Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testAdd(self):
        mapper = KeyMapper()
        o1 = object()
        o2 = object()
        o3 = object()

        # Create new ids
        key1 = mapper.key(o1)
        key2 = mapper.key(o2)
        key3 = mapper.key(o3)

        self.assertEquals(mapper.get(key1), o1)
        self.assertEquals(mapper.get(key2), o2)
        self.assertEquals(mapper.get(key3), o3)
        self.assertNotEquals(key1, key2)
        self.assertNotEquals(key1, key3)
        self.assertNotEquals(key2, key3)

        self.assertSize(mapper, 3)

        # Key should not add if there already is a mapping
        self.assertEquals(mapper.key(o3), key3)
        self.assertSize(mapper, 3)

        # Remove -> add should return a new key
        newkey1 = mapper.key(o1)
        self.assertNotEqual(key1, newkey1)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def paintActions(self, actionTarget, paintTarget):

        self.actionMapper = None

        actions = set()
        if self.actionHandlers is not None:
            for handler in self.actionHandlers:
                ac = handler.getActions(actionTarget, self.viewer)
                if ac is not None:
                    for a in ac:

        if self.ownActions is not None:
            actions = actions.union(self.ownActions)

        # Must repaint whenever there are actions OR if all actions have
        # been removed but still exist on client side
        if (len(actions) > 0) or self._clientHasActions:
            self.actionMapper = KeyMapper()

            paintTarget.addVariable(self.viewer, "action", "")

            for a in actions:
                akey = self.actionMapper.key(a)
                paintTarget.addAttribute("key", akey)
                if a.getCaption() is not None:
                    paintTarget.addAttribute("caption", a.getCaption())

                if a.getIcon() is not None:
                    paintTarget.addAttribute("icon", a.getIcon())

                if isinstance(a, ShortcutAction):
                    sa = a
                    paintTarget.addAttribute("kc", sa.getKeyCode())
                    modifiers = sa.getModifiers()
                    if modifiers is not None:
                        smodifiers = [None] * len(modifiers)
                        for i in range(len(modifiers)):
                            smodifiers[i] = str(modifiers[i])

                        paintTarget.addAttribute("mk", smodifiers)



        # Update flag for next repaint so we know if we need to paint empty
        # actions or not (must send actions is client had actions before and
        # all actions were removed).
        self._clientHasActions = len(actions) > 0
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def addActionHandler(self, actionHandler):
        """Adds an action handler.

        @see: L{IContainer.addActionHandler}
        if actionHandler is not None:
            if self._actionHandlers is None:
                self._actionHandlers = list()
                self._actionMapper = KeyMapper()

            if actionHandler not in self._actionHandlers:
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def testRemoveAll(self):
        mapper = KeyMapper()
        o1 = object()
        o2 = object()
        o3 = object()

        # Create new ids

        self.assertSize(mapper, 3)
        self.assertSize(mapper, 0)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        """Constructs a new Tabsheet. Tabsheet is immediate by default, and
        the default close handler removes the tab being closed.
        super(TabSheet, self).__init__()

        #: List of component tabs (tab contents). In addition to being on this
        #  list, there is a L{ITab} object in tabs for each tab with
        #  meta-data about the tab.
        self._components = list()

        #: Map containing information related to the tabs (caption, icon etc).
        self._tabs = dict()

        #: Selected tab content component.
        self._selected = None

        #: Mapper between server-side component instances (tab contents) and
        #  keys given to the client that identify tabs.
        self._keyMapper = KeyMapper()

        #: When true, the tab selection area is not displayed to the user.
        self._tabsHidden = None

        #: Tabs that have been shown to the user (have been painted as
        #  selected).
        self._paintedTabs = set()

        #: Handler to be called when a tab is closed.
        self._closeHandler = None

        #: expand horizontally by default
        self.setWidth(100.0, self.UNITS_PERCENTAGE)
