Ejemplo n.º 1
def get_history(source, ids=None):
    """get params and cost from the given source

source is the name of the trajectory logfile (or solver instance)
if provided, ids are the list of 'run ids' to select
    try:  # if it's a logfile, it might be multi-id
        step, param, cost = logfile_reader(source)
    except:  # it's not a logfile, so read and return
        param, cost = read_history(source)
        return [param], [cost]

    # split (i,id) into iteration and id
    multinode = len(step[0]) - 1  #XXX: what if step = []?
    if multinode: id = [i[1] for i in step]
    else: id = [0 for i in step]

    params = [[] for i in range(max(id) + 1)]
    costs = [[] for i in range(len(params))]
    # populate params for each id with the corresponding (param,cost)
    for i in range(len(id)):
        if ids is None or id[i] in ids:  # take only the selected 'id'
    params = [r for r in params if len(r)]  # only keep selected 'ids'
    costs = [r for r in costs if len(r)]  # only keep selected 'ids'

    # convert to support format
    for i in range(len(params)):
        params[i], costs[i] = raw_to_support(params[i], costs[i])
    return params, costs
Ejemplo n.º 2
def get_history(source, ids=None):
    """get params and cost from the given source

source is the name of the trajectory logfile (or solver instance)
if provided, ids are the list of 'run ids' to select
    try: # if it's a logfile, it might be multi-id
        step, param, cost = logfile_reader(source)
    except: # it's not a logfile, so read and return
        param, cost = read_history(source)
        return [param],[cost]

    # split (i,id) into iteration and id
    multinode = len(step[0]) - 1  #XXX: what if step = []?
    if multinode: id = [i[1] for i in step]
    else: id = [0 for i in step]

    params = [[] for i in range(max(id) + 1)]
    costs = [[] for i in range(len(params))]
    # populate params for each id with the corresponding (param,cost)
    for i in range(len(id)):
        if ids is None or id[i] in ids: # take only the selected 'id'
    params = [r for r in params if len(r)] # only keep selected 'ids'
    costs = [r for r in costs if len(r)] # only keep selected 'ids'

    # convert to support format
    for i in range(len(params)):
        params[i], costs[i] = raw_to_support(params[i], costs[i])
    return params, costs
Ejemplo n.º 3
                    help="grayscale contrast multiplier for points in plot")
                    default=False,help="show selected iterations in a single plot")
  parsed_opts, parsed_args = parser.parse_args()

  try:  # get the name of the parameter log file
    file = parsed_args[0]
    import re
    file = re.sub('\.py*.$', '', file)  #XXX: strip off .py* extension
    raise IOError, "please provide log file name"
  try:  # read standard logfile
    from mystic.munge import logfile_reader, raw_to_support
    _step, params, _cost = logfile_reader(file)
    params, _cost = raw_to_support(params, _cost)
    exec "from %s import params" % file
    #exec "from %s import meta" % file
    # would be nice to use meta = ['wx','wx2','x','x2','wy',...]

  try: # select the bounds
    bounds = eval(parsed_opts.bounds)  # format is "[(60,105),(0,30),(2.1,2.8)]"
    bounds = [(0,1),(0,1),(0,1)]
  try: # select which params are along which axes
    xyz = eval(parsed_opts.xyz)  # format is "[(0,1),(4,5),(8,9)]"
    xyz = [(0,),(1,),(2,)]
Ejemplo n.º 4
# (i,id) + { (i,) then (i+1,) } + { float list }
# (i,) + { (i,) then (i+1,) } + { float list }
# (i,id) + { (i,) then (i+1,) } + { list [list1, ...] }
# (i,) + { (i,) then (i+1,) } + { list [list1, ...] }
# (i,id) + { (i,) then (0,) } + { float list }
# (i,) + { (i,) then (0,) } + { float list }
# (i,id) + { (i,) then (0,) } + { list [list1, ...] }
# (i,) + { (i,) then (0,) } + { list [list1, ...] }
#   Legend is different for list versus [list1,...]
#   Plot should be discontinuous for (i,) then (0,)

# parse file contents to get (i,id), cost, and parameters
from mystic.munge import logfile_reader, read_raw_file
    step, param, cost = logfile_reader(filename)
except SyntaxError:
    msg = "incompatible file format, try 'support_convergence.py'"
    raise SyntaxError(msg)

# ignore everything after 'stop'
step = step[:stop]
cost = cost[:stop]
param = param[:stop]

# split (i,id) into iteration and id
multinode = len(step[0]) - 1  #XXX: what if step = []?
iter = [i[0] for i in step]
if multinode:
  id = [i[1] for i in step]
Ejemplo n.º 5
                      default=False,help="plot cones, if provided")
                      default=False,help="always plot values on vertical axis")
                      default=False,help="show selected iterations in a single plot")
    parsed_opts, parsed_args = parser.parse_args()

    try:  # get the name of the parameter log file
        file = parsed_args[0]
        import re
        file = re.sub('\.py*.$', '', file)  #XXX: strip off .py* extension
        raise IOError, "please provide log file name"
    try:  # read standard logfile
        from mystic.munge import logfile_reader, raw_to_support
        _step, params, _cost = logfile_reader(file)
        params, _cost = raw_to_support(params, _cost)
        exec "from %s import params" % file
        #exec "from %s import meta" % file
        # would be nice to use meta = ['wx','wx2','x','x2','wy',...]

    from mystic.math.discrete import scenario
    from mystic.math.legacydata import dataset
    try:  # select whether to plot the cones
        cones = parsed_opts.cones
        cones = False

    try:  # select whether to plot the legacy data
        legacy = parsed_opts.legacy
Ejemplo n.º 6
def log_reader(filename, **kwds):
plot parameter convergence from file written with 'LoggingMonitor'

Available from the command shell as:
  mystic_log_reader.py filename [options]

or as a function call as:
  mystic.log_reader(filename, **options)

The option "param" takes an indicator string. The indicator string is built
from comma-separated array slices. For example, params = ":" will plot all
parameters.  Alternatively, params = ":2, 3:" will plot all parameters except
for the third parameter, while params = "0" will only plot the first parameter.

Required Inputs:
  filename            name of the convergence logfile (e.g log.txt)
    import shlex
    global __quit
    __quit = False

    # handle the special case where list is provided by sys.argv
    if isinstance(filename, (list,tuple)) and not kwds:
        cmdargs = filename # (above is used by script to parse command line)
    elif isinstance(filename, basestring) and not kwds:
        cmdargs = shlex.split(filename)
    # 'everything else' is essentially the functional interface
        out = kwds.get('out', None)
        dots = kwds.get('dots', False)
        line = kwds.get('line', False)
        iter = kwds.get('iter', None)
        legend = kwds.get('legend', False)
        nid = kwds.get('nid', None)
        param = kwds.get('param', None)

        # process "commandline" arguments
        cmdargs = ''
        cmdargs += '' if out is None else '--out={} '.format(out)
        cmdargs += '' if dots == False else '--dots '
        cmdargs += '' if line == False else '--line '
        cmdargs += '' if iter is None else '--iter={} '.format(iter)
        cmdargs += '' if legend == False else '--legend '
        cmdargs += '' if nid is None else '--nid={} '.format(nid)
        cmdargs += '' if param is None else '--param="{}" '.format(param)
        cmdargs = filename.split() + shlex.split(cmdargs)

    #XXX: note that 'argparse' is new as of python2.7
    from optparse import OptionParser
    def _exit(self, **kwds):
      global __quit
      __quit = True
    OptionParser.exit = _exit

    parser = OptionParser(usage=log_reader.__doc__.split('\n\nOptions:')[0])
                      help="filepath to save generated plot")
                      default=False,help="show data points in plot")
                      default=False,help="connect data points in plot with a line")
                      default=None,help="the largest iteration to plot")
                      default=False,help="show the legend")
                      help="id # of the nth simultaneous points to plot")
                      help="indicator string to select parameters")
    #                  default='log.txt',help="log file name")
    parsed_opts, parsed_args = parser.parse_args(cmdargs)

#   import sys
#   if 'mystic_log_reader.py' not in sys.argv:
    from StringIO import StringIO
    f = StringIO()
    if 'Options:' not in log_reader.__doc__:
      log_reader.__doc__ += '\nOptions:%s' % f.read().split('Options:')[-1]

    style = '-' # default linestyle
    if parsed_opts.dots:
      mark = 'o'
      # when using 'dots', also can turn off 'line'
      if not parsed_opts.line:
        style = 'None'
      mark = ''

    if __quit: return

    try: # get logfile name
      filename = parsed_args[0]
      raise IOError, "please provide log file name"

    try: # select which iteration to stop plotting at
      stop = int(parsed_opts.stop)
      stop = None

    try: # select which 'id' to plot results for
      runs = (int(parsed_opts.id),) #XXX: allow selecting more than one id ?
      runs = None # i.e. 'all' **or** use id=0, which should be 'best' energy ?

    try: # select which parameters to plot
      select = parsed_opts.param.split(',')  # format is ":2, 2:4, 5, 6:"
      select = [':']

    # ensure all terms of select have a ":"
    for i in range(len(select)):
      if isinstance(select[i], int): select[i] = str(select[i])
      if select[i] == '-1': select[i] = 'len(params)-1:len(params)'
      elif not select[i].count(':'):
        select[i] += ':' + str(int(select[i])+1)

    # == Possible results ==
    # iter = (i,id) or (i,) 
    # split => { (i,) then (i+1,) } or { (i,) then (0,) }
    # y x = { float list } or { list [list1, ...] }

    # == Use Cases ==
    # (i,id) + { (i,) then (i+1,) } + { float list }
    # (i,) + { (i,) then (i+1,) } + { float list }
    # (i,id) + { (i,) then (i+1,) } + { list [list1, ...] }
    # (i,) + { (i,) then (i+1,) } + { list [list1, ...] }
    # (i,id) + { (i,) then (0,) } + { float list }
    # (i,) + { (i,) then (0,) } + { float list }
    # (i,id) + { (i,) then (0,) } + { list [list1, ...] }
    # (i,) + { (i,) then (0,) } + { list [list1, ...] }
    # NOTES:
    #   Legend is different for list versus [list1,...]
    #   Plot should be discontinuous for (i,) then (0,)

    # parse file contents to get (i,id), cost, and parameters
    from mystic.munge import logfile_reader, read_raw_file
        step, param, cost = logfile_reader(filename)
    except SyntaxError:
        msg = "incompatible file format, try 'support_convergence.py'"
        raise SyntaxError(msg)

    # ignore everything after 'stop'
    step = step[:stop]
    cost = cost[:stop]
    param = param[:stop]

    # split (i,id) into iteration and id
    multinode = len(step[0]) - 1  #XXX: what if step = []?
    iter = [i[0] for i in step]
    if multinode:
      id = [i[1] for i in step]
      id = [0 for i in step]

    # build the list of selected parameters
    params = range(len(param[0]))
    selected = []
    for i in select:
      selected.extend(eval("params[%s]" % i))
    selected = list(set(selected))

    results = [[] for i in range(max(id) + 1)]

    # populate results for each id with the corresponding (iter,cost,param)
    for i in range(len(id)):
      if runs is None or id[i] in runs: # take only the selected 'id'
    # NOTE: for example...  results = [[(0,...)],[(0,...),(1,...)],[],[(0,...)]]

    # build list of parameter (and cost) convergences for each id
    conv = []; cost_conv = []; iter_conv = []
    for i in range(len(results)):
      conv.append([])#; cost_conv.append([]); iter_conv.append([])
      if len(results[i]):
        for k in range(len(results[i][0][2])):
          conv[i].append([results[i][j][2][k] for j in range(len(results[i]))])
        cost_conv.append([results[i][j][1] for j in range(len(results[i]))])
        iter_conv.append([results[i][j][0] for j in range(len(results[i]))])
        conv[i] = [[] for k in range(len(param[0]))]

    #print "iter_conv = %s" % iter_conv
    #print "cost_conv = %s" % cost_conv
    #print "conv = %s" % conv

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    fig = plt.figure()

    #FIXME: These may fail when conv[i][j] = [[],[],[]] and cost = []. Verify this.
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,1)
    for i in range(len(conv)):
      if runs is None or i in runs: # take only the selected 'id'
        for j in range(len(param[0])):
          if j in selected: # take only the selected 'params'
            tag = "%d,%d" % (j,i) # label is 'parameter,id'
            ax1.plot(iter_conv[i],conv[i][j],label="%s" % tag,marker=mark,linestyle=style)
    if parsed_opts.legend: plt.legend()

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2,1,2)
    for i in range(len(conv)):
      if runs is None or i in runs: # take only the selected 'id'
        tag = "%d" % i # label is 'cost id'
        ax2.plot(iter_conv[i],cost_conv[i],label='cost %s' % tag,marker=mark,linestyle=style)
    if parsed_opts.legend: plt.legend()

    if not parsed_opts.out: