Ejemplo n.º 1
def to_musicxml(sc_enc):
    "Converts Chord tuples (see chorales.prepare_poly) to musicXML"
    timestep = Duration(1. / FRAMES_PER_CROTCHET)
    musicxml_score = Stream()
    prev_chord = dict(
    )  # midi->(note instance from previous chord), used to determine tie type (start, continue, stop)
    for has_fermata, chord_notes in sc_enc:
        notes = []
        if len(chord_notes) == 0:  # no notes => rest for this frame
            r = Rest()
            r.duration = timestep
            for note_tuple in chord_notes:
                note = Note()
                if has_fermata:
                note.midi = note_tuple[0]
                if note_tuple[1]:  # current note is tied
                    note.tie = Tie('stop')
                    if prev_chord and note.pitch.midi in prev_chord:
                        prev_note = prev_chord[note.pitch.midi]
                        if prev_note.tie is None:
                            prev_note.tie = Tie('start')
                            prev_note.tie = Tie('continue')
            prev_chord = {note.pitch.midi: note for note in notes}
            chord = Chord(notes=notes, duration=timestep)
            if has_fermata:
    return musicxml_score
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def durationType(self, n, search, pm, t, parent):
     The result of a successful search for a duration type: puts a Duration in the right place.
     self.durationFound = True
     typeNum = int(search.group(1))
     if typeNum == 0:
         if parent.stateDict['currentTimeSignature'] is not None:
             n.duration = copy.deepcopy(parent.stateDict['currentTimeSignature'].barDuration)
         n.duration.type = duration.typeFromNumDict[typeNum]
     t = re.sub(pm, '', t)
     return t
Ejemplo n.º 3
def ch1_writing_II_A(show=True, *arguments, **keywords):
    '''p. 7

    Compose a melody using whole and half steps in any musical style.

    This technique uses a random walk of whole or half steps with direction 
    choices determined by whether the present note is above or below the 
    target end.
    import random
    from music21 import stream, expressions, pitch

    dirWeight = [-1, 1] # start with an even distribution
    s = stream.Stream()

    nStart = note.Note('g4')
    n = copy.deepcopy(nStart)

    while True:
#        n.quarterLength = random.choice([.25, .5, 1])
        n.duration.type = random.choice(['16th', 'eighth', 'quarter'])
        # if we have written more than fifteen notes 
        # and the last notes matches the first pitch class, then end.
        if len(s) > 4 and n.pitch.pitchClass == nStart.pitch.pitchClass:
        if len(s) > 30: # emergency break in case the piece is too long
        direction = random.choice(dirWeight)
        if direction == 1:
            i = random.choice(['w', 'h'])
            i = random.choice(['w-', 'h-'])
            n = n.transpose(i)
        except pitch.AccidentalException:
            break # end b/c our transposition have exceeded accidental range
        iSpread = interval.notesToInterval(nStart, n)
        if iSpread.direction == -1: # we are below our target, favor upward
            dirWeight = [-1, 1, 1]
        if iSpread.direction == 1: # we are above our target, favor down
            dirWeight = [-1, -1, 1]

    if show:
        unused_post = musicxml.m21ToString.fromMusic21Object(s)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def testOne(self):
     c = Converter(self.parseTest)
     s = c.stream
     sfn = s.flat.notes
     self.assertEqual(sfn[0].tie.type, 'start')
     self.assertEqual(sfn[1].tie.type, 'continue')
     self.assertEqual(sfn[2].tie.type, 'stop')
     self.assertEqual(sfn[0].step, 'C')
     self.assertEqual(sfn[0].octave, 3)
     self.assertEqual(sfn[1].lyric, "hello")
     self.assertEqual(sfn[2].id, "mine")
     self.assertEqual(sfn[6].pitch.accidental.alter, 1)
     self.assertEqual(sfn[7].pitch.accidental.alter, -2)
     self.assertEqual(sfn[9].editorial.ficta.alter, 0)
     self.assertEqual(sfn[12].duration.quarterLength, 1.0)
     self.assertEqual(sfn[12].expressions[0].classes, expressions.Fermata().classes)
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def durationType(self, element, search, pm, t, parent):
     The result of a successful search for a duration type: puts a Duration in the right place.
     self.durationFound = True
     typeNum = int(search.group(1))
     if typeNum == 0:
         if parent.stateDict['currentTimeSignature'] is not None:
             element.duration = copy.deepcopy(
             element.duration.type = duration.typeFromNumDict[typeNum]
         except KeyError as ke:
             raise TinyNotationException(
                 f'Cannot parse token with duration {typeNum}') from ke
     t = re.sub(pm, '', t)
     return t
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def _getNote(self):
        if self._note is not None:
            return self._note
        noteObj = None
        storedtie = None

        stringRep = self.stringRep
        storedDict = self.storedDict

        if stringRep is None:
            raise TinyNotationException(
                'Cannot return a note without some parameters')

        if self.PRECTIE.match(stringRep):
            environLocal.printDebug('Found Front Tie')
            stringRep = self.PRECTIE.sub("", stringRep)
            storedtie = tie.Tie("stop")
            storedDict['lastNoteTied'] = False

        elif 'lastNoteTied' in storedDict and storedDict[
                'lastNoteTied'] is True:
            storedtie = tie.Tie("stop")
            storedDict['lastNoteTied'] = False

        x = self.customPitchMatch(stringRep, storedDict)

        if x is not None:
            noteObj = x
        elif (self.REST.match(stringRep) is not None):  # rest
            noteObj = note.Rest()
        elif (self.OCTAVE2.match(stringRep)):  # BB etc.
            nn = self.OCTAVE2.match(stringRep)
            noteObj = self._getPitch(nn, 3 - len(nn.group(1)))
        elif (self.OCTAVE3.match(stringRep)):
            noteObj = self._getPitch(self.OCTAVE3.match(stringRep), 3)
        elif (self.OCTAVE5.match(stringRep)):  # must match octave 5 then 4!
            nn = self.OCTAVE5.match(stringRep)
            noteObj = self._getPitch(nn, 4 + len(nn.group(2)))
        elif (self.OCTAVE4.match(stringRep)):
            noteObj = self._getPitch(self.OCTAVE4.match(stringRep), 4)
            raise TinyNotationException(
                "could not get pitch information from " + str(stringRep))

        if storedtie:
            noteObj.tie = storedtie

        ## get duration
        usedLastDuration = False

        if (self.TYPE.search(stringRep)):
            typeNum = self.TYPE.search(stringRep).group(1)
            if (typeNum == "0"):  ## special case = full measure + fermata
                if 'barDuration' in storedDict:
                    noteObj.duration = storedDict['barDuration']
                newFerm = expressions.Fermata()
                noteObj.duration.type = duration.typeFromNumDict[int(typeNum)]
            if 'lastDuration' in storedDict:
                noteObj.duration = copy.deepcopy(storedDict['lastDuration'])
                usedLastDuration = True
            if (noteObj.duration.tuplets):
                noteObj.duration.tuplets[0].type = ""
                # if it continues a tuplet it cannot be start; maybe end

        ## get dots; called out because subclassable
        self.getDots(stringRep, noteObj)

        ## get ties
        if self.TIE.search(stringRep):
            environLocal.printDebug('Found Tie Tie')
            storedDict['lastNoteTied'] = True
            if noteObj.tie is None:
                noteObj.tie = tie.Tie("start")
                noteObj.tie.type = 'continue'

        ## use dict to set tuplets
        if ((('inTrip' in storedDict and storedDict['inTrip'] == True) or
             ('inQuad' in storedDict and storedDict['inQuad'] == True))
                and usedLastDuration == False):
            newTup = duration.Tuplet()
            newTup.durationActual.type = noteObj.duration.type
            newTup.durationNormal.type = noteObj.duration.type
            if 'inQuad' in storedDict and storedDict['inQuad'] == True:
                newTup.numNotesActual = 4.0
                newTup.numNotesNormal = 3.0
            if 'beginTuplet' in storedDict and storedDict[
                    'beginTuplet'] == True:
                newTup.type = "start"

        if ((('inTrip' in storedDict and storedDict['inTrip'] == True) or
             ('inQuad' in storedDict and storedDict['inQuad'] == True)) and
            ('endTuplet' in storedDict and storedDict['endTuplet'] == True)):
            noteObj.duration.tuplets[0].type = "stop"

        storedDict['lastDuration'] = noteObj.duration

        ## get accidentals
        if (isinstance(noteObj, note.Note)):
            if (self.EDSHARP.search(stringRep)):  # must come before sharp
                alter = len(self.EDSHARP.search(stringRep).group(1))
                acc1 = pitch.Accidental(alter)
                noteObj.editorial.ficta = acc1
                noteObj.editorial.misc['pmfc-ficta'] = acc1
            elif (self.EDFLAT.search(stringRep)):  # must come before flat
                alter = -1 * len(self.EDFLAT.search(stringRep).group(1))
                acc1 = pitch.Accidental(alter)
                noteObj.editorial.ficta = acc1
                noteObj.editorial.misc['pmfc-ficta'] = acc1
            elif (self.EDNAT.search(stringRep)):
                acc1 = pitch.Accidental("natural")
                noteObj.editorial.ficta = acc1
                noteObj.editorial.misc['pmfc-ficta'] = acc1
                noteObj.accidental = acc1
            elif (self.SHARP.search(stringRep)):
                alter = len(self.SHARP.search(stringRep).group(1))
                noteObj.accidental = pitch.Accidental(alter)
            elif (self.FLAT.search(stringRep)):
                alter = -1 * len(self.FLAT.search(stringRep).group(1))
                noteObj.accidental = pitch.Accidental(alter)

        self.customNotationMatch(noteObj, stringRep, storedDict)

        if self.ID_EL.search(stringRep):
            noteObj.id = self.ID_EL.search(stringRep).group(1)

        if self.LYRIC.search(stringRep):
            noteObj.lyric = self.LYRIC.search(stringRep).group(1)

        self._note = noteObj
        return self._note