def cadastrar_grupo(nome: str, integrantes: [str], dono: Usuario) -> bool: integrantes.append(dono.nome) conexao = __conectar() dados = __select(conexao, "nm_grupo", "grupos") if nome in dados: __desconectar(conexao) return False else: __insert(conexao, "grupos(nm_grupo)", nome) codigo_grupo = __select(conexao, "cd_grupo", "grupos", f"nm_grupo='{nome}'") if not codigo_grupo: __desconectar(conexao, rollback=True) raise MySQL.Error("insert nao executado") for nome_integrante in integrantes: check = __select(conexao, "*", "usuarios", f"nm_usuario='{nome_integrante}'") if check: codigo_integrante = __select(conexao, "cd_usuario", "usuarios", f"nm_usuario='{nome_integrante}'") __insert(conexao, "membros_grupo(fk_usuario, fk_grupo)", (codigo_integrante[0], codigo_grupo[0])) check = __select(conexao, "*", "membros_grupo", f"fk_usuario={codigo_integrante[0]} and fk_grupo={codigo_grupo[0]}") if not check: __desconectar(conexao, rollback=True) raise MySQL.Error("insert nao executado") else: __desconectar(conexao, rollback=True) return False __desconectar(conexao) return True
def arquivar_mensagens_grupo(mensagem: MensagemGrupo, usuarios_nao_disponiveis: [Usuario]): conexao = __conectar() codigo_grupo = __select(conexao, "cd_grupo", "grupos", f"nm_grupo='{mensagem.grupo}'") __insert(conexao, "mensagens_grupo (fk_usuario, fk_grupo, ds_mensagem)", (mensagem.remetente.codigo, codigo_grupo[0], mensagem.mensagem)) codigo_mensagem = __select(conexao, "cd_mensagem_grupo", "mensagens_grupo", f"fk_usuario={mensagem.remetente.codigo} and " f"fk_grupo={codigo_grupo[0]} and " f"ds_mensagem='{mensagem.mensagem}'") if codigo_mensagem: for usuario_nao_disponivel in usuarios_nao_disponiveis: codigo_usuario_nao_disponivel = __select(conexao, "cd_usuario", "usuarios", f"nm_usuario='{usuario_nao_disponivel.nome}'") __insert(conexao, "mensagem_grupo_recebido (fk_mensagem_grupo, fk_usuario, bl_recebido)", (codigo_mensagem[0], codigo_usuario_nao_disponivel[0], 0)) check = __select(conexao, "*", "mensagem_grupo_recebido", f"fk_mensagem_grupo={codigo_mensagem[0]} and" f" fk_usuario={codigo_usuario_nao_disponivel[0]}", desempacotar=False) if not check: __desconectar(conexao, rollback=True) raise MySQL.Error("insert nao executado") else: __desconectar(conexao, rollback=True) raise MySQL.Error("insert nao executado") __desconectar(conexao)
def getForgiven(account_id, start_date, end_date): cn = connection() cur = cn.cursor() fileDate = start_date csvFileName = 'forgiven.csv' print 'loading forgiven\n' query = """select fh.remote_Note_Id noteID, fh.time, fh.oldState, fh.newState from forgiven_history fh where fh.account_id= """+account_id+""" and time >='"""+start_date+"""' and time <'"""+end_date+"""' + interval 1 day order by 1;""" print(query) cur.execute(query) results = cur.fetchall() with open(csvFileName, 'w') as output: a = csv.writer(output, delimiter = ',') a.writerows(results) if cur.rowcount != 0: print('writing results to ' + csvFileName) else: print(str(connector.Error('Could not write results to .csv file'))) cur.close() cn.close()
def __enter__(self): if self.__connection is None: self.__connection = mariadb.connect( user=self.__connection_data.user, password=self.__connection_data.password, database=self.__connection_data.db) else: warnings.warn("Connection is already active, can't have two at a the same time") raise mariadb.Error(msg="Previous connection not closed") return self.__connection
def getAgg(account_id, start_date, end_date): cn = connection() cur = cn.cursor() fileDate = start_date csvFileName = 'agg.csv' print 'loading agg\n' query = """select agg.aggDate , v.remote_vehicle_id vehicle_id , vehicle_name , v.group_fullname , dr.remote_driver_id driver_id , dr.empid , driver_name , (agg.mpgOdometer1+agg.mpgOdometer2+agg.mpgOdometer3)/100 as mpgMiles , (agg.mpgGal1+agg.mpgGal2+agg.mpgGal3)/1000 mpgGallons , round(10*(mpgOdometer1+mpgOdometer2+mpgOdometer3)/(mpgGal1+mpgGal2+mpgGal3),2) as mpg , driveTime as driveTime , idleLo as idleLo , idleHi as idleHi , (odometer1+odometer2+odometer3+odometer4+odometer5)/100 as milesDriven from agg join vehicle v on agg.vehicle_id = v.vehicle_Id join driver dr on agg.driver_id = dr.driver_Id where agg.account_id= """+account_id+""" and agg.aggDate >='"""+start_date+"""' and agg.aggDate < '"""+end_date+"""' + interval 1 day and agg.odometer6 > 0 order by 1;""" print(query) cur.execute(query) results = cur.fetchall() with open(csvFileName, 'w') as output: a = csv.writer(output, delimiter = ',') a.writerows(results) if cur.rowcount != 0: print('writing results to ' + csvFileName) else: print(str(connector.Error('Could not write results to .csv file'))) cur.close() cn.close()
def getViolations(account_id, start_date, end_date): cn = connection() cur = cn.cursor() fileDate = start_date csvFileName = 'violations.csv' print 'loading notes\n' query = """select * from ( select convert_TZ(n.time, 'GMT', dr.tzName) date , n.noteID , g.remote_group_id group_id , group_name , dr.group_fullname , dr.remote_driver_id driver_id , dr.empid , driver_name , v.remote_vehicle_id vehicle_id , vehicle_name , concat( , case when n.type in (2,171) then '- ' else '' end , ifnull(case when n.type in (2,171) then getStyleType(n.type,n.deltaX,n.deltaY,n.deltaZ) else cast('' as char(45)) end, '') ) event_name , n.speed , n.topSpeed , n.avgSpeed , n.speedLimit , n.distance/100 distance , n.latitude , n.longitude , n.forgiven from driver dr join note n on dr.driver_id = n.driver_id join vehicle v on n.vehicle_Id = v.vehicle_id join groups g on dr.group_id = g.group_id join noteNames nn on n.type = nn.type where dr.account_id = """+account_id+""" and n.time >= '"""+start_date+"""' - interval 1 day and n.time <= '"""+end_date+"""' + interval 2 day and n.type in (2,3,4,49,58,93,171,191) ) a where >= '"""+start_date+"""' and < '"""+end_date+"""' + interval 1 day order by 1;""" print(query) cur.execute(query) results = cur.fetchall() with open(csvFileName, 'w') as output: a = csv.writer(output, delimiter= ',') a.writerows(results) if cur.rowcount != 0: print('writing results to ' + csvFileName) else: print(str(connector.Error('Could not write results to .csv file'))) cur.close() cn.close()
def test_create_mysql_connection_exception(config): # For example, if the credentials in the config are wrong with patch("mysql.connector.connect", side_effect=mysql.Error()): assert create_mysql_connection(config) is None