Ejemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self, linear=None):
     """init the coordinate attr.
         linear: a tuple describes the linear in (x, y, z) or (x, y)
     if linear != None:
             assert (len(linear) == 3 or len(linear) == 2) \
                    and type(linear) == tuple
             for attr in linear:
                 assert type(attr) == float
         except AssertionError:
             logger.warning('Pls set linear into (x, y, z) or (x, y) with float, but I ' +
                            'get %s' % (str(linear)))
             # print('Warning: pls set linear into (x, y, z) or (x, y) with float!'+
             #       ' But i get %s' % (str(linear)))
             if len(linear) == 3:
                 self.x = linear[0]
                 self.y = linear[1]
                 self.z = linear[1]
                 self.attr = linear
                 self.x = linear[0]
                 self.y = linear[1]
                 self.z = 0. ## default setting ##
                 self.attr = self.attr = (self.x, self.y, self.z)
 def __init__(self, position=None):
     """init the coordinate attr.
         position: a tuple describes (x, y, z) or (x, y)
     if position != None:
             assert (len(position) == 3 or len(position) == 2) \
                    and type(position) == tuple
             for attr in position:
                 assert type(attr) == float
         except AssertionError:
             logger.warning('Pls set position into (x, y, z) or (x, y) with float, but I ' +
                            'get %s' % (str(position)))
             # print('Warning: pls set position into (x, y, z) or (x, y) with float!'+
             #       ' But i get %s' % (str(position)))
             if len(position) == 3:
                 self.x = position[0]
                 self.y = position[1]
                 self.z = position[1]
                 self.attr = position
                 self.x = position[0]
                 self.y = position[1]
                 self.z = 0. ## default setting ##
                 self.attr = self.attr = (self.x, self.y, self.z)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def set_time_stamp(self, time):
     """set time stamp
         time: must be a float, seted by time.time(), in sec.
         assert type(time) == float
     except AssertionError:
         logger.warning('Pls set time through time.time()')
     self.time_stamp = time
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def set(self, size):
     """set geometry size.
         size: a tuple describes (length, width, height)
         assert len(size) == 3 and type(size) == tuple
         for attr in size:
             assert type(attr) == float
     except AssertionError:
         logger.warning('Pls set size into (length, width, height) with float, but I ' +
                        'get %s' % (str(size)))
         self.height = size[0]
         self.width = size[1]
         self.depth = size[2]
         self.attr = size
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def __init__(self, size=None):
     """init the gemometry size.
         size: a tuple describes (height, width, depth)
     if size != None:
             assert (len(size) == 3 and type(size) == tuple)
             for attr in size:
                 assert type(attr) == float
         except AssertionError:
             logger.warning('Pls set size into (length, width, height) with float, but I ' +
                            'get %s' % (str(size)))
             #print('Warning: pls set size into (length, width, height) with float!')
             self.height = size[0]
             self.width = size[1]
             self.depth = size[2]
             self.attr = size
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def set(self, orientation):
     """set orientation attr
         orientation: a tuple describes (x, y, z, w)
         assert (len(orientation) == 4 and type(orientation) == tuple)
         for attr in orientation:
             assert type(attr) == float
     except AssertionError:
             'Pls set orientation into (x, y, z, w) with float, but I ' +
             'get %s' % (str(orientation)))
         self.x = orientation[0]
         self.y = orientation[1]
         self.z = orientation[2]
         self.w = orientation[3]
         self.attr = orientation
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, orientation=None):
     """init the orientation attr.
         orientation: a tuple describes quaternion (x, y, z, w)
     if orientation != None:
             assert (len(orientation) == 4 and type(orientation) == tuple)
             for attr in orientation:
                 assert type(attr) == float
         except AssertionError:
                 'Pls set orientation into (x, y, z, w) with float, but I '
                 + 'get %s' % (str(orientation)))
             # print('Warning: pls set orientation into (x, y, z, w) with float!'+
             #       ' But i get %s' % (str(orientation)))
             self.x = orientation[0]
             self.y = orientation[1]
             self.z = orientation[2]
             self.w = orientation[3]
             self.attr = orientation
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def set(self, angular):
     """set angular rate
         angular: a tuple describes (x, y, z) or (z,) or a float z,
                 represents angular rate in each axis.
         if type(angular) == tuple:
             assert (len(angular) == 3 or len(angular) == 1)
             if type(angular) != float:
                 for attr in angular:
                     assert type(attr) == float
             assert type(angular) == float
     except AssertionError:
             'Pls set angular into (x, y, z), (z,) or z with float, but I '
             + 'get %s' % (str(angular)))
         # print('Warning: Pls set angular into (x, y, z), (z,) or z with float!'+
         #       ' But i get %s'%(str(angular)))
         if type(angular) == tuple:
             if len(angular) == 3:
                 self.x = angular[0]
                 self.y = angular[1]
                 self.z = angular[2]
                 self.attr = angular
             elif len(angular) == 1:
                 self.x = 0.
                 self.y = 0.
                 self.z = angular[0]  ## default setting ##
                 self.attr = (self.x, self.y, self.z)
             self.x = 0.
             self.y = 0.
             self.z = angular  ## default setting ##
             self.attr = (self.x, self.y, self.z)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def set(self, linear):
     """set linear attr
         linear: a tuple describes (x, y, z) or (x, y)
         assert (len(linear) == 3 or len(linear) == 2) \
                and type(linear) == tuple
         for attr in linear:
             assert type(attr) == float
     except AssertionError:
         logger.warning('Pls set linear into (x, y, z) or (x, y) with float, but I ' +
                        'get %s' % (str(linear)))
         if len(linear) == 3:
             self.x = linear[0]
             self.y = linear[1]
             self.z = linear[2]
             self.attr = linear
             self.x = linear[0]
             self.y = linear[1]
             self.z = 0.  ## default setting ##
             self.attr = (self.x, self.y, self.z)
 def set(self, position):
     """set position attr
         position: a tuple describes (x, y, z) or (x, y)
         assert (len(position) == 3 or len(position) == 2) \
                and type(position) == tuple
         for attr in position:
             assert type(attr) == float
     except AssertionError:
         logger.warning('Pls set position into (x, y, z) or (x, y) with float, but I ' +
                        'get %s' % (str(position)))
         if len(position) == 3:
             self.x = position[0]
             self.y = position[1]
             self.z = position[2]
             self.attr = position
             self.x = position[0]
             self.y = position[1]
             self.z = 0.  ## default setting ##
             self.attr = (self.x, self.y, self.z)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 def __init__(self, angular=None):
     """init the coordinate attr.
         angular: a tuple describes (x, y, z) or (z,) or a float z
     if angular != None:
             if type(angular) == tuple:
                 assert (len(angular) == 3 or len(angular) == 1)
                 if type(angular) != float:
                     for attr in angular:
                         assert type(attr) == float
                 assert type(angular) == float
         except AssertionError:
                 'Pls set angular into (x, y, z), (z,) or z with float, but I '
                 + 'get %s' % (str(angular)))
             #print('Warning: pls set angular into (x, y, z), (z,) or z with float!')
             if type(angular) == tuple:
                 if len(angular) == 3:
                     self.x = angular[0]
                     self.y = angular[1]
                     self.z = angular[2]
                     self.attr = angular
                 elif len(angular) == 1:
                     self.x = 0  ## default setting ##
                     self.y = 0  ## default setting ##
                     self.z = angular[0]
                     self.attr = (self.x, self.y, self.z)
                 self.x = 0  ## default setting ##
                 self.y = 0  ## default setting ##
                 self.z = angular
                 self.attr = (self.x, self.y, self.z)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def _assess_one_obj_threat_score(ego_vehicle, road_obj, weather_type=scene_m.weather.clear,
    """assess the road object safety degree for ego vehicle
        ego_vehicle: a class in obj_state.ego_vehicel
        road_obj: a class in obj_state.road_obj
        weather_type: when in unclear weather, it is more likely to be dangerous
        road_state: when road is wetness, snow or leaves, it is more likely to be dangerous
        [Dangerous score, attentive score, safe score]

    def judge_relation_state(ego_pos, ego_size, other_pos, other_size):
        """jugde the relation between ego vehicle and other obj
            ego_pos: a tuple describe ego position, (x, y, z)
            ego_size: a tuple describe ego geometry size, (h, w, d)
            other_pos: a tuple describe other vehicle position, (x, y, z)
            other_size: a tuple describe other vehicle geometry size, (h, w, d)
            a relation_state
        ego_vehicle_radius = math.sqrt((ego_size[1]/2)**2 + (ego_size[2]/2)**2)
        other_obj_radius = math.sqrt((other_size[1]/2)**2 + (other_size[2]/2)**2)
        length = ego_vehicle_radius + other_obj_radius

        m_distance_x = math.fabs(ego_pos[0] - other_pos[0])
        m_distance_y = math.fabs(ego_pos[1] - other_pos[1])

        if m_distance_x <= length or m_distance_y <= length:
            if m_distance_x <= length and m_distance_y <= length:
                return relation_state.all_overlap
            elif m_distance_x <= length:
                return relation_state.overlap_in_x
                return relation_state.overlap_in_y
            return relation_state.none_overlap

    def time_to_collision_2d(ego_pos, ego_linear, ego_size, other_pos, other_linear, other_size, dim='xy'):
        """calculate TTC in x,y dimention, TTC is calculated as: TTC = (x[i-1] - x[i] - L) / (v[i] - v[i-1]),
            where i indicates the vehicle position which has the bigger velocity. When TTC > 0, it indicates
            that the remaining time in which two vehicles would collide. When TTC < 0, in indicates that it's
            impossible for two cars to collide.
            ego_pos: a tuple describe ego position, (x, y, z)
            ego_linear: a tuple describe ego linear velocity in (x, y, z) dimention
            ego_size: a tuple describe ego geometry size, (h, w, d)
            other_pos: a tuple describe other vehicle position, (x, y, z)
            other_linear: a tuple describe ego linear velocity in (x, y, z) dimention
            other_size: a tuple describe other vehicle geometry size, (h, w, d)
            dim: a string indicates calculate TTC in which dimention, must be 'xy', 'y' or 'x'.
            ttc_in_x: the remaining time in which two vehicles would collide in x dimention.
            ttc_in_y: the remaining time in which two vehicles would collide in y dimention.
        ## assert ##
        assert dim in ['xy', 'x', 'y']

        ## length ##
        ego_vehicle_radius = math.sqrt((ego_size[1] / 2) ** 2 + (ego_size[2] / 2) ** 2)
        other_obj_radius = math.sqrt((other_size[1] / 2) ** 2 + (other_size[2] / 2) ** 2)
        length = ego_vehicle_radius + other_obj_radius

        ## 1e-5 is to avoid zero-divide error ##
        if ego_linear[0] >= other_linear[0]:
            ttc_in_x = (other_pos[0] - ego_pos[0] - length) / (ego_linear[0] - other_linear[0] + 1e-5)
            ttc_in_x = (ego_pos[0] - other_pos[0] - length) / (other_linear[0] - ego_linear[0] + 1e-5)

        if ego_linear[1] >= other_linear[1]:
            ttc_in_y = (other_pos[1] - ego_pos[1] - length) / (ego_linear[1] - other_linear[1] + 1e-5)
            ttc_in_y = (ego_pos[1] - other_pos[1] - length) / (other_linear[1] - ego_linear[1] + 1e-5)

        if dim == 'xy':
            return ttc_in_x, ttc_in_y
        elif dim == 'x':
            return ttc_in_x
        elif dim == 'y':
            return ttc_in_y
            raise ValueError("Imposible get here!!! Something must wrong!!!")

    def much_bigger(val, bigger_than):
        """ normally, the val should be a abs of subtraction value
            if val >= bigger_than: True
            else: False
        if val >= bigger_than:
            return True
            return False

    def time_to_escape_2d(ego_pos, ego_linear, ego_size, other_pos, other_linear, other_size, dim='xy'):
        """When the relation between ego vehicle and other obj is overlap, we need this indicator to
            indicate the remaining time in which the ego(or other obj) can escape the overlap area.
            ego_pos: a tuple describe ego position, (x, y, z)
            ego_linear: a tuple describe ego linear velocity in (x, y, z) dimention
            ego_size: a tuple describe ego geometry size, (h, w, d)
            other_pos: a tuple describe other vehicle position, (x, y, z)
            other_linear: a tuple describe ego linear velocity in (x, y, z) dimention
            other_size: a tuple describe other vehicle geometry size, (h, w, d)
            dim: a string indicates calculate TTE in which dimention, must be 'xy', 'y' or 'x'.
            TTE in specific dimention
        ## length ##
        ego_vehicle_radius = math.sqrt((ego_size[1] / 2) ** 2 + (ego_size[2] / 2) ** 2)
        other_obj_radius = math.sqrt((other_size[1] / 2) ** 2 + (other_size[2] / 2) ** 2)
        length = ego_vehicle_radius + other_obj_radius

        ## 1e-8 is to avoid zero-divide error ##
        if ego_linear[0] >= other_linear[0]:
            tte_in_x = (other_pos[0] - ego_pos[0] + length) / (ego_linear[0] - other_linear[0] + 1e-8)
            tte_in_x = (ego_pos[0] - other_pos[0] + length) / (other_linear[0] - ego_linear[0] + 1e-8)

        if ego_linear[1] >= other_linear[1]:
            tte_in_y = (other_pos[1] - ego_pos[1] + length) / (ego_linear[1] - other_linear[1] + 1e-8)
            tte_in_y = (ego_pos[1] - other_pos[1] + length) / (other_linear[1] - ego_linear[1] + 1e-8)

        if dim == 'xy':
            return tte_in_x, tte_in_y
        elif dim == 'x':
            return tte_in_x
        elif dim == 'y':
            return tte_in_y
            raise ValueError("Imposible get here!!! Something must wrong!!!")

    def softmax(x):
        return np.exp(x) / np.expand_dims(np.sum(np.exp(x), axis=-1),axis=-1)

    def cos_vec(vec1, vec2):
        """caculate the cos val between two vec
            vec1: ndarray with a shape [n_dim]
            vec2: ndarray with a shape [n_dim]
        cos = np.sum(vec1*vec2) / (np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(vec1)))*np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(vec2))) +1e-6)
        return cos

    ## assert ##
    assert type(ego_vehicle) == ego_v.ego_vehicle
    assert type(road_obj) == road_o.road_obj
    assert weather_type in list(scene_m.weather.__members__.values())
    assert road_state in list(scene_m.road_state.__members__.values())

    ## init safety degree score ##
    safety_score = np.zeros(shape=[len(list(safety_degree.__members__.values()))]) ##

    ego_pos = ego_vehicle.get_position()
    ego_linear = ego_vehicle.get_linear()
    ego_size = ego_vehicle.get_size()
    other_pos = road_obj.get_position()
    other_size = road_obj.get_size()
    other_linear = road_obj.get_linear()

    r_state = judge_relation_state(ego_pos, ego_size, other_pos, other_size)
    # print('r_state:', r_state)

    if r_state is relation_state.none_overlap:
        ttc_in_x, ttc_in_y = time_to_collision_2d(ego_pos, ego_linear, ego_size,
                                                  other_pos, other_linear, other_size)

        if ttc_in_x < 0. or ttc_in_y < 0.:
            ## safe ##
            return np.array([0., 0., 1.]), -1.
            vel_m_s = math.sqrt(ego_linear[0] ** 2 + ego_linear[1] ** 2)  ## m/s
            vel_m_s_x = math.fabs(ego_linear[0])
            vel_m_s_y = math.fabs(ego_linear[1])

            c_t_thresh = (vel_m_s/COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[weather_type]
            c_t_thresh_x = (vel_m_s_x / COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[
            c_t_thresh_y = (vel_m_s_y / COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[

            ## maybe unsafe ##
            if much_bigger(math.fabs(ttc_in_y - ttc_in_x), c_t_thresh):
                ## safe ##
                return np.array([0., 0., 1.]), -1.
            elif much_bigger(ttc_in_x, c_t_thresh_x) and much_bigger(ttc_in_y, c_t_thresh_y):
                ## safe ##
                return np.array([0., 0., 1.]), -1.
                ## safe, attentive or dagerous ##
                ##  we use the speedofometer to calculate the threshold of different safety degree
                # vel_km_h = vel_m_s / .27777 ## km/h
                # thresh_w = np.array(safe_distance_config[weather_type])*vel_km_h/vel_m_s  ##add safe_distance factor and weatehr factor
                # thresh_ratio_r = road_state_ratio[road_state]       ##add road
                # thresh = thresh_w*thresh_ratio_r  ##add

                thresh = [(vel_m_s/(MAX_DECELERATION*road_state_ratio[road_state])*weather_effect_ratio[weather_type]),

                dangerous_score = gaussian_1d(x=max(ttc_in_y, ttc_in_x),
                                              mean=thresh[0], for_what=safety_degree.dangerous,
                                              std=(vel_m_s*3.6)/20, max=(vel_m_s*3.6)/2)
                attentive_score = gaussian_1d(x=max(ttc_in_y, ttc_in_x),
                                              mean=thresh[1], for_what=safety_degree.attentive,
                                              std=(vel_m_s*3.6)/20, max=(vel_m_s*3.6)/2)
                safe_score = gaussian_1d(x=max(ttc_in_y, ttc_in_x),
                                         mean=thresh[2], for_what=safety_degree.safe,
                                         std=(vel_m_s*3.6)/20, max=(vel_m_s*3.6)/2)

                return softmax(np.array([dangerous_score, attentive_score, safe_score])), -1.

    elif r_state is relation_state.overlap_in_x:
        tte_in_x = time_to_escape_2d(ego_pos, ego_linear, ego_size,
                                     other_pos, other_linear, other_size, dim='x')
        ttc_in_y = time_to_collision_2d(ego_pos, ego_linear, ego_size,
                                     other_pos, other_linear, other_size, dim='y')

            assert tte_in_x >= 0.
        except AssertionError:
            logger.warning('Get a negative tte val(%f) in x, something may be wrong!'%(tte_in_x))

        if ttc_in_y < 0.:
            ## safe ##
            return np.array([0., 0., 1.]), -1.
            vel_m_s = math.sqrt(ego_linear[0] ** 2 + ego_linear[1] ** 2)  ## m/s
            vel_m_s_x = math.fabs(ego_linear[0] - other_linear[1])
            vel_m_s_y = math.fabs(ego_linear[1] - other_linear[1])

            # if much_bigger(ttc_in_y - tte_in_x,
            #                vel_m_s/(COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION*road_state_ratio[road_state]*weather_effect_ratio[weather_type])):
            #     ## safe ##
            #     return np.array([0., 0., 1.])
            if tte_in_x >= ttc_in_y:
                if much_bigger(ttc_in_y,
                               (vel_m_s_y / ((COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state])) \
                                            * weather_effect_ratio[weather_type])):
                    ## safe ##
                    return np.array([0., 0., 1.]), ttc_in_y
                    ## safe, attentive, dangerous ##
                    thresh = [
                        (vel_m_s_y / (MAX_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[weather_type]),
                        (vel_m_s_y / (AVG_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[weather_type]),
                        (vel_m_s_y / (COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[

                    dangerous_score = gaussian_1d(x=ttc_in_y,
                                                  mean=thresh[0], for_what=safety_degree.dangerous,
                                                  std=(vel_m_s_y * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s_y * 3.6) / 2)
                    attentive_score = gaussian_1d(x=ttc_in_y,
                                                  mean=thresh[1], for_what=safety_degree.attentive,
                                                  std=(vel_m_s_y * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s_y * 3.6)  / 2)
                    safe_score = gaussian_1d(x=ttc_in_y,
                                             mean=thresh[2], for_what=safety_degree.safe,
                                             std=(vel_m_s_y * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s_y * 3.6)  / 2)

                    return softmax(np.array([dangerous_score, attentive_score, safe_score])), ttc_in_y
                if much_bigger(ttc_in_y,
                               (vel_m_s_y / (COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) \
                                            * weather_effect_ratio[weather_type])):
                    ## safe ##
                    return np.array([0., 0., 1.]), ttc_in_y
                    thresh = [(vel_m_s / (
                                MAX_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[weather_type]),
                              (vel_m_s / (AVG_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[
                              (vel_m_s / (COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[

                    ## safe attentive dangerous ##
                    dangerous_score = gaussian_1d(x=math.fabs(ttc_in_y - tte_in_x),
                                                  mean=thresh[0], for_what=safety_degree.dangerous,
                                                  std=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 2)
                    attentive_score = gaussian_1d(x=math.fabs(ttc_in_y - tte_in_x),
                                                  mean=thresh[1], for_what=safety_degree.attentive,
                                                  std=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 2)
                    safe_score = gaussian_1d(x=math.fabs(ttc_in_y - tte_in_x),
                                             mean=thresh[2], for_what=safety_degree.safe,
                                             std=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 2)
                    return softmax(np.array([dangerous_score, attentive_score, safe_score])), ttc_in_y

    elif r_state is relation_state.overlap_in_y:
        tte_in_y = time_to_escape_2d(ego_pos, ego_linear, ego_size,
                                     other_pos, other_linear, other_size, dim='y')
        ttc_in_x = time_to_collision_2d(ego_pos, ego_linear, ego_size,
                                        other_pos, other_linear, other_size, dim='x')

            assert tte_in_y >= 0.
        except AssertionError:
            logger.warning('Get a negative tte val(%f) in y, something may be wrong!' % (tte_in_y))

        if ttc_in_x < 0.:
            ## safe ##
            return np.array([0., 0., 1.]), ttc_in_x
            vel_m_s = math.sqrt(ego_linear[0] ** 2 + ego_linear[1] ** 2)  ## m/s
            vel_m_s_x = math.fabs(ego_linear[0] - other_linear[0])
            vel_m_s_y = math.fabs(ego_linear[1] - other_linear[0])

            # if much_bigger(ttc_in_y - tte_in_x,
            #                vel_m_s/(COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION*road_state_ratio[road_state]*weather_effect_ratio[weather_type])):
            #     ## safe ##
            #     return np.array([0., 0., 1.])
            if tte_in_y >= ttc_in_x:
                if much_bigger(ttc_in_x,
                               (vel_m_s_x / (COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) \
                                            * weather_effect_ratio[weather_type])):
                    ## safe ##
                    return np.array([0., 0., 1.]), ttc_in_x
                    ## safe, attentive, dangerous ##
                    thresh = [
                        (vel_m_s_x / (MAX_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[
                        (vel_m_s_x / (AVG_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[
                        (vel_m_s_x / (COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[

                    dangerous_score = gaussian_1d(x=ttc_in_x,
                                                  mean=thresh[0], for_what=safety_degree.dangerous,
                                                  std=(vel_m_s_x * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s_x * 3.6) / 2)
                    attentive_score = gaussian_1d(x=ttc_in_x,
                                                  mean=thresh[1], for_what=safety_degree.attentive,
                                                  std=(vel_m_s_x * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s_x * 3.6) / 2)
                    safe_score = gaussian_1d(x=ttc_in_x,
                                             mean=thresh[2], for_what=safety_degree.safe,
                                             std=(vel_m_s_x * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s_x * 3.6) / 2)

                    return softmax(np.array([dangerous_score, attentive_score, safe_score])), ttc_in_x
                if much_bigger(ttc_in_x,
                               (vel_m_s_x / (COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) \
                                            * weather_effect_ratio[weather_type])):
                    ## safe ##
                    return np.array([0., 0., 1.]),ttc_in_x
                    thresh = [(vel_m_s / (
                            MAX_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[weather_type]),
                              (vel_m_s / (AVG_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[
                              (vel_m_s / (COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[

                    ## safe attentive dangerous ##
                    dangerous_score = gaussian_1d(x=math.fabs(ttc_in_x - tte_in_y),
                                                  mean=thresh[0], for_what=safety_degree.dangerous,
                                                  std=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 2)
                    attentive_score = gaussian_1d(x=math.fabs(ttc_in_x - tte_in_y),
                                                  mean=thresh[1], for_what=safety_degree.attentive,
                                                  std=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 2)
                    safe_score = gaussian_1d(x=math.fabs(ttc_in_x - tte_in_y),
                                             mean=thresh[2], for_what=safety_degree.safe,
                                             std=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 20, max=(vel_m_s * 3.6) / 2)
                    return softmax(np.array([dangerous_score, attentive_score, safe_score])), ttc_in_x
    elif r_state is relation_state.all_overlap:
        ## length ##
        ego_vehicle_radius = math.sqrt((ego_size[1] / 2) ** 2 + (ego_size[2] / 2) ** 2)
        other_obj_radius = math.sqrt((other_size[1] / 2) ** 2 + (other_size[2] / 2) ** 2)
        length = ego_vehicle_radius + other_obj_radius

        ## pos_vec ##
        ego_pos_vec = np.array([ego_pos[0], ego_pos[1]])
        other_pos_vec = np.array([other_pos[0], other_pos[1]])
        pos_vec = ego_pos_vec - other_pos_vec
        pos_scalar = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(pos_vec)))

        ## vel_vec ##
        ego_vel_vec = np.array([ego_linear[0], ego_linear[1]])
        other_vel_vec = np.array([other_linear[0], other_linear[1]])
        vel_vex =  other_vel_vec - ego_vel_vec
        vel_scalar = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(vel_vex)))
        ego_vel_scalar = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(ego_vel_vec))) ## m/s

        cos = cos_vec(pos_vec, vel_vex)

        if cos <= 0.:
            ##means the distance between ego and other obj would increase.
            return np.array([0., 0., 1.]), -1
            ##means the distance between ego and other obj would decrease.
            vel_rel = vel_scalar * cos
            ttc = (pos_scalar - length) / vel_rel

            ## safe, attentive, dangerous ##
            thresh = [
                (ego_vel_scalar / (MAX_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[
                (ego_vel_scalar / (AVG_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[
                (ego_vel_scalar / (COMFORTABLE_DECELERATION * road_state_ratio[road_state]) * weather_effect_ratio[

            dangerous_score = gaussian_1d(x=ttc,
                                          mean=thresh[0], for_what=safety_degree.dangerous,
                                          std=(ego_vel_scalar * 3.6) / 20, max=(ego_vel_scalar * 3.6) / 2)
            attentive_score = gaussian_1d(x=ttc,
                                          mean=thresh[1], for_what=safety_degree.attentive,
                                          std=(ego_vel_scalar * 3.6) / 20, max=(ego_vel_scalar * 3.6) / 2)
            safe_score = gaussian_1d(x=ttc,
                                     mean=thresh[2], for_what=safety_degree.safe,
                                     std=(ego_vel_scalar * 3.6) / 20, max=(ego_vel_scalar * 3.6) / 2)

            return softmax(np.array([dangerous_score, attentive_score, safe_score])), ttc

        raise ValueError("Imposible get here!!! Something must wrong!!!")