Ejemplo n.º 1
    def visit_unbound_type(self, t: UnboundType) -> Type:
        sym = self.lookup(t.name, t)
        if sym is not None:
            if sym.kind == TVAR:
                if len(t.args) > 0:
                        'Type variable "{}" used with arguments'.format(
                            t.name), t)
                if t.repr:
                    rep = TypeVarRepr(t.repr.components[0])
                    rep = None
                values = cast(TypeVarExpr, sym.node).values
                return TypeVar(t.name, sym.tvar_id, values,
                               self.builtin_type('builtins.object'), t.line,
            elif sym.node.fullname() == 'builtins.None':
                return Void()
            elif sym.node.fullname() == 'typing.Any':
                return AnyType()
            elif sym.node.fullname() == 'typing.Tuple':
                return TupleType(self.anal_array(t.args),
            elif sym.node.fullname() == 'typing.Union':
                return UnionType(self.anal_array(t.args))
            elif sym.node.fullname() == 'typing.Function':
                return self.analyze_function_type(t)
            elif not isinstance(sym.node, TypeInfo):
                name = sym.fullname
                if name is None:
                    name = sym.node.name()
                if sym.node in self.stored_vars:
                    return self.stored_vars[sym.node]
                self.fail('Invalid type "{}"'.format(name), t)
                return t
            info = cast(TypeInfo, sym.node)
            if len(t.args) > 0 and info.fullname() == 'builtins.tuple':
                return TupleType(self.anal_array(t.args),
                                 Instance(info, [], t.line), t.line, t.repr)

                # Analyze arguments and construct Instance type. The
                # number of type arguments and their values are
                # checked only later, since we do not always know the
                # valid count at this point. Thus we may construct an
                # Instance with an invalid number of type arguments.
                instance = Instance(info, self.anal_array(t.args), t.line,
                if info.tuple_type is None:
                    return instance
                    # The class has a Tuple[...] base class so it will be
                    # represented as a tuple type.
                    return TupleType(self.anal_array(info.tuple_type.items),
            return t
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self):
        # Type variables

        self.t = TypeVar('T', 1)  # T`1 (type variable)
        self.tf = TypeVar('T', -1)  # T`-1 (type variable)
        self.tf2 = TypeVar('T', -2)  # T`-2 (type variable)
        self.s = TypeVar('S', 2)  # S`2 (type variable)
        self.s1 = TypeVar('S', 1)  # S`1 (type variable)
        self.sf = TypeVar('S', -2)  # S`-2 (type variable)
        self.sf1 = TypeVar('S', -1)  # S`-1 (type variable)

        # Simple types

        self.anyt = AnyType()
        self.void = Void()
        self.err = ErrorType()
        self.nonet = NoneTyp()

        # Abstract class TypeInfos

        # class F
        self.fi = make_type_info('F', is_abstract=True)

        # class F2
        self.f2i = make_type_info('F2', is_abstract=True)

        # class F3(F)
        self.f3i = make_type_info('F3', is_abstract=True, mro=[self.fi])

        # Class TypeInfos

        self.oi = make_type_info('builtins.object')  # class object
        self.std_tuplei = make_type_info('builtins.tuple')  # class tuple
        self.type_typei = make_type_info('builtins.type')  # class type
        self.std_functioni = make_type_info('std::Function')  # Function TODO
        self.ai = make_type_info('A', mro=[self.oi])  # class A
        self.bi = make_type_info('B', mro=[self.ai])  # class B(A)
        self.ci = make_type_info('C', mro=[self.ai])  # class C(A)
        self.di = make_type_info('D', mro=[self.oi])  # class D

        # class E(F)
        self.ei = make_type_info('E', mro=[self.fi, self.oi])

        # class E2(F2, F)
        self.e2i = make_type_info('E2', mro=[self.f2i, self.fi, self.oi])

        # class E3(F, F2)
        self.e3i = make_type_info('E3', mro=[self.fi, self.f2i, self.oi])

        # Generic class TypeInfos

        # G[T]
        self.gi = make_type_info('G', mro=[self.oi], typevars=['T'])
        # G2[T]
        self.g2i = make_type_info('G2', mro=[self.oi], typevars=['T'])
        # H[S, T]
        self.hi = make_type_info('H', mro=[self.oi], typevars=['S', 'T'])
        # GS[T, S] <: G[S]
        self.gsi = make_type_info('GS',
                                  mro=[self.gi, self.oi],
                                  typevars=['T', 'S'],
                                  bases=[Instance(self.gi, [self.s])])
        # GS2[S] <: G[S]
        self.gs2i = make_type_info('GS2',
                                   mro=[self.gi, self.oi],
                                   bases=[Instance(self.gi, [self.s1])])
        # list[T]
        self.std_listi = make_type_info('builtins.list',

        # Instance types

        self.o = Instance(self.oi, [])  # object
        self.std_tuple = Instance(self.std_tuplei, [])  # tuple
        self.type_type = Instance(self.type_typei, [])  # type
        self.std_function = Instance(self.std_functioni, [])  # function TODO
        self.a = Instance(self.ai, [])  # A
        self.b = Instance(self.bi, [])  # B
        self.c = Instance(self.ci, [])  # C
        self.d = Instance(self.di, [])  # D

        self.e = Instance(self.ei, [])  # E
        self.e2 = Instance(self.e2i, [])  # E2
        self.e3 = Instance(self.e3i, [])  # E3

        self.f = Instance(self.fi, [])  # F
        self.f2 = Instance(self.f2i, [])  # F2
        self.f3 = Instance(self.f3i, [])  # F3

        # Generic instance types

        self.ga = Instance(self.gi, [self.a])  # G[A]
        self.gb = Instance(self.gi, [self.b])  # G[B]
        self.go = Instance(self.gi, [self.o])  # G[object]
        self.gt = Instance(self.gi, [self.t])  # G[T`1]
        self.gtf = Instance(self.gi, [self.tf])  # G[T`-1]
        self.gtf2 = Instance(self.gi, [self.tf2])  # G[T`-2]
        self.gs = Instance(self.gi, [self.s])  # G[S]
        self.gdyn = Instance(self.gi, [self.anyt])  # G[Any]

        self.g2a = Instance(self.g2i, [self.a])  # G2[A]

        self.gsab = Instance(self.gsi, [self.a, self.b])  # GS[A, B]
        self.gsba = Instance(self.gsi, [self.b, self.a])  # GS[B, A]

        self.gs2a = Instance(self.gs2i, [self.a])  # GS2[A]

        self.hab = Instance(self.hi, [self.a, self.b])  # H[A, B]
        self.haa = Instance(self.hi, [self.a, self.a])  # H[A, A]
        self.hbb = Instance(self.hi, [self.b, self.b])  # H[B, B]
        self.hts = Instance(self.hi, [self.t, self.s])  # H[T, S]

        self.lsta = Instance(self.std_listi, [self.a])  # List[A]
        self.lstb = Instance(self.std_listi, [self.b])  # List[B]

        # Basic types
        self.basic = BasicTypes(self.o, self.type_type, self.std_tuple,
Ejemplo n.º 3
 def visit_type_var(self, t: TypeVar) -> Type:
     if t.id > 0:
         return TypeVar(t.name, t.id, OBJECT_VAR, t.line, t.repr)
         return t
Ejemplo n.º 4
 def visit_type_var(self, t: TypeVar) -> Type:
     if t.id > 0:
         return TypeVar(t.name, t.id, t.values, BOUND_VAR, t.line, t.repr)
         return t
Ejemplo n.º 5
 def visit_type_var(self, t: TypeVar) -> Type:
     if t.id < 0:
         return t
         return TypeVar(t.name, -t.id - self.num_func_tvars, t.values)
Ejemplo n.º 6
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from typing import Callable, Optional, Type as TypingType, Union

from mypy.errorcodes import ErrorCode
from mypy.nodes import FuncBase, SymbolNode
from mypy.options import Options
from mypy.plugin import AnalyzeTypeContext, Plugin
from mypy.semanal import set_callable_name  # type: ignore
from mypy.types import Type, TypeVar

T = TypeVar("T")

VALIDATOR_TYPE = "strongtyping.strong_typing_utils.Validator"  # type: Final
ERROR_UNEXPECTED = ErrorCode("strongtyping-unexpected", "Unexpected behavior",

def plugin(version: str) -> "TypingType[Plugin]":
    `version` is the mypy version string
    We might want to use this to print a warning if the mypy version being used is
    newer, or especially older, than we expect (or need).
    return StrongtypingPlugin

class StrongtypingPlugin(Plugin):
    def __init__(self, options: Options) -> None: