Ejemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self,
        self.dpi = dpi
        self.meta_size = meta_size
        self.file_type = file_type
        self.spherical_mercator = spherical_mercator
        self.namer = XYZNamingScheme(file_type)
        self.verbose = verbose

        if self.spherical_mercator:
            self.max_bounds = Bound.spherical_mercator_max_extent()
            self.max_bounds = Bound.geographic_max_extent()
Ejemplo n.º 2
    def __init__(self, dpi, meta_size, file_type, spherical_mercator, verbose=False):
        self.dpi = dpi
        self.meta_size = meta_size
        self.file_type = file_type
        self.spherical_mercator = spherical_mercator
        self.namer = XYZNamingScheme(file_type)
        self.verbose = verbose

        if self.spherical_mercator:
            self.max_bounds = Bound.spherical_mercator_max_extent()
            self.max_bounds = Bound.geographic_max_extent()
Ejemplo n.º 3
class XYZTileSettings:
    Generate settings for cutting XYZ tiles from the given bounds.
    def __init__(self, dpi, meta_size, file_type, spherical_mercator, verbose=False):
        self.dpi = dpi
        self.meta_size = meta_size
        self.file_type = file_type
        self.spherical_mercator = spherical_mercator
        self.namer = XYZNamingScheme(file_type)
        self.verbose = verbose

        if self.spherical_mercator:
            self.max_bounds = Bound.spherical_mercator_max_extent()
            self.max_bounds = Bound.geographic_max_extent()

    def settings_for(self, domain, scale, overwrite, base_dir):
        Generate all of the settings that the tile renderer and tile
        cutter will need to correctly produce xyz tiles from the
        given domain.
        loc = os.path.join(base_dir, "meta_panels", "foo")
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(loc)):
            except OSError:

        self.namer.basedir = base_dir
        return self.meta_tiles(domain, scale, base_dir)

    def calc_bounds(self, domain, scale):
        Calculate the set of xyz tiles to render for the domain,
        expressed as boundary objects in terms of xyz tile numbers.
        denom = self.scale_denominator(scale)
        tiles = Bound(north = self.lat_to_xyz(domain.north, denom),
                      south = self.lat_to_xyz(domain.south, denom),
                      east  = self.lon_to_xyz(domain.east, denom),
                      west  = self.lon_to_xyz(domain.west, denom))

        return tiles
    def estimate_tiles(self, domain, scale):
        Estimate the number of tiles that will be generated to satisfy
        the given domain/scale. This does not account for tiles that
        are not rendered due to the overwrite flag.
        tiles = self.calc_bounds(domain, scale)
        return tiles.lon_span() * tiles.lat_span()
        return int(len(lonrange) * len(latrange))
    def lat_to_xyz(self, lat, scale_denom):
        From the given latitude, compute the y-index of the
        corresponding xyz tile at scale_denom.
        return int(floor((abs(lat - self.max_bounds.north)) / scale_denom))

    def lon_to_xyz(self, lon, scale_denom):
        From the given longitude, compute the x-index of the
        corresponding xyz tile at scale_denom.
        return int(floor((abs(lon + self.max_bounds.east)) / scale_denom))

    def scale_denominator(self, scale):
        Computer the number of degrees/meters per-tile at the given scale.
        return self.max_bounds.lat_span() / (2.0 ** scale)

    def appropriate_meta_width(self, extent):
        For the area being rendered, decide on an appropriate
        meta-tile size. Result is the tile-width of a meta-tile
        lat_range = extent.north - extent.south
        lon_range = extent.east - extent.west

        if lat_range <= 1 or lon_range <= 1:
            return 1
        smaller_range = min(lat_range, lon_range)

        # logarithm of the smaller range's tile count gives us an
        # extra two tiles to the meta square for each power of ten in
        # total tile count.
        width = 2 * floor(log(smaller_range) / log(10))

        if width > smaller_range:
            return smaller_range

        # Don't let the meta tile get *too* huge
        return min(width, 20)

    def meta_tiles(self, domain, scale, base_dir):
        Create a generator for a list of (meta_extent, meta_pixels,
        meta_filename, [(tile_offset, tile_name)]) tuples. That can be
        used to generate tiles at 'scale' from 'domain'.

        meta_extent - the real-world unit extent to render into the metatile
        meta_pixels - the pixel width/height of the metatile (they're always square)
        meta_filename - the file name to store the metatile in
        tile_offset - the pixel offset of this tile within the meta tile
        tile_name - the file name to store this tile in
        tiles = self.calc_bounds(domain, scale)
        tiles.east = tiles.east + 1
        tiles.south = tiles.south + 1

        meta_width = self.appropriate_meta_width(tiles)

        meta_bounds = tiles.tiles_for(meta_width)

        north_max = self.max_bounds.north
        west_max  = self.max_bounds.west

        scale_denom = self.scale_denominator(scale)

        for boundaries in meta_bounds:
            bw, bn, be, bs = boundaries
            meta_filename = "%s-%s-%s.%s" % (scale, bw, bn, self.file_type)
            meta_loc = os.path.join(base_dir, "meta_panels", meta_filename)

            extent = Bound(north = north_max - float(bn * scale_denom),
                           south = north_max - float(bs * scale_denom),
                           east  = west_max  + float(be * scale_denom),
                           west  = west_max  + float(bw * scale_denom))

            scale_filename = scale

            yield (extent, meta_width * 256, meta_loc, self.inner_tiles(boundaries, scale_filename))
    def inner_tiles(self, meta_bounds, scale):
        mw, mn, me, ms = meta_bounds
        meta = Bound(north = mn * 256,
                     south = ms * 256,
                     east  = me * 256,
                     west  = mw * 256)

        for bound in meta.tiles_for(256):
            loc = Bound.from_tuple(bound).sub(meta).int().tuple()

            yield (loc, self.namer.name_for(scale, int(bound[1]/256), int(bound[0]/256)))
Ejemplo n.º 4
class XYZTileSettings:
    Generate settings for cutting XYZ tiles from the given bounds.
    def __init__(self,
        self.dpi = dpi
        self.meta_size = meta_size
        self.file_type = file_type
        self.spherical_mercator = spherical_mercator
        self.namer = XYZNamingScheme(file_type)
        self.verbose = verbose

        if self.spherical_mercator:
            self.max_bounds = Bound.spherical_mercator_max_extent()
            self.max_bounds = Bound.geographic_max_extent()

    def settings_for(self, domain, scale, overwrite, base_dir):
        Generate all of the settings that the tile renderer and tile
        cutter will need to correctly produce xyz tiles from the
        given domain.
        loc = os.path.join(base_dir, "meta_panels", "foo")
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(loc)):
            except OSError:

        self.namer.basedir = base_dir
        return self.meta_tiles(domain, scale, base_dir)

    def calc_bounds(self, domain, scale):
        Calculate the set of xyz tiles to render for the domain,
        expressed as boundary objects in terms of xyz tile numbers.
        denom = self.scale_denominator(scale)
        tiles = Bound(north=self.lat_to_xyz(domain.north, denom),
                      south=self.lat_to_xyz(domain.south, denom),
                      east=self.lon_to_xyz(domain.east, denom),
                      west=self.lon_to_xyz(domain.west, denom))

        return tiles

    def estimate_tiles(self, domain, scale):
        Estimate the number of tiles that will be generated to satisfy
        the given domain/scale. This does not account for tiles that
        are not rendered due to the overwrite flag.
        tiles = self.calc_bounds(domain, scale)
        return tiles.lon_span() * tiles.lat_span()
        return int(len(lonrange) * len(latrange))

    def lat_to_xyz(self, lat, scale_denom):
        From the given latitude, compute the y-index of the
        corresponding xyz tile at scale_denom.
        return int(floor((abs(lat - self.max_bounds.north)) / scale_denom))

    def lon_to_xyz(self, lon, scale_denom):
        From the given longitude, compute the x-index of the
        corresponding xyz tile at scale_denom.
        return int(floor((abs(lon + self.max_bounds.east)) / scale_denom))

    def scale_denominator(self, scale):
        Computer the number of degrees/meters per-tile at the given scale.
        return self.max_bounds.lat_span() / (2.0**scale)

    def appropriate_meta_width(self, extent):
        For the area being rendered, decide on an appropriate
        meta-tile size. Result is the tile-width of a meta-tile
        lat_range = extent.north - extent.south
        lon_range = extent.east - extent.west

        if lat_range <= 1 or lon_range <= 1:
            return 1

        smaller_range = min(lat_range, lon_range)

        # logarithm of the smaller range's tile count gives us an
        # extra two tiles to the meta square for each power of ten in
        # total tile count.
        width = 2 * floor(log(smaller_range) / log(10))

        if width > smaller_range:
            return smaller_range

        # Don't let the meta tile get *too* huge
        return min(width, 20)

    def meta_tiles(self, domain, scale, base_dir):
        Create a generator for a list of (meta_extent, meta_pixels,
        meta_filename, [(tile_offset, tile_name)]) tuples. That can be
        used to generate tiles at 'scale' from 'domain'.

        meta_extent - the real-world unit extent to render into the metatile
        meta_pixels - the pixel width/height of the metatile (they're always square)
        meta_filename - the file name to store the metatile in
        tile_offset - the pixel offset of this tile within the meta tile
        tile_name - the file name to store this tile in
        tiles = self.calc_bounds(domain, scale)
        tiles.east = tiles.east + 1
        tiles.south = tiles.south + 1

        meta_width = self.appropriate_meta_width(tiles)

        meta_bounds = tiles.tiles_for(meta_width)

        north_max = self.max_bounds.north
        west_max = self.max_bounds.west

        scale_denom = self.scale_denominator(scale)

        for boundaries in meta_bounds:
            bw, bn, be, bs = boundaries
            meta_filename = "%s-%s-%s.%s" % (scale, bw, bn, self.file_type)
            meta_loc = os.path.join(base_dir, "meta_panels", meta_filename)

            extent = Bound(north=north_max - float(bn * scale_denom),
                           south=north_max - float(bs * scale_denom),
                           east=west_max + float(be * scale_denom),
                           west=west_max + float(bw * scale_denom))

            scale_filename = scale

            yield (extent, meta_width * 256, meta_loc,
                   self.inner_tiles(boundaries, scale_filename))

    def inner_tiles(self, meta_bounds, scale):
        mw, mn, me, ms = meta_bounds
        meta = Bound(north=mn * 256,
                     south=ms * 256,
                     east=me * 256,
                     west=mw * 256)

        for bound in meta.tiles_for(256):
            loc = Bound.from_tuple(bound).sub(meta).int().tuple()

            yield (loc,
                   self.namer.name_for(scale, int(bound[1] / 256),
                                       int(bound[0] / 256)))