Ejemplo n.º 1
def expand_type_alias(target: Type, alias_tvars: List[str], args: List[Type],
                      fail: Callable[[str, Context], None], no_args: bool,
                      ctx: Context) -> Type:
    """Expand a (generic) type alias target following the rules outlined in TypeAlias docstring.

        target: original target type (contains unbound type variables)
        alias_tvars: type variable names
        args: types to be substituted in place of type variables
        fail: error reporter callback
        no_args: whether original definition used a bare generic `A = List`
        ctx: context where expansion happens
    exp_len = len(alias_tvars)
    act_len = len(args)
    if exp_len > 0 and act_len == 0:
        # Interpret bare Alias same as normal generic, i.e., Alias[Any, Any, ...]
        assert alias_tvars is not None
        return set_any_tvars(target, alias_tvars, ctx.line, ctx.column)
    if exp_len == 0 and act_len == 0:
        if no_args:
            assert isinstance(target, Instance)
            return Instance(target.type, [], line=ctx.line, column=ctx.column)
        return target
    if exp_len == 0 and act_len > 0 and isinstance(target,
                                                   Instance) and no_args:
        tp = Instance(target.type, args)
        tp.line = ctx.line
        tp.column = ctx.column
        return tp
    if act_len != exp_len:
            'Bad number of arguments for type alias, expected: %s, given: %s' %
            (exp_len, act_len), ctx)
        return set_any_tvars(target,
                             alias_tvars or [],
    typ = replace_alias_tvars(target, alias_tvars, args, ctx.line, ctx.column)
    # HACK: Implement FlexibleAlias[T, typ] by expanding it to typ here.
    if (isinstance(typ, Instance)
            and typ.type.fullname() == 'mypy_extensions.FlexibleAlias'):
        typ = typ.args[-1]
    return typ