Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_welcome_response(mycity_request):
    Welcomes the user and sets initial session attributes. Is triggered on
    initial launch and on AMAZON.HelpIntent.

    If we wanted to initialize the session to have some attributes we could
    add those here.

    :param mycity_request: MyCityRequestDataModel object
    :return: MyCityResponseDataModel object that will initiate
        a welcome process on the user's device
    mycity_response = MyCityResponseDataModel()
    mycity_response.session_attributes = mycity_request.session_attributes
    mycity_response.card_title = "Welcome"
    mycity_response.output_speech = LAUNCH_SPEECH
    mycity_response.output_speech_type = "PlainText"

    # If the user either does not reply to the welcome message or says
    # something that is not understood, they will be prompted again with
    # this text.
    mycity_response.reprompt_text = LAUNCH_REPROMPT_SPEECH
    mycity_response.should_end_session = False
    return mycity_response
def get_coronovirus_update(mycity_request):
    Get the latest information about the coronavirus from boston.gov

    :param mycity_request: MyCityRequestDataModel with the user request for information
    :return: MyCityResponseDataModel containing information from boston.gov
    mycity_response = MyCityResponseDataModel()
    mycity_response.card_title = INTENT_CARD_TITLE
    mycity_response.reprompt_text = None
    mycity_response.session_attributes = mycity_request.session_attributes
    mycity_response.should_end_session = True
        mycity_response.output_speech = _construct_output_speech(
        mycity_response.output_speech_type = 'SSML'
    except ParseError:
        mycity_response.output_speech = NO_UPDATE_ERROR

    return mycity_response