Ejemplo n.º 1
    def testTinyNotationStream(self):
        st = TinyNotationStream(
            'e2 f#8 r f trip{g16 f e-} d8 c B trip{d16 c B}')
        ret = ""
        for thisNote in st:
            ret += self.compactNoteInfo(thisNote) + "\n"

        #d1 = st.duration
        #l1 = d1.quarterLength
        self.assertAlmostEquals(st.duration.quarterLength, 6.0)

        ret += "Total duration of Stream: " + common.strTrimFloat(
            st.duration.quarterLength) + "\n"
        canonical = '''
E E 4 half 2.0
F# F 4 sharp eighth 0.5
rest eighth 0.5
F F 4 eighth 0.5
G G 4 16th 0.1667 & is a tuplet (in fact STARTS the tuplet)
F F 4 16th 0.1667 & is a tuplet
E- E 4 flat 16th 0.1667 & is a tuplet (in fact STOPS the tuplet)
D D 4 eighth 0.5
C C 4 eighth 0.5
B B 3 eighth 0.5
D D 4 16th 0.1667 & is a tuplet (in fact STARTS the tuplet)
C C 4 16th 0.1667 & is a tuplet
B B 3 16th 0.1667 & is a tuplet (in fact STOPS the tuplet)
Total duration of Stream: 6.0
        self.assertTrue(common.basicallyEqual(canonical, ret), ret)
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def testTinyNotationStream(self):
        st = TinyNotationStream("e2 f#8 r f trip{g16 f e-} d8 c B trip{d16 c B}")
        ret = ""
        for thisNote in st:
            ret += thisNote.compactNoteInfo() + "\n"

        d1 = st.duration
        l1 = d1.quarterLength
        self.assertAlmostEquals(st.duration.quarterLength, 6.0)

        ret += "Total duration of Stream: " + str(st.duration.quarterLength) + "\n"
        canonical = """
E E 4 half 2.0
F# F 4 sharp eighth 0.5
rest eighth 0.5
F F 4 eighth 0.5
G G 4 16th 0.166666666667 & is a tuplet (in fact STARTS the tuplet)
F F 4 16th 0.166666666667 & is a tuplet
E- E 4 flat 16th 0.166666666667 & is a tuplet (in fact STOPS the tuplet)
D D 4 eighth 0.5
C C 4 eighth 0.5
B B 3 eighth 0.5
D D 4 16th 0.166666666667 & is a tuplet (in fact STARTS the tuplet)
C C 4 16th 0.166666666667 & is a tuplet
B B 3 16th 0.166666666667 & is a tuplet (in fact STOPS the tuplet)
Total duration of Stream: 6.0
        self.assertTrue(common.basicallyEqual(canonical, ret))
Ejemplo n.º 3
class StreamException(Exception):

if (__name__ == "__main__"):
    (note1,note2,note3,note4) = (note.Note (), note.Note (), note.Note(), note.Note())
    note1.name = "C"; note2.name = "D"; note3.name = "E-"; note4.name = "F#"
    rest1 = note.Rest()
    rest1.duration.type = "eighth"
    note1.duration.type = "whole"; note2.duration.type = "half"
    note3.duration.type = "quarter"; note4.duration.type = "eighth"
    stream1 = Stream ([note1, note2, note3, rest1, note4])
    assert stream1.totalDuration == 8
    for tN in stream1:
        tN.duration.dots = 1
    a = stream1.lily.value
    assert common.basicallyEqual(a, r'''\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #(x11-color 'LightSlateGray) \clef "treble" c'1. d'2. ees'4. r8. fis'8. ''')
    ts1 = meter.TimeSignature("2/4")
    print stream1.intervalOverRestsList
    noteFollowingRest = stream1.noteFollowingNote(rest1, True)
    assert noteFollowingRest.name == "F#", "noteFollowingNote is not working!"
    assert note3.editorial.melodicIntervalOverRests.niceName == "Augmented Second", "melodicIntervalOverRests aint workin either!"

    note11 = note.Note()
    note11.name = "C"
    note11.duration.type = "quarter"
    note12 = note.Note()
    note11.name = "D"
    note12.duration.type = "quarter"
    note13 = note.Note()
Ejemplo n.º 4
    note2.name = "D"
    note3.name = "E-"
    note4.name = "F#"
    rest1 = note.Rest()
    rest1.duration.type = "eighth"
    note1.duration.type = "whole"
    note2.duration.type = "half"
    note3.duration.type = "quarter"
    note4.duration.type = "eighth"
    stream1 = Stream([note1, note2, note3, rest1, note4])
    assert stream1.totalDuration == 8
    for tN in stream1:
        tN.duration.dots = 1
    a = stream1.lily.value
    assert common.basicallyEqual(
        r'''\override Staff.StaffSymbol #'color = #(x11-color 'LightSlateGray) \clef "treble" c'1. d'2. ees'4. r8. fis'8. '''
    ts1 = meter.TimeSignature("2/4")
    print stream1.intervalOverRestsList
    noteFollowingRest = stream1.noteFollowingNote(rest1, True)
    assert noteFollowingRest.name == "F#", "noteFollowingNote is not working!"
    assert note3.editorial.melodicIntervalOverRests.niceName == "Augmented Second", "melodicIntervalOverRests aint workin either!"

    note11 = note.Note()
    note11.name = "C"
    note11.duration.type = "quarter"
    note12 = note.Note()
    note11.name = "D"
    note12.duration.type = "quarter"