Ejemplo n.º 1
    def writeToFile(self, filename):
        assert len(self.solution) > 0, "BF solution is empty!"
        assert len(self.finalMapOfBFs) > 0, "sk BF solution is empty!"  
        # strip the set from each value      
        newDict = {}
        for i,j in self.finalMapOfBFs.items():
            newDict[i] = list(j)[0] # assume just one element in list
        # pass information to keygenOut regarding whether to treat the 'bfNum' as one value 
        # or a list of values as in 'bfNum#0' ... 'bfNum#N'
        # note that this is determined by the contents of isPartOfList list
        for k in self.isPartOfList:
            for i,j in self.constraintsDictVars.items():
                if k in j:
                    if newDict[ i ].find(hashtag) == -1: newDict[ i ] += hashtag
                    if self.solution[ i ].find(hashtag) == -1: self.solution[ i ] += hashtag

        BFMapForProof = bfMapKeyword + " = " + str(self.solution) + "\n"
        SKMapForKeygen = skBfMapKeyword + " = " + str(newDict) + "\n"
        # finally, write the contents of the dictionary back to the config file and close
        f = open(filename, 'a')
        if self.verbose: myLog.info("BFSolver.writeToFile: ", BFMapForProof)
        f.write( BFMapForProof )
        if self.verbose: myLog.info("BFSolver.writeToFile: ", SKMapForKeygen)
        f.write( SKMapForKeygen )
Ejemplo n.º 2
def readConfig(filename):
    myLog.info("Importing file: ", filename)
    file = filename.split('.')[0]

    fileVars = importlib.import_module(file)
    fileKeys = dir(fileVars)
    return _readConfig(fileVars, fileKeys)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def construct(self, mskVars, rndVars):
        # Standard code below
        keygenVars = mskVars + rndVars
        alphabet = 'bf' #string.ascii_lowercase
        factors = []
        # determine all possible mappings of blinding factors to keygen variables
        # as a starting point, we choose an upper bound on the number blinding factors. 
        # idea is to let Solver tell us the minimum required that satisfies our constraints
        for i in range(self.bfCount):
            factors.append(alphabet + str(i))
#            factors.append(alphabet[i])
        factors.append('nil') # no blinding factor
        myLog.info("selected factors :", factors)
        # select the blinding factors 
        Factors, self.factorsList = EnumSort('Factors', factors)
        myLog.info("factorList :", self.factorsList)
        self.nil = nil = self.factorsList[-1] # nil represents that a variable does not need to be blinded
        # target variables
        self.theVarMap = {}
        self.varList = []
        self.mskList = []
        self.nonNilList = []
        self.rndList = []
        for i in keygenVars:
            i = clean(i)
            j = Const(i, Factors)
            self.varList.append( j )
            self.theVarMap[ i ] = j
            if i in mskVars:
               self.mskList.append( j )
               self.nonNilList.append( j != nil )
               self.rndList.append( j )
        # extract all possible mappings for mskList
        orObjs = []
        for i in self.mskList:
            varMap = []
            for j in self.factorsList:
                if str(j) != str(nil):
                   varMap.append( i == j )
            orObjs.append( Or(varMap) )
        andObjVarMap = And(orObjs)
        s = Solver()
        # enable the unsatisfiable core tracking in the solver
        # add vars for possible blinding factor mappings for msk
        # R1. msk must be unique
        s.add( Distinct(self.mskList) )
        # R2. none of the msk variables can be mapped to nil or no blinding factors
        s.add( And(self.nonNilList) )
        return s
Ejemplo n.º 4
def checkMskListMix(usedVars, isPartOfList):
    if len(isPartOfList) > 0:
        resultVars = list(usedVars.difference(isPartOfList))
        interVars = list(usedVars.intersection(isPartOfList))
        if len(resultVars) > 0 and len(interVars) > 0:
            myLog.info("checkMskListMix: mixing msk list vars with non-msk: automatically give it a unique BF.")
            return True
        elif len(resultVars) == 0:
            myLog.info("good case: can continue as before and no need to do anything special.")
    return False
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def __attrRule(self, data):
        """base rule: a ==> Or(a != nil). In other words, if attr is part of LEAF, then certainly needs to be blinded. 
        We do not allow any sk element to go unblinded."""
        orObjects = []
        myLog.info("ATTR Rule: ", data)
        for i in data:
            self.usedVars = self.usedVars.union([ i ])
            orObjects.append(self.varMap.get(i) != self.nil)
#            orObjects.append(self.varMap.get(i) == nil)
        myLog.info("Result:", Or(orObjects))
        return [ Or(orObjects) ]
Ejemplo n.º 6
 def __inputCleaner(self, exprList, exprDict):
     for i in exprList:
         if (ADD in i) or (MUL in i):
             if self.verbose: myLog.info("Process:", i, exprDict[i])
             self.__inputCleaner(exprDict[i], exprDict)
             replaceWithChild = None
             for j in exprDict[i]:
                 if self.__similar(i, j): replaceWithChild = j; break
             if replaceWithChild != None:
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def __mulRule(self, data, bindList):
     """base rule: a * b ==> Or(And(a != nil, b == nil), And(a == nil, b != nil))"""
     myLog.info("MUL Rule: ", data)
     index = 0
     orObjects = []
     for x in range(len(data)):
         objects = []
         for i,j in enumerate(data):
             if index == i:
         orObjects.append( And(objects) )
         index += 1
     myLog.info("MUL Result: ", Or(orObjects))
     return [ Or(orObjects) ]
Ejemplo n.º 8
 def clean(self):
     for i in self.info[self.skVars]:
         if self.verbose: myLog.info("Key:", i)
         if self.info[i].get(root) != None:
             self.__inputPreprocessor(self.info[i][root], self.info[i])  
             self.__inputCleaner(self.info[i][root], self.info[i])
             keys = [root]
             self.__cleanDict(keys, self.info[i][root], self.info[i])
             for j in self.info[i].keys():
                 if j not in keys:
                     del self.info[i][j]
             if self.verbose: myLog.info("RESULT: ", self.info[i])
             # if the original is empty, then create 
             self.info[i] = {root:['LEAF0'], 'LEAF0':[ str(i) ]}
Ejemplo n.º 9
def searchForSolution(BFSolverObj, SolverRef, skipList):
    """description: flush out this algorithm better
    myLog.info("<=== START ===>")
    myLog.info("skipList: ", skipList)
    satisfied, skipList2 = BFSolverObj.run(SolverRef, skipList)
    if satisfied:
        myLog.info("FINAL unsat_core=", skipList)
        return (True, skipList)
    elif satisfied == False and len(skipList2) > 0:
        skipList3 = list(skipList2)
        myLog.error("FAILED: ", skipList3) # new list of identifiers then recurse
        while len(skipList3) > 0:
            pID = str(skipList3.pop())
            satisfied, newList3 = BFSolverObj.run(SolverRef, skipList + [ pID ])
            if satisfied:
                return (True, skipList + [ pID ])
        # if all combinations failed above, then continue to the next level
        skipList3 = list(skipList2)
        while len(skipList3) > 0:
             pID = str(skipList3.pop())
             satisfied, newList4 = searchForSolution(BFSolverObj, SolverRef, skipList + [ pID ])
             if satisfied:
                 return (True, newList4) # skipList + [ pID ])
        return (satisfied, None)
        myLog.error("TODO: handle this scenario.")
        return (satisfied, skipList)
Ejemplo n.º 10
 def __addRule(self, data, excludeList):
     """base rule: a + b ==> And(a == b), a + b + c ==> And(a == b, a == c, b == c), etc"""        
     myLog.info("ADD Rule: ", data)
     varCheck = {}
     objects = []
     for i in data:
         self.usedVars = self.usedVars.union([i])
         for j in data:
             if i in excludeList and j in excludeList: continue
             ii = self.varMap.get(i)
             jj = self.varMap.get(j)
             if i != j and (j != varCheck.get(i) and i != varCheck.get(j)):
                 varCheck[ i ] = j
                 varCheck[ j ] = i
                 myLog.info("DEBUG: ", i, "==", j)
                 objects.append(ii == jj)
     myLog.info("ADD Result: ", And(objects))
     return [ And(objects) ]
Ejemplo n.º 11
def isSubset(hashList, hashDict, unsatIDs):
    for i in hashDict.keys():
        if set(hashList).issubset( hashDict[i] ):
            myLog.info("Found a subset. Existing reference = ", unsatIDs[i])
            return unsatIDs[i]
Ejemplo n.º 12
    def run(self, theSolver, unsat_id=None):
        global includeMskVarsInDict
        self.index = 0
        self.usedBFs = set()
        self.theSolver = Solver() # theSolver # copy
        self.theSolver.add( theSolver.assertions() )
        for i in self.skList:
            if self.verbose: myLog.info("BFSolver: key =", i, ", info =", info[i])
            refs = self.unsatIDs[i][0]
            if unsat_id != None and refs in unsat_id: 
                if self.verbose: myLog.info("BFSolver: skipping :", refs,"\n")
            for j in range(len(self.constraintsDict[ i ])):
                if self.verbose: myLog.info("BFSolver: ref: ", refs, ", constraint: ", self.constraintsDict[i][j])
                self.theSolver.assert_and_track(self.constraintsDict[i][j], refs)
            if self.verbose: myLog.info("\n")
        if self.verbose: myLog.info(self.theSolver, "\n")
        myLog.info(self.theSolver.check(), "\n")
        if self.theSolver.check() != unsat:
            myLog.info("<=== Interpret Results ===>")
            self.solution = {}
            self.finalMapOfBFs = {}
            model = self.theSolver.model()
            for i in self.skList:
                myLog.info("SK: ", i, self.unsatIDs[i], )
                refs = self.unsatIDs[i][0]
                self.solution[ i ] = {}
                self.finalMapOfBFs[ i ] = set()
                if unsat_id != None and refs in unsat_id: 
                    myLog.info("unique blinding factor for: ", i, "\n")
                    bfNew = self.__getPlaceholder()
                    self.usedBFs = self.usedBFs.union([ bfNew ])
                    self.solution[ i ] = bfNew
                    self.finalMapOfBFs[ i ] = self.finalMapOfBFs[ i ].union([ bfNew ])
                for k in self.constraintsDictVars[i]:
                    for l in model.decls():
                        lKey = str(l.name())
                        if lKey in k:
                            myLog.info("%s = %s" % (l.name(), model[l]))
                            lVal = str(model[l])
                            if lVal != 'nil':
                                self.usedBFs = self.usedBFs.union([ lVal ])
                                self.solution[ i ][ lKey ] = lVal
                                self.finalMapOfBFs[ i ] = self.finalMapOfBFs[ i ].union([ lVal ])
            if includeMskVarsInDict: 
                # rare cases where msk does not show up directly in any sk elements. 
                # We just include in dictionary to be safe 
                for i in self.mskVars:
                    for l in model.decls():
                        lKey = str(l.name())
                        lVal = str(model[l])
                        if lKey == i:
                            self.solution[ i ] = lVal
                            self.finalMapOfBFs[ i ] = set([ lVal ])
            myLog.info("<=== Interpret Results ===>")
            myLog.info("Unique blinding factors: ", self.usedBFs)
            myLog.info("Count: ", len(self.usedBFs))
            return True, None
            unsat_list = self.theSolver.unsat_core()

        return False, unsat_list
Ejemplo n.º 13
    def rule(self, ruleType, data, retList=False, excludeList=[]):
        self.usedVars = set()
        finalConstraints = []
        newData = None
        for i in ruleType:
            if ADD in i:
                if self.baseCase(data[i]):
                    if retList: newData = data[i]
                    finalConstraints += self.__addRule(data[i], excludeList)
                    newRuleList, attrList = self.getFirstNonAttr(data[i])
                    myLog.info("newDataList=", newRuleList)
                    myLog.info("attrList=", attrList)
                    if len(attrList) > 0:
                        res = self.rule(newRuleList, data, True, excludeList)
#                        myLog.info("RESULT0: ", res[0])
#                        myLog.info("RESULT1: ", res[1] + attrList)
                        data[ i ] = res[1] + attrList # updating current ADD* key/value
                        excludeList += list(res[1])
                        res2 = self.rule([ i ], data, excludeList)
#                        myLog.info("RESULT2: ", res[0], res2[0])
                        finalConstraints += res[0] + res2[0]
                        finalConstraints += self.rule(newRuleList, data, retList, excludeList)
            elif MUL in i:
                if self.baseCase(data[i]):
                    if retList: newData = data[i]
                    finalConstraints += self.__mulRule(data[i], excludeList)
                    myLog.info("dealing with mix modes!!!")
                    newRuleList, attrList = self.getFirstNonAttr(data[i])
                    myLog.info("newDataList=", newRuleList)
                    myLog.info("attrList=", attrList)
                    if len(attrList) > 0:
                        res = self.rule(newRuleList, data, True, excludeList)
                        myLog.info("RESULT0: ", res[0])
#                        myLog.info("RESULT1: ", res[1] + attrList)
                        bindList = excludeList
                        data[ i ] = [ res[1] ] + attrList # updating current ADD* key/value
                        myLog.info("RESULT1: ", data[i])
                        bindList += list(res[1])
                        res2 = self.rule([ i ], data, bindList)
#                        myLog.info("RESULT2: ", res2)
                        finalConstraints += res2[0]  + res[0] 
                        myLog.info("finalConstraints: ", finalConstraints)
                        finalConstraints += self.rule(newRuleList, data, retList, excludeList)
            elif LEAF in i:
                finalConstraints += self.__attrRule(data[i]) # base case
            elif LIST in i:
                for i in data[i]:
                    #print('i: ', i)
                    finalConstraints += self.rule(data[i].get(root), data[i])
        if retList: return finalConstraints, newData
        return finalConstraints
Ejemplo n.º 14
 theVarMap = setupBF.theVarMap
 nil = setupBF.nil
 isPartOfList = checkForLists(mskVars)
 print("isPartOfList: ", isPartOfList)
 # 2. construct rule and store for each expression
 index = 0
 construct = ConstructRule(theVarMap, isPartOfList, nil)
 skList = info.get(skVars)
 constraintsDict = {}
 constraintsDictVars = {}
 unsatIDs = {}
 hashID = {}
 skipList = []
 for i in skList:
     myLog.info("key: ", i)
     constraints = construct.rule(info[i][root], info[i])
     constraintsDictVars[ i ] = construct.getUsedVars()            
     constraintsDict[ i ] = constraints
     _hashID = []
     unsatIDs[ i ] = []
     for j in range(len(constraints)):
     # determine if hashID list is a subset of another variable. 
     # Replace the refID to minimize assert tracking issues associated with group element expressions
     refVal = isSubset(_hashID, hashID, unsatIDs)
     if refVal == None:
         ref = 'p' + str(index)
         unsatIDs[ i ].append(ref)
         index += 1