Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_region_boxes(sp, reg2sp):
  x = np.arange(0, sp.shape[1])
  y = np.arange(0, sp.shape[0])
  xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
  maxsp = np.max(sp)
  xv = xv.reshape(-1)
  yv = yv.reshape(-1)
  spxmin = accum.my_accumarray(sp1,xv, maxsp, 'min')
  spymin = accum.my_accumarray(sp1,yv, maxsp, 'min')
  spxmax = accum.my_accumarray(sp1,xv, maxsp, 'max')
  spymax = accum.my_accumarray(sp1,yv, maxsp, 'max')
  Z = reg2sp.astype(float, copy=True)
  Z[reg2sp==0] = np.inf
  xmin = np.nanmin(np.multiply(spxmin.reshape(-1,1), Z),0)
  ymin = np.nanmin(np.multiply(spymin.reshape(-1,1), Z),0)
  xmax = np.amax(np.multiply(spxmax.reshape(-1,1), reg2sp),0)
  ymax = np.amax(np.multiply(spymax.reshape(-1,1), reg2sp), 0)

  boxes = np.hstack((xmin.reshape(-1,1), ymin.reshape(-1,1), xmax.reshape(-1,1), ymax.reshape(-1,1)))
  return boxes 
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_region_boxes(sp, reg2sp):
    x = np.arange(0, sp.shape[1])
    y = np.arange(0, sp.shape[0])
    xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    maxsp = np.max(sp)
    sp1 = sp.reshape(-1) - 1
    xv = xv.reshape(-1)
    yv = yv.reshape(-1)
    spxmin = accum.my_accumarray(sp1, xv, maxsp, 'min')
    spymin = accum.my_accumarray(sp1, yv, maxsp, 'min')
    spxmax = accum.my_accumarray(sp1, xv, maxsp, 'max')
    spymax = accum.my_accumarray(sp1, yv, maxsp, 'max')

    Z = reg2sp.astype(float, copy=True)
    Z[reg2sp == 0] = np.inf
    xmin = np.nanmin(np.multiply(spxmin.reshape(-1, 1), Z), 0)
    ymin = np.nanmin(np.multiply(spymin.reshape(-1, 1), Z), 0)
    xmax = np.amax(np.multiply(spxmax.reshape(-1, 1), reg2sp), 0)
    ymax = np.amax(np.multiply(spymax.reshape(-1, 1), reg2sp), 0)
    xmin[np.isinf(xmin)] = 0
    ymin[np.isinf(ymin)] = 0

    boxes = np.hstack((xmin.reshape(-1, 1), ymin.reshape(-1, 1),
                       xmax.reshape(-1, 1), ymax.reshape(-1, 1)))
    return boxes
Ejemplo n.º 3
def project_to_sp(sp, mask):
  mask1 = mask.reshape(-1)
  maxsp = np.max(sp)
  reg2sp = accum.my_accumarray(sp1,mask1,maxsp)
  areas = accum.my_accumarray(sp1,1.,maxsp)
  reg2sp = reg2sp/areas
 # projected_mask = reg2sp[sp-1]
  return reg2sp
Ejemplo n.º 4
def project_to_sp(sp, mask):
    sp1 = sp.reshape(-1) - 1
    mask1 = mask.reshape(-1)
    maxsp = np.max(sp)
    reg2sp = accum.my_accumarray(sp1, mask1, maxsp)
    areas = accum.my_accumarray(sp1, 1., maxsp)
    reg2sp = reg2sp / areas
    # projected_mask = reg2sp[sp-1]
    return reg2sp
Ejemplo n.º 5
def get_bboxes(inst):
  x = np.arange(0, inst.shape[1])
  y = np.arange(0, inst.shape[0])
  xv, yv = np.meshgrid(x, y)
  maxinst = np.max(inst)
  inst1 = inst.reshape(-1)
  xv = xv.reshape(-1)
  yv = yv.reshape(-1)
  idx = inst1>0
  yv = yv[idx]
  instxmin = accum.my_accumarray(inst1-1, xv, maxinst, 'min')
  instymin = accum.my_accumarray(inst1-1, yv, maxinst, 'min')
  instxmax = accum.my_accumarray(inst1-1, xv, maxinst, 'max')
  instymax = accum.my_accumarray(inst1-1, yv, maxinst, 'max')
  boxes = np.hstack((instxmin.reshape(-1,1),instymin.reshape(-1,1),instxmax.reshape(-1,1), instymax.reshape(-1,1)))
  return boxes
Ejemplo n.º 6
def compute_overlap_sprep(sp, reg2sp, inst):
  #compute intersection between all instances and all sp
  intsp = accum.my_accumarray((inst.reshape(-1), sp.reshape(-1)-1),1, (np.max(inst)+1,np.max(sp)))
  #compute the total intersection
  R=reg2sp.astype(np.float32, copy=True)
  inters = np.dot(intsp, R)
  #to compute the union, compute region areas
  spareas = accum.my_accumarray(sp.reshape(-1)-1,1,np.max(sp))
  totalareas = np.dot(spareas.reshape(1,-1),R)

  #compute instance areas
  instareas = accum.my_accumarray(inst.reshape(-1),1,np.max(inst)+1)
  #union is sum of areas - inters
  uni = instareas.reshape(-1,1)+totalareas.reshape(1,-1)-inters
  #union that is 0 should be set to 1 for safety
  ov = inters/uni
  #the fist instance is bg so remove it
  ov = ov[1:,:]
  return ov
Ejemplo n.º 7
def compute_overlap_sprep(sp, reg2sp, inst):
    #compute intersection between all instances and all sp
    intsp = accum.my_accumarray((inst.reshape(-1), sp.reshape(-1) - 1), 1,
                                (np.max(inst) + 1, np.max(sp)))

    #compute the total intersection
    R = reg2sp.astype(np.float32, copy=True)
    inters = np.dot(intsp, R)
    #to compute the union, compute region areas
    spareas = accum.my_accumarray(sp.reshape(-1) - 1, 1, np.max(sp))
    totalareas = np.dot(spareas.reshape(1, -1), R)

    #compute instance areas
    instareas = accum.my_accumarray(inst.reshape(-1), 1, np.max(inst) + 1)
    #union is sum of areas - inters
    uni = instareas.reshape(-1, 1) + totalareas.reshape(1, -1) - inters
    #union that is 0 should be set to 1 for safety
    uni[uni == 0] = 1.
    ov = inters / uni
    #the fist instance is bg so remove it
    ov = ov[1:, :]
    return ov
Ejemplo n.º 8
def paste_output_sp(output, boxes, im_shape, sp, target_output_size = [50, 50]):
  pasted_output =np.zeros((output.shape[0], output.shape[1], np.max(sp)))
  #clip and round
  new_boxes = np.hstack((np.ceil(boxes[:,0:2]),np.ceil(boxes[:,2:4])))
  new_boxes = clip_boxes(new_boxes, im_shape)
  xmin = new_boxes[:,0]
  ymin = new_boxes[:,1]
  w = new_boxes[:,2]-xmin+1.
  h = new_boxes[:,3]-ymin+1.
  for item in range(output.shape[0]):
    xmin_ = xmin[item]
    ymin_ = ymin[item]
    w_ = w[item]
    h_ = h[item]
    y_all = np.arange(ymin_, ymin_+h_)
    Y_all = (y_all-ymin_)*target_output_size[0]/h_
    Y_all = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(target_output_size[0]-1, np.floor(Y_all)))

    x_all = np.arange(xmin_, xmin_+w_)
    X_all = (x_all-xmin_)*target_output_size[1]/w_
    X_all = np.maximum(0, np.minimum(target_output_size[1]-1, np.floor(X_all)))

    x_all = x_all.astype(np.intp)
    y_all = y_all.astype(np.intp)
    X_all = X_all.astype(np.intp)
    Y_all = Y_all.astype(np.intp)

    spind = sp[np.ix_(y_all,x_all)]-1

    for channel in range(output.shape[1]):
      pasted_output_this = pasted_output[item,channel]
      output_this = output[item, channel]
      vals = output_this[np.ix_(Y_all,X_all)]
      np.add.at(pasted_output_this, spind, vals)

  #finally divide by sum
  counts = accum.my_accumarray(sp.reshape(-1)-1,1,np.max(sp))
  pasted_output = pasted_output/counts.reshape((1,1,-1))
  return pasted_output