Ejemplo n.º 1
stress = prob.getCurrentStress()
proj = Projector(mydomain)
sig = proj(stress)
sig_bounda = interpolate(sig,FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain))
traction = matrix_mult(sig_bounda,mydomain.getNormal())
tract = traction*wallBF # traction on wall
forceWall = integrate(tract,where=FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain)) # force on wall
lengthWall = integrate(wallBF,where=FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain))
fout.write('0 '+str(forceWall[0])+' '+str(lengthWall)+'\n')

while t < 100:

   t += 1

   disp += du
   dom = prob.getDomain()
   proj = Projector(dom)
   sig = proj(stress)

   sig_bounda = interpolate(sig,FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
   traction = matrix_mult(sig_bounda,dom.getNormal())
   tract = traction*wallBF
   forceWall = integrate(tract,where=FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
   lengthWall = integrate(wallBF,where=FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
   fout.write(str(t*vel)+' '+str(forceWall[0])+' '+str(lengthWall)+'\n')
Ejemplo n.º 2
lengthTop = integrate(topSurf,where=FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain)) # length of top surface
fout.write('0 '+str(forceTop[1])+' '+str(lengthTop)+'\n')
# Dirichlet BC positions, smooth at bottom and top, fixed at the center of bottom
Dbc = whereZero(x[1])*[0,1]+whereZero(x[1]-ly)*[0,1]+whereZero(x[1])*whereZero(x[0]-.5*lx)*[1,1]
# Dirichlet BC values
Vbc = whereZero(x[1])*[0,0]+whereZero(x[1]-ly)*[0,vel]+whereZero(x[1])*whereZero(x[0]-.5*lx)*[0,0]
# Neumann BC, constant confining pressure
Nbc = whereZero(bx[0])*[-confining,0]+whereZero(bx[0]-lx)*[confining,0]

time_start = time.time()
while t < 100: # apply 100 load steps

   prob.initialize(f=Nbc, specified_u_mask=Dbc, specified_u_val=Vbc) # initialize BC
   t += 1
   du=prob.solve(iter_max=100) # get solution: nodal displacement

   disp += du
   dom = prob.getDomain() # domain is updated Lagrangian formulation
   proj = Projector(dom)
   sig = proj(stress)

   sig_bounda = interpolate(sig,FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
   traction = matrix_mult(sig_bounda,dom.getNormal())
   tractTop = traction*topSurf
   forceTop = integrate(tractTop,where=FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
   lengthTop = integrate(topSurf,where=FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
   fout.write(str(t*vel/ly)+' '+str(forceTop[1])+' '+str(lengthTop)+'\n')
Ejemplo n.º 3
proj = Projector(mydomain)
sig = proj(stress)
sig_bounda = interpolate(sig, FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain))
traction = matrix_mult(sig_bounda, mydomain.getNormal())
tract = traction * wallBF  # traction on wall
forceWall = integrate(tract,
                      where=FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain))  # force on wall
lengthWall = integrate(wallBF, where=FunctionOnBoundary(mydomain))
fout = file('./result/pressure.dat', 'w')
fout.write('0 ' + str(forceWall[0]) + ' ' + str(lengthWall) + '\n')

while t < 100:

    prob.initialize(f=Nbc, specified_u_mask=Dbc, specified_u_val=Vbc)
    t += 1
    du = prob.solve(iter_max=100)

    disp += du
    stress = prob.getCurrentStress()

    dom = prob.getDomain()
    proj = Projector(dom)
    sig = proj(stress)

    sig_bounda = interpolate(sig, FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
    traction = matrix_mult(sig_bounda, dom.getNormal())
    tract = traction * wallBF
    forceWall = integrate(tract, where=FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
    lengthWall = integrate(wallBF, where=FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
        str(t * vel) + ' ' + str(forceWall[0]) + ' ' + str(lengthWall) + '\n')
Ejemplo n.º 4
Dbc = whereZero(x[1]) * [0, 1] + whereZero(x[1] - ly) * [0, 1] + whereZero(
    x[1]) * whereZero(x[0] - .5 * lx) * [1, 1]
# Dirichlet BC values
Vbc = whereZero(x[1]) * [0, 0] + whereZero(x[1] - ly) * [0, vel] + whereZero(
    x[1]) * whereZero(x[0] - .5 * lx) * [0, 0]
# Neumann BC, constant confining pressure
Nbc = whereZero(bx[0]) * [-confining, 0
                          ] + whereZero(bx[0] - lx) * [confining, 0]

time_start = time.time()
while t < 100:  # apply 100 load steps

    prob.initialize(f=Nbc, specified_u_mask=Dbc,
                    specified_u_val=Vbc)  # initialize BC
    t += 1
    du = prob.solve(iter_max=100)  # get solution: nodal displacement

    disp += du
    stress = prob.getCurrentStress()

    dom = prob.getDomain()  # domain is updated Lagrangian formulation
    proj = Projector(dom)
    sig = proj(stress)

    sig_bounda = interpolate(sig, FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
    traction = matrix_mult(sig_bounda, dom.getNormal())
    tractTop = traction * topSurf
    forceTop = integrate(tractTop, where=FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
    lengthTop = integrate(topSurf, where=FunctionOnBoundary(dom))
        str(t * vel / ly) + ' ' + str(forceTop[1]) + ' ' + str(lengthTop) +