Ejemplo n.º 1
def syncProjects(lock):

    # DB connection
    dbconnection = connect()

    # acquires lock
    with lock:
        logger.info("Worker projects starting synchronization")

        # MySliceLib Query Slices
        p = q(Project).get()

        # update local projects table
        if len(p)>0:
            lprojects = db.projects(dbconnection, p.dict())
            for ls in lprojects :
                # add status if not present and update on db
                if not 'status' in ls:
                    ls['status'] = Status.ENABLED
                    ls['enabled'] = format_date()
                    db.projects(dbconnection, ls)

                if not p.has(ls['id']) and ls['status'] is not Status.PENDING:
                    # delete projects that have been deleted elsewhere
                    db.delete(dbconnection, 'projects', ls['id'])
                    logger.info("Project {} deleted".format(ls['id']))
            logger.warning("Query projects is empty, check myslicelib and the connection with SFA Registry")
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def delete(self, dbconnection, setup=None):
        # Get Project from local DB
        # to update the pi_users after Save
        current = db.get(dbconnection, table='projects', id=self.id)

        result = super(Project, self).delete(setup)
        errors = result['errors']

        if errors:
            raising = True
            for err in errors:
                if "Record not found" in err['exception']:
                    raising = False
            if raising:
                raise ProjectException(errors)

        db.delete(dbconnection, 'projects', self.id)

        for u in current['pi_users']:
            user = q(User).id(u).get().first()
            user = user.merge(dbconnection)
            logger.debug("Update user %s after Project delete()" % u)
            db.users(dbconnection, user.dict(), user.id)

        # Slices will be removed by Sync

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 3
    def delete(self, dbconnection, setup=None):
        # Get Slice from local DB 
        # to update the users after Save
        current = db.get(dbconnection, table='slices', id=self.id)

        result = super(Slice, self).delete(setup)
        errors = result['errors']

        # Signal only Registry Errors
        if errors:
            raising = False
            for err in errors:
                if err['type'] == "Reg":
                    if "Record not found" in err['exception']:
                        raising = False
                        raising = True
            if raising:
                raise SliceException(errors)

        db.delete(dbconnection, 'slices', self.id)

        for u in current['users']:
            user = q(User).id(u).get().first()
            if user:
                user = user.merge(dbconnection)
                logger.debug("Update user %s after Slice delete()" % u)
                user = user.dict()
                logger.error("Could not update user after Slice.delete(), no answer from Registry")
                logger.warning("Updating the local DB manually")
                user = db.get(dbconnection, table='users', id=u)
                # Remove slice from user
                del u['slices'][self.id]

            db.users(dbconnection, user, u)

        # Update the Project of the slice
        project = db.get(dbconnection, table='projects', id=self.project)
        project['slices'] = list(set(project['slices']) - set([self.id]))
        db.projects(dbconnection, project)

        # Warning if errors on AMs
        #if errors:
        #    raise SliceWarningException(errors)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 4
    def delete(self, dbconnection, setup=None):
        logger.warning("User.delete() called")
        result = super(User, self).delete(setup)
        errors = result['errors']
        if errors:
            raising = True
            for err in errors:
                if "Record not found" in err['exception']:
                    raising = False
            if raising:
                raise UserException(errors)

        db.delete(dbconnection, 'users', self.getAttribute('id'))

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 5
    def delete(self, dbconnection, setup=None):
        logger.debug("Delete Authority %s" % self.id)
        # Get Authority from local DB
        # to update the pi_users after Save
        logger.debug("Get current object")
        current = db.get(dbconnection, table='authorities', id=self.id)
        logger.debug("Delete sent to myslicelib")
        result = super(Authority, self).delete(setup)
        logger.debug("result from myslicelib")
        errors = result['errors']
        logger.debug("checking errors")
        if errors:
            raising = True
            for err in errors:
                if "Record not found" in err['exception']:
                    raising = False
            if raising:
                raise AuthorityException(errors)
        logger.debug("Delete Authority from local DB")
        db.delete(dbconnection, 'authorities', self.id)
        logger.debug("Delete users of the Authority from local DB")
        for u in current['users']:
            logger.debug("Delete user %s" % u)
            db.delete(dbconnection, 'users', u)
        logger.debug("Update PI users of the Authority in local DB")
        for u in current['pi_users']:
            logger.debug("Get user %s" % u)
            user = q(User).id(u).get().first()
            if user:
                logger.debug("Update user %s in Authority delete()" % u)
                user = user.merge(dbconnection)
                db.users(dbconnection, user.dict(), user.id)

        return True
Ejemplo n.º 6
def syncSlices(id=None):

    with lock:
        logger.info("Worker slices starting synchronization")
            # DB connection
            dbconnection = db.connect()

            # Update an existing Slice
            if id:
                slices = Slices([Slice(db.get(dbconnection, table='slices', id=id))])
            # MySliceLib Query Slices
                slices = q(Slice).get()

            if len(slices)==0:
                logger.warning("Query slices is empty, check myslicelib and the connection with SFA Registry")

            # ------------------------------------------------------
            # Synchronize resources of a Slice at AMs
            # !!! only if the slice_id is specified !!!
            # Otherwise it is way too long to synchronize all slices
            # ------------------------------------------------------
            # TODO: trigger this function in background for a user
            # that want to refresh his slice / when he selected one
            # ------------------------------------------------------
            if id:
                for slice in slices:
                    if len(slice.users) > 0:
                            u = User(db.get(dbconnection, table='users', id=slice.users[0]))

                            logger.info("Synchronize slice %s:" % slice.hrn)

                            # Synchronize resources of the slice only if we have the user's private key or its credentials
                            # XXX Should use delegated Credentials
                            #if (hasattr(u,'private_key') and u.private_key is not None and len(u.private_key)>0) or (hasattr(u,'credentials') and len(u.credentials)>0):
                            if u.private_key or (hasattr(u,'credentials') and len(u.credentials)>0):
                                user_setup = UserSetup(u,myslicelibsetup.endpoints)
                                logger.info("Slice.id(%s).get() with user creds" % slice.hrn)
                                s = q(Slice, user_setup).id(slice.id).get().first()
                                db.slices(dbconnection, s.dict(), slice.id)
                        except Exception as e:
                            import traceback
                            logger.error("Problem with slice %s" % slice.id)
                        logger.info("slice %s has no users" % slice.hrn)

            # update local slice table
                if len(slices)>0:
                    local_slices = db.slices(dbconnection)
                    # Add slices from Registry unkown from local DB
                    for s in slices:
                        if not db.get(dbconnection, table='slices', id=s.id):
                            logger.info("Found new slice from Registry: %s" % s.id)
                            db.slices(dbconnection, s.dict(), s.id)
                    # Update slices known in local DB
                    for ls in local_slices :
                        logger.info("Synchronize Slice {}".format(ls['id']))
                        # add status if not present and update on db
                        if not 'status' in ls:
                            ls['status'] = Status.ENABLED
                            ls['enabled'] = format_date()
                        if not slices.has(ls['id']) and ls['status'] is not Status.PENDING:
                            # delete slices that have been deleted elsewhere
                            db.delete(dbconnection, 'slices', ls['id'])
                            logger.info("Slice {} deleted".format(ls['id']))
                            db.slices(dbconnection, ls, ls['id'])
                    logger.warning("Query slices is empty, check myslicelib and the connection with SFA Registry")

        except Exception as e:
            import traceback

        logger.info("Worker slices finished period synchronization")
Ejemplo n.º 7
    def save(self, dbconnection, setup=None):
        # Get Slice from local DB 
        # to update the users after Save
        current = db.get(dbconnection, table='slices', id=self.id)

        result = super(Slice, self).save(setup)
        errors = result['errors']
        result = {**(self.dict()), **result['data'][0]}
        if not errors:
            for r in result['resources']:
                if (not 'services' in r) or (not r['services']):
                    logger.warning("result from slice.save didn't had login info")
                    logger.warning("sleeping 10s before asking again to AMs")
                    import time
                    slice = q(Slice, setup).id(self.id).get().first()
                    result = slice.dict()
        # add status if not present and update on db
        if not 'status' in result:
            result['status'] = Status.ENABLED
            result['enabled'] = format_date()

        # New Slice created
        if current is None:
            db.slices(dbconnection, result)
            current = db.get(dbconnection, table='slices', id=self.id)
        # Update existing slice
            db.slices(dbconnection, result, self.id)

        # Update users both previously and currently in Slice
        users = list(set(current['users']) | set(self.getAttribute('users')))
        for u in users:
            user = q(User).id(u).get().first()
            if user:
                user = user.merge(dbconnection)
                logger.debug("Update user %s after Slice save()" % u)
                user = user.dict()
                logger.error("Could not update user after Slice.save(), no answer from Registry")
                logger.warning("Updating the local DB manually")
                user = db.get(dbconnection, table='users', id=u)
                if u in current['users'] and u not in self.getAttribute('users'):
                    # Remove slice from user
                    del u['slices'][self.id]
                elif u not in current['users'] and u in self.getAttribute('users'):
                    # Add slice to user

            db.users(dbconnection, user, u)

        # Update the Project of the slice
        logger.debug("cooko slice: {}".format(self))
        project = db.get(dbconnection, table='projects', id=self.project)
        project['slices'] = project['slices'] + [self.id]
        db.projects(dbconnection, project)

        # Insert / Delete Leases if necessary
        if self.hasLeases:
            flag = -1
            for lease in self.leases:
                # No resources reserved
                if len(result['leases'])==0:
                    flag = -1
                # All resources of a Lease have been succesfully reserved
                elif lease['resources'] == result['leases'][0]['resources']:
                    flag = 0
                # Some Resources of a Lease have been reserved
                elif len(set(lease['resources']).intersection(set(result['leases'][0]['resources']))) > 0:
                    db.leases(dbconnection, lease)
                    flag = 1
            for lease in self.removedLeases:
                if lease not in result['leases']:
                    db.delete(dbconnection, 'leases', lease.id)
                    flag = False
            if flag == -1:
                errors.append("No reservation has been accepted by the testbeds")
            elif flag == 1:
                errors.append("Some resources have been reserved others were unavailable")
                raise SliceWarningException(errors)

        if errors:
            raise SliceException(errors)
            return True
Ejemplo n.º 8
def syncUsers(lock, email=None):
    # DB connection
    dbconnection = db.connect()

    # acquires lock
    with lock:
        logger.info("Worker users starting synchronization")
            if email:
                users = q(User).filter('email', email).get()
                users = q(User).get()
            update local user table
            if len(users) > 0:
                # Add users from Registry unkown from local DB
                # this is used to bootstrap with init_user script
                for u in users:
                    logger.debug("looking for {} in local db".format(u.id))
                    if not db.get(dbconnection, table='users', id=u.id):
                        local_users = db.get(dbconnection, table='users')
                        logger.warning("Number of users in local db: %s" %
                        #print("this user is not in local db, add it")
                        logger.info("Found new user from Registry: %s" % u.id)
                        #logger.info("We don't add the missing users yet, as portal is the single point of entry")
                        db.users(dbconnection, u.dict())

                local_users = db.get(dbconnection, table='users')
                # Update users known in local DB
                for lu in local_users:
                    logger.info("Synchronize user %s" % lu['id'])
                        # add status if not present and update on db
                        if not 'status' in lu:
                            lu['status'] = Status.ENABLED
                            lu['enabled'] = format_date()
                        if not users.has(lu['id']) and lu[
                                'status'] is not Status.PENDING:
                            # delete user that has been deleted in Reg
                            db.delete(dbconnection, 'users', lu['id'])
                            logger.info("User {} deleted".format(lu['id']))
                            remote_user = next(
                                 for item in users if item.id == lu['id']),
                            if remote_user:
                                # merge fields of local user with remote
                                # keep local values for
                                # password, private_key, public_key and generate_keys
                                updated_user = remote_user.merge(dbconnection)
                                updated_user = updated_user.dict()
                                # if user has private key
                                # update its Credentials
                                if 'private_key' in updated_user and updated_user[
                                        'private_key'] is not None:
                                    updated_user = update_credentials(
                                        dbconnection, updated_user)
                                # Update user
                                #logger.debug("Update user %s" % updated_user['id'])
                                db.users(dbconnection, updated_user,
                    except Exception as e:
                        logger.warning("Could not synchronize user %s" %

                    "Query users is empty, check myslicelib and the connection with SFA Registry"
        except Exception as e:
            import traceback

        logger.info("Worker users finished period synchronization")