Ejemplo n.º 1
def analyzeTrajectory(trajFN):

   #print "Analyzing trajectory: %s ..." % trajFN
   coords = readxtc( trajFN, atomindices = range(128) )
   count = 0
   for frame in coords:
      rms = RMSD.GetDistance( frame, NatState['XYZ'] )
 #     print rms
      if rms >= options.uCut:

         return 1
      elif rms <= options.fCut:
         return 0

   return -1
Ejemplo n.º 2
def analyzeTrajectory(trajFN):
# this function will analyze a trajectory for native contacts in the toTestLists
   global U_states
   global F_states
   #print "Analyzing trajectory: %s ..." % trajFN
   coords = readxtc( trajFN, atomindices = range(128) )
   # Assignment stuff
   #AssList = clstr.Assign(Generators=gens['XYZList'],XYZData=array(coords))
   #for ass in AssList:
   for frame in coords:
      ass,rmsd = clstr.Assign(Generators=gens['XYZList'],XYZData=array([frame]))
      ass =  ass[0]
      if ass in U_states:
         return 0
      elif ass in F_states:
         return 1

   return -1
Ejemplo n.º 3
def analyzeTrajectory(trajFN):
   global options
   global natContacts
   global cutoff2Dict
# this function will analyze a trajectory for native contacts in the toTestLists

   #print "Analyzing trajectory: %s ..." % trajFN
   coords = readxtc( trajFN, atomindices = range(128) )
   count = 0
   for frame in coords:
      frameSum = 0.
      count += 1
      for contact in natContacts:
         atomA = contact[0]
         atomB = contact[1]

      # Need to check the distance between these atoms in all frames:
         tempArray = []
         coordA = frame[atomA-1]
         coordB = frame[atomB-1]
         diff = [ (thingA - thingB) for (thingA,thingB) in zip(coordA,coordB) ]          

         r2 = diff[0]*diff[0] + diff[1]*diff[1] + diff[2]*diff[2]
         try: cutoff2 = cutoff2Dict[ (atomA,atomB) ]
            try: cutoff2 = cutoff2Dict[ (atomB,atomA) ]
               print "Cutoff not found for %d,%d, using default = 1.0" % (atomA,atomB)
               cutoff2 = 1
         frameSum += ( r2 <= cutoff2 )
      frameSum /= float(len(natContacts))
      if frameSum <= options.uCut:
         return 1
      elif frameSum >= options.fCut:
         return 0

   return -1