def run_java(self, args, out=None, err=None, cwd=None, nonZeroIsFatal=False): tag = mx.get_jdk_option().tag if tag and tag != mx_graal_core._JVMCI_JDK_TAG: mx.abort("The '{0}/{1}' VM requires '--jdk={2}'".format(, self.config_name(), mx_graal_core._JVMCI_JDK_TAG)) mx.get_jdk(tag=mx_graal_core._JVMCI_JDK_TAG).run_java( args, out=out, err=out, cwd=cwd, nonZeroIsFatal=False)
def jdkartifactstats(args): """show stats about JDK deployed Graal artifacts""" artifacts = {} jdkDir = get_jvmci_jdk().home def _getDeployedJars(): if JVMCI_VERSION < 9: for root, _, filenames in os.walk(join(jdkDir, 'jre', 'lib')): for f in filenames: if f.endswith('.jar') and not f.endswith('.stripped.jar'): yield join(root, f) else: for jdkDist in jdkDeployedDists: dist = jdkDist.dist() if isinstance(jdkDist, JvmciJDKDeployedDist): yield dist.path for jar in _getDeployedJars(): f = basename(jar) if 'truffle' in f: if 'enterprise' in f: artifacts.setdefault('GraalEnterpriseTruffle', []).append(jar) else: artifacts.setdefault('GraalTruffle', []).append(jar) elif 'enterprise' in f: artifacts.setdefault('GraalEnterprise', []).append(jar) elif 'jvmci' in f: artifacts.setdefault('JVMCI', []).append(jar) elif 'graal' in f: artifacts.setdefault('Graal', []).append(jar) else: mx.logv('ignored: ' + jar) print '{:>10} {:>10} {:>10} {}'.format('All', 'NoVars', 'None', 'Jar') for category in sorted(artifacts.viewkeys()): jars = artifacts[category] if jars: totals = (0, 0, 0) print for j in jars: gSize = os.path.getsize(j) stripped = j[:-len('.jar')] + '.stripped.jar'[mx.get_jdk().pack200, '--repack', '--quiet', '-J-Djava.util.logging.config.file=', '-DLocalVariableTypeTable=strip', '-DLocalVariableTable=strip', stripped, j]) gLinesSourceSize = os.path.getsize(stripped)[mx.get_jdk().pack200, '--repack', '--quiet', '-J-Djava.util.logging.config.file=', '-G', stripped, j]) gNoneSize = os.path.getsize(stripped) os.remove(stripped) print '{:10,} {:10,} {:10,} {}:{}'.format(gSize, gLinesSourceSize, gNoneSize, category, basename(j)) t1, t2, t3 = totals totals = (t1 + gSize, t2 + gLinesSourceSize, t3 + gNoneSize) t1, t2, t3 = totals print '{:10,} {:10,} {:10,} {}'.format(t1, t2, t3, category) jvmLib = join(jdkDir, relativeVmLibDirInJdk(), get_vm(), mx.add_lib_suffix(mx.add_lib_prefix('jvm'))) print if exists(jvmLib): print '{:10,} {}'.format(os.path.getsize(jvmLib), jvmLib) else: print '{:>10} {}'.format('<missing>', jvmLib)
def _sigtest_check(checktype, args, suite=None, projects=None): """run sigtest against Java projects with API""" sigtestlib = mx.library('SIGTEST').get_path(resolve=True) nonTestProjects = [p for p in mx.projects() if _should_test_project(p)] if not nonTestProjects: return 1 javaCompliance = max([p.javaCompliance for p in nonTestProjects]) class OutputCapture: def __init__(self): = "" def __call__(self, data): += data failed = None for p in nonTestProjects: sigtestResults = p.dir + os.sep + 'snapshot.sigtest' if not os.path.exists(sigtestResults): continue jdk = mx.get_jdk(javaCompliance) cmd = ['-cp', mx._cygpathU2W(sigtestlib), '', '-Static', '-Mode', 'bin', '-FileName', sigtestResults, '-ClassPath', mx.classpath(p, jdk=jdk) + os.pathsep + jdk.bootclasspath(), ] if checktype != 'all': cmd.append('-b') for pkg in mx._find_packages(p): cmd = cmd + ['-PackageWithoutSubpackages', pkg] out = OutputCapture() print 'Checking ' + checktype + ' signature changes against ' + sigtestResults exitcode = mx.run_java(cmd, nonZeroIsFatal=False, jdk=mx.get_jdk(javaCompliance), out=out, err=out) mx.ensure_dir_exists(p.get_output_root()) with open(p.get_output_root() + os.path.sep + 'sigtest-junit.xml', 'w') as f: f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>\n') f.write('<testsuite tests="1" name="' + + '.sigtest.' + checktype + '">\n') f.write('<testcase classname="' + + '" name="sigtest.' + checktype + '">\n') if exitcode != 95: print failed = sigtestResults f.write('<failure type="SignatureCheck"><![CDATA[\n') f.write( f.write(']]></failure>') else: f.write('<system-err><![CDATA[\n') f.write( f.write(']]></system-err>') f.write('</testcase>\n') f.write('</testsuite>\n') if failed: mx.abort('Signature error in ' + failed) else: print 'OK.' return 0
def _update_JDK9_STUBS_library(): """ Sets the "path" and "sha1" attributes of the "JDK9_STUBS" library. """ jdk9InternalLib = _suite.suiteDict['libraries']['JDK9_STUBS'] jarInputDir = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'jdk9-stubs') jarPath = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'jdk9-stubs.jar') stubs = [ ('jdk.internal.misc', 'VM', """package jdk.internal.misc; public class VM { public static String getSavedProperty(String key) { throw new InternalError("should not reach here"); } } """) ] if not exists(jarPath): sourceFiles = [] for (package, className, source) in stubs: sourceFile = join(jarInputDir, package.replace('.', os.sep), className + '.java') mx.ensure_dir_exists(os.path.dirname(sourceFile)) with open(sourceFile, 'w') as fp: fp.write(source) sourceFiles.append(sourceFile) jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag='default')[jdk.javac, '-d', jarInputDir] + sourceFiles)[jdk.jar, 'cf', jarPath, '.'], cwd=jarInputDir) jdk9InternalLib['path'] = jarPath jdk9InternalLib['sha1'] = mx.sha1OfFile(jarPath)
def _igvJdk(): v8u20 = mx.VersionSpec("1.8.0_20") v8u40 = mx.VersionSpec("1.8.0_40") v8 = mx.VersionSpec("1.8") def _igvJdkVersionCheck(version): return version >= v8 and (version < v8u20 or version >= v8u40) return mx.get_jdk(_igvJdkVersionCheck, versionDescription='>= 1.8 and < 1.8.0u20 or >= 1.8.0u40', purpose="running IGV").home
def _runmake(args): """run the JDK make process To build hotspot and import it into the JDK: "mx make hotspot import-hotspot" {0}""" jdkBuildDir = _get_jdk_build_dir() if not exists(jdkBuildDir): # JDK9 must be bootstrapped with a JDK8 compliance = mx.JavaCompliance('8') jdk8 = mx.get_jdk(compliance.exactMatch, versionDescription=compliance.value) cmd = ['sh', 'configure', '--with-debug-level=' + _vm.debugLevel, '--with-native-debug-symbols=external', '--disable-precompiled-headers', '--with-jvm-features=graal', '--with-jvm-variants=' + _vm.jvmVariant, '--disable-warnings-as-errors', '--with-boot-jdk=' + jdk8.home, '--with-jvm-features=graal'], cwd=_jdkSourceRoot) cmd = [mx.gmake_cmd(), 'CONF=' + _vm.debugLevel] if mx.get_opts().verbose: cmd.append('LOG=debug') cmd.extend(args) if mx.get_opts().use_jdk_image and 'images' not in args: cmd.append('images') if not mx.get_opts().verbose: mx.log('--------------- make execution ----------------------') mx.log('Working directory: ' + _jdkSourceRoot) mx.log('Command line: ' + ' '.join(cmd)) mx.log('-----------------------------------------------------'), cwd=_jdkSourceRoot)
def run_r(args, command, parser=None, extraVmArgs=None, jdk=None, nonZeroIsFatal=True): ''' Common function for running either R, Rscript (or rrepl). args are a list of strings that came after 'command' on the command line ''' parser = parser if parser is not None else ArgumentParser(prog='mx ' + command) parser.add_argument('--J', dest='extraVmArgsList', action='append', help='extra Java VM arguments', metavar='@<args>') parser.add_argument('--jdk', action='store', help='jdk to use') ns, rargs = parser.parse_known_args(args) if ns.extraVmArgsList: j_extraVmArgsList = mx.split_j_args(ns.extraVmArgsList) if extraVmArgs is None: extraVmArgs = [] extraVmArgs += j_extraVmArgsList if not jdk and ns.jdk: jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag=ns.jdk) # special cases normally handled in shell script startup if command == 'r' and len(rargs) > 0: if rargs[0] == 'RHOME': print _fastr_suite.dir sys.exit(0) elif rargs[0] == 'CMD': print 'CMD not implemented via mx, use: bin/R CMD ...' sys.exit(1) return do_run_r(rargs, command, extraVmArgs=extraVmArgs, jdk=jdk, nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal)
def testgraal(args): cloneFrom = mx.get_env("GRAAL_URL") if not cloneFrom: cloneFrom = "" graalSuiteSubDir = mx.get_env("GRAAL_SUITE_SUBDIR") suite = mx.suite('truffle') suiteDir = suite.dir workDir = join(suite.get_output_root(), 'sanitycheck') mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(workDir, for f in os.listdir(suiteDir): subDir = os.path.join(suiteDir, f) if subDir == suite.get_output_root(): continue src = join(suiteDir, f) tgt = join(workDir,, f) if isdir(src): if exists(tgt): shutil.rmtree(tgt) shutil.copytree(src, tgt) else: shutil.copy(src, tgt) sanityDir = join(workDir, 'sanity') git = mx.GitConfig() if exists(sanityDir): git.pull(sanityDir) else: git.clone(cloneFrom, sanityDir) sanitySuiteDir = sanityDir if graalSuiteSubDir is None else join(sanityDir, graalSuiteSubDir) return mx.run_mx(['--java-home=' + mx.get_jdk().home, 'gate', '-B--force-deprecation-as-warning', '--tags', 'build,test'], sanitySuiteDir)
def _path_args(depNames=None): """ Gets the VM args for putting the dependencies named in `depNames` on the class path and module path (if running on JDK9 or later). :param names: a Dependency, str or list containing Dependency/str objects. If None, then all registered dependencies are used. """ jdk = mx.get_jdk() if jdk.javaCompliance >= '1.9': modules = [as_java_module(dist, jdk) for dist in _suite.dists if get_java_module_info(dist)] if modules: # Partition resources between the class path and module path modulepath = [] classpath = [] cpEntryToModule = {m.dist.path : m for m in modules} for e in mx.classpath(depNames).split(os.pathsep): if cpEntryToModule.has_key(e): modulepath.append(cpEntryToModule[e].jarpath) else: classpath.append(e) # The Truffle modules must be eagerly loaded as they could be referenced from # the main class hence the --add-modules argument return ['--add-modules=' + ','.join([ for m in modules]), '--module-path=' + os.pathsep.join(modulepath), '-cp', os.pathsep.join(classpath)] return ['-cp', mx.classpath(depNames)]
def _tck(args): """runs TCK tests""" parser = ArgumentParser(prog="mx tck", description="run the TCK tests", formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=_debuggertestHelpSuffix) parser.add_argument("--tck-configuration", help="TCK configuration", choices=["compile", "debugger", "default"], default="default") parsed_args, args = parser.parse_known_args(args) tckConfiguration = parsed_args.tck_configuration index = len(args) for arg in reversed(args): if arg.startswith("-"): break index = index - 1 args_no_tests = args[0:index] tests = args[index:len(args)] if len(tests) == 0: tests = [""] index = len(args_no_tests) for arg in reversed(args_no_tests): if arg.startswith("--"): break index = index - 1 unitTestOptions = args_no_tests[0:max(index-1, 0)] jvmOptions = args_no_tests[index:len(args_no_tests)] if tckConfiguration == "default": unittest(unitTestOptions + ["--"] + jvmOptions + tests) elif tckConfiguration == "debugger": with mx.SafeFileCreation(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "debugalot")) as sfc: _execute_debugger_test(tests, sfc.tmpPath, False, unitTestOptions, jvmOptions) elif tckConfiguration == "compile": if not _is_graalvm(mx.get_jdk()): mx.abort("The 'compile' TCK configuration requires graalvm execution, run with --java-home=<path_to_graalvm>.") unittest(unitTestOptions + ["--"] + jvmOptions + ["-Dgraal.TruffleCompileImmediately=true", "-Dgraal.TruffleCompilationExceptionsAreThrown=true"] + tests)
def genInlineAssemblyParser(args=None, out=None): """generate inline assembly parser and scanner if corresponding grammer is new""" generatedParserDir = _inlineAssemblySrcDir + _inlineAssemblyPackageName.replace(".", "/") + "/" generatedFiles = [generatedParserDir + "", generatedParserDir + ""] configFiles = [ _inlineAssemblySrcDir + "InlineAssembly.atg", _inlineAssemblySrcDir + "Parser.frame", _inlineAssemblySrcDir + "Scanner.frame", _inlineAssemblySrcDir + "Copyright.frame", ] isAllGeneratedFilesExists = all([isfile(fileName) for fileName in generatedFiles]) latestGeneratedFile = ( sorted(generatedFiles, key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)[0] if isAllGeneratedFilesExists else "" ) latestConfigFile = sorted(configFiles, key=os.path.getmtime, reverse=True)[0] # If any auto-generated file is missing or any config file is updated after last auto-generation then regenerate the files if not isAllGeneratedFilesExists or os.path.getmtime(latestConfigFile) >= os.path.getmtime(latestGeneratedFile): localCocoJarFile = _suite.dir + "/lib/Coco.jar" if not isfile(localCocoJarFile): jarFileUrls = [""], jarFileUrls) command = [ mx.get_jdk(tag="jvmci").java, "-jar", localCocoJarFile, "-package", _inlineAssemblyPackageName, "-o", generatedParserDir, _inlineAssemblyGrammer, ] # Files get generated in Windows file format. Convert them to avoid style check failure during regression testing dos2unix(generatedFiles)
def testgen(args): '''generate the expected output for unit tests, and All/Failing test classes''' parser = ArgumentParser(prog='r testgen') parser.add_argument('--tests', action='store', default=_all_unit_tests(), help='pattern to match test classes') args = parser.parse_args(args) # check we are in the home directory if os.getcwd() != _fastr_suite.dir: mx.abort('must run rtestgen from FastR home directory') # check the version of GnuR against FastR try: fastr_version = subprocess.check_output([mx.get_jdk().java, '-cp', mx.classpath(''), '']) gnur_version = subprocess.check_output(['R', '--version']) if not gnur_version.startswith(fastr_version): mx.abort('R version is incompatible with FastR, please update to ' + fastr_version) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: mx.abort('RVersionNumber.main failed') # clean the test project to invoke the test analyzer AP testOnly = ['--projects', ''] mx.clean(['--no-dist', ] + testOnly) # now just invoke junit with the appropriate options mx.log("generating expected output for packages: ") for pkg in args.tests.split(','): mx.log(" " + str(pkg)) junit(['--tests', args.tests, '--gen-expected-output', '--gen-expected-quiet'])
def _unittest(args, annotations, prefixCp="", blacklist=None, whitelist=None, verbose=False, fail_fast=False, enable_timing=False, regex=None, color=False, eager_stacktrace=False, gc_after_test=False, suite=None): testfile = os.environ.get('MX_TESTFILE', None) if testfile is None: (_, testfile) = tempfile.mkstemp(".testclasses", "mxtool") os.close(_) mainClass = '' if not exists(join(mx.project('').output_dir(), mainClass.replace('.', os.sep) + '.class')):['--only', '']) coreCp = mx.classpath(['']) coreArgs = [] if verbose: coreArgs.append('-JUnitVerbose') if fail_fast: coreArgs.append('-JUnitFailFast') if enable_timing: coreArgs.append('-JUnitEnableTiming') if color: coreArgs.append('-JUnitColor') if eager_stacktrace: coreArgs.append('-JUnitEagerStackTrace') if gc_after_test: coreArgs.append('-JUnitGCAfterTest') def harness(unittestCp, vmLauncher, vmArgs): prefixArgs = ['-esa', '-ea'] if gc_after_test: prefixArgs.append('-XX:-DisableExplicitGC') with open(testfile) as fp: testclasses = [l.rstrip() for l in fp.readlines()] cp = prefixCp + coreCp + os.pathsep + unittestCp # suppress menubar and dock when running on Mac vmArgs = prefixArgs + ['-Djava.awt.headless=true'] + vmArgs + ['-cp', mx._separatedCygpathU2W(cp)] # Execute Junit directly when one test is being run. This simplifies # replaying the VM execution in a native debugger (e.g., gdb). mainClassArgs = coreArgs + (testclasses if len(testclasses) == 1 else ['@' + mx._cygpathU2W(testfile)]) config = (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs) for p in _config_participants: config = p(config) vmLauncher.launcher(*config) vmLauncher = _vm_launcher if vmLauncher is None: jdk = mx.get_jdk() def _run_vm(vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs): mx.run_java(vmArgs + [mainClass] + mainClassArgs, jdk=jdk) vmLauncher = _VMLauncher('default VM launcher', _run_vm, jdk) try: _run_tests(args, harness, vmLauncher, annotations, testfile, blacklist, whitelist, regex, mx.suite(suite) if suite else None) finally: if os.environ.get('MX_TESTFILE') is None: os.remove(testfile)
def microbench(self, args): """run JMH microbenchmark projects""" parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx microbench', description=microbench.__doc__, usage="%(prog)s [command options|VM options] [-- [JMH options]]") parser.add_argument('--jar', help='Explicitly specify micro-benchmark location') self.add_arguments(parser) mx.warn("`mx microbench` is deprecated! Consider moving to `mx_benchmark.JMHRunnerBenchmarkSuite`") known_args, args = parser.parse_known_args(args) vmArgs, jmhArgs = mx.extract_VM_args(args, useDoubleDash=True) vmArgs = self.parseVmArgs(vmArgs) # look for -f in JMH arguments forking = True for i in range(len(jmhArgs)): arg = jmhArgs[i] if arg.startswith('-f'): if arg == '-f' and (i+1) < len(jmhArgs): arg += jmhArgs[i+1] try: if int(arg[2:]) == 0: forking = False except ValueError: pass if known_args.jar: # use the specified jar args = ['-jar', known_args.jar] if not forking: args += vmArgs # we do not know the compliance level of the jar - assuming 1.8 self.javaCompliance = mx.JavaCompliance('1.8') else: # find all projects with a direct JMH dependency projects_dict = mx_benchmark.JMHRunnerBenchmarkSuite.get_jmh_projects_dict() jmhProjects = projects_dict['JMH'] if 'JMH' in projects_dict else [] # get java compliance - 1.8 is minimum since we build jmh-runner with java 8 self.javaCompliance = max([p.javaCompliance for p in jmhProjects] + [mx.JavaCompliance('1.8')]) cpArgs = mx.get_runtime_jvm_args([ for p in jmhProjects], jdk=mx.get_jdk(self.javaCompliance)) # execute JMH runner if forking: args, cpVmArgs = self.filterVmArgs(cpArgs) vmArgs += cpVmArgs else: args = cpArgs + vmArgs args += ['org.openjdk.jmh.Main'] if forking: def quoteSpace(s): if " " in s: return '"' + s + '"' return s forkedVmArgs = map(quoteSpace, self.parseForkedVmArgs(vmArgs)) args += ['--jvmArgsPrepend', ' '.join(forkedVmArgs)] self.run_java(args + jmhArgs)
def _igvJdk(): v8u20 = mx.VersionSpec("1.8.0_20") v8u40 = mx.VersionSpec("1.8.0_40") v9 = mx.VersionSpec("1.9") def _igvJdkVersionCheck(version): # Remove v9 check once GR-3187 is resolved return version < v9 and (version < v8u20 or version >= v8u40) return mx.get_jdk(_igvJdkVersionCheck, versionDescription='>= 1.8 and < 1.8.0u20 or >= 1.8.0u40', purpose="running IGV").home
def _unittest_config_participant(config): """modifies the classpath to use the Sulong distribution jars instead of the classfiles to enable the use of Java's ServiceLoader""" (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs) = config cpIndex, _ = mx.find_classpath_arg(vmArgs) junitCp = mx.classpath("") sulongCp = ':'.join([mx.classpath(mx.distribution(distr), jdk=mx.get_jdk(tag='jvmci')) for distr in sulongDistributions]) vmArgs[cpIndex] = junitCp + ":" + sulongCp return (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs)
def microbench(self, args): """run JMH microbenchmark projects""" parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx microbench', description=microbench.__doc__, usage="%(prog)s [command options|VM options] [-- [JMH options]]") parser.add_argument('--jar', help='Explicitly specify micro-benchmark location') self.add_arguments(parser) known_args, args = parser.parse_known_args(args) vmArgs, jmhArgs = mx.extract_VM_args(args, useDoubleDash=True) vmArgs = self.parseVmArgs(vmArgs) # look for -f in JMH arguments forking = True for i in range(len(jmhArgs)): arg = jmhArgs[i] if arg.startswith('-f'): if arg == '-f' and (i+1) < len(jmhArgs): arg += jmhArgs[i+1] try: if int(arg[2:]) == 0: forking = False except ValueError: pass if known_args.jar: # use the specified jar args = ['-jar', known_args.jar] if not forking: args += vmArgs # we do not know the compliance level of the jar - assuming 1.8 self.javaCompliance = mx.JavaCompliance('1.8') else: # find all projects with a direct JMH dependency jmhProjects = [] for p in mx.projects_opt_limit_to_suites(): if 'JMH' in [ for x in p.deps]: jmhProjects.append(p) # get java compliance - 1.8 is minimum since we build jmh-runner with java 8 self.javaCompliance = max([p.javaCompliance for p in jmhProjects] + [mx.JavaCompliance('1.8')]) cp = mx.classpath([ for p in jmhProjects], jdk=mx.get_jdk(self.javaCompliance)) # execute JMH runner args = ['-cp', cp] if not forking: args += vmArgs args += ['org.openjdk.jmh.Main'] if forking: def quoteSpace(s): if " " in s: return '"' + s + '"' return s forkedVmArgs = map(quoteSpace, self.parseForkedVmArgs(vmArgs)) args += ['--jvmArgsPrepend', ' '.join(forkedVmArgs)] self.run_java(args + jmhArgs)
def extraVmArgs(self): # find all projects with a direct JMH dependency jmhProjects = [] for p in mx.projects_opt_limit_to_suites(): if 'JMH' in [ for x in p.deps]: jmhProjects.append(p) cp = mx.classpath([ for p in jmhProjects], jdk=mx.get_jdk()) return ['-cp', cp]
def _truffle_gate_runner(args, tasks): jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag=mx.DEFAULT_JDK_TAG) if jdk.javaCompliance < '9': with Task('Truffle Javadoc', tasks) as t: if t: mx.javadoc(['--unified']) with Task('Truffle UnitTests', tasks) as t: if t: unittest(['--suite', 'truffle', '--enable-timing', '--verbose', '--fail-fast']) with Task('Truffle Signature Tests', tasks) as t: if t: sigtest(['--check', 'binary'])
def _runmake(args): """run the JDK make process To build hotspot and import it into the JDK: "mx make hotspot import-hotspot" {0}""" jdkBuildDir = _get_jdk_build_dir() if not exists(jdkBuildDir): # JDK9 must be bootstrapped with a JDK8 compliance = mx.JavaCompliance('8') jdk8 = mx.get_jdk(compliance.exactMatch, versionDescription=compliance.value) cmd = ['sh', 'configure', '--with-debug-level=' + _vm.debugLevel, '--with-native-debug-symbols=external', '--disable-precompiled-headers', '--with-jvm-variants=' + _vm.jvmVariant, '--disable-warnings-as-errors', '--with-boot-jdk=' + jdk8.home], cwd=_jdkSourceRoot) cmd = [mx.gmake_cmd(), 'CONF=' + _vm.debugLevel] if mx.get_opts().verbose: cmd.append('LOG=debug') cmd.extend(args) if mx.get_opts().use_jdk_image and 'images' not in args: cmd.append('images') if not mx.get_opts().verbose: mx.log('--------------- make execution ----------------------') mx.log('Working directory: ' + _jdkSourceRoot) mx.log('Command line: ' + ' '.join(cmd)) mx.log('-----------------------------------------------------'), cwd=_jdkSourceRoot) if 'images' in cmd: jdkImageDir = join(jdkBuildDir, 'images', 'jdk') # The OpenJDK build creates an empty cacerts file so copy one from # the default JDK (which is assumed to be an OracleJDK) srcCerts = join(mx.get_jdk(tag='default').home, 'lib', 'security', 'cacerts') if not exists(srcCerts): # Might be building with JDK8 which has cacerts under jre/ srcCerts = join(mx.get_jdk(tag='default').home, 'jre', 'lib', 'security', 'cacerts') dstCerts = join(jdkImageDir, 'lib', 'security', 'cacerts') if srcCerts != dstCerts: shutil.copyfile(srcCerts, dstCerts) _create_jdk_bundle(jdkBuildDir, _vm.debugLevel, jdkImageDir)
def _unittest_config_participant(config): vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs = config if mx.get_jdk(tag='default').javaCompliance > '1.8': # This is required to access jdk.internal.module.Modules which # in turn allows us to dynamically open fields/methods to reflection. vmArgs = vmArgs + ['--add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.module=ALL-UNNAMED'] # This is required for the call to setAccessible in # TruffleTCK.testValueWithSource to work. vmArgs = vmArgs + ['', '--add-modules=ALL-MODULE-PATH'] return (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs)
def jol(args): """Java Object Layout""" joljar = mx.library('JOL_INTERNALS').get_path(resolve=True) candidates = mx.findclass(args, logToConsole=False, matcher=lambda s, classname: s == classname or classname.endswith('.' + s) or classname.endswith('$' + s)) if len(candidates) > 0: candidates = mx.select_items(sorted(candidates)) else: # mx.findclass can be mistaken, don't give up yet candidates = args mx.run_java(['-javaagent:' + joljar, '-cp', os.pathsep.join([mx.classpath(jdk=mx.get_jdk()), joljar]), "org.openjdk.jol.MainObjectInternals"] + candidates)
def _truffle_gate_runner(args, tasks): jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag=mx.DEFAULT_JDK_TAG) with Task('Jackpot check', tasks) as t: if t: jackpot(['--fail-on-warnings'], suite=None, nonZeroIsFatal=True) if jdk.javaCompliance < '9': with Task('Truffle Javadoc', tasks) as t: if t: javadoc([]) with Task('Truffle UnitTests', tasks) as t: if t: unittest(['--suite', 'truffle', '--enable-timing', '--verbose', '--fail-fast']) with Task('Truffle Signature Tests', tasks) as t: if t: sigtest(['--check', 'binary']) with Task('File name length check', tasks) as t: if t: check_filename_length([])
def _sigtest_generate(args, suite=None, projects=None): """run sigtest generator for Java projects with API""" sigtestlib = mx.library('SIGTEST').get_path(resolve=True) nonTestProjects = [p for p in mx.projects() if _should_test_project(p)] if not nonTestProjects: return 0 javaCompliance = max([p.javaCompliance for p in nonTestProjects]) for p in nonTestProjects: sigtestResults = p.dir + os.sep + 'snapshot.sigtest' cmd = ['-cp', mx._cygpathU2W(sigtestlib), '', '-Static', '-FileName', sigtestResults, '-ClassPath', mx.classpath(p) + os.pathsep + mx.get_jdk(javaCompliance).bootclasspath(), ] for pkg in mx.find_packages(p): cmd = cmd + ['-PackageWithoutSubpackages', pkg] exitcode = mx.run_java(cmd, nonZeroIsFatal=False, jdk=mx.get_jdk(javaCompliance)) if exitcode != 95: mx.abort('Exit code was ' + str(exitcode) + ' while generating ' + sigtestResults) if not exists(sigtestResults): mx.abort('Cannot generate ' + sigtestResults) mx.log("Sigtest snapshot generated to " + sigtestResults) return 0
def _unittest_config_participant(config): vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs = config if mx.get_jdk(tag='default').javaCompliance > '1.8': # This is required to access jdk.internal.module.Modules which # in turn allows us to dynamically open fields/methods to reflection. vmArgs = vmArgs + [ '--add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.module=ALL-UNNAMED' ] # This is required for the call to setAccessible in # TruffleTCK.testValueWithSource to work. vmArgs = vmArgs + [ '', '--add-modules=ALL-MODULE-PATH' ] return (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs)
def _truffle_gate_runner(args, tasks): jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag=mx.DEFAULT_JDK_TAG) with Task('Jackpot check', tasks) as t: if t: jackpot(['--fail-on-warnings'], suite=None, nonZeroIsFatal=True) if jdk.javaCompliance < '9': with Task('Truffle Javadoc', tasks) as t: if t: javadoc([]) with Task('File name length check', tasks) as t: if t: check_filename_length([]) with Task('Truffle Signature Tests', tasks) as t: if t: sigtest(['--check', 'binary']) with Task('Truffle UnitTests', tasks) as t: if t: unittest(['--suite', 'truffle', '--enable-timing', '--verbose', '--fail-fast']) with Task('Truffle DSL max state bit tests', tasks) as t: if t: _truffle_gate_state_bitwidth_tests()
def runLispScript(args=None, out=None, get_classpath_options=getClasspathOptions): dists = ["TruffleCourse"] return mx.run_java( get_classpath_options(dists) + [ "-XX:+EnableJVMCI", "-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler", "-Dgraal.TraceTruffleCompilation=true", # "-Dgraal.TruffleCompileImmediately=true", "-Dgraal.TruffleBackgroundCompilation=false", "-Dgraal.PrintGraph=Network", "-Dgraal.Dump=Truffle:9" ] + args + ["org.truffle.cs.lisp.main.LispRuntime", "sample.lisp"], out=out, jdk=mx.get_jdk())
def contents(self, tool, exe): # platform support all_params = '"%*"' if mx.is_windows() else '"$@"' _quote = _quote_windows if mx.is_windows() else pipes.quote # build command line java = mx.get_jdk().java classpath_deps = [dep for dep in self.subject.buildDependencies if isinstance(dep, mx.ClasspathDependency)] extra_props = ['-Dorg.graalvm.launcher.executablename="{}"'.format(exe)] main_class = self.subject.suite.toolchain._tool_to_main(tool) jvm_args = [_quote(arg) for arg in mx.get_runtime_jvm_args(classpath_deps)] command = [java] + jvm_args + extra_props + [main_class, all_params] # create script if mx.is_windows(): return "@echo off\n" + " ".join(command) + "\n" else: return "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n" + "exec " + " ".join(command) + "\n"
def testdownstream(args): """test downstream users of GraalCore""" parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx testdownstream') parser.add_argument('--target', action='store', help='URL of client repo to clone', required=True, metavar='<url>') parser.add_argument('--suitedir', action='store', help='directory of target suite in client repo', default='.', metavar='<path>') parser.add_argument('-C', dest='clientMxCmd', action='append', help='arg to mx command run on client (e.g., -C-v -C--strict-compliance -Cgate)', default=[], metavar='<arg>') args = parser.parse_args(args) workDir = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'testdownstream') mirror = join(workDir, if exists(mirror): shutil.rmtree(mirror) mx.ensure_dir_exists(mirror) for f in os.listdir(_suite.dir): subDir = join(_suite.dir, f) if subDir == _suite.get_output_root(): continue src = join(_suite.dir, f) dst = join(mirror, f) mx.logv('[Creating symlink from {} to {}]'.format(dst, src)) os.symlink(src, dst) # Deduce a target name from the target URL url = urlparse( targetName = url.path if targetName.rfind('/') != -1: targetName = targetName[targetName.rfind('/') + 1:] if targetName.endswith('.git'): targetName = targetName[0:-len('.git')] targetDir = join(workDir, targetName) git = mx.GitConfig() if exists(targetDir): git.pull(targetDir) else: git.clone(, targetDir) # See if there's a matching (non-master) branch downstream and use it if there is branch = git.git_command(_suite.dir, ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).strip() if branch != 'master': git.git_command(targetDir, ['checkout', branch], abortOnError=False) targetSuiteDir = join(targetDir, args.suitedir) cmd = ['--java-home=' + mx.get_jdk().home] + args.clientMxCmd mx.logv('[running "mx ' + ' '.join(cmd) + '" in ' + targetSuiteDir + ']') return mx.run_mx(cmd, targetSuiteDir)
def suite_collector(suite, predicate, collector, javaProperties, seenSuites): if in seenSuites: return seenSuites.add( suite.visit_imports(import_visitor, predicate=predicate, collector=collector, javaProperties=javaProperties, seenSuites=seenSuites) for dist in suite.dists: if predicate(dist): for distCpEntry in mx.classpath_entries(dist): if hasattr(distCpEntry, "getJavaProperties"): for key, value in dist.getJavaProperties().items(): javaProperties[key] = value if distCpEntry.isJdkLibrary() or distCpEntry.isJreLibrary(): cpPath = distCpEntry.classpath_repr(mx.get_jdk(), resolve=True) else: cpPath = distCpEntry.classpath_repr(resolve=True) if cpPath: collector[cpPath] = None
def suite_collector(suite, predicate, collector, javaProperties, seenSuites): if in seenSuites: return seenSuites.add( suite.visit_imports(import_visitor, predicate=predicate, collector=collector, javaProperties=javaProperties, seenSuites=seenSuites) for dist in suite.dists: if predicate(dist): for distCpEntry in mx.classpath_entries(dist): if hasattr(distCpEntry, "getJavaProperties"): for key, value in distCpEntry.getJavaProperties().items(): javaProperties[key] = value if distCpEntry.isJdkLibrary() or distCpEntry.isJreLibrary(): cpPath = distCpEntry.classpath_repr(mx.get_jdk(), resolve=True) else: cpPath = distCpEntry.classpath_repr(resolve=True) if cpPath: collector[cpPath] = None
def _getJdkHome(): global _jdkHome if not _jdkHome: if mx.suite('compiler', fatalIfMissing=False): import mx_compiler if hasattr(mx_compiler, 'get_graaljdk'): _jdkHome = mx_compiler.get_graaljdk().home elif hasattr(mx_compiler, '_update_graaljdk'): jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag='default') _jdkHome, _ = mx_compiler._update_graaljdk(jdk) else: mx.abort( 'Cannot find a GraalJDK.\nAre you running with an old version of Graal?' ) else: _jdkHome = mx.get_env('JAVA_HOME') return _jdkHome
def squeak(args, extra_vm_args=None, env=None, jdk=None, **kwargs): if not env: env = os.environ check_vm_env = env.get('GRAALPYTHON_MUST_USE_GRAAL', False) if check_vm_env: if check_vm_env == '1': check_vm(must_be_jvmci=True) elif check_vm_env == '0': check_vm() vm_args, squeak_args = mx.extract_VM_args(args, useDoubleDash=False, defaultAllVMArgs=False) classpath = ["de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak"] if mx.suite("tools-enterprise", fatalIfMissing=False): classpath.append("tools-enterprise:CHROMEINSPECTOR") vm_args = ['-cp', mx.classpath(classpath)] if not jdk: jdk = mx.get_jdk() vm_args += [ # '-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler', # '-Djvmci.Compiler=graal', # '-Dgraal.TraceTruffleCompilation=true', # '-Dgraal.Dump=', # '-Dgraal.MethodFilter=Truffle.*', # '-XX:CompileCommand=print,*OptimizedCallTarget.callRoot', # '-XX:CompileCommand=exclude,*OptimizedCallTarget.callRoot', # '-Dgraal.TruffleBackgroundCompilation=false', # '-Dgraal.TruffleCompileImmediately=true', # '-Dgraal.TraceTrufflePerformanceWarnings=true', # '-Dgraal.TruffleCompilationExceptionsArePrinted=true', ] # default: assertion checking is enabled if extra_vm_args is None or '-da' not in extra_vm_args: vm_args += ['-ea', '-esa'] if extra_vm_args: vm_args += extra_vm_args vm_args.append("de.hpi.swa.trufflesqueak.TruffleSqueakMain") return mx.run_java(vm_args + squeak_args, jdk=jdk, **kwargs)
def runJMeterInBackground(jmeterBenchmarkSuite, benchmarkName): if not JMeterBenchmarkSuite.findApplication( jmeterBenchmarkSuite.applicationPort()): mx.abort( "Failed to find server application in JMeterBenchmarkSuite") jmeterCmd = [mx.get_jdk().java, "-jar", jmeterBenchmarkSuite.jmeterPath(), "-n", "-t", jmeterBenchmarkSuite.workloadPath(benchmarkName), "-j", "/dev/stdout"] # pylint: disable=line-too-long mx.log("Running JMeter: {0}".format(jmeterCmd)) jmeterBenchmarkSuite.jmeterOutput = mx.TeeOutputCapture( mx.OutputCapture()), out=jmeterBenchmarkSuite.jmeterOutput, err=subprocess.PIPE) if not jmeterBenchmarkSuite.terminateApplication( jmeterBenchmarkSuite.applicationPort()): mx.abort( "Failed to terminate server application in JMeterBenchmarkSuite" )
def run_java(self, args, out=None, err=None, cwd=None, nonZeroIsFatal=False): tag = mx.get_jdk_option().tag if tag and tag != mx_compiler._JVMCI_JDK_TAG: mx.abort("The '{0}/{1}' VM requires '--jdk={2}'".format(, self.config_name(), mx_compiler._JVMCI_JDK_TAG)) return mx.get_jdk(tag=mx_compiler._JVMCI_JDK_TAG).run_java( args, out=out, err=out, cwd=cwd, nonZeroIsFatal=False, command_mapper_hooks=self.command_mapper_hooks)
def layout_native_image_root(native_image_root): def names_to_dists(dist_names): return [mx.dependency(dist_name) for dist_name in dist_names] def native_image_layout_dists(subdir, dist_names): native_image_layout(names_to_dists(dist_names), subdir, native_image_root) def native_image_extract_dists(subdir, dist_names): native_image_extract(names_to_dists(dist_names), subdir, native_image_root) # Create native-image layout for sdk parts native_image_layout_dists(join('lib', 'boot'), ['sdk:GRAAL_SDK']) native_image_layout_dists(join('lib', 'graalvm'), ['substratevm:SVM_DRIVER', 'sdk:LAUNCHER_COMMON']) # Create native-image layout for compiler & jvmci parts native_image_layout_dists(join('lib', 'jvmci'), graalDistribution) jdk_config = mx.get_jdk() jvmci_path = join(jdk_config.home, 'jre', 'lib', 'jvmci') if os.path.isdir(jvmci_path): for symlink_name in os.listdir(jvmci_path): symlink_or_copy(join(jvmci_path, symlink_name), join(native_image_root, 'lib', 'jvmci', symlink_name)) # Create native-image layout for truffle parts native_image_layout_dists(join('lib', 'truffle'), ['truffle:TRUFFLE_API', 'truffle:TRUFFLE_NFI']) # Create native-image layout for tools parts for tool_name in tools_map: tool_descriptor = tools_map[tool_name] native_image_layout_dists(join('tools', tool_name, 'builder'), tool_descriptor.builder_deps) native_image_layout_dists(join('tools', tool_name), tool_descriptor.image_deps) native_image_extract_dists(join('tools', tool_name), tool_descriptor.native_deps) native_image_option_properties('tools', tool_name, native_image_root) # Create native-image layout for svm parts svm_subdir = join('lib', 'svm') native_image_layout_dists(svm_subdir, librarySupportDistribution) native_image_layout_dists(join(svm_subdir, 'builder'), svmDistribution + ['substratevm:POINTSTO', 'substratevm:OBJECTFILE']) for clibrary_path in clibrary_paths(): from distutils.errors import DistutilsFileError # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module try: copy_tree(clibrary_path, join(native_image_root, join(svm_subdir, 'clibraries'))) except DistutilsFileError: # ignore until GR-7932 is resolved pass
def findbugs(args, fbArgs=None, suite=None, projects=None): """run FindBugs against non-test Java projects""" findBugsHome = mx.get_env('FINDBUGS_HOME', None) if suite is None: suite = mx._primary_suite if findBugsHome: findbugsJar = join(findBugsHome, 'lib', 'findbugs.jar') else: findbugsLib = join(mx._mx_suite.get_output_root(), 'findbugs-3.0.0') if not exists(findbugsLib): tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='findbugs-download-tmp', dir=mx._mx_suite.dir) try: findbugsDist = mx.library('FINDBUGS_DIST').get_path(resolve=True) with zipfile.ZipFile(findbugsDist) as zf: candidates = [e for e in zf.namelist() if e.endswith('/lib/findbugs.jar')] assert len(candidates) == 1, candidates libDirInZip = os.path.dirname(candidates[0]) zf.extractall(tmp) shutil.copytree(join(tmp, libDirInZip), findbugsLib) finally: shutil.rmtree(tmp) findbugsJar = join(findbugsLib, 'findbugs.jar') assert exists(findbugsJar) nonTestProjects = [p for p in mx.projects() if _should_test_project(p)] if not nonTestProjects: return 0 outputDirs = map(mx._cygpathU2W, [p.output_dir() for p in nonTestProjects]) javaCompliance = max([p.javaCompliance for p in nonTestProjects]) jdk = mx.get_jdk(javaCompliance) if jdk.javaCompliance >= "1.9": mx.log('FindBugs does not yet support JDK9 - skipping') return 0 findbugsResults = join(suite.dir, 'findbugs.results') if fbArgs is None: fbArgs = defaultFindbugsArgs() cmd = ['-jar', mx._cygpathU2W(findbugsJar)] + fbArgs cmd = cmd + ['-auxclasspath', mx._separatedCygpathU2W(mx.classpath([ for p in nonTestProjects], jdk=jdk)), '-output', mx._cygpathU2W(findbugsResults), '-exitcode'] + args + outputDirs exitcode = mx.run_java(cmd, nonZeroIsFatal=False, jdk=jdk) if exitcode != 0: with open(findbugsResults) as fp: mx.log( os.unlink(findbugsResults) return exitcode
def _tck(args): """runs TCK tests""" parser = ArgumentParser(prog="mx tck", description="run the TCK tests", formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=_debuggertestHelpSuffix) parser.add_argument("--tck-configuration", help="TCK configuration", choices=["compile", "debugger", "default"], default="default") parsed_args, args = parser.parse_known_args(args) tckConfiguration = parsed_args.tck_configuration index = len(args) for arg in reversed(args): if arg.startswith("-"): break index = index - 1 args_no_tests = args[0:index] tests = args[index:len(args)] if len(tests) == 0: tests = [""] index = len(args_no_tests) for arg in reversed(args_no_tests): if arg.startswith("--"): break index = index - 1 unitTestOptions = args_no_tests[0:max(index - 1, 0)] jvmOptions = args_no_tests[index:len(args_no_tests)] if tckConfiguration == "default": unittest(unitTestOptions + ["--"] + jvmOptions + tests) elif tckConfiguration == "debugger": with mx.SafeFileCreation( os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "debugalot")) as sfc: _execute_debugger_test(tests, sfc.tmpPath, False, unitTestOptions, jvmOptions) elif tckConfiguration == "compile": if not _is_graalvm(mx.get_jdk()): mx.abort( "The 'compile' TCK configuration requires graalvm execution, run with --java-home=<path_to_graalvm>." ) unittest(unitTestOptions + ["--"] + jvmOptions + [ "-Dgraal.TruffleCompileImmediately=true", "-Dgraal.TruffleCompilationExceptionsAreThrown=true" ] + tests)
def testgen(args): '''generate the expected output for unit tests''' # check we are in the home directory if os.getcwd() != _fastr_suite.dir: mx.abort('must run rtestgen from FastR home directory') def need_version_check(): vardef = os.environ.has_key('FASTR_TESTGEN_GNUR') varval = os.environ['FASTR_TESTGEN_GNUR'] if vardef else None version_check = vardef and varval != 'internal' if version_check: rpath = join(varval, 'bin', 'R') else: rpath = None return version_check, rpath version_check, rpath = need_version_check() if version_check: # check the version of GnuR against FastR try: fastr_version = subprocess.check_output([ mx.get_jdk().java, mx.get_runtime_jvm_args(''), '' ]) gnur_version = subprocess.check_output([rpath, '--version']) if not gnur_version.startswith(fastr_version): mx.abort( 'R version is incompatible with FastR, please update to ' + fastr_version) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: mx.abort('RVersionNumber.main failed') tests = _all_generated_unit_tests() # now just invoke unittst with the appropriate options mx.log("generating expected output for packages: ") for pkg in tests: mx.log(" " + str(pkg)) os.environ["TZDIR"] = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/" _unset_conflicting_envs() mx_unittest.unittest([ '-Dfastr.test.gen.expected=' + _test_srcdir(), '-Dfastr.test.gen.expected.quiet', '-Dfastr.test.project.output.dir=' + mx.project('').output_dir() ] + tests)
def webserver(args): """start or bundle a simple webserver with a web site""" parser = ArgumentParser( prog='mx webserver', description='Start a webserver to serve the site at root or ' 'bundle the site along with the server into an executable jar.') parser.add_argument( '-a', '--archive', help= 'instead of starting the server, create an executable jar in <path> ' 'containing the server and the site at root such that `java -jar <path>` will start a server ' 'for the site and open a browser at its root.', metavar='<path>') parser.add_argument('-p', '--port', help='local port on which the server should listen', metavar='<num>') parser.add_argument( '--no-browse', help='do not open default web browser on the served site', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('root', metavar='root') args = parser.parse_args(args) project = '' mainClass = project + '.WebServer'['--no-daemon', '--dependencies', project]) coreCp = mx.classpath([project]) jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag='default') java_args = mx.get_runtime_jvm_args(project, coreCp, jdk=jdk) java_args += [mainClass] if args.archive: java_args.append('--archive=' + args.archive) if args.port: java_args.append('--port=' + args.port) if args.no_browse: java_args.append('--no-browse') java_args.append(args.root) mx.run_java(java_args, jdk=jdk)
def _unittest_config_participant(config): vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs = config if mx.get_jdk(tag='default').javaCompliance > '1.8': # This is required to access jdk.internal.module.Modules which # in turn allows us to dynamically open fields/methods to reflection. vmArgs = vmArgs + ['--add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.module=ALL-UNNAMED'] # Needed for vmArgs = vmArgs + ['--add-opens=org.graalvm.truffle/'] # This is required for the call to setAccessible in # TruffleTCK.testValueWithSource to work. vmArgs = vmArgs + ['--add-opens=org.graalvm.truffle/', '--add-modules=ALL-MODULE-PATH'] config = (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs) if _shouldRunTCKParticipant: config = _unittest_config_participant_tck(config) return config
def _open_module_exports_args(): """ Gets the VM args for exporting all Truffle API packages on JDK9 or later. """ assert mx.get_jdk().javaCompliance >= '1.9' truffle_api_dist = mx.distribution('TRUFFLE_API') truffle_api_module_name = truffle_api_dist.moduleInfo['name'] module_info_open_exports = getattr(truffle_api_dist, 'moduleInfo:open')['exports'] args = [] for export in module_info_open_exports: if ' to ' in export: # Qualified exports package, targets = export.split(' to ') targets = targets.replace(' ', '') else: # Unqualified exports package = export targets = 'ALL-UNNAMED' args.append('--add-exports=' + truffle_api_module_name + '/' + package + '=' + targets) return args
def _configs(): class Configs: def __init__(self): self.configs = dict() def eat(self, line): (k, v) = line.split('#') self.configs[k] = v.rstrip() c = Configs()[ mx.get_jdk().java, '-client', '-Xmx40m', '-Xms40m', '-XX:NewSize=30m', '-cp', mx.classpath(resolve=False), '' ], return c.configs
def jackpot(args, suite=None, nonZeroIsFatal=False): """run Jackpot 3.0 against non-test Java projects""" jackpotHome = mx.get_env('JACKPOT_HOME', None) if jackpotHome: jackpotJar = join(jackpotHome, 'jackpot.jar') else: jackpotJar = mx.library('JACKPOT').get_path(resolve=True) assert exists(jackpotJar) if suite is None: suite = mx._primary_suite nonTestProjects = [p for p in mx.projects() if _should_test_project(p)] if not nonTestProjects: return 0 groups = [] for p in nonTestProjects: javacClasspath = [] deps = [] p.walk_deps(visit=lambda dep, edge: deps.append(dep) if dep.isLibrary() or dep.isJavaProject() else None) annotationProcessorOnlyDeps = [] if len(p.annotation_processors()) > 0: for apDep in p.annotation_processors(): if not apDep in deps: deps.append(apDep) annotationProcessorOnlyDeps.append(apDep) for dep in deps: if dep == p: continue if dep in annotationProcessorOnlyDeps: continue javacClasspath.append(dep.classpath_repr(resolve=True)) javaCompliance = p.javaCompliance groups = groups + ['--group', "--classpath " + mx._separatedCygpathU2W(_escape_string(os.pathsep.join(javacClasspath))) + " --source " + str(p.javaCompliance) + " " + " ".join([_escape_string(d) for d in p.source_dirs()])] cmd = ['-classpath', mx._cygpathU2W(jackpotJar), 'org.netbeans.modules.jackpot30.cmdline.Main'] cmd = cmd + ['--fail-on-warnings', '--progress'] + args + groups return mx.run_java(cmd, nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal, jdk=mx.get_jdk(javaCompliance))
def jacocoreport(args): """create a JaCoCo coverage report Creates the report from the 'jacoco.exec' file in the current directory. Default output directory is 'coverage', but an alternative can be provided as an argument.""" dist_name = "MX_JACOCO_REPORT" mx.command_function("build")(['--dependencies', dist_name]) dist = mx.distribution(dist_name) jdk = mx.get_jdk(dist.javaCompliance) parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx jacocoreport') parser.add_argument('--format', help='Export format (HTML or XML)', default='html', choices=['html', 'xml']) parser.add_argument('--omit-excluded', action='store_true', help='omit excluded files from report') parser.add_argument('output_directory', help='Output directory', default='coverage', nargs='?') args = parser.parse_args(args) # list of strings of the form "project-dir:binary-dir" includedirs = [] for p in mx.projects(): projsetting = getattr(p, 'jacoco', '') if (projsetting == 'include' or projsetting == '') and _jacoco_is_package_whitelisted( if isinstance(p, mx.ClasspathDependency): source_dirs = [] if p.isJavaProject(): source_dirs += p.source_dirs() + [p.source_gen_dir()] includedirs.append(":".join([p.dir, p.classpath_repr(jdk)] + source_dirs)) def _run_reporter(extra_args=None): mx.run_java(['-cp', mx.classpath([dist_name], jdk=jdk), '-jar', dist.path, '--in', 'jacoco.exec', '--out', args.output_directory, '--format', args.format] + (extra_args or []) + sorted(includedirs), jdk=jdk, addDefaultArgs=False) if not args.omit_excluded: _run_reporter() else: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix="jacoco-report-exclude", mode="w") as fp: excludes, _ = _jacoco_excludes_includes() fp.writelines((e + "\n" for e in excludes)) fp.flush() _run_reporter(['--exclude-file',])
def runLLVM(args=None, out=None): """uses Sulong to execute a LLVM IR file""" vmArgs, sulongArgsWithLibs = truffle_extract_VM_args(args) sulongArgs = [] libNames = [] for arg in sulongArgsWithLibs: if arg.startswith("-l"): libNames.append(arg) else: sulongArgs.append(arg) return mx.run_java( getCommonOptions(libNames) + vmArgs + getClasspathOptions() + ["-XX:-UseJVMCIClassLoader", ""] + sulongArgs, out=out, jdk=mx.get_jdk(tag="jvmci"), )
def _truffle_gate_runner(args, tasks): jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag=mx.DEFAULT_JDK_TAG) with Task('Jackpot check', tasks) as t: if t: jackpot(['--fail-on-warnings'], suite=None, nonZeroIsFatal=True) if jdk.javaCompliance < '9': with Task('Truffle Javadoc', tasks) as t: if t: javadoc([]) with Task('File name length check', tasks) as t: if t: check_filename_length([]) with Task('Truffle Signature Tests', tasks) as t: if t: sigtest(['--check', 'binary']) with Task('Truffle UnitTests', tasks) as t: if t: unittest(list(['--suite', 'truffle', '--enable-timing', '--verbose', '--fail-fast'])) if os.getenv('DISABLE_DSL_STATE_BITS_TESTS', 'false').lower() != 'true': with Task('Truffle DSL max state bit tests', tasks) as t: if t: _truffle_gate_state_bitwidth_tests() with Task('Validate parsers', tasks) as t: if t: validate_parsers()
def _tck(args): """runs TCK tests""" parser = ArgumentParser(prog="mx tck", description="run the TCK tests", formatter_class=RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, epilog=_tckHelpSuffix) parser.add_argument("--tck-configuration", help="TCK configuration", choices=["compile", "debugger", "default"], default="default") parsed_args, args = parser.parse_known_args(args) tckConfiguration = parsed_args.tck_configuration index = len(args) for arg in reversed(args): if arg.startswith("-"): break index = index - 1 args_no_tests = args[0:index] tests = args[index:len(args)] if len(tests) == 0: tests = [""] index = len(args_no_tests) has_separator_arg = False for arg in reversed(args_no_tests): if arg.startswith("--"): if arg == "--": has_separator_arg = True break index = index - 1 unitTestOptions = args_no_tests[0:max(index - (1 if has_separator_arg else 0), 0)] jvmOptions = args_no_tests[index:len(args_no_tests)] if tckConfiguration == "default": unittest(unitTestOptions + ["--"] + jvmOptions + tests) elif tckConfiguration == "debugger": with mx.SafeFileCreation(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "debugalot")) as sfc: _execute_debugger_test(tests, sfc.tmpPath, False, unitTestOptions, jvmOptions) elif tckConfiguration == "compile": if not _is_graalvm(mx.get_jdk()): mx.abort("The 'compile' TCK configuration requires graalvm execution, run with --java-home=<path_to_graalvm>.") compileOptions = [ "-Dpolyglot.engine.AllowExperimentalOptions=true", "-Dpolyglot.engine.Mode=latency", "-Dpolyglot.engine.CompilationFailureAction=Throw", "-Dpolyglot.engine.CompileImmediately=true", "-Dpolyglot.engine.BackgroundCompilation=false", ] unittest(unitTestOptions + ["--"] + jvmOptions + compileOptions + tests)
def jol(args): """Java Object Layout""" joljar = mx.library('JOL_INTERNALS').get_path(resolve=True) candidates = mx.findclass( args, logToConsole=False, matcher=lambda s, classname: s == classname or classname.endswith( '.' + s) or classname.endswith('$' + s)) if len(candidates) > 0: candidates = mx.select_items(sorted(candidates)) else: # mx.findclass can be mistaken, don't give up yet candidates = args mx.run_java([ '-javaagent:' + joljar, '-cp', os.pathsep.join([mx.classpath( jdk=mx.get_jdk()), joljar]), "org.openjdk.jol.MainObjectInternals" ] + candidates)
def cflags(self): default_cflags = [] if mx.is_windows() and mx.get_jdk( tag=mx.DEFAULT_JDK_TAG).javaCompliance >= '11': default_cflags += ['-FS'] # necessary until GR-16572 is resolved if self._kind == self._kinds['shared_lib']: default_cflags += dict(windows=['-MD' ], ).get(mx.get_os(), ['-fPIC']) if mx.is_linux() or mx.is_darwin(): # Do not leak host paths via dwarf debuginfo def add_debug_prefix(prefix_dir): return '-fdebug-prefix-map={}={}'.format( prefix_dir, mx.basename(prefix_dir)) default_cflags += [add_debug_prefix(self.suite.vc_dir)] default_cflags += [add_debug_prefix(NinjaProject.get_jdk().home)] default_cflags += ['-gno-record-gcc-switches'] return default_cflags + super(DefaultNativeProject, self).cflags
def jol(args): """Java Object Layout""" joljar = mx.library('JOL_CLI').get_path(resolve=True) commands = ['estimates', 'externals', 'footprint', 'heapdump', 'heapdumpstats', 'idealpack', 'internals', 'shapes', 'string-compress', 'help'] command = 'internals' if len(args) == 0: command = 'help' elif args[0] in commands: command, args = args[0], args[1:] # classpath operations if command in ['estimates', 'externals', 'footprint', 'internals']: candidates = mx.findclass(args, logToConsole=False, matcher=lambda s, classname: s == classname or classname.endswith('.' + s) or classname.endswith('$' + s)) if len(candidates) > 0: args = mx.select_items(sorted(candidates)) if len(args) > 0: args = ['-cp', mx.classpath(jdk=mx.get_jdk())] + args mx.run_java(['-javaagent:' + joljar, '-cp', joljar, 'org.openjdk.jol.Main', command] + args)
def contents(self, result): java = mx.get_jdk().java classpath_deps = [ dep for dep in self.subject.buildDependencies if isinstance(dep, mx.ClasspathDependency) ] jvm_args = [ pipes.quote(arg) for arg in mx.get_runtime_jvm_args(classpath_deps) ] jvm_args.append('-Dorg.graalvm.language.ruby.home=' + root) main_class = 'org.truffleruby.launcher.RubyLauncher' ruby_options = [ '--experimental-options', '--building-core-cexts', '--launcher=' + result, '--disable-gems', '--disable-rubyopt', ] command = [java] + jvm_args + [main_class] + ruby_options + ['"$@"'] return "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n" + "exec " + " ".join(command) + "\n"
def _unittest_config_participant(config): vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs = config # Disable DefaultRuntime warning vmArgs = vmArgs + ['-Dpolyglot.engine.WarnInterpreterOnly=false'] jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag='default') if jdk.javaCompliance > '1.8': # This is required to access jdk.internal.module.Modules which # in turn allows us to dynamically open fields/methods to reflection. vmArgs = vmArgs + [ '--add-exports=java.base/jdk.internal.module=ALL-UNNAMED' ] # The arguments below are only actually needed if Truffle is deployed as a # module. However, that's determined by the compiler suite which may not # be present. In that case, adding these options results in annoying # but harmless messages from the VM: # # WARNING: Unknown module: org.graalvm.truffle specified to --add-opens # # Needed for vmArgs = vmArgs + [ '--add-opens=org.graalvm.truffle/' ] # This is required for the call to setAccessible in # TruffleTCK.testValueWithSource to work. vmArgs = vmArgs + [ '--add-opens=org.graalvm.truffle/', '--add-modules=ALL-MODULE-PATH' ] # Needed for object model tests. vmArgs = vmArgs + [ '--add-opens=org.graalvm.truffle/' ] config = (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs) if _shouldRunTCKParticipant: config = _unittest_config_participant_tck(config) return config
def testme(args): """run some or all of the Maxine tests The Maxine sources include a variety of tests that can be run by a special launcher. These include JUnit tests, VM micro tests, certain benchmark suites and output comparison tests, amongst others. Use "mx test -help" to see what other options this command accepts.""" maxineTesterDir = join(_maxine_home, 'maxine-tester') if isdir(maxineTesterDir): for root, _, files in os.walk(maxineTesterDir): for name in files: if name.rsplit(', ', 1) in [ 'stdout', 'stderr', 'passed', 'failed', 'command' ]: os.remove(join(root, name)) else: os.mkdir(maxineTesterDir) class Tee: def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def eat(self, line): mx.log(line.rstrip()) self.f.write(line) console = join(maxineTesterDir, 'console') with open(console, 'w', 0) as f: tee = Tee(f) jdk = mx.get_jdk() mx.run_java([ '-cp', suite_classpath(), '', '-output-dir=maxine-tester', '-graal-jar=' + mx.distribution('GRAAL').path, '-refvm=' +, '-refvm-args=' + ' '.join(jdk.java_args) ] + args,, err=subprocess.STDOUT)
def contents(self, tool, exe): # platform support all_params = '"%*"' if mx.is_windows() else '"$@"' _quote = _quote_windows if mx.is_windows() else pipes.quote # build command line java = mx.get_jdk().java classpath_deps = [dep for dep in self.subject.buildDependencies if isinstance(dep, mx.ClasspathDependency)] extra_props = ['-Dorg.graalvm.launcher.executablename="{}"'.format(exe)] main_class = self.subject.suite.toolchain._tool_to_main(tool) # add jvm args from dependencies jvm_args = [_quote(arg) for arg in mx.get_runtime_jvm_args(classpath_deps)] # add properties from the project if hasattr(self.subject, "getJavaProperties"): for key, value in sorted(self.subject.getJavaProperties().items()): jvm_args.append("-D" + key + "=" + value) command = [java] + jvm_args + extra_props + [main_class, all_params] # create script if mx.is_windows(): return "@echo off\n" + " ".join(command) + "\n" else: return "#!/usr/bin/env bash\n" + "exec " + " ".join(command) + "\n"
def _unittest_config_participant(config): vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs = config jdk = mx.get_jdk(tag='default') runtime_args = _get_runtime_jvm_args(jdk) # Remove the cp argument from the runtime args cp = None for i, cp in enumerate(runtime_args[:]): if cp == "-cp": cp = runtime_args[i + 1] runtime_args.remove("-cp") runtime_args.remove(cp) break # Attach remaining runtime args vmArgs += runtime_args # Merge the classpaths if cp: for i, arg in enumerate(vmArgs): if arg == "-cp": vmArgs[i + 1] += ":" + cp config = (vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs) return config
def _create_jdk_bundle(jdkBuildDir): """ Creates a tar.gz JDK archive, an accompanying tar.gz.sha1 file with its SHA1 signature plus symlinks to the archive for non-canonical architecture names. """ jdkImageDir = join(jdkBuildDir, 'images', 'jdk') arches = _get_jdk_bundle_arches() jdkTgzPath = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'jdk-bundles', 'jdk9-{}-{}.tar.gz'.format(_get_openjdk_os(), arches[0])) with mx.Archiver(jdkTgzPath, kind='tgz') as arc: mx.log('Creating ' + jdkTgzPath) for root, _, filenames in os.walk(jdkImageDir): for name in filenames: f = join(root, name) arcname = 'jdk1.9.0/' + os.path.relpath(f, jdkImageDir) arc.zf.add(name=f, arcname=arcname, recursive=False) # The OpenJDK build creates an empty cacerts file so grab one from # the default JDK which is assumed to be an OracleJDK cacerts = join( mx.get_jdk(tag='default').home, 'jre', 'lib', 'security', 'cacerts') arc.zf.add(name=cacerts, arcname='jdk1.9.0/lib/security/cacerts') with open(jdkTgzPath + '.sha1', 'w') as fp: mx.log('Creating ' + jdkTgzPath + '.sha1') fp.write(mx.sha1OfFile(jdkTgzPath)) def _create_link(source, link_name): if exists(link_name): os.remove(link_name) mx.log('Creating ' + link_name + ' -> ' + source) os.symlink(source, link_name) for arch in arches[1:]: link_name = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'jdk-bundles', 'jdk9-{}-{}.tar.gz'.format(_get_openjdk_os(), arch)) jdkTgzName = os.path.basename(jdkTgzPath) _create_link(jdkTgzName, link_name) _create_link(jdkTgzName + '.sha1', link_name + '.sha1')
def createCommandLineArgs(self, benchmarks, bmSuiteArgs): vmArgs = self.vmArgs(bmSuiteArgs) dists = ["GRAALPYTHON", "TRUFFLE_NFI", "GRAALPYTHON-LAUNCHER"] if mx.suite("tools", fatalIfMissing=False): dists.extend(('CHROMEINSPECTOR', 'TRUFFLE_PROFILER')) if mx.suite("sulong", fatalIfMissing=False): dists.append('SULONG') if mx.suite("sulong-managed", fatalIfMissing=False): dists.append('SULONG_MANAGED') vmArgs += [ "-Dorg.graalvm.language.python.home=%s" % join(SUITE.dir, "graalpython"), ] vmArgs += mx.get_runtime_jvm_args( dists + [''], jdk=mx.get_jdk()) jmh_entry = [""] runArgs = self.runArgs(bmSuiteArgs) bench_name = benchmarks[0] bench_args = self._benchmarks[bench_name] return vmArgs + jmh_entry + runArgs + [bench_name] + bench_args