Ejemplo n.º 1
    def leftActivation(self, token, wme):
        Get a token + wme that pass all binding tests
        from leftParent node (JoinNode), combine this values
        as a new Token, store it in the local storage
        and forward the activation to children
        Token could be None if the leftParent
        is a DummyNode. 
        @param wme: a wme that activate this node
        @type wme: myclips.rete.WME
        @param token: a token
        @type token: myclips.Token | None

        if wme is not None and not isinstance(wme, WME):
            raise MyClipsBugException(
                "BetaMemory activated with a non-WME item: <%s:%s>" %
                (wme.__class__.__name__, wme))
        if token is not None and not isinstance(token, Token):
            raise MyClipsBugException(
                "BetaMemory activated with a non-Token item: <%s:%s>" %
                (wme.__class__.__name__, wme))

        # create a new token to combine the token + wme
        token = Token(self, token, wme)

        # store it in the local storage

        # then: propagate the new token to
        #     all children (JoinNode/NegativeNode/etcetc...)

        for child in self.children:
            child.leftActivation(token, None)
Ejemplo n.º 2
 def leftActivation(self, token, wme):
     Left activation for Negative join node:
         when a new token + wme come from
         a previous JoinNode, left activation
         try to combine the new token<token,wme> with
         all wme in right memory and if no match is found
         then token<token, wme> is propagated (tnx to no match)
         Otherwise for every match, a negative join result is
         created and linked to token and wme. no propagation
         will ever be place until all njr aren't gone
     # create a new token here
     # this is important because on future
     # negative join result creation
     # i will delete all children of
     # this new token to invalidate all 
     # propagated match 
     # i can reuse token variable, after this
     # old token is no usefull anymore
     token = Token(self, token, wme)
     # store the token inside the memory
     # now i need to check and combine
     # the newToken with all results
     # that comes from the alpha memory on the
     # right side of the node
     # i can reuse wme variable because old value
     # is useless after the newToken creation
     for wme in self.rightParent.items:
         if self.isValid(token, wme):
             # for each match i create a NegativeJoinResult
             # to store the info
             NegativeJoinResult(token, wme)
             # it's automatically linked inside token and wme
     # after i tried to combine the token with all wme
     # i check if negative join results has been created
     if not token.hasNegativeJoinResults():
         # not negative join result: nice... i can propagate
         for child in self.children:
             child.leftActivation(token, None)
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def leftActivation(self, token, wme):
     # combine match in new token
     token = Token(self, token, wme)
     # store it inside the local memory
     # get the token stored in the partner node
     # (getFlushBuffer automatically flush the buffer)
     for pToken in self.partner.getFlushResultsBuffer():
         # and link them to this token as ncc result
         # (and link this token as their nccOnwer:
         #    this is done automaticcaly inside the
         #    linkNccResult method
         # )
     # i can propagate the token ONLY if
     # not ncc results are linked to this token
     if not token.hasNccResults():
         for child in self.children:
             child.leftActivation(token, None)
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def leftActivation(self, token, wme):

        # combine match in new token
        token = Token(self, token, wme)

        # store it inside the local memory

        # get the token stored in the partner node
        # (getFlushBuffer automatically flush the buffer)
        for pToken in self.partner.getFlushResultsBuffer():
            # and link them to this token as ncc result
            # (and link this token as their nccOnwer:
            #    this is done automaticcaly inside the
            #    linkNccResult method
            # )

        # i can propagate the token ONLY if
        # not ncc results are linked to this token
        if not token.hasNccResults():
            for child in self.children:
                child.leftActivation(token, None)
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def rightActivation(self, wme):
        Check new fact activation: if something
        is activated by the new wme, all activations
        from this node are retracted
        self._existsCount += 1

        if self._existsCount == 1:
            for token in self.leftParent.items:
                token = Token(self, token, None)
                for child in self.children:
                    child.leftActivation(token, None)
Ejemplo n.º 6
    def rightActivation(self, wme):

        leftItems = []

        # check if this is not a dummy node
        if self.isLeftRoot():  # or not isinstance(self.leftParent, Memory):
            leftItems = [Token(None, None, None)]
            # left parent is a Memory or a subclass of Memory
            leftItems = self.leftParent.items

        #leftParent is a Memory or has Memory properties
        for token in leftItems:
            if self.isValid(token, wme):
                # join test is valid for token + wme
                # create new token and propagate
                for child in self.children:
                    child.leftActivation(token, wme)
Ejemplo n.º 7
 def leftActivation(self, token, _):
     Left activation for Negative join node:
         when a new token + wme come from
         a previous JoinNode, left activation
         try to combine the new token<token,wme> with
         all wme in right memory and if no match is found
         then token<token, wme> is propagated (tnx to no match)
         Otherwise for every match, a negative join result is
         created and linked to token and wme. no propagation
         will ever be place until all njr aren't gone
     if self._existsCount > 0:
         token = Token(self, token, None)
         # store the token inside the memory
         for child in self.children:
             child.leftActivation(token, None)
Ejemplo n.º 8
    def leftActivation(self, token, wme):
        Left activation for ncc-parnet:
        create a new token and store it
        in the buffer (if no match with
        token in the ncc main node is found)
        or add a new nccresult and destroy
        propagated tokens if there is a match

        # basically ncc-partner does 3 things:
        #    1) build a new token and link it to this node
        #    2) check if the new token match with token in
        #        main ncc node memory
        #    3a) store a new ncc result if match found and revoke
        #        all activation from that token
        #    3b) store the new token in the buffer and wait
        #        for ncc main node to be activated and
        #        evaluate token in buffer

        # 1)
        nToken = Token(self, token, wme)

        # 2) problem 1: ncc and ncc-partner have a common
        #    parent: the node who feed them both.
        #    this means that i need to compare the new token
        #    agains a token in the ncc main memory
        #    that has same parent. To make this comparison
        #    possible i have to get the token that
        #    create the activation of the ncc circuit.
        #    I can use the circuitLenght property for this

        parentToken = token
        parentWme = wme
        for _ in range(0, self._circuitLength):
            parentWme = parentToken.wme
            parentToken = parentToken.parent

        # 2) problem 2: new i need to scan all the ncc main memory
        #    and find a token with the same parent token and wme
        for mToken in self.nccNode.items:
            # optimization: puth wme comparison first because is
            #    faster then token comparison
            if mToken.wme == parentWme and mToken.parent == parentToken:
                # 3a)
                # I found a token who match both circuits
                # this is a new ncc result
                # so it's time to link it
                # nToken owner is set by the linkNccResult automatically

                # i need to destroy all children of the
                # mToken because they are revocated now

                # the function end on first match:
                #    - there is no reason to keep scanning the main ncc memory
                #        because only one match can be found
                #    - there is no reason to stay in this method, no need to
                #        to store the nToken in the buffer. It's has been just evaluated

        # 3b)
        # if no match has been found in the for loop
        # means that:
        #    - there is no match at all
        #    OR
        #    - there is a match, but it will in the future
        #        when ncc main node will be left-activated.
        # Anyway, i need to store the partial match in the buffer
        # when main node will be activated, it will read and flush the buffer
Ejemplo n.º 9
 def leftActivation(self, token, wme):
     #myclips.logger.debug("FIXME: PNode left activation NIY. token=%s, wme=%s", token, wme)
     newToken = Token(self, token, wme)
     self._network.agenda.insert(self, newToken)