Ejemplo n.º 1
def test_searchlight_errors_per_trial():
    # To make sure that searchlight can return error/accuracy per trial
    from mvpa2.clfs.gnb import GNB
    from mvpa2.generators.partition import OddEvenPartitioner
    from mvpa2.measures.base import CrossValidation
    from mvpa2.measures.searchlight import sphere_searchlight
    from mvpa2.measures.gnbsearchlight import sphere_gnbsearchlight
    from mvpa2.testing.datasets import datasets
    from mvpa2.misc.errorfx import prediction_target_matches

    dataset = datasets['3dsmall'].copy()
    # randomly permute samples so we break any random correspondence
    # to strengthen tests below
    sample_idx = np.arange(len(dataset))
    dataset = dataset[np.random.permutation(sample_idx)]

    dataset.sa.targets = ['L%d' % l for l in dataset.sa.targets]
    dataset.fa['voxel_indices'] = dataset.fa.myspace
    sample_clf = GNB()              # fast and deterministic

    part = OddEvenPartitioner()
    # only do partial to save time
    cv = CrossValidation(sample_clf, part, errorfx=None) #prediction_target_matches)
    # Just to compare error
    cv_error = CrossValidation(sample_clf, part)

    # Large searchlight radius so we get entire ROI, 2 centers just to make sure
    # that all stacking works correctly
    sl = sphere_searchlight(cv, radius=10, center_ids=[0, 1])
    results = sl(dataset)

    sl_gnb = sphere_gnbsearchlight(sample_clf, part, radius=10, errorfx=None,
                                   center_ids=[0, 1])
    results_gnbsl = sl_gnb(dataset)

    # inspect both results
    # verify that partitioning was done correctly
    partitions = list(part.generate(dataset))
    for res in (results, results_gnbsl):
        assert('targets' in res.sa.keys())  # should carry targets
        assert('cvfolds' in res.sa.keys())  # should carry cvfolds
        for ipart in xrange(len(partitions)):
            assert_array_equal(dataset[partitions[ipart].sa.partitions == 2].targets,
                               res.sa.targets[res.sa.cvfolds == ipart])

    assert_datasets_equal(results, results_gnbsl)

    # one "accuracy" per each trial
    assert_equal(results.shape, (len(dataset), 2))
    # with accuracies the same in both searchlights since the same
    # features were to be selected in both cases due too large radii
    errors_dataset = cv(dataset)
    assert_array_equal(errors_dataset.samples[:, 0], results.samples[:, 0])
    assert_array_equal(errors_dataset.samples[:, 0], results.samples[:, 1])
    # and error matching (up to precision) the one if we run with default error function
    assert_array_almost_equal(np.mean(results.targets[:, None] != results.samples, axis=0)[0],
Ejemplo n.º 2
def test_gifti_dataset_h5py(fn, include_nodes):
    if not externals.exists('h5py'):
        raise SkipTest

    from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save, h5load

    ds = _get_test_dataset(include_nodes)

    h5save(fn, ds)
    ds2 = h5load(fn)

    assert_datasets_equal(ds, ds2)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def test_gifti_dataset_h5py(fn, include_nodes):
    if not externals.exists('h5py'):
        raise SkipTest

    from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5save, h5load

    ds = _get_test_dataset(include_nodes)

    h5save(fn, ds)
    ds2 = h5load(fn)

    assert_datasets_equal(ds, ds2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def test_generate_testing_fmri_dataset(tempfile):

    from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5load
    from mvpa2.testing.regress import generate_testing_fmri_dataset

    ds, filename = generate_testing_fmri_dataset(tempfile)
    assert_equal(tempfile, filename)
    ds_reloaded = h5load(tempfile)
    assert_datasets_equal(ds, ds_reloaded, ignore_a={'wtf'})
Ejemplo n.º 5
def test_generate_testing_fmri_dataset(tempfile):

    from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5load
    from mvpa2.testing.regress import generate_testing_fmri_dataset

    ds, filename = generate_testing_fmri_dataset(tempfile)
        import IPython
        assert ('ipython' not in ds.a.versions)
    assert_equal(tempfile, filename)
    ds_reloaded = h5load(tempfile)
    assert_datasets_equal(ds, ds_reloaded, ignore_a={'wtf'})
Ejemplo n.º 6
def test_generate_testing_fmri_dataset(tempfile):

    from mvpa2.base.hdf5 import h5load
    from mvpa2.testing.regress import generate_testing_fmri_dataset

    ds, filename = generate_testing_fmri_dataset(tempfile)
        import IPython
        assert('ipython' not in ds.a.versions)
    assert_equal(tempfile, filename)
    ds_reloaded = h5load(tempfile)
    assert_datasets_equal(ds, ds_reloaded, ignore_a={'wtf'})
Ejemplo n.º 7
def test_balancer():
    ds = give_data()
    ds.sa['ids'] = np.arange(len(ds))  # some sa to ease tracking of samples

    # only mark the selection in an attribute
    bal = Balancer()
    res = bal(ds)
    # we get a new dataset, with shared samples
    assert_false(ds is res)
    assert_true(ds.samples is res.samples.base)
    # should kick out 2 samples in each chunk of 10
    assert_almost_equal(np.mean(res.sa.balanced_set), 0.8)
    # same as above, but actually apply the selection
    bal = Balancer(apply_selection=True, count=5)
    # just run it once
    res = bal(ds)
    # we get a new dataset, with shared samples
    assert_false(ds is res)
    # should kick out 2 samples in each chunk of 10
    assert_equal(len(res), int(0.8 * len(ds)))
    # now use it as a generator
    dses = list(bal.generate(ds))
    assert_equal(len(dses), 5)

    # if we rerun again, it would be a different selection
    res2 = bal(ds)
    assert_true(np.any(res.sa.ids != bal(ds).sa.ids))

    # but if we create a balancer providing seed rng int,
    # should be identical results
    bal = Balancer(apply_selection=True, count=5, rng=1)
    assert_false(np.any(bal(ds).sa.ids != bal(ds).sa.ids))

    # But results should differ if we use .generate to produce those multiple
    # balanced datasets
    b = Balancer(apply_selection=True, count=3, rng=1)
    balanced = list(b.generate(ds))
    assert_false(all(balanced[0].sa.ids == balanced[1].sa.ids))
    assert_false(all(balanced[0].sa.ids == balanced[2].sa.ids))
    assert_false(all(balanced[1].sa.ids == balanced[2].sa.ids))

    # And should be exactly the same
    for ds_a, ds_b in zip(balanced, b.generate(ds)):
        assert_datasets_equal(ds_a, ds_b)

    # Contribution by Chris Markiewicz
    # And interleaving __call__ and generator fetches
    gen1 = b.generate(ds)
    gen2 = b.generate(ds)

    seq1, seq2, seq3 = [], [], []

    for i in xrange(3):

    # Produces expected sequences

    for i in xrange(3):
        assert_datasets_equal(balanced[i], seq1[i])
        assert_datasets_equal(balanced[i], seq2[i])

    # And all __call__s return the same result
    ds_a = seq3[0]
    for ds_b in seq3[1:]:
        assert_array_equal(ds_a.sa.ids, ds_b.sa.ids)

    # with limit
    bal = Balancer(limit={'chunks': 3}, apply_selection=True)
    res = bal(ds)
    assert_equal(res.sa['chunks'].unique, (3, ))
    assert_equal(get_nelements_per_value(res.sa.targets).values(), [2] * 4)
    # same but include all offlimit samples
    bal = Balancer(limit={'chunks': 3},
    res = bal(ds)
    assert_array_equal(res.sa['chunks'].unique, range(10))
    # chunk three still balanced, but the rest is not, i.e. all samples included
        get_nelements_per_value(res[res.sa.chunks == 3].sa.targets).values(),
        [2] * 4)
        [10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10])
    # fixed amount
    bal = Balancer(amount=1, limit={'chunks': 3}, apply_selection=True)
    res = bal(ds)
    assert_equal(get_nelements_per_value(res.sa.targets).values(), [1] * 4)
    # fraction
    bal = Balancer(amount=0.499, limit=None, apply_selection=True)
    res = bal(ds)
            np.array(get_nelements_per_value(ds.sa.targets).values()) * 0.5),
    # check on feature attribute
    ds.fa['one'] = np.tile([1, 2], 5)
    ds.fa['chk'] = np.repeat([1, 2], 5)
    bal = Balancer(attr='one', amount=2, limit='chk', apply_selection=True)
    res = bal(ds)
    assert_equal(get_nelements_per_value(res.fa.one).values(), [4] * 2)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def test_attrpermute():

    # Was about to use borrowkwargs but didn't work out . Test doesn't hurt
    doc = AttributePermutator.__init__.__doc__
    assert_in('limit : ', doc)
    assert_not_in('collection : ', doc)

    ds = give_data()
    ds.sa['ids'] = range(len(ds))
    pristine_data = ds.samples.copy()
    permutation = AttributePermutator(['targets', 'ids'], assure=True)
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # should not touch the data
    assert_array_equal(pristine_data, pds.samples)
    # even keep the very same array
    assert_true(pds.samples.base is ds.samples)
    # there is no way that it can be the same attribute
    assert_false(np.all(pds.sa.ids == ds.sa.ids))
    # ids should reflect permutation setup
    assert_array_equal(pds.sa.targets, ds.sa.targets[pds.sa.ids])
    # other attribute should remain intact
    assert_array_equal(pds.sa.chunks, ds.sa.chunks)

    # now chunk-wise permutation
    permutation = AttributePermutator('ids', limit='chunks')
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # first ten should remain first ten
    assert_false(np.any(pds.sa.ids[:10] > 9))

    # verify that implausible assure=True would not work
    permutation = AttributePermutator('targets', limit='ids', assure=True)
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, permutation, ds)

    # same thing, but only permute single chunk
    permutation = AttributePermutator('ids', limit={'chunks': 3})
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # one chunk should change
    assert_false(np.any(pds.sa.ids[30:40] > 39))
    assert_false(np.any(pds.sa.ids[30:40] < 30))
    # the rest not
    assert_array_equal(pds.sa.ids[:30], range(30))

    # or a list of chunks
    permutation = AttributePermutator('ids', limit={'chunks': [3, 4]})
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # two chunks should change
    assert_false(np.any(pds.sa.ids[30:50] > 49))
    assert_false(np.any(pds.sa.ids[30:50] < 30))
    # the rest not
    assert_array_equal(pds.sa.ids[:30], range(30))

    # and now try generating more permutations
    nruns = 2

    def assert_all_different_permutations(pds):
        assert_equal(len(pds), nruns)
        for i, p in enumerate(pds):
            assert_false(np.all(p.sa.ids == ds.sa.ids))
            for p_ in pds[i + 1:]:
                assert_false(np.all(p.sa.ids == p_.sa.ids))

    permutation = AttributePermutator(['targets', 'ids'],
    pds = list(permutation.generate(ds))

    # if we provide seeding, and generate, it should also return different datasets
    permutation = AttributePermutator(['targets', 'ids'], count=nruns, rng=1)
    pds1 = list(permutation.generate(ds))

    # but if we regenerate -- should all be the same to before
    pds2 = list(permutation.generate(ds))
    assert_equal(len(pds1), len(pds2))
    for p1, p2 in zip(pds1, pds2):
        assert_datasets_equal(p1, p2)

    # permute feature attrs
    ds.fa['ids'] = range(ds.shape[1])
    permutation = AttributePermutator('fa.ids', assure=True)
    pds = permutation(ds)
    assert_false(np.all(pds.fa.ids == ds.fa.ids))

    # now chunk-wise uattrs strategy (reassignment)
    permutation = AttributePermutator('targets',
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # Due to assure above -- we should have changed things
    assert_not_equal(zip(ds.targets), zip(pds.targets))
    # in each chunk we should have unique remappings
    for c in ds.UC:
        chunk_idx = ds.C == c
        otargets, ptargets = ds.targets[chunk_idx], pds.sa.targets[chunk_idx]
        # we still have the same targets
        assert_equal(set(ptargets), set(otargets))
        # we have only 1-to-1 mappings
        assert_true(len(set(zip(otargets, ptargets))), len(set(otargets)))

    ds.sa['odds'] = ds.sa.ids % 2
    # test combinations
    permutation = AttributePermutator(['targets', 'odds'],
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # Due to assure above -- we should have changed things
    assert_not_equal(zip(ds.targets, ds.sa.odds), zip(pds.targets,
    # In each chunk we should have unique remappings
    for c in ds.UC:
        chunk_idx = ds.C == c
        otargets, ptargets = ds.targets[chunk_idx], pds.sa.targets[chunk_idx]
        oodds, podds = ds.sa.odds[chunk_idx], pds.sa.odds[chunk_idx]
        # we still have the same targets
        assert_equal(set(ptargets), set(otargets))
        assert_equal(set(oodds), set(podds))
        # at the end we have the same mapping
        assert_equal(set(zip(otargets, oodds)), set(zip(ptargets, podds)))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def test_assert_datasets_almost_equal(digits, attribute):
    samples = np.random.standard_normal((2, 5))
    args = dict(sa=dict(targets=np.asarray([1., 2])),
                fa=dict(ids=np.asarray([0., 1, 2, 3, 4])),

    ds = Dataset(samples=samples, **args)

    def negate_assert(f):
        def raiser(*args, **kwargs):
            assert_raises(AssertionError, f, *args, **kwargs)

        return raiser

    assert_datasets_not_almost_equal = negate_assert(
    assert_datasets_not_equal = negate_assert(assert_datasets_equal)

    def change_attribute(name, how_much):
        # change a single attribute in samples, a, fa, or sa.
        ds2 = ds.copy(deep=True)
        attr = ds2.__dict__[name]
        if name == 'samples':
            value = attr
            for key in attr:

            value = attr[key].value

        value[0] += how_much

        return ds2

    def remove_attribute(name):
        ds2 = ds.copy(deep=True)
        attr = ds2.__dict__[name]
        for key in list(attr.keys()):
        return ds2

    if digits is None:
        ds2 = change_attribute(attribute, 0)
        assert_datasets_equal(ds, ds2)
        ds2 = change_attribute(attribute, .5 * 10**-digits)
        assert_datasets_not_equal(ds, ds2)
        assert_datasets_not_almost_equal(ds, ds2, decimal=digits + 1)

        if attribute == 'samples':
            assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds, ds2, decimal=digits)
            assert_datasets_not_almost_equal(ds, ds2, decimal=digits - 1)

            # test ignore_ options
            args = {('ignore_' + attribute): list(args[attribute].keys())}
            assert_datasets_equal(ds, ds2, **args)
            assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds, ds2, **args)

            ds3 = remove_attribute(attribute)
            assert_datasets_not_equal(ds, ds3)
            assert_datasets_not_almost_equal(ds, ds3)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def test_assert_datasets_almost_equal(digits, attribute):
    samples = np.random.standard_normal((2, 5))
    args = dict(sa=dict(targets=np.asarray([1., 2])),
                fa=dict(ids=np.asarray([0., 1, 2, 3, 4])),

    ds = Dataset(samples=samples, **args)

    def negate_assert(f):
        def raiser(*args, **kwargs):
            assert_raises(AssertionError, f, *args, **kwargs)

        return raiser

    assert_datasets_not_almost_equal = negate_assert(assert_datasets_almost_equal)
    assert_datasets_not_equal = negate_assert(assert_datasets_equal)

    def change_attribute(name, how_much):
        # change a single attribute in samples, a, fa, or sa.
        ds2 = ds.copy(deep=True)
        attr = ds2.__dict__[name]
        if name == 'samples':
            value = attr
            for key in attr:

            value = attr[key].value

        value[0] += how_much

        return ds2

    def remove_attribute(name):
        ds2 = ds.copy(deep=True)
        attr = ds2.__dict__[name]
        for key in attr.keys():
        return ds2

    if digits is None:
        ds2 = change_attribute(attribute, 0)
        assert_datasets_equal(ds, ds2)
        ds2 = change_attribute(attribute, .5 * 10 ** -digits)
        assert_datasets_not_equal(ds, ds2)
        assert_datasets_not_almost_equal(ds, ds2, decimal=digits + 1)

        if attribute == 'samples':
            assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds, ds2, decimal=digits)
            assert_datasets_not_almost_equal(ds, ds2, decimal=digits - 1)

            # test ignore_ options
            args = {('ignore_' + attribute): args[attribute].keys()}
            assert_datasets_equal(ds, ds2, **args)
            assert_datasets_almost_equal(ds, ds2, **args)

            ds3 = remove_attribute(attribute)
            assert_datasets_not_equal(ds, ds3)
            assert_datasets_not_almost_equal(ds, ds3)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def test_balancer():
    ds = give_data()
    ds.sa['ids'] = np.arange(len(ds))  # some sa to ease tracking of samples

    # only mark the selection in an attribute
    bal = Balancer()
    res = bal(ds)
    # we get a new dataset, with shared samples
    assert_false(ds is res)
    assert_true(ds.samples is res.samples.base)
    # should kick out 2 samples in each chunk of 10
    assert_almost_equal(np.mean(res.sa.balanced_set), 0.8)
    # same as above, but actually apply the selection
    bal = Balancer(apply_selection=True, count=5)
    # just run it once
    res = bal(ds)
    # we get a new dataset, with shared samples
    assert_false(ds is res)
    # should kick out 2 samples in each chunk of 10
    assert_equal(len(res), int(0.8 * len(ds)))
    # now use it as a generator
    dses = list(bal.generate(ds))
    assert_equal(len(dses), 5)

    # if we rerun again, it would be a different selection
    res2 = bal(ds)
    assert_true(np.any(res.sa.ids != bal(ds).sa.ids))

    # but if we create a balancer providing seed rng int,
    # should be identical results
    bal = Balancer(apply_selection=True, count=5, rng=1)
    assert_false(np.any(bal(ds).sa.ids != bal(ds).sa.ids))

    # But results should differ if we use .generate to produce those multiple
    # balanced datasets
    b = Balancer(apply_selection=True, count=3, rng=1)
    balanced = list(b.generate(ds))
    assert_false(all(balanced[0].sa.ids == balanced[1].sa.ids))
    assert_false(all(balanced[0].sa.ids == balanced[2].sa.ids))
    assert_false(all(balanced[1].sa.ids == balanced[2].sa.ids))

    # And should be exactly the same
    for ds_a, ds_b in zip(balanced, b.generate(ds)):
        assert_datasets_equal(ds_a, ds_b)

    # Contribution by Chris Markiewicz
    # And interleaving __call__ and generator fetches
    gen1 = b.generate(ds)
    gen2 = b.generate(ds)

    seq1, seq2, seq3 = [], [], []

    for i in xrange(3):

    # Produces expected sequences

    for i in xrange(3):
        assert_datasets_equal(balanced[i], seq1[i])
        assert_datasets_equal(balanced[i], seq2[i])

    # And all __call__s return the same result
    ds_a = seq3[0]
    for ds_b in seq3[1:]:
        assert_array_equal(ds_a.sa.ids, ds_b.sa.ids)

    # with limit
    bal = Balancer(limit={'chunks': 3}, apply_selection=True)
    res = bal(ds)
    assert_equal(res.sa['chunks'].unique, (3,))
                 [2] * 4)
    # same but include all offlimit samples
    bal = Balancer(limit={'chunks': 3}, include_offlimit=True,
    res = bal(ds)
    assert_array_equal(res.sa['chunks'].unique, range(10))
    # chunk three still balanced, but the rest is not, i.e. all samples included
    assert_equal(get_nelements_per_value(res[res.sa.chunks == 3].sa.targets).values(),
                 [2] * 4)
                 [10, 10, 10, 8, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10])
    # fixed amount
    bal = Balancer(amount=1, limit={'chunks': 3}, apply_selection=True)
    res = bal(ds)
                 [1] * 4)
    # fraction
    bal = Balancer(amount=0.499, limit=None, apply_selection=True)
    res = bal(ds)
            np.round(np.array(get_nelements_per_value(ds.sa.targets).values()) * 0.5),
    # check on feature attribute
    ds.fa['one'] = np.tile([1, 2], 5)
    ds.fa['chk'] = np.repeat([1, 2], 5)
    bal = Balancer(attr='one', amount=2, limit='chk', apply_selection=True)
    res = bal(ds)
                 [4] * 2)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def test_attrpermute():

    # Was about to use borrowkwargs but didn't work out . Test doesn't hurt
    doc = AttributePermutator.__init__.__doc__
    assert_in('limit : ', doc)
    assert_not_in('collection : ', doc)

    ds = give_data()
    ds.sa['ids'] = range(len(ds))
    pristine_data = ds.samples.copy()
    permutation = AttributePermutator(['targets', 'ids'], assure=True)
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # should not touch the data
    assert_array_equal(pristine_data, pds.samples)
    # even keep the very same array
    assert_true(pds.samples.base is ds.samples)
    # there is no way that it can be the same attribute
    assert_false(np.all(pds.sa.ids == ds.sa.ids))
    # ids should reflect permutation setup
    assert_array_equal(pds.sa.targets, ds.sa.targets[pds.sa.ids])
    # other attribute should remain intact
    assert_array_equal(pds.sa.chunks, ds.sa.chunks)

    # now chunk-wise permutation
    permutation = AttributePermutator('ids', limit='chunks')
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # first ten should remain first ten
    assert_false(np.any(pds.sa.ids[:10] > 9))

    # verify that implausible assure=True would not work
    permutation = AttributePermutator('targets', limit='ids', assure=True)
    assert_raises(RuntimeError, permutation, ds)

    # same thing, but only permute single chunk
    permutation = AttributePermutator('ids', limit={'chunks': 3})
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # one chunk should change
    assert_false(np.any(pds.sa.ids[30:40] > 39))
    assert_false(np.any(pds.sa.ids[30:40] < 30))
    # the rest not
    assert_array_equal(pds.sa.ids[:30], range(30))

    # or a list of chunks
    permutation = AttributePermutator('ids', limit={'chunks': [3,4]})
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # two chunks should change
    assert_false(np.any(pds.sa.ids[30:50] > 49))
    assert_false(np.any(pds.sa.ids[30:50] < 30))
    # the rest not
    assert_array_equal(pds.sa.ids[:30], range(30))

    # and now try generating more permutations
    nruns = 2
    def assert_all_different_permutations(pds):
        assert_equal(len(pds), nruns)
        for i, p in enumerate(pds):
            assert_false(np.all(p.sa.ids == ds.sa.ids))
            for p_ in pds[i+1:]:
                assert_false(np.all(p.sa.ids == p_.sa.ids))

    permutation = AttributePermutator(['targets', 'ids'],
                                      assure=True, count=nruns)
    pds = list(permutation.generate(ds))

    # if we provide seeding, and generate, it should also return different datasets
    permutation = AttributePermutator(['targets', 'ids'],
                                      count=nruns, rng=1)
    pds1 = list(permutation.generate(ds))

    # but if we regenerate -- should all be the same to before
    pds2 = list(permutation.generate(ds))
    assert_equal(len(pds1), len(pds2))
    for p1, p2 in zip(pds1, pds2):
        assert_datasets_equal(p1, p2)

    # permute feature attrs
    ds.fa['ids'] = range(ds.shape[1])
    permutation = AttributePermutator('fa.ids', assure=True)
    pds = permutation(ds)
    assert_false(np.all(pds.fa.ids == ds.fa.ids))

    # now chunk-wise uattrs strategy (reassignment)
    permutation = AttributePermutator('targets', limit='chunks',
                                      strategy='uattrs', assure=True)
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # Due to assure above -- we should have changed things
    assert_not_equal(zip(ds.targets), zip(pds.targets))
    # in each chunk we should have unique remappings
    for c in ds.UC:
        chunk_idx = ds.C == c
        otargets, ptargets = ds.targets[chunk_idx], pds.sa.targets[chunk_idx]
        # we still have the same targets
        assert_equal(set(ptargets), set(otargets))
        # we have only 1-to-1 mappings
        assert_true(len(set(zip(otargets, ptargets))), len(set(otargets)))

    ds.sa['odds'] = ds.sa.ids % 2
    # test combinations
    permutation = AttributePermutator(['targets', 'odds'], limit='chunks',
                                       strategy='uattrs', assure=True)
    pds = permutation(ds)
    # Due to assure above -- we should have changed things
    assert_not_equal(zip(ds.targets,   ds.sa.odds),
                     zip(pds.targets, pds.sa.odds))
    # In each chunk we should have unique remappings
    for c in ds.UC:
        chunk_idx = ds.C == c
        otargets, ptargets = ds.targets[chunk_idx], pds.sa.targets[chunk_idx]
        oodds, podds = ds.sa.odds[chunk_idx], pds.sa.odds[chunk_idx]
        # we still have the same targets
        assert_equal(set(ptargets), set(otargets))
        assert_equal(set(oodds), set(podds))
        # at the end we have the same mapping
        assert_equal(set(zip(otargets, oodds)), set(zip(ptargets, podds)))