Ejemplo n.º 1
def batch_calculate_state(circuits, param_resolvers, simulator):
    """Compute states using a given simulator using parallel processing.

    Returns a NumPy array containing the final circuit state for each
    `cirq.Circuit` in `circuits`, given that the corresponding
    `cirq.ParamResolver` in `param_resolvers` was used to resolve any symbols
    in it. If simulator is a `cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator` this final state will
    be a density matrix, if simulator is a `cirq.Simulator` this final state
    will be a state vector. More specifically for a given `i`
    `batch_calculate_state` will use `param_resolvers[i]` to resolve the symbols
    in `circuits[i]` and then place the final state in the return list at index

        circuits: Python `list` of `cirq.Circuit`s.
        param_resolvers: Python `list` of `cirq.ParamResolver`s, where
            `param_resolvers[i]` is the resolver to be used with `circuits[i]`.
        simulator: Simulator object. Currently
            supported are `cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator` and `cirq.Simulator`.

        `np.ndarray` containing the resulting state information. The array will
        have dimensions: [len(circuits), <size of biggest state>] in the
        case of `cirq.Simulator`. In the case of `cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator`
        the shape is
         [len(circuits), <size of biggest state>, <size of biggest state>]
    _validate_inputs(circuits, param_resolvers, simulator, 'analytic')
    if _check_empty(circuits):
        empty_ret = np.zeros((0, 0), dtype=np.complex64)
        if isinstance(simulator, cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator):
            empty_ret = np.zeros((0, 0, 0), dtype=np.complex64)
        return empty_ret

    biggest_circuit = max(len(circuit.all_qubits()) for circuit in circuits)
    if isinstance(simulator, cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator):
        return_mem_shape = (len(circuits), 1 << biggest_circuit,
                            1 << biggest_circuit)
        post_process = lambda x: x.final_density_matrix
    elif isinstance(simulator, cirq.Simulator):
        return_mem_shape = (len(circuits), 1 << biggest_circuit)
        post_process = lambda x: x.final_state_vector
        raise TypeError('Simulator {} is not supported by '

    shared_array = _make_complex_view(return_mem_shape, -2)
    input_args = _prep_pool_input_args(range(len(circuits)), circuits,
    with ProcessPool(processes=None,
                     initargs=(shared_array, return_mem_shape, simulator,
                               post_process)) as pool:

        pool.starmap(_state_worker_func, list(input_args))

    return _convert_complex_view_to_result(shared_array, return_mem_shape)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def start(self):
     Create a process pool to execute concurrent requests.
     process_pool = ProcessPool(processes=self.concurrency)
     process_pool.map(self.run, range(self.concurrency))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def persist_corpus(data_path: str, uri: str, processes: int):
    ppool = ProcessPool(processes)
    file_names = [file_name for file_name in get_files_gen(data_path)]

    with Database(uri) as session:

        with tqdm(total=len(file_names)) as progress:
            for docs in tqdm(ppool.imap_unordered(worker_job, file_names)):
Ejemplo n.º 4
def main():
    spider_list = []
    for spiders in all_spiders:
        for name in dir(spiders):
            spider_instance = getattr(spiders, name)
            if inspect.isclass(spider_instance):
    # pool = ThreadPool(8)
    pool = ProcessPool(4)
    pool.map(start, spider_list)
    print("ALL TASK DONE")
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def run(self):
        begin = int(time.time())
        pool = ProcessPool(args.n) if args.m == 'proc' else ThreadPool(args.n)
        if self.f == 'ping':
            result = pool.map(self.run_ping, self.ip)
            result = pool.map(self.run_tcp_port, [port for port in range(65535 + 1)])
        end = int(time.time())

        if self.cost_print:
            print('cost time:%s' % (end - begin))
        # print('result:', result)

        if self.file_name:
            with open(self.file_name, 'w') as f:
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def create_frames(self, states):


        states_to_be_created = self.get_nonexistent_states(states)

        if len(states_to_be_created) != 0 and self.psd is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Need to generate states but no psd file supplied.")

        #ProcessPool for CPU bound image creation, ThreadPool for IO bound file saving
        with ProcessPool(initializer=ignore_signal
                         ) as process_pool, ThreadPool() as thread_pool:
                for image, state in process_pool.imap_unordered(
                        self.generate_image, states_to_be_created):
                    save_image = partial(image.save,
                                         self.args.directory / state.filename)
            except KeyboardInterrupt:

                raise KeyboardInterrupt from None
Ejemplo n.º 7
def batch_sample(circuits, param_resolvers, n_samples, simulator):
    """Sample from circuits using parallel processing.

    Returns a `np.ndarray` containing n_samples samples from all the circuits in
    circuits given that the corresponding `cirq.ParamResolver` in
    `param_resolvers` was used to resolve any symbols. Specifically the
    returned array at index `i,j` will correspond to a `np.ndarray` of
    booleans representing bitstring `j` that was sampled from `circuits[i]`.
    Samples are drawn using the provided simulator object (Currently supported
    are `cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator` and `cirq.Simulator`).

    Note: In order to keep numpy shape consistent, smaller circuits will
        have sample bitstrings padded with -2 on "qubits that don't exist
        in the circuit".

        circuits: Python `list` of `cirq.Circuit`s.
        param_resolvers: Python `list` of `cirq.ParamResolver`s, where
            `param_resolvers[i]` is the resolver to be used with `circuits[i]`.
        n_samples: `int` describing number of samples to draw from each
        simulator: Simulator object. Currently
            supported are `cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator` and `cirq.Simulator`.

        `np.ndarray` containing the samples with invalid qubits blanked out.
        It's shape is
        [len(circuits), n_samples, <# qubits in largest circuit>].
        circuits that are smaller than #qubits in largest circuit have null
        qubits in bitstrings mapped to -2.
    _validate_inputs(circuits, param_resolvers, simulator, 'sample')
    if _check_empty(circuits):
        return np.zeros((0, 0, 0), dtype=np.int32)

    if not isinstance(n_samples, int):
        raise TypeError('n_samples must be an int.'
                        'Given: {}'.format(type(n_samples)))

    if n_samples <= 0:
        raise ValueError('n_samples must be > 0.')

    biggest_circuit = max(len(circuit.all_qubits()) for circuit in circuits)
    return_mem_shape = (len(circuits), n_samples, biggest_circuit)
    shared_array = _make_simple_view(return_mem_shape, -2, np.int32, 'i')

    if isinstance(simulator, cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator):
        post_process = lambda state, size, n_samples: \
                state.final_density_matrix, [i for i in range(size)],
    elif isinstance(simulator, cirq.Simulator):
        post_process = lambda state, size, n_samples: cirq.sample_state_vector(
            state.final_state_vector, list(range(size)), repetitions=n_samples)
        raise TypeError(
            'Simulator {} is not supported by batch_sample.'.format(

    input_args = list(
        _prep_pool_input_args(range(len(circuits)), circuits, param_resolvers,
                              [n_samples] * len(circuits)))

    with ProcessPool(processes=None,
                     initargs=(shared_array, return_mem_shape, simulator,
                               post_process)) as pool:

        pool.starmap(_sample_worker_func, input_args)

    return _convert_simple_view_to_result(shared_array, np.int32,
Ejemplo n.º 8
def batch_calculate_sampled_expectation(circuits, param_resolvers, ops,
                                        n_samples, simulator):
    """Compute expectations from sampling circuits using parallel processing.

    Returns a `np.ndarray` containing the expectation values of `ops`
    applied to a specific circuit in `circuits`, given that the
    corresponding `cirq.ParamResolver` in `param_resolvers` was used to resolve
    any symbols in the circuit. Specifically the returned array at index `i,j`
    will be equal to the expectation value of `ops[i][j]` on `circuits[i]` with
    `param_resolvers[i]` used to resolve any symbols in `circuits[i]`.
    Expectation estimations will be carried out using the simulator object
    (`cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator` and `cirq.Simulator` are currently supported)
    . Expectations for ops[i][j] are estimated by drawing n_samples[i][j]

        circuits: Python `list` of `cirq.Circuit`s.
        param_resolvers: Python `list` of `cirq.ParamResolver`s, where
            `param_resolvers[i]` is the resolver to be used with `circuits[i]`.
        ops: 2d Python `list` of `cirq.PauliSum` objects where `ops[i][j]` will
            be used to calculate the expectation on `circuits[i]` for all `j`,
            after `param_resolver[i]` is used to resolve any parameters
            in the circuit.
        n_samples: 2d Python `list` of `int`s where `n_samples[i][j]` is
            equal to the number of samples to draw in each term of `ops[i][j]`
            when estimating the expectation.
        simulator: Simulator object. Currently supported are
            `cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator` and `cirq.Simulator`.

        `np.ndarray` containing the expectation values. Shape is:
            [len(circuits), len(ops[0])]
    _validate_inputs(circuits, param_resolvers, simulator, 'sample')
    if _check_empty(circuits):
        return np.zeros((0, 0), dtype=np.float32)

    if not isinstance(ops, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        raise TypeError('ops must be a list or array.'
                        ' Given: {}'.format(type(ops)))

    if len(ops) != len(circuits):
        raise ValueError('Shape of ops and circuits do not match.')

    if len(n_samples) != len(circuits):
        raise ValueError('Shape of n_samples does not match circuits.')

    for sub_list in n_samples:
        if not isinstance(sub_list, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            raise TypeError('Elements of n_elements must be lists of ints.')
        for x in sub_list:
            if not isinstance(x, int):
                raise TypeError('Non-integer value found in n_samples.')
            if x <= 0:
                raise ValueError('n_samples contains sample value <= 0.')

    for sub_list in ops:
        if not isinstance(sub_list, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            raise TypeError('elements of ops must be type list.')
        for x in sub_list:
            if not isinstance(x, cirq.PauliSum):
                raise TypeError('ops must contain only cirq.PauliSum objects.'
                                ' Given: {}'.format(type(x)))

    return_mem_shape = (len(circuits), len(ops[0]))
    shared_array = _make_simple_view(return_mem_shape, -2, np.float32, 'f')

    # avoid mutating ops array
    ops = np.copy(ops)
    # TODO (mbbrough): make cirq PauliSums pickable at some point ?
    for i in range(len(ops)):
        for j in range(len(ops[i])):
            ops[i][j] = serializer.serialize_paulisum(ops[i][j])

    input_args = list(
            itertools.product(range(len(circuits)), range(len(ops[0])))),

    with ProcessPool(processes=None,
                     initargs=(shared_array, return_mem_shape, simulator,
                               None)) as pool:

        pool.starmap(_sample_expectation_worker_func, input_args)

    return _convert_simple_view_to_result(shared_array, np.float32,
Ejemplo n.º 9
def batch_calculate_expectation(circuits, param_resolvers, ops, simulator):
    """Compute expectations from circuits using parallel processing.

    Returns a `np.ndarray` containing the expectation values of `ops`
    applied to a specific circuit in `circuits`, given that the
    corresponding `cirq.ParamResolver` in `param_resolvers` was used to resolve
    any symbols in the circuit. Specifically the returned array at index `i,j`
    will be equal to the expectation value of `ops[i][j]` on `circuits[i]` with
    `param_resolvers[i]` used to resolve any symbols in `circuits[i]`.
    Expectation calculations will be carried out using the simulator object
    (`cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator` and `cirq.Simulator` are currently supported)

        circuits: Python `list` of `cirq.Circuit`s.
        param_resolvers: Python `list` of `cirq.ParamResolver`s, where
            `param_resolvers[i]` is the resolver to be used with `circuits[i]`.
        ops: 2d Python `list` of `cirq.PauliSum` objects where `ops[i][j]` will
            be used to calculate the expectation on `circuits[i]` for all `j`,
            after `param_resolver[i]` is used to resolve any parameters
            in the circuit.
        simulator: Simulator object. Currently supported are
            `cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator` and `cirq.Simulator`.

        `np.ndarray` containing the expectation values. Shape is:
            [len(circuits), len(ops[0])]
    _validate_inputs(circuits, param_resolvers, simulator, 'analytic')
    if not isinstance(ops, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        raise TypeError('ops must be a list or array.'
                        ' Given: {}'.format(type(ops)))

    if len(ops) != len(circuits):
        raise ValueError('Shape of ops and circuits do not match.')

    for sub_list in ops:
        if not isinstance(sub_list, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            raise TypeError('elements of ops must be type list.')
        for x in sub_list:
            if not isinstance(x, cirq.PauliSum):
                raise TypeError('ops must contain only cirq.PauliSum objects.'
                                ' Given: {}'.format(type(x)))

    return_mem_shape = (len(circuits), len(ops[0]))
    if isinstance(simulator, cirq.DensityMatrixSimulator):
        post_process = lambda op, state, order: sum(
                state.final_density_matrix, order) for x in op).real
    elif isinstance(simulator, cirq.Simulator):
        post_process = \
            lambda op, state, order: op.expectation_from_state_vector(
                state.final_state_vector, order).real
        raise TypeError('Simulator {} is not supported by '

    shared_array = _make_simple_view(return_mem_shape, -2, np.float32, 'f')

    # avoid mutating ops array
    ops = np.copy(ops)
    # TODO (mbbrough): make cirq PauliSUms pickable at some point ?
    for i in range(len(ops)):
        for j in range(len(ops[i])):
            ops[i][j] = serializer.serialize_paulisum(ops[i][j])

    input_args = list(
            itertools.product(range(len(circuits)), range(len(ops[0])))),

    with ProcessPool(processes=None,
                     initargs=(shared_array, return_mem_shape, simulator,
                               post_process)) as pool:

        pool.starmap(_analytical_expectation_worker_func, input_args)

    return _convert_simple_view_to_result(shared_array, np.float32,
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def star(self):
     process_pool = ProcessPool(processes=self.concurrency)
     process_pool.map(self.run, range(self.concurrency))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def get_surrogate_model_data():
    Yields structural data for surrogate model.
    GET parameters:
        - "modeltype": Model type can be specified with GET param (currently only decision tree with "rules" supported).
        - "objs": Objectives with objs=alpha,beta,...
        - "ids": List of embedding IDs to consider, with ids=1,2,3,... Note: If "ids" is not specified, all embeddings
          are used to construct surrogate model.
        - "n_bins": Number of bins to use for surrogate model's predictions.
    :return: Jsonified structure of surrogate model for DR metadata.

    metadata_template = app.config["METADATA_TEMPLATE"]
    surrogate_model_type = request.args["modeltype"]
    objective_name = request.args["objs"]
    number_of_bins = int(
        request.args["n_bins"]) if request.args["n_bins"] is not None else 5
    ids = request.args.get("ids")

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # 1. Check for mistakes in parameters.
    # ------------------------------------------------------

    if surrogate_model_type not in ["rules"]:
        return "Surrogate model " + surrogate_model_type + " is not supported.", 400

    if objective_name not in metadata_template["objectives"]:
        return "Objective " + objective_name + " is not supported.", 400

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # 2. Pre-select embeddings to use for surrogate model.
    # ------------------------------------------------------

    ids = list(map(int, ids.split(","))) if ids is not None else None
    features_df = app.config["EMBEDDING_METADATA"]["features_preprocessed"]
    labels_df = app.config["EMBEDDING_METADATA"]["labels"]

    # Consider filtered IDs before creating model(s).
    if ids is not None:
        features_df = features_df.iloc[ids]
        labels_df = labels_df.iloc[ids]

    class_encodings = pd.DataFrame(
        pd.cut(labels_df[objective_name], number_of_bins))
    bin_labels = class_encodings[objective_name].unique()
    with ProcessPool(math.floor(psutil.cpu_count(logical=True))) as pool:
        rule_data = list(
                        objective_name=objective_name), bin_labels),

    rule_data = pd.DataFrame(
        [item for sublist in rule_data for item in sublist],
        columns=["rule", "precision", "recall", "support", "from", "to"])

    # Bin data for frontend.
    for attribute in ["precision", "recall", "support"]:
        quantiles = pd.cut(rule_data[attribute], number_of_bins)
        rule_data[attribute + "#histogram"] = quantiles.apply(lambda x: x.left)
    rule_data["from#histogram"] = rule_data["from"]
    rule_data["to#histogram"] = rule_data["to"]
    rule_data.rule = rule_data.rule.str.replace(" and ", "<br>")

    return rule_data.to_json(orient='records')