Ejemplo n.º 1
def CompareWithKSplit():

    refGraph = igraph.read(os.path.join(sourcesDir,sourceFunctionName))
    refGraph['name'] = sourceFunctionName

    if (os.name != "nt"):
        #p = multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=workerInit,initargs=[len(refGraph.vs)])
        p = multiprocessing.Pool()
        mapper = p.imap_unordered
        #mapper = itertools.imap
        mapper = itertools.imap
    reportFile = CounterXlsReport(csvName + "-K=" + str(myK) + "-" + sourceFunctionName) 

    print "Prepping db - (func files) - target=" +os.path.join(sourcesDir,sourceFunctionName)
    sourcesList3k = list(mapper(identity,split2k.ksplitGraphObject(myK,refGraph,True)))
    print "For k=" + str(myK) + " we have - " + str(len(sourcesList3k))
    print "end db prep"
    from simple_db import DBSimpleClient

    db = DBSimpleClient()
    params =  [doOneFunctionFileRW,itertools.izip(db.get_all(),itertools.cycle([sourcesList3k]))]
    #if (mapper !=  itertools.imap):
    #    params.append(50)       
    for allFields in mapper(*params):    
        for fields in allFields:           
Ejemplo n.º 2
def CompareWithKSplit():

    refGraph = igraph.read(os.path.join(sourcesDir, sourceFunctionName))
    refGraph['name'] = sourceFunctionName

    if (os.name != "nt"):
        #p = multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=workerInit,initargs=[len(refGraph.vs)])
        p = multiprocessing.Pool()
        mapper = p.imap_unordered
        #mapper = itertools.imap
        mapper = itertools.imap

    reportFile = CounterXlsReport(csvName + "-K=" + str(myK) + "-" +

    print "Prepping db - (func files) - target=" + os.path.join(
        sourcesDir, sourceFunctionName)
    sourcesList3k = list(
        mapper(identity, split2k.ksplitGraphObject(myK, refGraph, True)))
    print "For k=" + str(myK) + " we have - " + str(len(sourcesList3k))
    print "end db prep"

    def superFunctionsGenerator():
        for exeName in os.listdir(targetsDir):
            print "loading - " + exeName + " ... ",
            currentExeDir = os.path.join(
                targetsDir, os.path.join(exeName,

            for funcFileName in filter(lambda x: x.endswith(myExt),
                tarGraph = igraph.read(
                    os.path.join(currentExeDir, funcFileName))
                tarGraph['name'] = funcFileName

                #funcFileName and exe are only for the timeout print
                yield {
                    'tarGraph': tarGraph,
                    'refGraph': refGraph,
                    'sourcesList3k': sourcesList3k,
                    'funcFileName': funcFileName,
                    'exeName': exeName

            print "finished loading " + exeName

    params = [doOneFunctionFileRW, superFunctionsGenerator()]
    #if (mapper !=  itertools.imap):
    #    params.append(50)

    for allFields in mapper(*params):
        for fields in allFields:
Ejemplo n.º 3
def CompareWithKSplit():

    refGraph = igraph.read(os.path.join(sourcesDir,sourceFunctionName))
    refGraph['name'] = sourceFunctionName

    if (os.name != "nt"):
        #p = multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=workerInit,initargs=[len(refGraph.vs)])
        p = multiprocessing.Pool()
        mapper = p.imap_unordered
        #mapper = itertools.imap
        mapper = itertools.imap
    reportFile = CounterXlsReport(csvName + "-K=" + str(myK) + "-" + sourceFunctionName) 

    print "Prepping db - (func files) - target=" +os.path.join(sourcesDir,sourceFunctionName)
    sourcesList3k = list(mapper(identity,split2k.ksplitGraphObject(myK,refGraph,True)))
    print "For k=" + str(myK) + " we have - " + str(len(sourcesList3k))
    print "end db prep"
    def inWhiteList(value,atrbName):
        for whiteListEntry in filter(lambda x: x['source']==sourceName,whiteList):
            #print "CHECK " + atrbName
            if whiteListEntry[atrbName] == value:
                return True
        return False
    def superFunctionsGenerator():
        for exeName in filter(lambda x:inWhiteList(x,'exe'),os.listdir(targetsDir)):
            print "loading - " + exeName + " ... " 
            currentExeDir = os.path.join(targetsDir,os.path.join(exeName,functionsGraphsDirectoryName))

            for funcFileName in filter(lambda x:inWhiteList(os.path.splitext(x)[0],'functionName'),filter(lambda x:x.endswith(myExt),os.listdir(currentExeDir))):
                print "FUNC begin - " + funcFileName + " ... " 
                tarGraph = igraph.read(os.path.join(currentExeDir,funcFileName))
                tarGraph['name'] = funcFileName
                #funcFileName and exe are only for the timeout print
                yield {'tarGraph':tarGraph,'refGraph':refGraph,'sourcesList3k':sourcesList3k,'funcFileName':funcFileName,'exeName':exeName}
                print "FUNC finished " + funcFileName
            print "finished loading " + exeName 
    params =  [doOneFunctionFileRW,superFunctionsGenerator()]
    #if (mapper !=  itertools.imap):
    #    params.append(50)       
    for allFields in mapper(*params):    
        for fields in allFields:           
Ejemplo n.º 4
def CompareWithKSplit():

    refGraph = igraph.read(os.path.join(sourcesDir, sourceFunctionName))
    refGraph['name'] = sourceFunctionName

    if (os.name != "nt"):
        #p = multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=workerInit,initargs=[len(refGraph.vs)])
        p = multiprocessing.Pool()
        mapper = p.imap_unordered
        #mapper = itertools.imap
        mapper = itertools.imap

    reportFile = CounterXlsReport(csvName + "-K=" + str(myK) + "-" +

    print "Prepping db - (func files) - target=" + os.path.join(
        sourcesDir, sourceFunctionName)
    sourcesList3k = list(
        mapper(identity, split2k.ksplitGraphObject(myK, refGraph, True)))
    print "For k=" + str(myK) + " we have - " + str(len(sourcesList3k))
    print "end db prep"

    from simple_db import DBSimpleClient

    db = DBSimpleClient()

    params = [
        itertools.izip(db.get_all(), itertools.cycle([sourcesList3k]))
    #if (mapper !=  itertools.imap):
    #    params.append(50)

    for allFields in mapper(*params):
        for fields in allFields:
def CompareWithKSplit(sourcesDirectory, targetsDir):
    print targetsDir
    print 'target', targetsDir
    refGraph = igraph.read(sourcesDirectory)
    #print refGraph
    sourceFunctionName = sourcesDirectory.split('\\')[-1]
    refGraph['name'] = sourceFunctionName
    if (os.name != "nt"):  # judge the platform nt = windows, posix = linux
        #p = multiprocessing.Pool(initializer=workerInit,initargs=[len(refGraph.vs)])
        p = multiprocessing.Pool()
        mapper = p.imap_unordered
        #mapper = itertools.imap
        mapper = itertools.imap
    sourcesExeName = sourcesDirectory.split('\\')[-2]
    targetsExeName = targetsDir.split('\\')[-1]
    familyName = targetsDir.split('\\')[-2]
    reportFile = CounterXlsReport(sourcesExeName + "-" + familyName + "@" + targetsExeName + "-K=" + str(myK) + "-" + sourceFunctionName) # the name of result file

    print "Prepping db - (func files) - target=" +sourcesDirectory
    sourcesList3k = list(mapper(identity,split2k.ksplitGraphObject(myK,refGraph,True)))
    #print "For k=" + str(myK) + " we have - " + str(len(sourcesList3k))
    #print "end db prep"
    def superFunctionsGenerator(currentExeDir):
        #for exeName in os.listdir(targetsDir):
            #print "loading - " + exeName + " ... " ,
            #print exeName
            #print functionsGraphsDirectoryName
            #currentExeDir = os.path.join(targetsDir,os.path.join(exeName))
            #print currentExeDir
        for funcFileName in filter(lambda x:x.endswith(myExt),os.listdir(currentExeDir)):
                #print funcFileName
			tarGraph = igraph.read(os.path.join(currentExeDir,funcFileName))
            tarGraph['name'] = funcFileName
                #funcFileName and exe are only for the timeout print
            yield {'tarGraph':tarGraph,'refGraph':refGraph,'sourcesList3k':sourcesList3k,'funcFileName':funcFileName,'exeName':targetsExeName}