Ejemplo n.º 1
def measurements() -> Iterable[Res[Measurement]]:
    # todo ideally this would be via arguments... but needs to be lazy
    dbs = inputs()

    last: Optional[datetime] = None

    # tables are immutable, so can save on processing..
    processed_tables: Set[str] = set()
    for f in dbs:
        logger.debug('processing %s', f)
        tot = 0
        new = 0
        # todo assert increasing timestamp?
        with sqlite_connect_immutable(f) as db:
            db_dt: Optional[datetime] = None
                datas = db.execute(f'SELECT "{f.name}" as name, Time, Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Dewpoint FROM data ORDER BY log_index')
                oldfmt = True
                db_dts = list(db.execute('SELECT last_download FROM info'))[0][0]
                if db_dts == 'N/A':
                    # ??? happens for 20180923-20180928
                if db_dts.endswith(':'):
                    db_dts += '00' # wtf.. happens on some day
                db_dt = tz.localize(datetime.strptime(db_dts, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))
            except sqlite3.OperationalError:
                # Right, this looks really bad.
                # The device doesn't have internal time & what it does is:
                # 1. every X seconds, record a datapoint, store it in the internal memory
                # 2. on sync, take the phone's datetime ('now') and then ASSIGN the timestamps to the collected data
                #    as now, now - X, now - 2X, etc
                # that basically means that for example, hourly timestamps are completely useless? because their error is about 1h
                # yep, confirmed on some historic exports. seriously, what the f**k???
                # The device _does_ have an internal clock, but it's basically set to 0 every time you update settings
                # So, e.g. if, say, at 17:15 you set the interval to 3600, the 'real' timestamps would be
                # 17:15, 18:15, 19:15, etc
                # But depending on when you export, you might get
                # 17:35, 18:35, 19:35; or 17:55, 18:55, 19:55, etc
                # basically all you guaranteed is that the 'correct' interval is within the frequency
                # it doesn't seem to keep the reference time in the database
                # UPD: f*****g hell, so you can set the reference date in the settings (calcReferenceUnix field in meta db)
                # but it's not set by default.

                log_tables = [c[0] for c in db.execute('SELECT name FROM sqlite_sequence WHERE name LIKE "%_log"')]
                log_tables = [t for t in log_tables if t not in processed_tables]
                processed_tables |= set(log_tables)

                # todo use later?
                frequencies = [list(db.execute(f'SELECT interval from {t.replace("_log", "_meta")}'))[0][0] for t in log_tables]

                # todo could just filter out the older datapoints?? dunno.

                # eh. a bit horrible, but seems the easiest way to do it?
                # note: for some reason everything in the new table multiplied by 10
                query = ' UNION '.join(
                    f'SELECT "{t}" AS name, unix, tempReadings / 10.0, humiReadings / 10.0, pressReadings / 10.0, dewpReadings / 10.0 FROM {t}'
                    for t in log_tables
                if len(log_tables) > 0: # ugh. otherwise end up with syntax error..
                    query = f'SELECT * FROM ({query}) ORDER BY name, unix'
                datas = db.execute(query)
                oldfmt = False
                db_dt = None

            for i, (name, tsc, temp, hum, pres, dewp) in enumerate(datas):
                if is_bad_table(name):

                # note: bluemaestro keeps local datetime
                if oldfmt:
                    tss = tsc.replace('Juli', 'Jul').replace('Aug.', 'Aug')
                    dt = datetime.strptime(tss, '%Y-%b-%d %H:%M')
                    dt = tz.localize(dt)
                    assert db_dt is not None
                    # todo cache?
                    m = re.search(r'_(\d+)_', name)
                    assert m is not None
                    export_ts = int(m.group(1))
                    db_dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(export_ts / 1000, tz=tz)
                    dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(tsc / 1000, tz=tz)

                ## sanity checks (todo make defensive/configurable?)
                # not sure how that happens.. but basically they'd better be excluded
                lower = timedelta(days=6000 / 24) # ugh some time ago I only did it once in an hour.. in theory can detect from meta?
                upper = timedelta(days=10) # kinda arbitrary
                if not (db_dt - lower < dt < db_dt + timedelta(days=10)):
                    # todo could be more defenive??
                    yield RuntimeError('timestamp too far out', f, name, db_dt, dt)

                assert -60 <= temp <= 60, (f, dt, temp)

                tot += 1
                if last is not None and last >= dt:
                # todo for performance, pass 'last' to sqlite instead?
                last = dt
                new += 1
                p = Measurement(
                yield p
        logger.debug('%s: new %d/%d', f, new, tot)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def _test_do_immutable(db: Path) -> None:
    # in readonly mode doesn't touch
    with sqlite_connect_immutable(db) as conn_imm:
        assert len(list(conn_imm.execute('SELECT * FROM testtable'))) == 5