Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_partitionmapper():
    ds = give_data()
    oep = OddEvenPartitioner()
    parts = list(oep.generate(ds))
    assert_equal(len(parts), 2)
    for i, p in enumerate(parts):
        assert_array_equal(p.sa['partitions'].unique, [1, 2])
        assert_equal(p.a.partitions_set, i)
        assert_equal(len(p), len(ds))
Ejemplo n.º 2
def generate_testing_datasets(specs):
    # Lets permute upon each invocation of test, so we could possibly
    # trigger some funny cases
    nonbogus_pool = np.random.permutation([0, 1, 3, 5])

    datasets = {}

    # use a partitioner to flag odd/even samples as training and test
    ttp = OddEvenPartitioner(space='train', count=1)

    for kind, spec in specs.iteritems():
        # set of univariate datasets
        for nlabels in [ 2, 3, 4 ]:
            basename = 'uni%d%s' % (nlabels, kind)
            nonbogus_features = nonbogus_pool[:nlabels]

            dataset = normal_feature_dataset(

            # full dataset
            datasets[basename] = list(ttp.generate(dataset))[0]

        # sample 3D
        total = 2*spec['perlabel']
        nchunks = spec['nchunks']
        data = np.random.standard_normal(( total, 3, 6, 6 ))
        labels = np.concatenate( ( np.repeat( 0, spec['perlabel'] ),
                                  np.repeat( 1, spec['perlabel'] ) ) )
        data[:, 1, 0, 0] += 2*labels           # add some signal
        chunks = np.asarray(range(nchunks)*(total/nchunks))
        mask = np.ones((3, 6, 6), dtype='bool')
        mask[0, 0, 0] = 0
        mask[1, 3, 2] = 0
        ds = Dataset.from_wizard(samples=data, targets=labels, chunks=chunks,
                                 mask=mask, space='myspace')
        # and to stress tests on manipulating sa/fa possibly containing
        # attributes of dtype object
        ds.sa['test_object'] = [['a'], [1, 2]] * (ds.nsamples/2)
        datasets['3d%s' % kind] = ds

    # some additional datasets
    datasets['dumb2'] = dumb_feature_binary_dataset()
    datasets['dumb'] = dumb_feature_dataset()
    # dataset with few invariant features
    _dsinv = dumb_feature_dataset()
    _dsinv.samples = np.hstack((_dsinv.samples,
                               np.zeros((_dsinv.nsamples, 1)),
                               np.ones((_dsinv.nsamples, 1))))
    datasets['dumbinv'] = _dsinv

    # Datasets for regressions testing
    datasets['sin_modulated'] = list(ttp.generate(multiple_chunks(sin_modulated, 4, 30, 1)))[0]
    # use the same full for training
    datasets['sin_modulated_train'] = datasets['sin_modulated']
    datasets['sin_modulated_test'] = sin_modulated(30, 1, flat=True)

    # simple signal for linear regressors
    datasets['chirp_linear'] = multiple_chunks(chirp_linear, 6, 50, 10, 2, 0.3, 0.1)
    datasets['chirp_linear_test'] = chirp_linear(20, 5, 2, 0.4, 0.1)

    datasets['wr1996'] = multiple_chunks(wr1996, 4, 50)
    datasets['wr1996_test'] = wr1996(50)

    datasets['hollow'] = Dataset(HollowSamples((40,20)),
                                 sa={'targets': np.tile(['one', 'two'], 20)})

    return datasets
Ejemplo n.º 3
# use a partitioner to flag odd/even samples as training and test
ttp = OddEvenPartitioner(space='train', count=1)

for kind, spec in specs.iteritems():
    # set of univariate datasets
    for nlabels in [ 2, 3, 4 ]:
        basename = 'uni%d%s' % (nlabels, kind)
        nonbogus_features = nonbogus_pool[:nlabels]

        dataset = normal_feature_dataset(

        # full dataset
        datasets[basename] = list(ttp.generate(dataset))[0]

    # sample 3D
    total = 2*spec['perlabel']
    nchunks = spec['nchunks']
    data = np.random.standard_normal(( total, 3, 6, 6 ))
    labels = np.concatenate( ( np.repeat( 0, spec['perlabel'] ),
                              np.repeat( 1, spec['perlabel'] ) ) )
    data[:, 1, 0, 0] += 2*labels           # add some signal
    chunks = np.asarray(range(nchunks)*(total/nchunks))
    mask = np.ones((3, 6, 6), dtype='bool')
    mask[0, 0, 0] = 0
    mask[1, 3, 2] = 0
    ds = Dataset.from_wizard(samples=data, targets=labels, chunks=chunks,
                             mask=mask, space='myspace')
    datasets['3d%s' % kind] = ds