 4
	def __mul__(self, oth):
		Can apply this matrix to another matrix or any similar nested iterable 
		(where cols in lhs equals rows in rhs), resulting in the same type as 
		the operand, or can apply to scalar, resulting in a matrix.
		if isinstance(oth, Matrix) or isiterable(oth):
			# matrix
			oth_m = oth
			if not isinstance(oth_m, Matrix):
				oth_m = Matrix(oth_m)			
			res_m = self._mat_mul(oth_m)
			if isinstance(oth, Matrix):
				return res_m
				return type(oth)(res_m._unnest())
			# scalar
			return Matrix._make_new(lambda i,j: self.data[i][j] * oth, self.rows, self.cols)
Ejemplo n.º 5
	def __init__(self, i=0, j=0, k=0, dir=0, mag=0):
		Can construct from i,j,k parameters, dir and mag parameters
		or with a single (i,j,k) tuple.	
		if dir!=0 or mag!=0:
			if hasattr(dir, "to_tuple"):
				dir = dir.to_tuple()
			roll = dir[0]
			pitch = dir[1]
			yaw = dir[2]
			fwd = math.cos(pitch) * mag
			up = math.sin(pitch) * mag
			self.i = math.cos(yaw) * fwd
			self.j = math.sin(yaw) * fwd
			self.k = up
		elif isiterable(i):
			self.i,self.j,self.k = i
			self.i = i
			self.j = j
			self.k = k