def getreq(request): ''' http://xxx/getrequest 设备读取服务器上存储的命令------------------------------------------------------------------ ''' from import network_monitor network_monitor(request) response = device_response() try: resp = "" #---要直接发送的内容 device = check_device(request) #---从请求得到设备对象 不自动注册 if device is None: response.write("UNKNOWN DEVICE") return response #读取服务器上存储的命令的请求都带有设备INFO信息 更新设备信息 info = request.GET.get("INFO", "") #版本号,用户数,指纹数,记录数,设备自身IP地址 if info: sql = [] info = info.split(",") device.fw_version = info[0] #---主版本号 device.user_count = int(info[1]) #---注册用户数 device.fp_count = int(info[2]) #---注册指纹数 device.fp_count = int(info[2]) device.transaction_count = int(info[3]) #---考勤记录数 if len(info) > 4: device.ipaddress = info[4] #---考勤机IP地址 if device.alias == "auto_add": device.alias = info[4] #由于网关问题,使名称对应的IP地址与机器IP不同时的更正。 if len(info) > 5: device.Fpversion = info[5] #指纹算法版本 # 自动升级固件功能 if not hasattr(device, "is_updating_fw"): #该设备现在没有正升级固件 fw = fwVerStd(device.fw_version) if fw: #该设备具有固件版本号 up_version = device.get_std_fw_version() #用于升级的设备固件标准版本号 if up_version > fw: #该设备固件版本号较低 n = int(q_server.get_from_file("UPGRADE_FW_COUNT") or "0") if n < settings.MAX_UPDATE_COUNT: #没有超出许可同时升级固件的范围 #升级固件 errMsg = dev_update_firmware(device) if not errMsg: device.is_updating_fw = device.last_activity if errMsg: #升级命令错 appendFile((u"%s UPGRADE FW %s:%s" % (, fw, errMsg))) else: q_server.incr("UPGRADE_FW_COUNT") upsql = [] c = 0 const_sql = "update devcmds set CmdTransTime='%(tr)s',CmdReturn=%(cm)s where id=%(id)s" if db_select == 4: #postgresql 数据库 const_sql = '''update devcmds set "CmdTransTime"='%(tr)s',"CmdReturn"=%(cm)s where id=%(id)s''' elif db_select == 3: #oracle 数据库 const_sql = "update devcmds set CmdTransTime=to_date('%(tr)s','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),CmdReturn=%(cm)s where id=%(id)s" maxRet = device.max_comm_count #---每次传送给设备的命令数 maxRetSize = device.max_comm_size * 1024 #---最大数据包长度(KB) get_sql = "select top " + str( maxRet) + " id,CmdContent,CmdReturn from devcmds " get_sql += " where SN_id=" + str( ) + " and (CmdTransTime is null or (CmdReturn <=-99996 and CmdReturn>-99999)) order by id " if db_select == 1: get_sql = "select id,CmdContent,CmdReturn from devcmds " get_sql += " where SN_id=" + str( ) + " and (CmdTransTime is null or (CmdReturn <=-99996 and CmdReturn>-99999)) order by id limit " + str( maxRet) elif db_select == 4: get_sql = '''select id,"CmdContent","CmdReturn" from devcmds ''' get_sql += ''' where "SN_id"=''' + str( ) + ''' and ("CmdTransTime" is null or ("CmdReturn" <=-99996 and "CmdReturn">-99999) ) order by id limit ''' + str( maxRet) elif db_select == 3: get_sql = "select id,CmdContent,CmdReturn from devcmds " get_sql += " where SN_id=" + str( ) + " and (CmdTransTime is null or CmdReturn <=-99996 and CmdReturn>-99999)) and ROWNUM <= " + str( maxRet) + " ORDER BY ROWNUM ASC " dev_cur = conn.cursor() dev_cur.execute(get_sql) devcmds = dev_cur.fetchall() connection._commit() for d in devcmds: #---循环要发送给设备的命令 cr = d[2] #---命令返回值 if cr: cr += -1 else: cr = -99996 if cr < -99999: continue if db_select == 3: CmdContent = d[1].read() else: CmdContent = d[1] if CmdContent.find("DATA UPDATE user") == 0 or CmdContent.find( "SMS ") == 0: #传送用户命令,需要解码成GB2312 cc = CmdContent try: cc = cc.encode("gb18030") except: try: cc = cc.decode("utf-8").encode("gb18030") except: errorLog(request) else: cc = str(CmdContent) nowcmd = str(cc) cc = std_cmd_convert(cc, device) #----ZK-ECO 标准命令到 PUSH-SDK 命令的转换 if cc: resp += "C:%d:%s\n" % (d[0], cc) #---格式: C:设备序列号:内容 \n c = c + 1 if db_select == 1: excsql("update devcmds set CmdTransTime= now() ,CmdReturn=" + str(cr) + " where id=" + str(d[0])) elif db_select == 3: excsql( const_sql % { "tr":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "cm": cr, "id": d[0] }) else: upsql.append( const_sql % { "tr":"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), "cm": cr, "id": d[0] }) if (c >= maxRet) or (len(resp) >= maxRetSize): break #达到了最大命令数或最大命令长度限制 if CmdContent in ["CHECK", "CLEAR DATA", "REBOOT", "RESTART"]: break #重新启动命令只能是最后一条指令 #增加查找到CHECK指令后,直接发送 if upsql: excsql(";".join(upsql)) if db_select == 1: excsql("update iclock set last_activity=now() where id=" + str( elif db_select == 3: excsql("update iclock set last_activity=to_date('" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') where id=" + str( else: excsql("update iclock set last_activity='" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + "' where id=" + str( if c == 0: #没有发送任何命令时,简单向设备返回 "OK" 即可 resp += "OK" except Exception, e: resp = u"%s" % e errorLog(request)
def getreq(request): ''' http://xxx/getrequest 设备读取服务器上存储的命令------------------------------------------------------------------ ''' from import network_monitor network_monitor(request) response = device_response() try: resp = "" #---要直接发送的内容 device = check_device(request) #---从请求得到设备对象 不自动注册 if device is None: response.write("UNKNOWN DEVICE") return response #读取服务器上存储的命令的请求都带有设备INFO信息 更新设备信息 info = request.GET.get("INFO", "") #版本号,用户数,指纹数,记录数,设备自身IP地址 if info: sql=[] info = info.split(",") device.fw_version=info[0] #---主版本号 device.user_count=int(info[1]) #---注册用户数 device.fp_count=int(info[2]) #---注册指纹数 device.fp_count=int(info[2]) device.transaction_count=int(info[3]) #---考勤记录数 if len(info)>4: device.ipaddress=info[4] #---考勤机IP地址 if device.alias=="auto_add": device.alias=info[4]#由于网关问题,使名称对应的IP地址与机器IP不同时的更正。 if len(info)>5: device.Fpversion=info[5] #指纹算法版本 # 自动升级固件功能 if not hasattr(device, "is_updating_fw"): #该设备现在没有正升级固件 fw = fwVerStd(device.fw_version) if fw: #该设备具有固件版本号 up_version=device.get_std_fw_version() #用于升级的设备固件标准版本号 if up_version>fw: #该设备固件版本号较低 n=int(q_server.get_from_file("UPGRADE_FW_COUNT") or "0") if n < settings.MAX_UPDATE_COUNT: #没有超出许可同时升级固件的范围 #升级固件 errMsg = dev_update_firmware(device) if not errMsg: device.is_updating_fw=device.last_activity if errMsg: #升级命令错 appendFile((u"%s UPGRADE FW %s:%s" % (, fw, errMsg))) else: q_server.incr("UPGRADE_FW_COUNT") upsql=[] c=0 const_sql="update devcmds set CmdTransTime='%(tr)s',CmdReturn=%(cm)s where id=%(id)s" if db_select==4:#postgresql 数据库 const_sql ='''update devcmds set "CmdTransTime"='%(tr)s',"CmdReturn"=%(cm)s where id=%(id)s''' elif db_select==3:#oracle 数据库 const_sql="update devcmds set CmdTransTime=to_date('%(tr)s','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'),CmdReturn=%(cm)s where id=%(id)s" maxRet = device.max_comm_count #---每次传送给设备的命令数 maxRetSize = device.max_comm_size * 1024 #---最大数据包长度(KB) get_sql="select top "+ str(maxRet) +" id,CmdContent,CmdReturn from devcmds " get_sql+=" where SN_id="+str(" and (CmdTransTime is null or (CmdReturn <=-99996 and CmdReturn>-99999)) order by id " if db_select==1: get_sql="select id,CmdContent,CmdReturn from devcmds " get_sql+=" where SN_id="+str(" and (CmdTransTime is null or (CmdReturn <=-99996 and CmdReturn>-99999)) order by id limit "+str(maxRet) elif db_select==4: get_sql ='''select id,"CmdContent","CmdReturn" from devcmds ''' get_sql+=''' where "SN_id"='''+str(''' and ("CmdTransTime" is null or ("CmdReturn" <=-99996 and "CmdReturn">-99999) ) order by id limit '''+str(maxRet) elif db_select==3: get_sql="select id,CmdContent,CmdReturn from devcmds " get_sql+=" where SN_id="+str(" and (CmdTransTime is null or CmdReturn <=-99996 and CmdReturn>-99999)) and ROWNUM <= "+str(maxRet)+" ORDER BY ROWNUM ASC " dev_cur=conn.cursor() dev_cur.execute(get_sql) devcmds=dev_cur.fetchall() connection._commit() for d in devcmds: #---循环要发送给设备的命令 cr=d[2] #---命令返回值 if cr: cr+=-1 else: cr=-99996 if cr<-99999: continue if db_select==3: CmdContent=d[1].read() else: CmdContent=d[1] if CmdContent.find("DATA UPDATE user")==0 or CmdContent.find("SMS ")==0: #传送用户命令,需要解码成GB2312 cc=CmdContent try: cc=cc.encode("gb18030") except: try: cc=cc.decode("utf-8").encode("gb18030") except: errorLog(request) else: cc=str(CmdContent) nowcmd=str(cc) cc=std_cmd_convert(cc, device) #----ZK-ECO 标准命令到 PUSH-SDK 命令的转换 if cc: resp+="C:%d:%s\n"%(d[0],cc) #---格式: C:设备序列号:内容 \n c=c+1 if db_select==1: excsql("update devcmds set CmdTransTime= now() ,CmdReturn="+str(cr)+" where id="+str(d[0])) elif db_select==3: excsql(const_sql%{"tr""%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),"cm":cr,"id":d[0]}) else: upsql.append(const_sql%{"tr""%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),"cm":cr,"id":d[0]}) if (c>=maxRet) or (len(resp)>=maxRetSize): break; #达到了最大命令数或最大命令长度限制 if CmdContent in ["CHECK","CLEAR DATA","REBOOT", "RESTART"]: break; #重新启动命令只能是最后一条指令 #增加查找到CHECK指令后,直接发送 if upsql: excsql(";".join(upsql)) if db_select==1: excsql("update iclock set last_activity=now() where id="+str( elif db_select==3: excsql("update iclock set last_activity=to_date('""%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"','yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss') where id="+str( else: excsql("update iclock set last_activity='""%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"' where id="+str( if c == 0:#没有发送任何命令时,简单向设备返回 "OK" 即可 resp += "OK" except Exception, e: resp = u"%s" % e errorLog(request)
logger.addHandler(hdlr) logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) ''' 得到当前系统数据库类型 ''' from base.django_utils import get_db_type db_select = get_db_type() from model_utils import get_employee from commen_utils import normal_state, normal_verify, card_to_num, excsql, device_response server_time_delta = - datetime.datetime.utcnow() from conv_att import line_to_log from conv_device import line_to_oplog from mysite.utils import fwVerStd up_version = fwVerStd(settings.UPGRADE_FWVERSION) from conv_device import update_device_sql, get_device, check_device, sync_dev, check_sync_devs, check_and_save_cache, cdata_get_options, parse_dev_info from conv_emp import cdata_get_pin def write_data(raw_data, device=None, Op=None): ''' 解析暂存的设备命令 将设备发送的数据解析保存到数据库 ''' import UrlParas head_data, raw_data = raw_data.split("\n", 1) stamp_name, head = head_data.split(": ") stamp_name = stamp_name[1:] head = dict([item.split("=", 1) for item in head.split("\t")])
logger.setLevel(logging.NOTSET) ''' 得到当前系统数据库类型 ''' from base.django_utils import get_db_type db_select = get_db_type() from model_utils import get_employee from commen_utils import normal_state, normal_verify, card_to_num, excsql, device_response server_time_delta = from conv_att import line_to_log from conv_device import line_to_oplog from mysite.utils import fwVerStd up_version = fwVerStd(settings.UPGRADE_FWVERSION) from conv_device import update_device_sql,get_device,check_device,sync_dev,check_sync_devs,check_and_save_cache,cdata_get_options, parse_dev_info from conv_emp import cdata_get_pin def write_data(raw_data, device=None,Op=None): ''' 解析暂存的设备命令 将设备发送的数据解析保存到数据库 ''' import UrlParas head_data, raw_data=raw_data.split("\n",1) stamp_name, head=head_data.split(": ") stamp_name=stamp_name[1:] head=dict([item.split("=",1) for item in head.split("\t")]) if device is None: