Ejemplo n.º 1
def solarcurve(input):
    core = vs.get_core()
    clip = input
    funcName = 'solarcurve'

    clip = mvf.ToRGB(clip, depth=8)
    pi = 3.1415926535
    t = 5
    k = 5.5
    A = -1 / 4194304 * (k * pi - 128 / t)
    B = 3 / 32768 * (k * pi - 128 / t)
    C = 1 / t

    def curveR(x):
        a = round(127.9999 * math.sin(A * (x)**3 + B * (x)**2 + C**(x)) +
        return a

    def curveG(x):
        a = round(127.9999 * math.sin(A * (x - 5)**3 + B *
                                      (x - 5)**2 + C**(x - 5)) + 127.5)
        return a

    def curveB(x):
        a = round(127.9999 * math.sin(A * (x + 5)**3 + B *
                                      (x + 5)**2 + C**(x + 5)) + 127.5)
        return a

    clip = core.std.Lut(clip=clip, planes=[0], function=curveR)
    clip = core.std.Lut(clip=clip, planes=[1], function=curveG)
    clip = core.std.Lut(clip=clip, planes=[2], function=curveB)
    clip = mvf.ToYUV(clip, depth=8)
    return clip
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def run(self, clip, chunk=False):
        # convert clip to RGB24 as it cannot read any other color space
        buffer = mvsfunc.ToRGB(clip, depth=8,
                               kernel="spline36")  # expecting RGB24 (RGB 8bpp)
        # send the clip array to execute()
        results = []
        for c in self.chunk_clip(buffer) if chunk else [buffer]:
                                       width=c.width * self.model_scale,
                                       height=c.height * self.model_scale),
                    functools.partial(self.execute, clip=c)))
        # if chunked, rejoin the chunked clips otherwise return the result
        buffer = core.std.StackHorizontal([
            core.std.StackVertical([results[0], results[1]]),
            core.std.StackVertical([results[2], results[3]])
        ]) if chunk else results[0]

        # VSGAN used to convert back to the original color space which resulted
        # in a LOT of guessing, which was in-accurate and may not be efficient
        # depending on what the user is doing after running VSGAN, so in all
        # versions after 1.0.6-post1 we return it in the colorspace the GAN
        # provides which is always RGB24.

        # return the new frame
        return buffer
Ejemplo n.º 3
def random_compare(clips, seed1=33, seed2=66):
    offs = random.randint(0, 10000) * 2
    every = random.randint(10000, 20000) * 2
    cpr = core.std.Interleave(clips)
    cpr = sgf.SelectRangeEvery(cpr, offset=offs, every=every, length=2)
    cpr = mvf.ToRGB(cpr, depth=8, dither=6, full=False, matrix="709")
    return cpr
Ejemplo n.º 4
def camp(src):
    src16 = core.fmtc.bitdepth(src, bits=16)

    src_rgb = mvf.ToRGB(src16,depth=32)
    nr16_rgb = core.pdn.BM3DBasic(src_rgb, sigma=[0.5, 0.2, 0.2])
    nr16 = mvf.ToYUV(nr16_rgb, css="420",depth=16)
    noise16 = core.std.MakeDiff(src16, nr16)

    pre16 = core.std.ShufflePlanes([nr16,src16],[0,1,2],vs.YUV)
    pre8 = mvf.Depth(pre16, depth=8, dither=5)

    eemask = core.tcanny.TCanny(pre8,sigma=0.6,op=2,gmmax=255,planes=[0,1,2],mode=1)
    eemask_u = core.std.ShufflePlanes(eemask, [1,1,1], vs.YUV).fmtc.resample(1920,1080,sx=0.25,css="420")
    eemask_v = core.std.ShufflePlanes(eemask, [2,2,2], vs.YUV).fmtc.resample(1920,1080,sx=0.25,css="420")
    weighted = core.std.Expr([eemask,eemask_u,eemask_v],["x 64 * y + z +",""],vs.YUV420P16)

    luma = core.std.ShufflePlanes(pre8, 0, vs.YUV).resize.Bilinear(format=vs.YUV420P8)
    eemask = core.std.Expr([eemask,luma],["x x * 20 * 255 y - dup * 0.2 * + 50000 min","x x * 30 * 255 y - dup * 0.3 * + 60000 min"],vs.YUV420P16)
    eemask = core.std.Maximum(eemask,planes=[0,1,2])
    eemask = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(eemask, [20,11]).rgvs.RemoveGrain([20,11]).rgvs.RemoveGrain([20,11])

    aamask = core.std.Binarize(weighted, 8000, 0)
    Y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src16, 0, vs.YUV).resize.Bicubic(1920, 1080, format=vs.YUV420P16, filter_param_a=0, filter_param_b=0.5)
    U = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src16, [1,1,1], vs.YUV).resize.Bicubic(1920, 1080, format=vs.YUV420P16, filter_param_a=0, filter_param_b=0.5)
    V = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src16, [2,2,2], vs.YUV).resize.Bicubic(1920, 1080, format=vs.YUV420P16, filter_param_a=0, filter_param_b=0.5)
    textmask0 = core.std.Expr([Y,U,V], ["x 60000 > y 32768 - abs 768 < and z 32768 - abs 768 < and 65535 0 ?","0"])
    #textmasks = core.std.Expr([Y,U,V], ["x 58000 > y 32768 - abs 512 < and z 32768 - abs 512 < and 65535 0 ?","0"])
    textmask1 = core.std.Minimum(textmask0, 0).std.Minimum(planes=0).std.Minimum(planes=0).std.Maximum(0).std.Maximum(0).std.Maximum(0)
    textmask2 = core.misc.Hysteresis(textmask1, textmask0, planes=0)
    textmask = core.std.Expr([textmask0, textmask2], "x y > x 0 ?")
    #textmask = core.misc.Hysteresis(textmasks, textmaskb, planes=0)
    textmask = core.std.Maximum(textmask,0).std.Maximum(0).std.Maximum(0)#.std.Maximum(0)#.std.Maximum(0)#.std.Maximum(0)#.std.Minimum(0)

    debd = bbf.deband_2pass(nr16)

    w  = 1920
    h  = 1080
    oaa_y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(nr16, 0, vs.GRAY)

    aa_y = core.eedi2.EEDI2(oaa_y,field=1,mthresh=10,lthresh=20,vthresh=20,maxd=24,nt=50).fmtc.resample(w,h,sy=-0.5, kernel='bicubic', a1=0, a2=0.5,).std.Transpose()
    aa_y = core.eedi2.EEDI2(aa_y,field=1,mthresh=10,lthresh=20,vthresh=20,maxd=24,nt=50).fmtc.resample(h,w,sy=-0.5, kernel='bicubic', a1=0, a2=0.5,).std.Transpose()

    aa_clip = core.std.ShufflePlanes([aa_y,debd], [0,1,2], vs.YUV)
    aaed = core.std.MaskedMerge(debd, aa_clip, aamask, 0, True)
    aaed = core.std.MaskedMerge(aaed, debd, textmask, 0, False)

    dif = core.std.MakeDiff(aaed, core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(aaed,20))
    sharp = core.std.MergeDiff(aaed, dif)
    sharped = core.std.MaskedMerge(sharp, aaed, eemask, [0,1,2], False)

    noise16 = core.std.Expr(noise16,["x 32768 - 1.05 * 32768 +",""])
    nullclip = core.std.Expr(src16,["32768",""])
    nrweight = core.std.Expr(pre8, ["x 48 - 0 max dup * 5 * ",""], vs.YUV420P16)
    noise16 = core.std.MaskedMerge(noise16,nullclip,nrweight,0,True)
    res = core.std.MergeDiff(sharped,noise16,0)

    return res
Ejemplo n.º 5
def comparelist(
    os.makedirs(savepath, exist_ok=True)
    flist = []
    while len(flist) < numb:
        num = abs(len(flist) - numb)
        start = int(len(sclip) * random.random() * 0.06 + 0.05)
        end = int(len(sclip) * (random.random() * 0.1 + 0.8))
        farmlist = range(start, end, int((end - start) / num))
        for i in farmlist:
            if not eclip[1].get_frame(i).props._PictType.decode() == 'B':
            if sclip.get_frame(i).props._PictType.decode() == 'I':
    sclip = FrameInfo(sclip, 'Source')
    sclip = mvf.ToRGB(sclip)
    sclip = core.imwri.Write(sclip,
                             os.path.join(savepath, '%d-A.png'),
    for i in flist:
    ecn = 0
    for ec in eclip:
        ec = FrameInfo(ec, Title[ecn], style=style)
        ec = mvf.ToRGB(ec)
        ec = core.imwri.Write(ec,
                              os.path.join(savepath, f'%d-B-{ecn}.png'),
        for i in flist:
        ecn = ecn + 1
    return eclip
Ejemplo n.º 6
def pmf_output(	clips		: list			, 
				debug		: bool	= None	, 
				torgb		: bool	= None	) -> vs.VideoNode :
	funcName = "pmf_output"

	debug = True  if debug is None else debug
	torgb = False if torgb is None else torgb

	if debug:
		for i in range(len(clips)):
			if not isinstance(clips[i], vs.VideoNode):
				raise TypeError(funcName + ': \"input should be a clip!\"')
				clips[i] = core.text.FrameNum(clips[i], 8)
				clips[i] = core.text.Text(clips[i], r"Clip"+str(i+1), alignment=5)
		res = core.std.Interleave(clips)
		if torgb:
			res = mvf.ToRGB(res, full=False, depth=8)
		res = clips[0]

Ejemplo n.º 7
 def _w2x(clip: vs.VideoNode) -> vs.VideoNode:
     waifu2x = core.w2xc.Waifu2x(mvf.ToRGB(clip, depth=32), noise=2, scale=2) \
         .resize.Bicubic(clip.width, clip.height)
     return mvf.ToYUV(waifu2x, css='420', depth=16)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def resample(clip):
     # Resampling to 8bit and RGB to properly display how it appears on your screen
     return fvf.Depth(mvf.ToRGB(clip), 8)
Ejemplo n.º 9
useRGB = False
scale = 2
linear_scale = False
upfilter = 'bicubic'

# data = '00003.m2ts'
data = r'I:\Anime\The Garden of Words\BDROM\BDMV\STREAM\00000.m2ts'
data_dim = 41
planes = 3 if useRGB else 1

# Get source and do format conversion
core = vs.get_core()
label_clip = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(data)
if useRGB:
    label_clip = mvf.ToRGB(label_clip, depth=32)
    label_clip = mvf.Depth(label_clip.std.ShufflePlanes(0, vs.GRAY), 32)

# Prepare data
down_lists = list(range(1, 8))
data_clip = core.std.Interleave([
    resample(label_clip, scale, linear_scale, d, upfilter) for d in down_lists
label_clip = core.std.Interleave([label_clip for d in down_lists])

w = data_clip.width
h = data_clip.height
nb_frame = data_clip.num_frames
assert w == label_clip.width
assert h == label_clip.height
Ejemplo n.º 10
def w2c_denoise(clip: vs.VideoNode, noise: int, **kwargs) -> vs.VideoNode:
    clip = mvf.ToRGB(clip, depth=32)
    w2c = core.w2xc.Waifu2x(clip, noise, 1, **kwargs)
    return mvf.ToYUV(w2c, css='420', depth=32)
Ejemplo n.º 11
def OpenCV_Detail(clip, strength=100):
    enhance_core = cv2.detailEnhance # aliasing
    clip = mvs.ToRGB(clip, depth = 8)
    pclip = mufnp.numpy_process(clip, enhance_core, input_per_plane=False, output_per_plane=False)
    return core.std.Merge(clip, pclip, (strength * 0.01))
Ejemplo n.º 12
def mts(src):
    src8 = mvf.ToYUV(src, css='420')
    src16 = core.fmtc.bitdepth(src8,bits=16)

    # Denoise
    src_rgb = mvf.ToRGB(src16,depth=32)
    #nr16_rgb = core.pdn.BM3DBasic(src_rgb, sigma=[0.5, 0.2, 0.2],group_size=16, bm_range=8)
    nr16_rgb = core.pdn.BM3DBasic(src_rgb, sigma=[1.0, 0.5, 0.5])
    nr16 = mvf.ToYUV(nr16_rgb, css="420",depth=16)
    noise16 = core.std.MakeDiff(src16, nr16)

    # Mask
    pre16 = core.std.ShufflePlanes([nr16,src16],[0,1,2],vs.YUV)
    pre8 = mvf.Depth(pre16, depth=8, dither=5)

    eemask = core.tcanny.TCanny(pre8,sigma=0.6,op=2,gmmax=255,planes=[0,1,2],mode=1)
    eemask_u = core.std.ShufflePlanes(eemask, [1,1,1], vs.YUV).fmtc.resample(1920,1080,sx=0.25,css="420")
    eemask_v = core.std.ShufflePlanes(eemask, [2,2,2], vs.YUV).fmtc.resample(1920,1080,sx=0.25,css="420")
    weighted = core.std.Expr([eemask,eemask_u,eemask_v],["x 64 * y + z +",""],vs.YUV420P16)

    luma = core.std.ShufflePlanes(pre8, 0, vs.YUV).resize.Bilinear(format=vs.YUV420P8)
    eemask = core.std.Expr([eemask,luma],["x x * 20 * 255 y - dup * 0.2 * + 50000 min","x x * 30 * 255 y - dup * 0.3 * + 60000 min"],vs.YUV420P16)
    eemask = core.std.Maximum(eemask,planes=[0,1,2])
    eemask = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(eemask, [20,11]).rgvs.RemoveGrain([20,11]).rgvs.RemoveGrain([20,11])

    aamask = core.std.Binarize(weighted, 12000, 0)

    nrmasks = core.std.Binarize(weighted, 4500, 0)

    dmaskb = core.std.Binarize(weighted, 3000, 0)
    dmaskm = core.std.Binarize(weighted, 3500, 0)
    dmasks = core.std.Binarize(weighted, 3800, 0)
    dmask_dark = core.misc.Hysteresis(dmaskm, dmaskb)
    dmask_bright = core.misc.Hysteresis(dmasks, dmaskm)
    dmask = core.std.Expr([src16, dmask_dark, dmask_bright], "x 24672 < y z ?")

    nrmaskg = core.tcanny.TCanny(pre8,sigma=1.5,t_l=8,t_h=15,op=2,planes=0)
    nrmaskb = core.tcanny.TCanny(pre8,sigma=1.2,t_l=8,t_h=11,op=2,planes=0)

    nrmask = core.std.Expr([nrmaskg,nrmaskb,nrmasks,pre8,dmask],["a 20 < 65535 a 64 < x 257 * b max a 160 < y 257 * z ? ? ?","",""],vs.YUV420P16)
    nrmask = core.std.Maximum(nrmask,0).std.Maximum(0).std.Minimum(0).std.Minimum(0)
    nrmask = core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(nrmask,[20,0]),[20,0])

    Y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src16, 0, vs.YUV).resize.Bicubic(1920, 1080, format=vs.YUV420P16, filter_param_a=0, filter_param_b=0.5)
    U = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src16, [1,1,1], vs.YUV).resize.Bicubic(1920, 1080, format=vs.YUV420P16, filter_param_a=0, filter_param_b=0.5)
    V = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src16, [2,2,2], vs.YUV).resize.Bicubic(1920, 1080, format=vs.YUV420P16, filter_param_a=0, filter_param_b=0.5)
    textmask0 = core.std.Expr([Y,U,V], ["x 60000 > y 32768 - abs 768 < and z 32768 - abs 768 < and 65535 0 ?","0"])
    #textmasks = core.std.Expr([Y,U,V], ["x 58000 > y 32768 - abs 512 < and z 32768 - abs 512 < and 65535 0 ?","0"])
    textmask1 = core.std.Minimum(textmask0, 0).std.Minimum(planes=0).std.Minimum(planes=0).std.Maximum(0).std.Maximum(0).std.Maximum(0)
    textmask2 = core.misc.Hysteresis(textmask1, textmask0, planes=0)
    textmask = core.std.Expr([textmask0, textmask2], "x y > x 0 ?")
    #textmask = core.misc.Hysteresis(textmasks, textmaskb, planes=0)
    textmask = core.std.Maximum(textmask,0).std.Maximum(0).std.Maximum(0)#.std.Maximum(0)#.std.Maximum(0)#.std.Maximum(0)#.std.Minimum(0)

    debd = core.f3kdb.Deband(nr16,8,48,32,32,0,0,output_depth=16)
    debd = core.f3kdb.Deband(debd,15,32,24,24,0,0,output_depth=16)
    debd = mvf.LimitFilter(debd,nr16,thr=0.7,thrc=0.5,elast=2.0)
    debd = core.std.MaskedMerge(debd, nr16, nrmask, first_plane=1)

    w  = 1920
    h  = 1080
    oaa_y = core.std.ShufflePlanes(nr16, 0, vs.GRAY)

    aa_y = core.eedi2.EEDI2(oaa_y,field=1,mthresh=10,lthresh=20,vthresh=20,maxd=24,nt=50).fmtc.resample(w,h,sy=-0.5, kernel='bicubic', a1=0, a2=0.5,).std.Transpose()
    aa_y = core.eedi2.EEDI2(aa_y,field=1,mthresh=10,lthresh=20,vthresh=20,maxd=24,nt=50).fmtc.resample(h,w,sy=-0.5, kernel='bicubic', a1=0, a2=0.5,).std.Transpose()

    aa_clip = core.std.ShufflePlanes([aa_y,nr16], [0,1,2], vs.YUV)
    aaed = core.std.MaskedMerge(debd, aa_clip, aamask, 0, True)
    aaed = core.std.MaskedMerge(aaed, debd, textmask, 0, False)

    dif = core.std.MakeDiff(aaed, core.rgvs.RemoveGrain(aaed,20))
    sharp = core.std.MergeDiff(aaed, dif)
    sharped = core.std.MaskedMerge(sharp, aaed, eemask, [0,1,2], False)

    noise16 = core.std.Expr(noise16,["x 32768 - 1.05 * 32768 +",""])
    nullclip = core.std.Expr(src16,["32768",""])
    nrweight = core.std.Expr(pre8, ["x 48 - 0 max dup * 5 * ",""], vs.YUV420P16)
    noise16 = core.std.MaskedMerge(noise16,nullclip,nrweight,0,True)
    res = core.std.MergeDiff(sharped,noise16,0)

    return res