Ejemplo n.º 1
def removeDuplicateTimeSigs(partToAdjust: stream.Part):
    currentTS = 'FAKE'
    timeSignatures = partToAdjust.recurse().getElementsByClass('TimeSignature')
    for ts in timeSignatures:
        if ts.ratioString == currentTS:
            partToAdjust.remove(ts, recurse=True)
            currentTS = ts.ratioString

    return partToAdjust
Ejemplo n.º 2
def CompileSong(ClassifiedStream=None,
    if ClosestApprox and UpperApprox:  #closest approximation is preferred if both are active
        UpperApprox = False  #turning off upper semiton approximation

    if not ClosestApprox and not UpperApprox:  #ensuring there is an approximation method
        ClosestApprox = True  #default approximation method

    UpperSemitone =\
        'C-': 'C', 'C': 'C', 'C#': 'D', 'D-': 'D', 'D': 'D', 'D#': 'E', 'E-': 'E',
        'E': 'E', 'E#': 'F', 'F-': 'F', 'F' : 'F', 'F#': 'G', 'G-': 'G', 'G': 'G',
        'G#': 'A', 'A-': 'A', 'A': 'A', 'A#': 'B', 'B-': 'B', 'B': 'B', 'B#': 'C',
    } #upper approximation map
    ClosestSemitone =\
        'C-': 'C', 'C': 'C', 'C#': 'C', 'D-': 'D', 'D': 'D', 'D#': 'D', 'E-': 'E',
        'E': 'E', 'E#': 'E', 'F-': 'F', 'F' : 'F', 'F#': 'F', 'G-': 'G', 'G': 'G',
        'G#': 'G', 'A-': 'A', 'A': 'A', 'A#': 'A', 'B-': 'B', 'B': 'B', 'B#': 'B',
    } #clostest approximation map

    for Part in ClassifiedStream:  #for loop for every part
        for Element in Part[:]:  #for loop for every element
            if Element[
                    'Type'] == 'Part':  #checking if the element is a stream part
            elif Element['Type'] == 'Key':  #checking if the element is key
                Element['Extra'] = str(
                    Element['Extra'].tonic.name + ' ' +
                    Element['Extra'].mode)  #turning key to string
            elif Element['Type'] == 'Note':  #checking if the element is a note
                if ClosestApprox:  #checking the approximation method
                    Element['Sound'] = ClosestSemitone[
                        Element['Sound']]  #remapping the sound
                elif UpperApprox:  #checking the approximation method
                    Element['Sound'] = UpperSemitone[
                        Element['Sound']]  #remapping the sound
            elif Element['Type'] == 'Chord':  #checkinf the element is a chord
                if ClosestApprox:  #checking the approximation method
                    Element['Sound'] = [
                        ClosestSemitone[Note] for Note in Element['Sound']
                    ]  #remapping the sound
                elif UpperApprox:  #checking the approximation method
                    Element['Sound'] = [
                        UpperSemitone[Note] for Note in Element['Sound']
                    ]  #remapping the sound

    if Split:  #check if the user wants to split tracks
        Tracks = [i for i in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ']  #name for subtracks
        if len(Tracks) > len(
                ClassifiedStream):  #check what element has more tracks
            for i in range(len(ClassifiedStream)
                           ):  #for loop for every track in the MIDI file
                FilePart = f'MappedSongs/{FileName}[{Tracks[i]}].cmid'  #new name of the file
                Part = [ClassifiedStream[i]]  #list of single part of MIDI file

                with open(FilePart,
                          'wb') as OutputFile:  #creating a compiled file
                    Data = Dumps(Part,
                                 protocol=HighestProtocol)  #serializing data
                    OutputFile.write(Data)  #writing data to the file
            for i in range(
            ):  #for loop for every track in the MIDI file (will cut all the tracks next to 26)
                FilePart = f'MappedSongs/{FileName}[{Tracks[i]}].cmid'  #new name of the file
                Part = [ClassifiedStream[i]]  #list of single part of MIDI file

                with open(FilePArt,
                          'wb') as OutputFile:  #creating a compiled file
                    Data = Dumps(Part,
                                 protocol=HighestProtocol)  #serializing data
                    OutputFile.write(Data)  #writing data to the file

        FileName = f'MappedSongs/{FileName}.cmid'  #completed file name + path
        with open(FileName, 'wb') as OutputFile:  #creating a compiled file
            Data = Dumps(ClassifiedStream,
                         protocol=HighestProtocol)  #serializing data
            OutputFile.write(Data)  #writing data to the file