Ejemplo n.º 1
        def add_method(funcname: str,
                       ret: Type,
                       args: List[Argument],
                       name: Optional[str] = None,
                       is_classmethod: bool = False,
                       is_new: bool = False,
                       ) -> None:
            if is_classmethod or is_new:
                first = [Argument(Var('cls'), TypeType.make_normalized(selftype), None, ARG_POS)]
                first = [Argument(Var('self'), selftype, None, ARG_POS)]
            args = first + args

            types = [arg.type_annotation for arg in args]
            items = [arg.variable.name() for arg in args]
            arg_kinds = [arg.kind for arg in args]
            assert None not in types
            signature = CallableType(cast(List[Type], types), arg_kinds, items, ret,
            signature.variables = [tvd]
            func = FuncDef(funcname, args, Block([]))
            func.info = info
            func.is_class = is_classmethod
            func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
            func._fullname = info.fullname() + '.' + funcname
            if is_classmethod:
                v = Var(funcname, func.type)
                v.is_classmethod = True
                v.info = info
                v._fullname = func._fullname
                dec = Decorator(func, [NameExpr('classmethod')], v)
                info.names[funcname] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, dec)
                info.names[funcname] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def add_method(
        ctx: ClassDefContext,
        name: str,
        args: List[Argument],
        return_type: Type,
        self_type: Optional[Type] = None,
        tvar_def: Optional[TypeVarDef] = None,
) -> None:
    """Adds a new method to a class.
    info = ctx.cls.info
    self_type = self_type or fill_typevars(info)
    function_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.function')

    args = [Argument(Var('self'), self_type, None, ARG_POS)] + args
    arg_types, arg_names, arg_kinds = [], [], []
    for arg in args:
        assert arg.type_annotation, 'All arguments must be fully typed.'

    signature = CallableType(arg_types, arg_kinds, arg_names, return_type, function_type)
    if tvar_def:
        signature.variables = [tvar_def]

    func = FuncDef(name, args, Block([PassStmt()]))
    func.info = info
    func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
    func._fullname = info.fullname() + '.' + name
    func.line = info.line

    info.names[name] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func, plugin_generated=True)
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def make_setter_wrapper(self, name, typ):
        """Create a setter wrapper for a data attribute.

        The setter will be of this form:
        . void set$name(C self, typ name):
        .     self.name! = name
        scope = self.make_scope()
        selft = self.self_type()
        selfv = scope.add('self', selft)
        namev = scope.add(name, typ)
        lvalue = MemberExpr(scope.name_expr('self'), name, direct=True)
        rvalue = scope.name_expr(name)
        ret = AssignmentStmt([lvalue], rvalue)

        wrapper_name = 'set$' + name
        sig = Callable([selft, typ],
                       [nodes.ARG_POS, nodes.ARG_POS],
                       [None, None],
                       Void(), False)
        fdef = FuncDef(wrapper_name,
                       [selfv, namev],
                       [nodes.ARG_POS, nodes.ARG_POS],
                       [None, None],
                       Block([ret]), sig)
        fdef.info = self.tf.type_context()
        return fdef
Ejemplo n.º 4
        def analyze_interface_base(classdef_ctx: ClassDefContext) -> None:
            # Create fake constructor to mimic adaptation signature
            info = classdef_ctx.cls.info
            api = classdef_ctx.api
            if "__init__" in info.names:
                # already patched

            # Create a method:
            # def __init__(self, obj, alternate=None) -> None
            # This will make interfaces
            selftp = Instance(info, [])
            anytp = AnyType(TypeOfAny.implementation_artifact)
            init_fn = CallableType(
                arg_types=[selftp, anytp, anytp],
                arg_kinds=[ARG_POS, ARG_POS, ARG_OPT],
                arg_names=["self", "obj", "alternate"],
            newinit = FuncDef("__init__", [], Block([]), init_fn)
            newinit.info = info
            info.names["__init__"] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF,
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def visit_func_def(self, node: FuncDef) -> None:
     node = self.fixup(node)
     if node.type:
     if node.info:
         node.info = self.fixup(node.info)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def add_static_method(
    ctx, function_name: str, args: ty.List[Argument], return_type: Type
) -> None:
    """Mostly copied from mypy.plugins.common, with changes to make it work for a static method."""
    info = ctx.cls.info
    function_type = ctx.api.named_type("__builtins__.function")

    arg_types, arg_names, arg_kinds = [], [], []
    for arg in args:
        assert arg.type_annotation, "All arguments must be fully typed."

    signature = CallableType(
        arg_types, arg_kinds, arg_names, return_type, function_type

    func = FuncDef(function_name, args, Block([PassStmt()]))
    func.is_static = True
    func.info = info
    func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
    func._fullname = fullname(info) + "." + function_name
    func.line = info.line

    info.names[function_name] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func, plugin_generated=True)
Ejemplo n.º 7
        def add_method(funcname: str,
                       ret: Type,
                       args: List[Argument],
                       name: Optional[str] = None,
                       is_classmethod: bool = False,
                       is_new: bool = False,
                       ) -> None:
            if is_classmethod or is_new:
                first = [Argument(Var('cls'), TypeType.make_normalized(selftype), None, ARG_POS)]
                first = [Argument(Var('self'), selftype, None, ARG_POS)]
            args = first + args

            types = [arg.type_annotation for arg in args]
            items = [arg.variable.name() for arg in args]
            arg_kinds = [arg.kind for arg in args]
            assert None not in types
            signature = CallableType(cast(List[Type], types), arg_kinds, items, ret,
            signature.variables = [tvd]
            func = FuncDef(funcname, args, Block([]))
            func.info = info
            func.is_class = is_classmethod
            func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
            func._fullname = info.fullname() + '.' + funcname
            if is_classmethod:
                v = Var(funcname, func.type)
                v.is_classmethod = True
                v.info = info
                v._fullname = func._fullname
                dec = Decorator(func, [NameExpr('classmethod')], v)
                info.names[funcname] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, dec)
                info.names[funcname] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func)
Ejemplo n.º 8
Archivo: attrs.py Proyecto: rkday/mypy
    def add_method(self,
                   method_name: str,
                   args: List[Argument],
                   ret_type: Type,
                   self_type: Optional[Type] = None,
                   tvd: Optional[TypeVarDef] = None) -> None:
        """Add a method: def <method_name>(self, <args>) -> <ret_type>): ... to info.

        self_type: The type to use for the self argument or None to use the inferred self type.
        tvd: If the method is generic these should be the type variables.
        from mypy.semanal import set_callable_name
        self_type = self_type if self_type is not None else self.self_type
        args = [Argument(Var('self'), self_type, None, ARG_POS)] + args
        arg_types = [arg.type_annotation for arg in args]
        arg_names = [arg.variable.name() for arg in args]
        arg_kinds = [arg.kind for arg in args]
        assert None not in arg_types
        signature = CallableType(cast(List[Type], arg_types), arg_kinds,
                                 arg_names, ret_type, self.function_type)
        if tvd:
            signature.variables = [tvd]
        func = FuncDef(method_name, args, Block([PassStmt()]))
        func.info = self.info
        func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
        func._fullname = self.info.fullname() + '.' + method_name
        func.line = self.info.line
        self.info.names[method_name] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func)
        # Add the created methods to the body so that they can get further semantic analysis.
        # e.g. Forward Reference Resolution.
Ejemplo n.º 9
    def make_setter_wrapper(self, name: str, typ: Type) -> FuncDef:
        """Create a setter wrapper for a data attribute.

        The setter will be of this form:
        . def set$name(self: C, name: typ) -> None:
        .     self.name! = name
        scope = self.make_scope()
        selft = self.self_type()
        selfv = scope.add('self', selft)
        namev = scope.add(name, typ)
        lvalue = MemberExpr(scope.name_expr('self'), name, direct=True)
        rvalue = scope.name_expr(name)
        ret = AssignmentStmt([lvalue], rvalue)

        wrapper_name = 'set$' + name
        sig = Callable([selft, typ],
                       [nodes.ARG_POS, nodes.ARG_POS],
                       [None, None],
                       Void(), False)
        fdef = FuncDef(wrapper_name,
                       [selfv, namev],
                       [nodes.ARG_POS, nodes.ARG_POS],
                       [None, None],
                       Block([ret]), sig)
        fdef.info = self.tf.type_context()
        return fdef
Ejemplo n.º 10
    def add_method(self,
                   method_name: str, args: List[Argument], ret_type: Type,
                   self_type: Optional[Type] = None,
                   tvd: Optional[TypeVarDef] = None) -> None:
        """Add a method: def <method_name>(self, <args>) -> <ret_type>): ... to info.

        self_type: The type to use for the self argument or None to use the inferred self type.
        tvd: If the method is generic these should be the type variables.
        from mypy.semanal import set_callable_name
        self_type = self_type if self_type is not None else self.self_type
        args = [Argument(Var('self'), self_type, None, ARG_POS)] + args
        arg_types = [arg.type_annotation for arg in args]
        arg_names = [arg.variable.name() for arg in args]
        arg_kinds = [arg.kind for arg in args]
        assert None not in arg_types
        signature = CallableType(cast(List[Type], arg_types), arg_kinds, arg_names,
                                 ret_type, self.function_type)
        if tvd:
            signature.variables = [tvd]
        func = FuncDef(method_name, args, Block([PassStmt()]))
        func.info = self.info
        func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
        func._fullname = self.info.fullname() + '.' + method_name
        func.line = self.info.line
        self.info.names[method_name] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func)
        # Add the created methods to the body so that they can get further semantic analysis.
        # e.g. Forward Reference Resolution.
Ejemplo n.º 11
def add_method(
        ctx: ClassDefContext,
        name: str,
        args: List[Argument],
        return_type: Type,
        self_type: Optional[Type] = None,
        tvar_def: Optional[TypeVarDef] = None,
) -> None:
    """Adds a new method to a class.
    info = ctx.cls.info
    self_type = self_type or fill_typevars(info)
    function_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.function')

    args = [Argument(Var('self'), self_type, None, ARG_POS)] + args
    arg_types, arg_names, arg_kinds = [], [], []
    for arg in args:
        assert arg.type_annotation, 'All arguments must be fully typed.'

    signature = CallableType(arg_types, arg_kinds, arg_names, return_type, function_type)
    if tvar_def:
        signature.variables = [tvar_def]

    func = FuncDef(name, args, Block([PassStmt()]))
    func.info = info
    func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
    func._fullname = info.fullname() + '.' + name
    func.line = info.line

    info.names[name] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func, plugin_generated=True)
Ejemplo n.º 12
def add_static_method_to_class(
    api: Union[SemanticAnalyzerPluginInterface, CheckerPluginInterface],
    cls: ClassDef,
    name: str,
    args: List[Argument],
    return_type: Type,
    tvar_def: Optional[TypeVarType] = None,
) -> None:
    """Adds a static method
    Edited add_method_to_class to incorporate static method logic
    info = cls.info

    # First remove any previously generated methods with the same name
    # to avoid clashes and problems in the semantic analyzer.
    if name in info.names:
        sym = info.names[name]
        if sym.plugin_generated and isinstance(sym.node, FuncDef):

    # For compat with mypy < 0.93
    if MypyVersion.VERSION < Decimal("0.93"):
        function_type = api.named_type("__builtins__.function")  # type: ignore
        if isinstance(api, SemanticAnalyzerPluginInterface):
            function_type = api.named_type("builtins.function")
            function_type = api.named_generic_type("builtins.function", [])

    arg_types, arg_names, arg_kinds = [], [], []
    for arg in args:
        assert arg.type_annotation, "All arguments must be fully typed."

    signature = CallableType(arg_types, arg_kinds, arg_names, return_type,
    if tvar_def:
        signature.variables = [tvar_def]

    func = FuncDef(name, args, Block([PassStmt()]))

    func.is_static = True
    func.info = info
    func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
    func._fullname = f"{info.fullname}.{name}"
    func.line = info.line

    # NOTE: we would like the plugin generated node to dominate, but we still
    # need to keep any existing definitions so they get semantically analyzed.
    if name in info.names:
        # Get a nice unique name instead.
        r_name = get_unique_redefinition_name(name, info.names)
        info.names[r_name] = info.names[name]

    info.names[name] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func, plugin_generated=True)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 def visit_func_def(self, func: FuncDef) -> None:
     if self.current_info is not None:
         func.info = self.current_info
     if func.type is not None:
     for arg in func.arguments:
         if arg.type_annotation is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: fixup.py Proyecto: qaphla/mypy
 def visit_func_def(self, func: FuncDef) -> None:
     if self.current_info is not None:
         func.info = self.current_info
     if func.type is not None:
     for arg in func.arguments:
         if arg.type_annotation is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 15
def add_method_to_class(
    api: Union[SemanticAnalyzerPluginInterface, CheckerPluginInterface],
    cls: ClassDef,
    name: str,
    args: List[Argument],
    return_type: Type,
    self_type: Optional[Type] = None,
    tvar_def: Optional[TypeVarType] = None,
) -> None:
    """Adds a new method to a class definition."""
    info = cls.info

    # First remove any previously generated methods with the same name
    # to avoid clashes and problems in the semantic analyzer.
    if name in info.names:
        sym = info.names[name]
        if sym.plugin_generated and isinstance(sym.node, FuncDef):

    self_type = self_type or fill_typevars(info)
    # TODO: semanal.py and checker.py seem to have subtly different implementations of
    # named_type/named_generic_type (starting with the fact that we have to use different names
    # for builtins), so it's easier to just check which one we're dealing with here and pick the
    # correct function to use than to try to add a named_type method that behaves the same for
    # both. We should probably combine those implementations at some point.
    if isinstance(api, SemanticAnalyzerPluginInterface):
        function_type = api.named_type('__builtins__.function')
        function_type = api.named_generic_type('builtins.function', [])

    args = [Argument(Var('self'), self_type, None, ARG_POS)] + args
    arg_types, arg_names, arg_kinds = [], [], []
    for arg in args:
        assert arg.type_annotation, 'All arguments must be fully typed.'

    signature = CallableType(arg_types, arg_kinds, arg_names, return_type,
    if tvar_def:
        signature.variables = [tvar_def]

    func = FuncDef(name, args, Block([PassStmt()]))
    func.info = info
    func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
    func._fullname = info.fullname + '.' + name
    func.line = info.line

    # NOTE: we would like the plugin generated node to dominate, but we still
    # need to keep any existing definitions so they get semantically analyzed.
    if name in info.names:
        # Get a nice unique name instead.
        r_name = get_unique_redefinition_name(name, info.names)
        info.names[r_name] = info.names[name]

    info.names[name] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func, plugin_generated=True)
Ejemplo n.º 16
def add_method_to_class(
    api: SemanticAnalyzerPluginInterface,
    cls: ClassDef,
    name: str,
    args: List[Argument],
    return_type: Type,
    self_type: Optional[Type] = None,
    tvar_def: Optional[TypeVarDef] = None,
) -> None:
    """Adds a new method to a class definition.
    info = cls.info

    # First remove any previously generated methods with the same name
    # to avoid clashes and problems in the semantic analyzer.
    if name in info.names:
        sym = info.names[name]
        if sym.plugin_generated and isinstance(sym.node, FuncDef):

    self_type = self_type or fill_typevars(info)
    function_type = api.named_type('__builtins__.function')

    args = [Argument(Var('self'), self_type, None, ARG_POS)] + args
    arg_types, arg_names, arg_kinds = [], [], []
    for arg in args:
        assert arg.type_annotation, 'All arguments must be fully typed.'

    signature = CallableType(arg_types, arg_kinds, arg_names, return_type,
    if tvar_def:
        signature.variables = [tvar_def]

    func = FuncDef(name, args, Block([PassStmt()]))
    func.info = info
    func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
    func._fullname = info.fullname + '.' + name
    func.line = info.line

    # NOTE: we would like the plugin generated node to dominate, but we still
    # need to keep any existing definitions so they get semantically analyzed.
    if name in info.names:
        # Get a nice unique name instead.
        r_name = get_unique_redefinition_name(name, info.names)
        info.names[r_name] = info.names[name]

    info.names[name] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func, plugin_generated=True)
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def make_generic_wrapper_init(self, info: TypeInfo) -> FuncDef:
        """Build constructor of a generic wrapper class."""
        nslots = num_slots(info)
        cdefs = [] # type: List[Node]
        # Build superclass constructor call.
        base = info.mro[1]
        if base.fullname() != 'builtins.object' and self.tf.is_java:
            s = SuperExpr('__init__')
            cargs = [NameExpr('__o')] # type: List[Node]
            for n in range(num_slots(base)):
                cargs.append(NameExpr(tvar_arg_name(n + 1)))
            for n in range(num_slots(base)):
                cargs.append(NameExpr(tvar_arg_name(n + 1, BOUND_VAR)))
            c = CallExpr(s, cargs, [nodes.ARG_POS] * len(cargs))
        # Create initialization of the wrapped object.
        # Build constructor arguments.
        args = [Var('self'), Var('__o')]
        init = [None, None] # type: List[Node]
        for alt in [False, BOUND_VAR]:
            for n in range(nslots):
                args.append(Var(tvar_arg_name(n + 1, alt)))

        nargs = nslots * 2 + 2
        fdef = FuncDef('__init__',
                       [nodes.ARG_POS] * nargs,
                       Callable( [AnyType()] * nargs,
                                [nodes.ARG_POS] * nargs, [None] * nargs,
        fdef.info = info
        return fdef
Ejemplo n.º 18
 def transform_method_implementation(self, fdef, name):
     """Transform the implementation of a method (i.e. unwrapped)."""
     args = fdef.args
     arg_kinds = fdef.arg_kinds
     typ = function_type(fdef)
     init = fdef.init_expressions()
     if fdef.name() == '__init__' and is_generic(fdef):
         args, arg_kinds, init, typ = self.add_constructor_tvar_args(
             fdef, typ, args, arg_kinds, init)
     fdef2 = FuncDef(name, args, arg_kinds, init, fdef.body, typ)
     fdef2.info = fdef.info
     return fdef2
Ejemplo n.º 19
 def transform_method_implementation(self, fdef: FuncDef,
                                     name: str) -> FuncDef:
     """Transform the implementation of a method (i.e. unwrapped)."""
     args = fdef.args
     arg_kinds = fdef.arg_kinds
     typ = function_type(fdef) # type: Type
     init = fdef.init_expressions()
     if fdef.name() == '__init__' and is_generic(fdef):
         args, arg_kinds, init, typ = self.add_constructor_tvar_args(
             fdef, typ, args, arg_kinds, init)
     fdef2 = FuncDef(name, args, arg_kinds, init, fdef.body, typ)
     fdef2.info = fdef.info
     return fdef2
Ejemplo n.º 20
    def build_newtype_typeinfo(self, name: str, old_type: Type, base_type: Instance) -> TypeInfo:
        info = self.api.basic_new_typeinfo(name, base_type)
        info.is_newtype = True

        # Add __init__ method
        args = [Argument(Var('self'), NoneType(), None, ARG_POS),
                self.make_argument('item', old_type)]
        signature = CallableType(
            arg_types=[Instance(info, []), old_type],
            arg_kinds=[arg.kind for arg in args],
            arg_names=['self', 'item'],
        init_func = FuncDef('__init__', args, Block([]), typ=signature)
        init_func.info = info
        init_func._fullname = info.fullname + '.__init__'
        info.names['__init__'] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, init_func)

        return info
Ejemplo n.º 21
    def build_newtype_typeinfo(self, name: str, old_type: Type, base_type: Instance) -> TypeInfo:
        info = self.api.basic_new_typeinfo(name, base_type)
        info.is_newtype = True

        # Add __init__ method
        args = [Argument(Var('self'), NoneTyp(), None, ARG_POS),
                self.make_argument('item', old_type)]
        signature = CallableType(
            arg_types=[Instance(info, []), old_type],
            arg_kinds=[arg.kind for arg in args],
            arg_names=['self', 'item'],
        init_func = FuncDef('__init__', args, Block([]), typ=signature)
        init_func.info = info
        init_func._fullname = self.api.qualified_name(name) + '.__init__'
        info.names['__init__'] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, init_func)

        return info
Ejemplo n.º 22
    def make_getter_wrapper(self, name: str, typ: Type) -> FuncDef:
        """Create a getter wrapper for a data attribute.

        The getter will be of this form:
        . def $name*(self: C) -> type:
        .     return self.name!
        scope = self.make_scope()
        selft = self.self_type()
        selfv = scope.add('self', selft)
        member_expr = MemberExpr(scope.name_expr('self'), name, direct=True)
        ret = ReturnStmt(member_expr)

        wrapper_name = '$' + name
        sig = Callable([selft], [nodes.ARG_POS], [None], typ, False)
        fdef = FuncDef(wrapper_name,
                       Block([ret]), sig)
        fdef.info = self.tf.type_context()
        return fdef
Ejemplo n.º 23
    def make_getter_wrapper(self, name, typ):
        """Create a getter wrapper for a data attribute.

        The getter will be of this form:
        . int $name*(C self):
        .     return self.name!
        scope = self.make_scope()
        selft = self.self_type()
        selfv = scope.add('self', selft)
        member_expr = MemberExpr(scope.name_expr('self'), name, direct=True)
        ret = ReturnStmt(member_expr)

        wrapper_name = '$' + name
        sig = Callable([selft], [nodes.ARG_POS], [None], typ, False)
        fdef = FuncDef(wrapper_name,
                       Block([ret]), sig)
        fdef.info = self.tf.type_context()
        return fdef
Ejemplo n.º 24
 def visit_func_def(self, func: FuncDef) -> None:
     if self.current_info is not None:
         func.info = self.current_info
     if func.type is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 25
 def visit_func_def(self, func: FuncDef) -> None:
     if self.current_info is not None:
         func.info = self.current_info
     if func.type is not None:
Ejemplo n.º 26
        return res
    FuncDef transform_method_implementation(self, FuncDef fdef, str name):
        """Transform the implementation of a method (i.e. unwrapped)."""
        args = fdef.args
        arg_kinds = fdef.arg_kinds
        Type typ = function_type(fdef)
        init = fdef.init_expressions()
        if fdef.name() == '__init__' and is_generic(fdef):
            args, arg_kinds, init, typ = self.add_constructor_tvar_args(
                fdef, typ, args, arg_kinds, init)
        fdef2 = FuncDef(name, args, arg_kinds, init, fdef.body, typ)
        fdef2.info = fdef.info
        return fdef2
    tuple<Var[], int[], Node[], Type> \
                             self, FuncDef fdef, Type typ,
                             Var[] args, int[] arg_kinds, 
                             Node[] init):
        """Add type variable arguments for __init__ of a generic type.

        Return tuple (new args, new kinds, new inits).
        Var[] tv = []
Ejemplo n.º 27
def _add_method(
    ctx: ClassDefContext,
    name: str,
    args: List[Argument],
    return_type: mypy.types.Type,
    self_type: Optional[mypy.types.Type] = None,
    tvar_def: Optional[mypy.types.TypeVarDef] = None,
    is_classmethod: bool = False,
) -> None:
    """Adds a new method to a class.
    info = ctx.cls.info

    # First remove any previously generated methods with the same name
    # to avoid clashes and problems in new semantic analyzer.
    if name in info.names:
        sym = info.names[name]
        if sym.plugin_generated and isinstance(sym.node, FuncDef):

    if is_classmethod:
        first = Argument(
            # Working around python/mypy#5416.
            # This should be: mypy.types.TypeType.make_normalized(self_type)
        self_type = self_type or fill_typevars(info)
        first = Argument(Var('self'), self_type, None, ARG_POS)

    args = [first] + args

    function_type = ctx.api.named_type('__builtins__.function')

    arg_types, arg_names, arg_kinds = [], [], []
    for arg in args:
        assert arg.type_annotation, 'All arguments must be fully typed.'

    signature = mypy.types.CallableType(arg_types, arg_kinds, arg_names,
                                        return_type, function_type)
    if tvar_def:
        signature.variables = [tvar_def]

    func = FuncDef(name, args, Block([PassStmt()]))
    func.info = info
    func.is_class = is_classmethod
    func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
    func._fullname = get_fullname(info) + '.' + name
    func.line = info.line

    # NOTE: we would like the plugin generated node to dominate, but we still
    # need to keep any existing definitions so they get semantically analyzed.
    if name in info.names:
        # Get a nice unique name instead.
        r_name = get_unique_redefinition_name(name, info.names)
        info.names[r_name] = info.names[name]

    info.names[name] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func, plugin_generated=True)
Ejemplo n.º 28
def add_method(
    ctx: ClassDefContext,
    name: str,
    args: List[Argument],
    return_type: Type,
    self_type: Optional[Type] = None,
    tvar_def: Optional[TypeVarDef] = None,
    is_classmethod: bool = False,
    is_new: bool = False,
    # is_staticmethod: bool = False,
) -> None:
    Adds a new method to a class.

    This can be dropped if/when https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/7301 is merged
    info = ctx.cls.info

    # First remove any previously generated methods with the same name
    # to avoid clashes and problems in the semantic analyzer.
    if name in info.names:
        sym = info.names[name]
        if sym.plugin_generated and isinstance(sym.node, FuncDef):

    self_type = self_type or fill_typevars(info)
    if is_classmethod or is_new:
        first = [
            Argument(Var("_cls"), TypeType.make_normalized(self_type), None,
    # elif is_staticmethod:
    #     first = []
        self_type = self_type or fill_typevars(info)
        first = [Argument(Var("self"), self_type, None, ARG_POS)]
    args = first + args
    arg_types, arg_names, arg_kinds = [], [], []
    for arg in args:
        assert arg.type_annotation, "All arguments must be fully typed."

    function_type = ctx.api.named_type("__builtins__.function")
    signature = CallableType(arg_types, arg_kinds, arg_names, return_type,
    if tvar_def:
        signature.variables = [tvar_def]

    func = FuncDef(name, args, Block([PassStmt()]))
    func.info = info
    func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
    func.is_class = is_classmethod
    # func.is_static = is_staticmethod
    func._fullname = get_fullname(info) + "." + name
    func.line = info.line

    # NOTE: we would like the plugin generated node to dominate, but we still
    # need to keep any existing definitions so they get semantically analyzed.
    if name in info.names:
        # Get a nice unique name instead.
        r_name = get_unique_redefinition_name(name, info.names)
        info.names[r_name] = info.names[name]

    if is_classmethod:  # or is_staticmethod:
        func.is_decorated = True
        v = Var(name, func.type)
        v.info = info
        v._fullname = func._fullname
        # if is_classmethod:
        v.is_classmethod = True
        dec = Decorator(func, [NameExpr("classmethod")], v)
        # else:
        #     v.is_staticmethod = True
        #     dec = Decorator(func, [NameExpr('staticmethod')], v)

        dec.line = info.line
        sym = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, dec)
        sym = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func)
    sym.plugin_generated = True

    info.names[name] = sym
Ejemplo n.º 29
            super_init = (FuncDef)info.base.get_method('__init__')
            # Build argument list.
            args = [Var('self')]
            for i in range(1, len(super_init.args)):
                args[-1].type = callee_type.arg_types[i - 1]

            selft = self_type(self.tf.type_context())
            callee_type = prepend_arg_type(callee_type, selft)
            creat = FuncDef('__init__', args,
                            <Node> [None] * len(args),
            creat.info = tdef.info
            creat.type = callee_type
            creat.is_implicit = False
            tdef.info.methods['__init__'] = creat
            # Insert a call to superclass constructor. If the
            # superclass is object, the constructor does nothing =>
            # omit the call.
            if tdef.info.base.full_name() != 'builtins.object':
            # Implicit cast from FuncDef[] to Node[] is safe below.
            return (any)self.func_tf.transform_method(creat)
Ejemplo n.º 30
    def make_init_wrapper(self, tdef):
        """Make and return an implicit __init__ if class needs it.
        Otherwise, return an empty list. We include an implicit
        __init__ if the class is generic or if it extends a generic class
        and if it does not define __init__.
        The __init__ of a generic class requires one or more extra type
        variable arguments. The inherited __init__ may not accept these.

        For example, assume these definitions:
        . class A<T>: pass
        . class B(A<int>): pass
        The constructor for B will be (equivalent to)
        . void __init__(B self):
        .     self.__tv = <int>
        .     super().__init__(<int>)
        # FIX overloading, default args / varargs, keyword args

        info = tdef.info
        if '__init__' not in info.methods and (
                tdef.is_generic() or (info.base and info.base.is_generic())):
            # Generic class with no explicit __init__ method
            # (i.e. __init__ inherited from superclass). Generate a
            # wrapper that initializes type variable slots and calls
            # the superclass __init__ method.
            selftype = self_type(info)    
            callee_type = analyse_member_access(
                '__init__', selftype, None, False, True, None, None,
            # Now the callee type may contain the type variables of a
            # grandparent as bound type variables, but we want the
            # type variables of the parent class. Explicitly set the
            # bound type variables.
            callee_type = self.fix_bound_init_tvars(callee_type,
                map_instance_to_supertype(selftype, info.base))
            super_init = info.base.get_method('__init__')
            # Build argument list.
            args = [Var('self')]
            for i in range(1, len(super_init.args)):
                args[-1].type = callee_type.arg_types[i - 1]

            selft = self_type(self.tf.type_context())
            callee_type = prepend_arg_type(callee_type, selft)
            creat = FuncDef('__init__', args,
                            super_init.arg_kinds, [None] * len(args),
            creat.info = tdef.info
            creat.type = callee_type
            creat.is_implicit = False
            tdef.info.methods['__init__'] = creat
            # Insert a call to superclass constructor. If the
            # superclass is object, the constructor does nothing =>
            # omit the call.
            if tdef.info.base.full_name() != 'builtins.object':
            # Implicit cast from FuncDef[] to Node[] is safe below.
            return self.func_tf.transform_method(creat)
            return []
Ejemplo n.º 31
def add_method_to_class(
    api: SemanticAnalyzerPluginInterface,
    cls: ClassDef,
    name: str,
    args: List[Argument],
    return_type: Type,
    self_type: Optional[Type] = None,
    tvar_def: Optional[TypeVarDef] = None,
    is_classmethod: bool = False,
) -> None:
    Adds a new method to a class definition.

    Copied from mypy/plugins/common.py and extended with support for adding
    classmethods based on https://github.com/python/mypy/pull/7796


    info = cls.info

    # First remove any previously generated methods with the same name
    # to avoid clashes and problems in the semantic analyzer.
    if name in info.names:
        sym = info.names[name]
        if sym.plugin_generated and isinstance(sym.node, FuncDef):

    self_type = self_type or fill_typevars(info)

    # Add either self or cls as the first argument
    if is_classmethod:
        first = Argument(Var("cls"), TypeType.make_normalized(self_type), None,
        first = Argument(Var("self"), self_type, None, ARG_POS)

    args = [first] + args
    arg_types, arg_names, arg_kinds = [], [], []
    for arg in args:
        assert arg.type_annotation, "All arguments must be fully typed."

    function_type = api.named_type("__builtins__.function")
    signature = CallableType(arg_types, arg_kinds, arg_names, return_type,
    if tvar_def:
        signature.variables = [tvar_def]

    func = FuncDef(name, args, Block([PassStmt()]))
    func.info = info
    func.type = set_callable_name(signature, func)
    func._fullname = info.fullname + "." + name  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    func.line = info.line
    func.is_class = is_classmethod

    # NOTE: we would like the plugin generated node to dominate, but we still
    # need to keep any existing definitions so they get semantically analyzed.
    if name in info.names:
        # Get a nice unique name instead.
        r_name = get_unique_redefinition_name(name, info.names)
        info.names[r_name] = info.names[name]

    if is_classmethod:
        func.is_decorated = True
        v = Var(name, func.type)
        v.info = info
        v._fullname = func._fullname  # pylint: disable=protected-access
        v.is_classmethod = True
        dec = Decorator(func, [NameExpr("classmethod")], v)

        dec.line = info.line
        sym = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, dec)
        sym = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, func)
    sym.plugin_generated = True

    info.names[name] = sym
Ejemplo n.º 32
    def make_init_wrapper(self, tdef: ClassDef) -> List[Node]:
        """Make and return an implicit __init__ if class needs it.
        Otherwise, return an empty list. We include an implicit
        __init__ if the class is generic or if it extends a generic class
        and if it does not define __init__.
        The __init__ of a generic class requires one or more extra type
        variable arguments. The inherited __init__ may not accept these.

        For example, assume these definitions:
        . class A(Generic[T]): pass
        . class B(A[int]): pass
        The constructor for B will be (equivalent to)
        . def __init__(self: B) -> None:
        .     self.__tv = <int>
        .     super().__init__(<int>)
        # FIX overloading, default args / varargs, keyword args

        info = tdef.info
        if '__init__' not in info.names and (
                tdef.is_generic() or (info.bases and
            # Generic class with no explicit __init__ method
            # (i.e. __init__ inherited from superclass). Generate a
            # wrapper that initializes type variable slots and calls
            # the superclass __init__ method.

            base = info.mro[1]
            selftype = self_type(info)    
            callee_type = cast(Callable, analyse_member_access(
                '__init__', selftype, None, False, True, None, None,
            # Now the callee type may contain the type variables of a
            # grandparent as bound type variables, but we want the
            # type variables of the parent class. Explicitly set the
            # bound type variables.
            callee_type = self.fix_bound_init_tvars(callee_type,
                map_instance_to_supertype(selftype, base))
            super_init = cast(FuncDef, base.get_method('__init__'))
            # Build argument list.
            args = [Var('self')]
            for i in range(1, len(super_init.args)):
                args[-1].type = callee_type.arg_types[i - 1]

            selft = self_type(self.tf.type_context())
            callee_type = prepend_arg_type(callee_type, selft)
            creat = FuncDef('__init__', args,
                            super_init.arg_kinds, [None] * len(args),
            creat.info = tdef.info
            creat.type = callee_type
            creat.is_implicit = False
            tdef.info.names['__init__'] = SymbolTableNode(MDEF, creat,
            # Insert a call to superclass constructor. If the
            # superclass is object, the constructor does nothing =>
            # omit the call.
            if base.fullname() != 'builtins.object':
            # Implicit cast from FuncDef[] to Node[] is safe below.
            return Any(self.func_tf.transform_method(creat))
            return []