Ejemplo n.º 1
def jlink_new_jdk(jdk, dst_jdk_dir, module_dists,
                  with_source=lambda x: True,
    Uses jlink from `jdk` to create a new JDK image in `dst_jdk_dir` with `module_dists` and
    their dependencies added to the JDK image, replacing any existing modules of the same name.

    :param JDKConfig jdk: source JDK
    :param str dst_jdk_dir: path to use for the jlink --output option
    :param list module_dists: list of distributions defining modules
    :param list root_module_names: list of strings naming the module root set for the new JDK image.
                     The named modules must either be in `module_dists` or in `jdk`. If None, then
                     the root set will be all the modules in ``module_dists` and `jdk`.
    :param str missing_export_target_action: the action to perform for a qualifed export target that
                     is not present in `module_dists` and does not have a hash stored in java.base.
                     The choices are:
                       "create" - an empty module is created
                        "error" - raise an error
                           None - do nothing
    :param lambda with_source: returns True if the sources of a module distribution must be included in the new JDK
    :param dict vendor_info: values for the jlink vendor options added by JDK-8232080
    assert callable(with_source)

    if jdk.javaCompliance < '9':
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' with jlink since it is not JDK 9 or later')

    exploded_java_base_module = join(jdk.home, 'modules', 'java.base')
    if exists(exploded_java_base_module):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since it appears to be a developer build with exploded modules')

    jimage = join(jdk.home, 'lib', 'modules')
    jmods_dir = join(jdk.home, 'jmods')
    if not isfile(jimage):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since ' + jimage + ' is missing or is not an ordinary file')
    if not isdir(jmods_dir):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since ' + jmods_dir + ' is missing or is not a directory')

    # Exclude jdk.aot due to GR-10545 and JDK-8255616
    jdk_modules = {jmd.name: jmd for jmd in jdk.get_modules() if jmd.name != 'jdk.aot'}
    modules = [as_java_module(dist, jdk) for dist in module_dists]
    all_module_names = frozenset(list(jdk_modules.keys()) + [m.name for m in modules])

    # Read hashes stored in java.base (the only module in the JDK where hashes are stored)
    out = mx.LinesOutputCapture()
    mx.run([jdk.exe_path('jmod'), 'describe', jdk_modules['java.base'].get_jmod_path()], out=out)
    lines = out.lines
    hashes = {}
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith('hashes'):
            parts = line.split()
            assert len(parts) == 4, 'expected hashes line to have 4 fields, got {} fields: {}'.format(len(parts), line)
            _, module_name, algorithm, hash_value = parts
            hashes[module_name] = (algorithm, hash_value)

    build_dir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(dst_jdk_dir + ".build"))
        # Handle targets of qualified exports that are not present in `modules`
        target_requires = {}
        for jmd in modules:
            for targets in jmd.exports.values():
                for target in targets:
                    if target not in all_module_names and target not in hashes:
                        target_requires.setdefault(target, set()).add(jmd.name)
        if target_requires and missing_export_target_action is not None:
            if missing_export_target_action == 'error':
                mx.abort('Target(s) of qualified exports cannot be resolved: ' + '.'.join(target_requires.keys()))
            assert missing_export_target_action == 'create', 'invalid value for missing_export_target_action: ' + str(missing_export_target_action)

            extra_modules = []
            for name, requires in target_requires.items():
                module_jar = join(build_dir, name + '.jar')
                jmd = JavaModuleDescriptor(name, {}, requires={module: [] for module in requires}, uses=set(), provides={}, jarpath=module_jar)
                module_build_dir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(build_dir, name))
                module_info_java = join(module_build_dir, 'module-info.java')
                module_info_class = join(module_build_dir, 'module-info.class')
                with open(module_info_java, 'w') as fp:
                    print(jmd.as_module_info(), file=fp)
                mx.run([jdk.javac, '-d', module_build_dir,
                        '--limit-modules=java.base,' + ','.join(jmd.requires.keys()),
                        '--module-path=' + os.pathsep.join((m.jarpath for m in modules)),
                with ZipFile(module_jar, 'w') as zf:
                    zf.write(module_info_class, basename(module_info_class))
                if exists(jmd.get_jmod_path()):
                mx.run([jdk.javac.replace('javac', 'jmod'), 'create', '--class-path=' + module_build_dir, jmd.get_jmod_path()])

            all_module_names = frozenset(list(jdk_modules.keys()) + [m.name for m in modules])

        # Extract src.zip from source JDK
        jdk_src_zip = join(jdk.home, 'lib', 'src.zip')
        dst_src_zip_contents = {}
        if isfile(jdk_src_zip):
            mx.logv('[Extracting ' + jdk_src_zip + ']')
            with ZipFile(jdk_src_zip, 'r') as zf:
                for name in zf.namelist():
                    if not name.endswith('/'):
                        dst_src_zip_contents[name] = zf.read(name)
            mx.warn("'{}' does not exist or is not a file".format(jdk_src_zip))

        # Edit lib/security/default.policy in java.base
        patched_java_base = join(build_dir, 'java.base.jmod')
        with open(join(jmods_dir, 'java.base.jmod'), 'rb') as src_f, open(patched_java_base, 'wb') as dst_f:
            jmod_header = src_f.read(4)
            if len(jmod_header) != 4 or jmod_header != b'JM\x01\x00':
                raise mx.abort("Unexpected jmod header: " + b2a_hex(jmod_header).decode('ascii'))
            policy_result = 'not found'
            with ZipFile(src_f, 'r') as src_zip, ZipFile(dst_f, 'w', src_zip.compression) as dst_zip:
                for i in src_zip.infolist():
                    if i.filename[-1] == '/':
                    src_member = src_zip.read(i)
                    if i.filename == 'lib/security/default.policy':
                        policy_result = 'unmodified'
                        if 'grant codeBase "jrt:/com.oracle.graal.graal_enterprise"'.encode('utf-8') not in src_member:
                            policy_result = 'modified'
                            src_member += """
grant codeBase "jrt:/com.oracle.graal.graal_enterprise" {
    permission java.security.AllPermission;
                        if 'grant codeBase "jrt:/org.graalvm.truffle"'.encode('utf-8') not in src_member:
                            policy_result = 'modified'
                            src_member += """
grant codeBase "jrt:/org.graalvm.truffle" {
    permission java.security.AllPermission;

grant codeBase "jrt:/org.graalvm.sdk" {
    permission java.security.AllPermission;

grant codeBase "jrt:/org.graalvm.locator" {
  permission java.io.FilePermission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read";
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getenv.*";

grant codeBase "file:${java.home}/languages/-" {
    permission java.security.AllPermission;
                    dst_zip.writestr(i, src_member)
            if policy_result == 'not found':
                raise mx.abort("Couldn't find `lib/security/default.policy` in " + join(jmods_dir, 'java.base.jmod'))

        for jmd in modules:
            # Remove existing sources for all the modules that we include
            dst_src_zip_contents = {key: dst_src_zip_contents[key] for key in dst_src_zip_contents if not key.startswith(jmd.name)}

            if with_source(jmd.dist):
                # Add the sources that we can share.
                # Extract module sources
                jmd_src_zip = jmd.jarpath[0:-len('.jar')] + '.src.zip'
                if isfile(jmd_src_zip):
                    mx.logv('[Extracting ' + jmd_src_zip + ']')
                    with ZipFile(jmd_src_zip, 'r') as zf:
                        for name in zf.namelist():
                            if not name.endswith('/'):
                                dst_src_zip_contents[jmd.name + '/' + name] = zf.read(name)

                # Add module-info.java to sources
                dst_src_zip_contents[jmd.name + '/module-info.java'] = jmd.as_module_info(extras_as_comments=False)

        # Now build the new JDK image with jlink
        jlink = [jdk.javac.replace('javac', 'jlink')]

        if jdk_enables_jvmci_by_default(jdk):
            # On JDK 9+, +EnableJVMCI forces jdk.internal.vm.ci to be in the root set
            jlink += ['-J-XX:-EnableJVMCI', '-J-XX:-UseJVMCICompiler']
        if root_module_names is not None:
            missing = frozenset(root_module_names) - all_module_names
            if missing:
                mx.abort('Invalid module(s): {}.\nAvailable modules: {}'.format(','.join(missing), ','.join(sorted(all_module_names))))
            jlink.append('--add-modules=' + ','.join(root_module_names))
            jlink.append('--add-modules=' + ','.join(sorted(all_module_names)))

        module_path = patched_java_base + os.pathsep + jmods_dir
        if modules:
            module_path = os.pathsep.join((m.get_jmod_path(respect_stripping=True) for m in modules)) + os.pathsep + module_path
        jlink.append('--module-path=' + module_path)
        jlink.append('--output=' + dst_jdk_dir)

        # These options are derived from how OpenJDK runs jlink to produce the final runtime image.
        jlink.extend(['-J-XX:+UseSerialGC', '-J-Xms32M', '-J-Xmx512M', '-J-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1'])
        if dedup_legal_notices:
        jlink.append('--keep-packaged-modules=' + join(dst_jdk_dir, 'jmods'))

        if jdk_has_new_jlink_options(jdk):
            if jdk_omits_warning_for_jlink_set_ThreadPriorityPolicy(jdk):
                thread_priority_policy_option = ' -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1'
                mx.logv('[Creating JDK without -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1]')
                thread_priority_policy_option = ''

            if jdk_supports_enablejvmciproduct(jdk):
                if any((m.name == 'jdk.internal.vm.compiler' for m in modules)):
                    jlink.append('--add-options=-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableJVMCIProduct -XX:-UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' + thread_priority_policy_option)
                    # Don't default to using JVMCI as JIT unless Graal is being updated in the image.
                    # This avoids unexpected issues with using the out-of-date Graal compiler in
                    # the JDK itself.
                    jlink.append('--add-options=-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableJVMCIProduct -XX:-UseJVMCICompiler -XX:-UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' + thread_priority_policy_option)
                mx.logv('[Creating JDK without -XX:+EnableJVMCIProduct]')
                if thread_priority_policy_option:
                    jlink.append('--add-options=' + thread_priority_policy_option.strip())
            if vendor_info is not None:
                for name, value in vendor_info.items():
                    jlink.append('--' + name + '=' + value)

        release_file = join(jdk.home, 'release')
        if isfile(release_file):
            jlink.append('--release-info=' + release_file)

        # TODO: investigate the options below used by OpenJDK to see if they should be used:
        # --order-resources: specifies order of resources in generated lib/modules file.
        #       This is apparently not so important if a CDS archive is available.
        # --generate-jli-classes: pre-generates a set of java.lang.invoke classes.
        #       See https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/master/make/GenerateLinkOptData.gmk
        mx.logv('[Creating JDK image in {}]'.format(dst_jdk_dir))

        dst_src_zip = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib', 'src.zip')
        mx.logv('[Creating ' + dst_src_zip + ']')
        with ZipFile(dst_src_zip, 'w', compression=ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) as zf:
            for name, contents in sorted(dst_src_zip_contents.items()):
                zf.writestr(name, contents)

        mx.logv('[Copying static libraries]')
        lib_directory = join(jdk.home, 'lib', 'static')
        if exists(lib_directory):
            dst_lib_directory = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib', 'static')
                mx.copytree(lib_directory, dst_lib_directory)
            except shutil.Error as e:
                # On AArch64, there can be a problem in the copystat part
                # of copytree which occurs after file and directory copying
                # has successfully completed. Since the metadata doesn't
                # matter in this case, just ensure that the content was copied.
                for root, _, lib_files in os.walk(lib_directory):
                    relative_root = os.path.relpath(root, dst_lib_directory)
                    for lib in lib_files:
                        src_lib_path = join(root, lib)
                        dst_lib_path = join(dst_lib_directory, relative_root, lib)
                        if not exists(dst_lib_path):
                            mx.abort('Error copying static libraries: {} missing in {}{}Original copytree error: {}'.format(
                                join(relative_root, lib), dst_lib_directory, os.linesep, e))
                        src_lib_hash = mx.sha1OfFile(src_lib_path)
                        dst_lib_hash = mx.sha1OfFile(dst_lib_path)
                        if src_lib_hash != dst_lib_hash:
                            mx.abort('Error copying static libraries: {} (hash={}) and {} (hash={}) differ{}Original copytree error: {}'.format(
                                src_lib_path, src_lib_hash,
                                dst_lib_path, dst_lib_hash,
                                os.linesep, e))
        # Allow older JDK versions to work
            lib_prefix = mx.add_lib_prefix('')
            lib_suffix = mx.add_static_lib_suffix('')
            lib_directory = join(jdk.home, 'lib')
            dst_lib_directory = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib')
            for f in os.listdir(lib_directory):
                if f.startswith(lib_prefix) and f.endswith(lib_suffix):
                    lib_path = join(lib_directory, f)
                    if isfile(lib_path):
                        shutil.copy2(lib_path, dst_lib_directory)
        if not mx.get_opts().verbose:
            # Preserve build directory so that javac command can be re-executed
            # by cutting and pasting verbose output.

    # Create CDS archive (https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/341).
    out = mx.OutputCapture()
    mx.logv('[Creating CDS shared archive]')
    if mx.run([mx.exe_suffix(join(dst_jdk_dir, 'bin', 'java')), '-Xshare:dump', '-Xmx128M', '-Xms128M'], out=out, err=out, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
        mx.abort('Error generating CDS shared archive')
Ejemplo n.º 2
def fetch_jdk(args):
    """fetches required JDK version

    If mx is not passed the --quiet flag, menu will be printed for available JDK selection.
    args = _parse_fetchsettings(args)

    distribution = args["java-distribution"]
    base_path = args["base-path"]
    artifact = distribution.get_folder_name()
    final_path = distribution.get_final_path(base_path)
    url = mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl(distribution.get_url())
    sha_url = url + ".sha1"
    archive_name = distribution.get_archive_name()
    archive_target_location = join(base_path, archive_name)

    if not is_quiet():
        if not mx.ask_yes_no("Install {} to {}".format(artifact, final_path),
            mx.abort("JDK installation canceled")

    if exists(final_path):
        if args["keep-archive"]:
                "The --keep-archive option is ignored when the JDK is already installed."
        mx.log("Requested JDK is already installed at {}".format(final_path))
        # Try to extract on the same file system as the target to be able to atomically move the result.
        with mx.TempDir(parent_dir=base_path) as temp_dir:
            mx.log("Fetching {} archive from {}...".format(artifact, url))
            archive_location = join(temp_dir, archive_name)
            mx._opts.no_download_progress = is_quiet()
            sha1_hash = mx._hashFromUrl(sha_url).decode('utf-8')

                                       archive_location, [url],
                                       archive_location + '.sha1',
            untar = mx.TarExtractor(archive_location)

            mx.log("Installing {} to {}...".format(artifact, final_path))

            extracted_path = join(temp_dir, 'extracted')
                mx.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
                mx.abort("Error parsing archive. Please try again")

            jdk_root_folder = get_extracted_jdk_archive_root_folder(
            if args["keep-archive"]:
                    archive_location + '.sha1',
                    archive_target_location + ".sha1")
                    "Archive is located at {}".format(archive_target_location))

                join(extracted_path, jdk_root_folder), final_path)

    curr_path = final_path
    if mx.is_darwin() and exists(join(final_path, 'Contents', 'Home')):
        if args["strip-contents-home"]:
            with mx.TempDir(parent_dir=final_path) as tmp_path:
                shutil.move(final_path, tmp_path)
                shutil.move(join(tmp_path, 'Contents', 'Home'), final_path)
            final_path = join(final_path, 'Contents', 'Home')

    if "alias" in args:
        alias_full_path = join(base_path, args["alias"])
        if exists(alias_full_path):
        if not (mx.is_windows() or mx.is_cygwin()):
            os.symlink(abspath(curr_path), alias_full_path)
            mx.copytree(curr_path, alias_full_path,
                        symlinks=True)  # fallback for windows
        final_path = alias_full_path

    mx.log("Run the following to set JAVA_HOME in your shell:")
    shell = os.environ.get("SHELL")
    if shell is None:
        shell = ''
    print(get_setvar_format(shell) % ("JAVA_HOME", abspath(final_path)))
Ejemplo n.º 3
def fetch_jdk(args):
    Installs a JDK based on the coordinates in `args`. See ``mx fetch-jdk --help`` for more info.
    Note that if a JDK already exists at the installation location denoted by `args`, no action is taken.

    :return str: the JAVA_HOME for the JDK at the installation location denoted by `args`
    settings = _parse_args(args)

    jdk_binary = settings["jdk-binary"]
    jdks_dir = settings["jdks-dir"]
    artifact = jdk_binary._folder_name
    final_path = jdk_binary.get_final_path(jdks_dir)
    url = mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl(jdk_binary._url)
    sha_url = url + ".sha1"
    archive_name = jdk_binary._archive
    archive_target_location = join(jdks_dir, archive_name)

    if not is_quiet():
        if not mx.ask_yes_no("Install {} to {}".format(artifact, final_path),
            mx.abort("JDK installation canceled")

    if exists(final_path):
        if settings["keep-archive"]:
                "The --keep-archive option is ignored when the JDK is already installed."
        mx.log("Requested JDK is already installed at {}".format(final_path))
        # Try to extract on the same file system as the target to be able to atomically move the result.
        with mx.TempDir(parent_dir=jdks_dir) as temp_dir:
            mx.log("Fetching {} archive from {}...".format(artifact, url))
            archive_location = join(temp_dir, archive_name)
            mx._opts.no_download_progress = is_quiet()
                sha1_hash = mx._hashFromUrl(sha_url).decode('utf-8')
            except Exception as e:  #pylint: disable=broad-except
                mx.abort('Error retrieving {}: {}'.format(sha_url, e))

                                       archive_location, [url],
                                       archive_location + '.sha1',
            untar = mx.TarExtractor(archive_location)

            mx.log("Installing {} to {}...".format(artifact, final_path))

            extracted_path = join(temp_dir, 'extracted')
                mx.rmtree(temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
                mx.abort("Error parsing archive. Please try again")

            jdk_root_folder = _get_extracted_jdk_archive_root_folder(
            if settings["keep-archive"]:
                    archive_location + '.sha1',
                    archive_target_location + ".sha1")
                    "Archive is located at {}".format(archive_target_location))

                join(extracted_path, jdk_root_folder), final_path)

    curr_path = final_path
    if exists(join(final_path, 'Contents', 'Home')):
        if settings["strip-contents-home"]:
            with mx.TempDir() as tmp_path:
                tmp_jdk = join(tmp_path, 'jdk')
                shutil.move(final_path, tmp_jdk)
                shutil.move(join(tmp_jdk, 'Contents', 'Home'), final_path)
            final_path = join(final_path, 'Contents', 'Home')

    alias = settings.get('alias')
    if alias:
        alias_full_path = join(jdks_dir, alias)
        if not exists(alias_full_path) or os.path.realpath(
                alias_full_path) != os.path.realpath(abspath(curr_path)):
            if os.path.islink(alias_full_path):
            elif exists(alias_full_path):
                    alias_full_path +
                    ' exists and it is not an existing symlink so it can not be used for a new symlink. Please remove it manually.'

            if mx.can_symlink():
                if isabs(alias):
                    os.symlink(curr_path, alias_full_path)
                    reldir = os.path.relpath(dirname(curr_path),
                    if reldir == '.':
                        alias_target = basename(curr_path)
                        alias_target = join(reldir, basename(curr_path))
                    os.symlink(alias_target, alias_full_path)
                mx.copytree(curr_path, alias_full_path)
            final_path = alias_full_path

    mx.log("Run the following to set JAVA_HOME in your shell:")
    shell = os.environ.get("SHELL")
    if shell is None:
        shell = ''
    if not settings["strip-contents-home"] and exists(
            join(final_path, 'Contents', 'Home')):
        java_home = join(final_path, 'Contents', 'Home')
        java_home = final_path
    mx.log(get_setvar_format(shell) % ("JAVA_HOME", abspath(java_home)))
    return final_path
Ejemplo n.º 4
def testdownstream(suite,
    Tests a downstream repo against the current working directory state of `suite`.

    :param mx.Suite suite: the suite to test against the downstream repo
    :param list repoUrls: URLs of downstream repos to clone, the first of which is the repo being tested
    :param str relTargetSuiteDir: directory of the downstream suite to test relative to the top level
           directory of the downstream repo being tested
    :param list mxCommands: argument lists for the mx commands run in downstream suite being tested
    :param str branch: name(s) of branch to look for in downstream repo(s)

    assert len(repoUrls) > 0
    repoUrls = [mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl(url) for url in repoUrls]

    workDir = join(suite.get_output_root(), 'testdownstream')

    # A mirror of each suites in the same repo as `suite` is created via copying
    rel_mirror = os.path.relpath(suite.dir,
    in_subdir = os.sep in rel_mirror
    suites_in_repo = [suite]
    if in_subdir:
        base = os.path.dirname(suite.dir)
        for e in os.listdir(base):
            candidate = join(base, e)
            if candidate != suite.dir:
                mxDir = mx._is_suite_dir(candidate)
                if mxDir:
                    matches = [s for s in mx.suites() if s.dir == candidate]
                    if len(matches) == 0:
                            mx.SourceSuite(mxDir, primary=False, load=False))

    if suite.vc:
        vc_metadir = mx._safe_path(mx.VC.get_vc(suite.vc_dir).metadir())
        blacklist = {suite.vc_dir: [join(suite.vc_dir, vc_metadir)]}
        blacklist = {}

    for suite_in_repo in suites_in_repo:
        output_root = mx._safe_path(suite_in_repo.get_output_root())
        blacklist.setdefault(dirname(output_root), []).append(output_root)

    def omitted_dirs(d, names):
        mx.log('Copying ' + d)
        to_omit = []
        for blacklisted_dir in blacklist.get(d, []):
            mx.log('Omitting ' + blacklisted_dir)
        return to_omit

    if suite.vc_dir and suite.dir != suite.vc_dir:
        mirror = join(workDir, basename(suite.vc_dir))
        mirror = join(workDir, suite.name)
    if exists(mirror):
    mx.copytree(suite.vc_dir, mirror, ignore=omitted_dirs, symlinks=True)

    targetDir = None
    for repoUrl in repoUrls:
        # Deduce a target name from the target URL
        url = _urllib_parse.urlparse(repoUrl)
        targetName = url.path
        if targetName.rfind('/') != -1:
            targetName = targetName[targetName.rfind('/') + 1:]
        if targetName.endswith('.git'):
            targetName = targetName[0:-len('.git')]

        repoWorkDir = join(workDir, targetName)
        git = mx.GitConfig()
        if exists(repoWorkDir):
            git.clone(repoUrl, repoWorkDir)

        if branch is None:
            branch = []
        elif isinstance(branch, str):
            branch = [branch]
            assert isinstance(branch, list)

        # fall back to the branch of the main repo
        active_branch = git.active_branch(suite.dir, abortOnError=False)
        if active_branch:

        updated = False
        for branch_name in branch:
            if git.update_to_branch(repoWorkDir,
                updated = True
        if not updated:
            mx.warn('Could not update {} to any of the following branches: {}'.
                    format(repoWorkDir, ', '.join(branch)))
        if not targetDir:
            targetDir = repoWorkDir

    assert not isabs(relTargetSuiteDir)
    targetSuiteDir = join(targetDir, relTargetSuiteDir)
    assert targetSuiteDir.startswith(targetDir)
    mxpy = None if suite != mx._mx_suite else join(mirror, 'mx.py')
    for command in mxCommands:
        mx.logv('[running "mx ' + ' '.join(command) + '" in ' +
                targetSuiteDir + ']')
        mx.run_mx(command, targetSuiteDir, mxpy=mxpy)
Ejemplo n.º 5
def testdownstream(suite,
    Tests a downstream repo against the current working directory state of `suite`.

    :param mx.Suite suite: the suite to test against the downstream repo
    :param list repoUrls: URLs of downstream repos to clone, the first of which is the repo being tested
    :param str relTargetSuiteDir: directory of the downstream suite to test relative to the top level
           directory of the downstream repo being tested
    :param list mxCommands: argument lists for the mx commands run in downstream suite being tested
    :param str branch: name of branch to look for in downstream repo(s)

    assert len(repoUrls) > 0
    repoUrls = [mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl(url) for url in repoUrls]

    workDir = join(suite.get_output_root(), 'testdownstream')

    # A mirror of each suites in the same repo as `suite` is created via copying
    rel_mirror = os.path.relpath(suite.dir,
    in_subdir = os.sep in rel_mirror
    suites_in_repo = [suite]
    if in_subdir:
        base = os.path.dirname(suite.dir)
        for e in os.listdir(base):
            candidate = join(base, e)
            if candidate != suite.dir:
                mxDir = mx._is_suite_dir(candidate)
                if mxDir:
                    matches = [s for s in mx.suites() if s.dir == candidate]
                    if len(matches) == 0:
                            mx.SourceSuite(mxDir, primary=False, load=False))

    for suite_in_repo in suites_in_repo:
        if suite_in_repo.vc_dir and suite_in_repo.dir != suite_in_repo.vc_dir:
            mirror = join(workDir, basename(suite_in_repo.vc_dir),
            mirror = join(workDir, suite_in_repo.name)
        if exists(mirror):

        output_root = mx._safe_path(suite_in_repo.get_output_root())

        def ignore_output_root(d, names):
            mx.log('Copying ' + d)
            if d == os.path.dirname(output_root):
                mx.log('Omitting ' + output_root)
                return [os.path.basename(output_root)]
            return []


    targetDir = None
    for repoUrl in repoUrls:
        # Deduce a target name from the target URL
        url = _urllib_parse.urlparse(repoUrl)
        targetName = url.path
        if targetName.rfind('/') != -1:
            targetName = targetName[targetName.rfind('/') + 1:]
        if targetName.endswith('.git'):
            targetName = targetName[0:-len('.git')]

        repoWorkDir = join(workDir, targetName)
        git = mx.GitConfig()
        if exists(repoWorkDir):
            git.clone(repoUrl, repoWorkDir)

        # See if there's a matching (non-master) branch and use it if there is
        if not branch:
            branch = git.git_command(
                suite.dir, ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).strip()
        if branch != 'master':
            git.git_command(repoWorkDir, ['checkout', branch],
        if not targetDir:
            targetDir = repoWorkDir

    assert not isabs(relTargetSuiteDir)
    targetSuiteDir = join(targetDir, relTargetSuiteDir)
    assert targetSuiteDir.startswith(targetDir)
    mxpy = None if suite != mx._mx_suite else join(mirror, 'mx.py')
    for command in mxCommands:
        mx.logv('[running "mx ' + ' '.join(command) + '" in ' +
                targetSuiteDir + ']')
        mx.run_mx(command, targetSuiteDir, mxpy=mxpy)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def jlink_new_jdk(jdk, dst_jdk_dir, module_dists, ignore_dists,
                  with_source=lambda x: True,
    Uses jlink from `jdk` to create a new JDK image in `dst_jdk_dir` with `module_dists` and
    their dependencies added to the JDK image, replacing any existing modules of the same name.

    :param JDKConfig jdk: source JDK
    :param str dst_jdk_dir: path to use for the jlink --output option
    :param list module_dists: list of distributions defining modules
    :param list ignore_dists: list of distributions that should be ignored for missing_export_target_action
    :param list root_module_names: list of strings naming the module root set for the new JDK image.
                     The named modules must either be in `module_dists` or in `jdk`. If None, then
                     the root set will be all the modules in ``module_dists` and `jdk`.
    :param str missing_export_target_action: the action to perform for a qualified export target that
                     is not present in `module_dists` and does not have a hash stored in java.base.
                     The choices are:
                       "create" - an empty module is created
                        "error" - raise an error
                           None - do nothing
    :param lambda with_source: returns True if the sources of a module distribution must be included in the new JDK
    :param dict vendor_info: values for the jlink vendor options added by JDK-8232080
    :param bool use_upgrade_module_path: if True, then instead of linking `module_dists` into the image, resolve
                     them via --upgrade-module-path at image runtime
    :return bool: False if use_upgrade_module_path == True and the existing image is up to date otherwise True
    assert callable(with_source)

    if jdk.javaCompliance < '9':
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' with jlink since it is not JDK 9 or later')

    exploded_java_base_module = join(jdk.home, 'modules', 'java.base')
    if exists(exploded_java_base_module):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since it appears to be a developer build with exploded modules')

    jimage = join(jdk.home, 'lib', 'modules')
    jmods_dir = join(jdk.home, 'jmods')
    if not isfile(jimage):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since ' + jimage + ' is missing or is not an ordinary file')
    if not isdir(jmods_dir):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since ' + jmods_dir + ' is missing or is not a directory')

    # Exclude jdk.aot due to GR-10545 and JDK-8255616
    jdk_modules = {jmd.name: jmd for jmd in jdk.get_modules() if jmd.name != 'jdk.aot'}
    modules = [as_java_module(dist, jdk) for dist in module_dists]
    module_names = frozenset((m.name for m in modules))
    all_module_names = frozenset(list(jdk_modules.keys())) | module_names

    # Read hashes stored in java.base (the only module in the JDK where hashes are stored)
    hashes = _read_java_base_hashes(jdk)

    build_dir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(dst_jdk_dir + ".build"))

    # Directory under dst_jdk_dir for artifacts related to use_upgrade_module_path
    upgrade_dir = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'upgrade_modules_support')

    # Map from JavaModuleDescriptors to post-jlink jar location.
    synthetic_modules = OrderedDict()
        ignore_module_names = set(mx_javamodules.get_module_name(mx.dependency(ignore_dist)) for ignore_dist in ignore_dists)
        # Synthesize modules for targets of qualified exports that are not present in `modules`.
        # Without this, runtime module resolution will fail due to missing modules.
        target_requires = {}
        for jmd in modules:
            for targets in jmd.exports.values():
                for target in targets:
                    if target not in all_module_names and target not in ignore_module_names and target not in hashes:
                        target_requires.setdefault(target, set()).add(jmd.name)
        if target_requires and missing_export_target_action is not None:
            if missing_export_target_action == 'error':
                mx.abort('Target(s) of qualified exports cannot be resolved: ' + '.'.join(target_requires.keys()))
            assert missing_export_target_action == 'create', 'invalid value for missing_export_target_action: ' + str(missing_export_target_action)

            for name, requires in sorted(target_requires.items()):
                module_jar = join(build_dir, name + '.jar')
                jmd = JavaModuleDescriptor(name, {}, requires={module: [] for module in requires}, uses=set(), provides={}, jarpath=module_jar)
                module_build_dir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(build_dir, name))
                module_info = jmd.as_module_info()
                module_info_java = join(module_build_dir, 'module-info.java')
                module_info_class = join(module_build_dir, 'module-info.class')
                dst_module_jar = join(upgrade_dir, name + '.jar')
                synthetic_modules[jmd] = dst_module_jar
                if use_upgrade_module_path and exists(dst_module_jar):
                    with ZipFile(dst_module_jar, 'r') as zf:
                        previous_module_info = zf.read('module-info.java').decode()
                    if previous_module_info == module_info:
                        mx.logv('[Reusing synthetic module {}]'.format(name))
                        os.rename(dst_module_jar, module_jar)
                    mx.logv('[Rebuilding synthetic module {} as module descriptor changed]'.format(name))

                with open(module_info_java, 'w') as fp:
                mx.run([jdk.javac, '-d', module_build_dir,
                        '--limit-modules=java.base,' + ','.join(jmd.requires.keys()),
                        '--module-path=' + os.pathsep.join((m.jarpath for m in modules)),
                with ZipFile(module_jar, 'w') as zf:
                    zf.write(module_info_java, 'module-info.java')
                    zf.write(module_info_class, 'module-info.class')
                if exists(jmd.get_jmod_path()):
                if not use_upgrade_module_path:
                    mx.run([jdk.javac.replace('javac', 'jmod'), 'create', '--class-path=' + module_build_dir, jmd.get_jmod_path()])

            module_names = frozenset((m.name for m in modules))
            all_module_names = frozenset(list(jdk_modules.keys())) | module_names

        # Edit lib/security/default.policy in java.base
        patched_java_base = _patch_default_security_policy(build_dir, jmods_dir, dst_jdk_dir)

        # Now build the new JDK image with jlink
        jlink = [jdk.javac.replace('javac', 'jlink')]

        if jdk_enables_jvmci_by_default(jdk):
            # On JDK 9+, +EnableJVMCI forces jdk.internal.vm.ci to be in the root set
            jlink += ['-J-XX:-EnableJVMCI', '-J-XX:-UseJVMCICompiler']

        jlink.append('--add-modules=' + ','.join(_get_image_root_modules(root_module_names, module_names, jdk_modules.keys(), use_upgrade_module_path)))

        module_path = patched_java_base + os.pathsep + jmods_dir
        if modules and not use_upgrade_module_path:
            module_path = os.pathsep.join((m.get_jmod_path(respect_stripping=True) for m in modules)) + os.pathsep + module_path
        jlink.append('--module-path=' + module_path)
        jlink.append('--output=' + dst_jdk_dir)

        # These options are derived from how OpenJDK runs jlink to produce the final runtime image.
        jlink.extend(['-J-XX:+UseSerialGC', '-J-Xms32M', '-J-Xmx512M', '-J-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1'])
        if dedup_legal_notices:
        jlink.append('--keep-packaged-modules=' + join(dst_jdk_dir, 'jmods'))

        vm_options_path = join(upgrade_dir, 'vm_options')
        vm_options = _get_image_vm_options(jdk, use_upgrade_module_path, modules, synthetic_modules)
        if vm_options:
            jlink.append('--add-options=' + ' '.join(vm_options))

        if jdk_has_new_jlink_options(jdk) and vendor_info is not None:
            for name, value in vendor_info.items():
                jlink.append('--' + name + '=' + value)

        release_file = join(jdk.home, 'release')
        if isfile(release_file):
            jlink.append('--release-info=' + release_file)

        if exists(dst_jdk_dir):
            if use_upgrade_module_path and _vm_options_match(vm_options, vm_options_path):
                mx.logv('[Existing JDK image {} is up to date]'.format(dst_jdk_dir))
                return False

        # TODO: investigate the options below used by OpenJDK to see if they should be used:
        # --order-resources: specifies order of resources in generated lib/modules file.
        #       This is apparently not so important if a CDS archive is available.
        # --generate-jli-classes: pre-generates a set of java.lang.invoke classes.
        #       See https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/blob/master/make/GenerateLinkOptData.gmk
        mx.logv('[Creating JDK image in {}]'.format(dst_jdk_dir))

        if use_upgrade_module_path:
            # Move synthetic upgrade modules into final location
            for jmd, jarpath in synthetic_modules.items():
                os.rename(jmd.jarpath, jarpath)
            # Persist VM options cooked into image to be able to skip a subsequent
            # jlink execution if the options do not change.
            with open(vm_options_path, 'w') as fp:

        # Create src.zip in new JDK image
        _copy_src_zip(jdk.home, dst_jdk_dir, modules, lambda jmd: not use_upgrade_module_path and with_source(jmd.dist))

        mx.logv('[Copying static libraries]')
        lib_directory = join(jdk.home, 'lib', 'static')
        if exists(lib_directory):
            dst_lib_directory = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib', 'static')
                mx.copytree(lib_directory, dst_lib_directory)
            except shutil.Error as e:
                # On AArch64, there can be a problem in the copystat part
                # of copytree which occurs after file and directory copying
                # has successfully completed. Since the metadata doesn't
                # matter in this case, just ensure that the content was copied.
                for root, _, lib_files in os.walk(lib_directory):
                    relative_root = os.path.relpath(root, dst_lib_directory)
                    for lib in lib_files:
                        src_lib_path = join(root, lib)
                        dst_lib_path = join(dst_lib_directory, relative_root, lib)
                        if not exists(dst_lib_path):
                            mx.abort('Error copying static libraries: {} missing in {}{}Original copytree error: {}'.format(
                                join(relative_root, lib), dst_lib_directory, os.linesep, e))
                        src_lib_hash = mx.sha1OfFile(src_lib_path)
                        dst_lib_hash = mx.sha1OfFile(dst_lib_path)
                        if src_lib_hash != dst_lib_hash:
                            mx.abort('Error copying static libraries: {} (hash={}) and {} (hash={}) differ{}Original copytree error: {}'.format(
                                src_lib_path, src_lib_hash,
                                dst_lib_path, dst_lib_hash,
                                os.linesep, e))
        # Allow older JDK versions to work
            lib_prefix = mx.add_lib_prefix('')
            lib_suffix = mx.add_static_lib_suffix('')
            lib_directory = join(jdk.home, 'lib')
            dst_lib_directory = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib')
            for f in os.listdir(lib_directory):
                if f.startswith(lib_prefix) and f.endswith(lib_suffix):
                    lib_path = join(lib_directory, f)
                    if isfile(lib_path):
                        shutil.copy2(lib_path, dst_lib_directory)
        if not mx.get_opts().verbose:
            # Preserve build directory so that javac command can be re-executed
            # by cutting and pasting verbose output.

    if not use_upgrade_module_path:
        # Create CDS archive (https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/341).
        out = mx.OutputCapture()
        mx.logv('[Creating CDS shared archive]')
        if mx.run([mx.exe_suffix(join(dst_jdk_dir, 'bin', 'java')), '-Xshare:dump', '-Xmx128M', '-Xms128M'], out=out, err=out, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
            mx.abort('Error generating CDS shared archive')
        # -Xshare is incompatible with --upgrade-module-path
    return True