Ejemplo n.º 1
 def test_connected_count_matrix(self):
     C_cc = largest_connected_submatrix(self.C)
     assert_allclose(C_cc, self.C_cc_directed)
     C_cc = largest_connected_submatrix(self.C, directed=False)
     assert_allclose(C_cc, self.C_cc_undirected)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def test_connected_count_matrix(self):
     C_cc = largest_connected_submatrix(self.C)
     assert_allclose(C_cc.toarray(), self.C_cc_directed)
     """Directed with user specified lcc"""
     C_cc = largest_connected_submatrix(self.C, lcc=np.array([0, 1]))
     assert_allclose(C_cc.toarray(), self.C_cc_directed[0:2, 0:2])
     C_cc = largest_connected_submatrix(self.C, directed=False)
     assert_allclose(C_cc.toarray(), self.C_cc_undirected)
     """Undirected with user specified lcc"""
     C_cc = largest_connected_submatrix(self.C,
                                        lcc=np.array([0, 1]),
     assert_allclose(C_cc.toarray(), self.C_cc_undirected[0:2, 0:2])
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def setUp(self):
        """Store state of the rng"""
        self.state = np.random.mtrand.get_state()
        """Reseed the rng to enforce 'deterministic' behavior"""
        """Meta-stable birth-death chain"""
        b = 2
        q = np.zeros(7)
        p = np.zeros(7)
        q[1:] = 0.5
        p[0:-1] = 0.5
        q[2] = 1.0 - 10**(-b)
        q[4] = 10**(-b)
        p[2] = 10**(-b)
        p[4] = 1.0 - 10**(-b)

        bdc = BirthDeathChain(q, p)
        P = bdc.transition_matrix()
        self.dtraj = generate_traj(P, 10000, start=0)
        self.tau = 1
        """Estimate MSM"""
        self.C_MSM = count_matrix(self.dtraj, self.tau, sliding=True)
        self.lcc_MSM = largest_connected_set(self.C_MSM)
        self.Ccc_MSM = largest_connected_submatrix(self.C_MSM,
        self.P_MSM = transition_matrix(self.Ccc_MSM, reversible=True)
        self.mu_MSM = stationary_distribution(self.P_MSM)
        self.k = 3
        self.ts = timescales(self.P_MSM, k=self.k, tau=self.tau)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def setUpClass(cls) -> None:
        """Store state of the rng"""
        cls.state = np.random.mtrand.get_state()

        """Reseed the rng to enforce 'deterministic' behavior"""

        """Meta-stable birth-death chain"""
        b = 2
        q = np.zeros(7)
        p = np.zeros(7)
        q[1:] = 0.5
        p[0:-1] = 0.5
        q[2] = 1.0 - 10 ** (-b)
        q[4] = 10 ** (-b)
        p[2] = 10 ** (-b)
        p[4] = 1.0 - 10 ** (-b)

        bdc = BirthDeathChain(q, p)
        P = bdc.transition_matrix()
        cls.dtraj = generate_traj(P, 10000, start=0)
        cls.tau = 1

        """Estimate MSM"""
        import inspect
        argspec = inspect.getfullargspec(MaximumLikelihoodMSM)
        default_maxerr = argspec.defaults[argspec.args.index('maxerr') - 1]
        cls.C_MSM = msmest.count_matrix(cls.dtraj, cls.tau, sliding=True)
        cls.lcc_MSM = msmest.largest_connected_set(cls.C_MSM)
        cls.Ccc_MSM = msmest.largest_connected_submatrix(cls.C_MSM, lcc=cls.lcc_MSM)
        cls.P_MSM = msmest.transition_matrix(cls.Ccc_MSM, reversible=True, maxerr=default_maxerr)
        cls.mu_MSM = msmana.stationary_distribution(cls.P_MSM)
        cls.k = 3
        cls.ts = msmana.timescales(cls.P_MSM, k=cls.k, tau=cls.tau)
def equilibrium_transition_matrix(Xi,
    Compute equilibrium transition matrix from OOM components:

    Xi : ndarray(M, N, M)
        matrix of set-observable operators
    omega: ndarray(M,)
        information state vector of OOM
    sigma : ndarray(M,)
        evaluator of OOM
    reversible : bool, optional, default=True
        symmetrize corrected count matrix in order to obtain
        a reversible transition matrix.
    return_lcc: bool, optional, default=True
        return indices of largest connected set.

    Tt_Eq : ndarray(N, N)
        equilibrium transition matrix
    lcc : ndarray(M,)
        the largest connected set of the transition matrix.
    import msmtools.estimation as me

    # Compute equilibrium transition matrix:
    Ct_Eq = np.einsum('j,jkl,lmn,n->km', omega, Xi, Xi, sigma)
    # Remove negative entries:
    Ct_Eq[Ct_Eq < 0.0] = 0.0
    # Compute transition matrix after symmetrization:
    pi_r = np.sum(Ct_Eq, axis=1)
    if reversible:
        pi_c = np.sum(Ct_Eq, axis=0)
        pi_sym = pi_r + pi_c
        # Avoid zero row-sums. States with zero row-sums will be eliminated by active set update.
        ind0 = np.where(pi_sym == 0.0)[0]
        pi_sym[ind0] = 1.0
        Tt_Eq = (Ct_Eq + Ct_Eq.T) / pi_sym[:, None]
        # Avoid zero row-sums. States with zero row-sums will be eliminated by active set update.
        ind0 = np.where(pi_r == 0.0)[0]
        pi_r[ind0] = 1.0
        Tt_Eq = Ct_Eq / pi_r[:, None]

    # Perform active set update:
    lcc = me.largest_connected_set(Tt_Eq)
    Tt_Eq = me.largest_connected_submatrix(Tt_Eq, lcc=lcc)

    if return_lcc:
        return Tt_Eq, lcc
        return Tt_Eq
Ejemplo n.º 6
def trim_Cmat( Cmat, lcc, ID ):
    minsamp = ID.trimfrac * np.sum(Cmat, dtype=float) / float(lcc.size)
    nrem = 0
    for i in range(0,lcc.size):
        shift = i - nrem
        if ( np.sum(Cmat[shift], dtype=float) < minsamp ): # trim from matrix and bins
            Cmat = np.delete(Cmat, (shift), axis=0)
            Cmat = np.delete(Cmat, (shift), axis=1)
            lcc = np.delete(lcc, (shift))
            nrem += 1
    # reensure that the trimmed matrix is connected!
    lcc_tmp = largest_connected_set(Cmat, directed=True)
    Cmat_cc = largest_connected_submatrix(Cmat, directed=True, lcc=lcc_tmp)
    lcc = lcc[lcc_tmp]
    return Cmat_cc, lcc
Ejemplo n.º 7
def oom_components(Ct, C2t, rank_ind=None, lcc=None, tol_one=1e-2):
    Compute OOM components and eigenvalues from count matrices:

    Ct : ndarray(N, N)
        count matrix from data
    C2t : sparse csc-matrix (N*N, N)
        two-step count matrix from data for all states, columns enumerate
        intermediate steps.
    rank_ind : ndarray(N, dtype=bool), optional, default=None
        indicates which singular values are accepted. By default, all non-
        zero singular values are accepted.
    lcc : ndarray(N,), optional, default=None
        largest connected set of the count-matrix. Two step count matrix
        will be reduced to this set.
    tol_one : float, optional, default=1e-2
        keep eigenvalues of absolute value less or equal 1+tol_one.

    Xi : ndarray(M, N, M)
        matrix of set-observable operators
    omega: ndarray(M,)
        information state vector of OOM
    sigma : ndarray(M,)
        evaluator of OOM
    l : ndarray(M,)
        eigenvalues from OOM
    # Decompose count matrix by SVD:
    if lcc is not None:
        Ct_svd = me.largest_connected_submatrix(Ct, lcc=lcc)
        N1 = Ct.shape[0]
        Ct_svd = Ct
    V, s, W = scl.svd(Ct_svd, full_matrices=False)
    # Make rank decision:
    if rank_ind is None:
        ind = (s >= np.finfo(float).eps)
    V = V[:, rank_ind]
    s = s[rank_ind]
    W = W[rank_ind, :].T

    # Compute transformations:
    F1 = np.dot(V, np.diag(s**-0.5))
    F2 = np.dot(W, np.diag(s**-0.5))

    # Apply the transformations to C2t:
    N = Ct_svd.shape[0]
    M = F1.shape[1]
    Xi = np.zeros((M, N, M))
    for n in range(N):
        if lcc is not None:
            C2t_n = C2t[:, lcc[n]]
            C2t_n = _reshape_sparse(C2t_n, (N1, N1))
            C2t_n = me.largest_connected_submatrix(C2t_n, lcc=lcc)
            C2t_n = C2t[:, n]
            C2t_n = _reshape_sparse(C2t_n, (N, N))
        Xi[:, n, :] = np.dot(F1.T, C2t_n.dot(F2))

    # Compute sigma:
    c = np.sum(Ct_svd, axis=1)
    sigma = np.dot(F1.T, c)
    # Compute eigenvalues:
    Xi_S = np.sum(Xi, axis=1)
    l, R = scl.eig(Xi_S.T)
    # Restrict eigenvalues to reasonable range:
    ind = np.where(
        np.logical_and(np.abs(l) <= (1 + tol_one),
                       np.real(l) >= 0.0))[0]
    l = l[ind]
    R = R[:, ind]
    # Sort and extract omega
    l, R = _sort_by_norm(l, R)
    omega = np.real(R[:, 0])
    omega = omega / np.dot(omega, sigma)

    return Xi, omega, sigma, l
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def setUp(self):
        """Store state of the rng"""
        self.state = np.random.mtrand.get_state()

        """Reseed the rng to enforce 'deterministic' behavior"""

        """Meta-stable birth-death chain"""
        b = 2
        q = np.zeros(7)
        p = np.zeros(7)
        q[1:] = 0.5
        p[0:-1] = 0.5
        q[2] = 1.0 - 10 ** (-b)
        q[4] = 10 ** (-b)
        p[2] = 10 ** (-b)
        p[4] = 1.0 - 10 ** (-b)

        bdc = BirthDeathChain(q, p)
        P = bdc.transition_matrix()
        dtraj = generate_traj(P, 10000, start=0)
        tau = 1

        """Estimate MSM"""
        MSM = estimate_markov_model(dtraj, tau)
        C_MSM = MSM.count_matrix_full
        lcc_MSM = MSM.largest_connected_set
        Ccc_MSM = MSM.count_matrix_active
        P_MSM = MSM.transition_matrix
        mu_MSM = MSM.stationary_distribution

        """Meta-stable sets"""
        A = [0, 1, 2]
        B = [4, 5, 6]

        w_MSM = np.zeros((2, mu_MSM.shape[0]))
        w_MSM[0, A] = mu_MSM[A] / mu_MSM[A].sum()
        w_MSM[1, B] = mu_MSM[B] / mu_MSM[B].sum()

        K = 10
        P_MSM_dense = P_MSM

        p_MSM = np.zeros((K, 2))
        w_MSM_k = 1.0 * w_MSM
        for k in range(1, K):
            w_MSM_k = np.dot(w_MSM_k, P_MSM_dense)
            p_MSM[k, 0] = w_MSM_k[0, A].sum()
            p_MSM[k, 1] = w_MSM_k[1, B].sum()

        """Assume that sets are equal, A(\tau)=A(k \tau) for all k"""
        w_MD = 1.0 * w_MSM
        p_MD = np.zeros((K, 2))
        eps_MD = np.zeros((K, 2))
        p_MSM[0, :] = 1.0
        p_MD[0, :] = 1.0
        eps_MD[0, :] = 0.0
        for k in range(1, K):
            """Build MSM at lagtime k*tau"""
            C_MD = count_matrix(dtraj, k * tau, sliding=True) / (k * tau)
            lcc_MD = largest_connected_set(C_MD)
            Ccc_MD = largest_connected_submatrix(C_MD, lcc=lcc_MD)
            c_MD = Ccc_MD.sum(axis=1)
            P_MD = transition_matrix(Ccc_MD).toarray()
            w_MD_k = np.dot(w_MD, P_MD)

            """Set A"""
            prob_MD = w_MD_k[0, A].sum()
            c = c_MD[A].sum()
            p_MD[k, 0] = prob_MD
            eps_MD[k, 0] = np.sqrt(k * (prob_MD - prob_MD ** 2) / c)

            """Set B"""
            prob_MD = w_MD_k[1, B].sum()
            c = c_MD[B].sum()
            p_MD[k, 1] = prob_MD
            eps_MD[k, 1] = np.sqrt(k * (prob_MD - prob_MD ** 2) / c)

        self.MSM = MSM
        self.K = K
        self.A = A
        self.B = B

        """Expected results"""
        self.p_MSM = p_MSM
        self.p_MD = p_MD
        self.eps_MD = eps_MD