Ejemplo n.º 1
class StartOSInstallRunner(object):
    '''Handles running startosinstall to set up and kick off an upgrade install
    of macOS'''
    def __init__(self, installer, finishing_tasks=None, installinfo=None):
        self.installer = installer
        self.installinfo = installinfo
        self.finishing_tasks = finishing_tasks
        self.dmg_mountpoint = None
        self.got_sigusr1 = False

    def sigusr1_handler(self, dummy_signum, dummy_frame):
        '''Signal handler for SIGUSR1 from startosinstall, which tells us it's
        done setting up the macOS install and is ready and waiting to reboot'''
        display.display_debug1('Got SIGUSR1 from startosinstall')
        self.got_sigusr1 = True
        # do cleanup, record-keeping, notifications
        if self.installinfo and 'postinstall_script' in self.installinfo:
            # run the postinstall_script
            dummy_retcode = scriptutils.run_embedded_script(
                'postinstall_script', self.installinfo)
        if self.finishing_tasks:
        # set Munki to run at boot after the OS upgrade is complete
        except bootstrapping.SetupError, err:
                'Could not set up Munki to run after OS upgrade is complete: '
                '%s', err)
        if pkgutils.hasValidDiskImageExt(self.installer):
            # remove the diskimage to free up more space for the actual install
            except (IOError, OSError):
        # ask authrestartd if we can do an auth restart, or look for a recovery
        # key (via munkilib.authrestart methods)
        if (authrestartd.verify_can_attempt_auth_restart()
                or authrestart.can_attempt_auth_restart()):
            # set a secret preference to tell the osinstaller process to exit
            # instead of restart
            # this is the equivalent of:
            # `defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences
            #                 IAQuitInsteadOfReboot -bool YES`
            # This preference is referred to in a framework inside the
            # Install macOS.app:
            # Contents/Frameworks/OSInstallerSetup.framework/Versions/A/
            #     Frameworks/OSInstallerSetupInternal.framework/Versions/A/
            #     OSInstallerSetupInternal
            # It might go away in future versions of the macOS installer.
            CFPreferencesSetValue('IAQuitInsteadOfReboot', True,
                                  '.GlobalPreferences', kCFPreferencesAnyUser,
        # now tell startosinstall it's OK to proceed
        subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/killall', '-SIGUSR1', 'startosinstall'])
Ejemplo n.º 2
def setup_authrestart_if_applicable():
    '''Sets up the ability to do an authrestart if applicable'''
    # ask authrestartd if we can do an auth restart, or look for a recovery
    # key (via munkilib.authrestart methods)
    if (authrestartd.verify_can_attempt_auth_restart()
            or authrestart.can_attempt_auth_restart()):
            'FileVault is active and we can do an authrestart')
        #os_version_tuple = osutils.getOsVersion(as_tuple=True)
        if False:  # was: os_version_tuple >= (10, 12):
            # setup delayed auth restart so that when startosinstall does a
            # restart, it completes without user credentials
            display.display_info('Setting up delayed authrestart...')
            # make sure the special secret InstallAssistant preference is not
            # set
            CFPreferencesSetValue('IAQuitInsteadOfReboot', None,
                                  '.GlobalPreferences', kCFPreferencesAnyUser,
            # set an undocumented  preference to tell the osinstaller
            # process to exit instead of restart
            # this is the equivalent of:
            # `defaults write /Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences
            #                 IAQuitInsteadOfReboot -bool YES`
            # This preference is referred to in a framework inside the
            # Install macOS.app:
            # Contents/Frameworks/OSInstallerSetup.framework/Versions/A/
            #     Frameworks/OSInstallerSetupInternal.framework/Versions/A/
            #     OSInstallerSetupInternal
            # It might go away in future versions of the macOS installer.
            # (but it's still there in the macOS 12.0.1 installer!)
                'Configuring startosinstall to quit instead of restart...')
            CFPreferencesSetValue('IAQuitInsteadOfReboot', True,
                                  '.GlobalPreferences', kCFPreferencesAnyUser,