def optimize(self, solver="socp"): """ Available Solvers: Linear Programming (of course including min infinity-norm/1-norm), Quadratic Prgramming, Second-Order Cone Prgramming, Semi-Definite Progamming (or LMI) :param solver: :return: """ self.rho = mycvxopt.solve(solver, [self.c], G=self.Gl, h=self.hl, Gql=self.Gql, hql=self.hql, Gsl=self.Gsl, hsl=self.hsl, A=self.A, b=self.b, MAX_ITER_SOL=1) return self.rho
def optimize(self, solver="lp"): """ Available Solvers: Linear Programming (of course including min infinity-norm/1-norm), Quadratic Prgramming, Second-Order Cone Prgramming, Semi-Definite Progamming (or LMI) :param solver: :return: """ rhovec = mycvxopt.solve(solver, [self.c], G=self.Gl, h=self.hl, Gql=self.Gql, hql=self.hql, Gsl=self.Gsl, hsl=self.hsl, A=self.A, b=self.b, MAX_ITER_SOL=1) self.rho0 = rhovec.reshape((self.NOP, 1)) self.rho = [ rhovec[self.sepidx[i]:self.sepidx[i + 1]] for i in range(len(self.sepidx) - 1) ] return self.rho
def min_2norm(fig=0): """ 2 norm optimization :return: """ """ CONDITION AND CONSTRAINTS """ MIN = JER # What to be minimized TS = 0.001 # Sampling Period TINIT = (0, 1) START, END = 0, 1 TSAMPLE = np.linspace(0, TINIT[END], TINIT[END] / TS + 1) QC = (0, 1.0) VC = (0, 0) AC = (0, 0) JC = (0, 0) CONSTRAINTS = (*QC, *VC, *AC, *JC) LABEL_CONSTRAINTS = (POS, VEL, ACC, JER) NCONSTRAINTS = len(CONSTRAINTS) assert NCONSTRAINTS == len(LABEL_CONSTRAINTS) * 2 VMAX = 10000 AMAX = 10000 nc = NCONSTRAINTS + 60 # number of control points == number of theta p = 4 # jerk continous u = [TINIT[END] * i / (nc - 1) for i in range(nc)] # knots bspl = Bspline(u, nc, p, verbose=True) """ QUDRATIC PROGRAMMING """ M = np.array(bspl.basis(TSAMPLE, der=MIN)) P =, M) q = np.zeros(nc) A = None for d in LABEL_CONSTRAINTS: for x in bspl.basis(TINIT, der=d): if A is None: A = np.array(x) else: A = np.block([[A], [np.array(x)]]) b = np.matrix(CONSTRAINTS).reshape((NCONSTRAINTS, 1)) if True: G = np.array([*bspl.basis(TSAMPLE, der=VEL), *bspl.basis(TSAMPLE, der=ACC)]) hv = np.ones((len(TSAMPLE), 1)) * VMAX ha = np.ones((len(TSAMPLE), 1)) * AMAX h = np.append(hv, ha, axis=0) G, h = mycvxopt.constraints(G, h, -h) else: G, h = None, None # No ineq theta = mycvxopt.solve("qp", [P, q], G=G, h=h, A=A, b=b) print(theta) """ Plot """ for d in STATES: fig += 1 text = None myplot.time(TSAMPLE, bspl.bspline(theta, TSAMPLE, der=d), fig, text=text, save_name="data/" + LABELS[d][:-1].split()[0], label=("Time (s)", LABELS[d]))
def test(): """ :return: """ """ Linear Quadratic Programming Example """ M = np.array([[1., 2., 0.], [-8., 3., 2.], [0., 1., 1.]]) P =, M) q =[3., 2., 3.]), M).reshape((3, )) if True: G = np.array([[1., 2., 1.], [2., 0., 1.], [-1., 2., -1.]]) h = np.array([3., 2., -2.]).reshape((3, )) else: G = None h = None print(mycvxopt.solve("qp", [P, q], G=G, h=h)) """ Linear Programming """ c = np.array([-4., -5.]) G = np.array([[2., 1., -1., 0.], [1., 2., 0., -1.]]).reshape((4, 2)) h = np.array([3., 3., 0., 0.]) print(mycvxopt.solve("lp", [c], G=G, h=h)) """ Second Order Cone Programming min x1 + x2 s.t. ||x||2 <= 1 eqiv. x in circle with radius=1 :return: """ A0 = np.array([[1., 0], [0, 1]]) A0.reshape((2, 2)) b0 = np.array([0., 0]) b0.reshape((2, 1)) c0 = np.array([0., 0]) c0.reshape((2, 1)) d0 = np.array([1.]) gq0, hq0 = mycvxopt.qc2socp(A0, b0, c0, d0) Gq = [gq0] hq = [hq0] c = np.array([1., 1]) print(mycvxopt.solve("socp", [c], Gql=Gq, hql=hq)) """ Semi-Definite Progamming """ c = np.array([0., 0.]) hs0 = [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]] Gs0 = [[0., 1, 1, 0], [0., 0, 0, 0]] Gs = [Gs0] hs = [hs0] Gl = np.eye(2) * -1 hl = -0. * np.ones(2) sol = mycvxopt.solve("sdp", [c], G=Gl, h=hl, Gsl=Gs, hsl=hs, MAX_ITER_SOL=1) print(sol) """ Semi-Definite Progamming """ c = np.array([0., 0.]) hs0 = [[-1., 0.], [0., -1.]] Gs0 = [[0., 1, 1, 0], [0., 0, 0, 0]] Gs = [Gs0] hs = [hs0] Gl = np.eye(2) * -1 hl = -0. * np.ones(2) try: sol = mycvxopt.solve("sdp", [c], G=Gl, h=hl, Gsl=Gs, hsl=hs) except: print("THIS PROBELM IS INFEASIBLE BECAUSE IT IS CONCAVE!!!")