Ejemplo n.º 1
# undo resize

# make image with map of the file location
n.write_map(oFileName + '04_map.png')

# Writes an 8-bit GeoTiff image for a given band
n.write_geotiffimage(oFileName + '05_geotiff.tif', bandID=1)

# create a NetCDF file with all bands
n.export(oFileName + '06a.nc')
n.export(oFileName + '06b.nc', bottomup=True)

# create a GTiff file with one band (default driver is NetCDF)
n.export_band(oFileName + '07.tif', bandID=1, driver='GTiff')

# get array with watermask (landmask)
# -- Get Nansat object with watermask
wm = n.watermask()[1]

# -- Reproject with cubic interpolation
d = Domain(4326, "-te 27 70.3 31 71.5 -ts 300 300")
n.reproject(d, 2)
# -- Write image
n.write_figure(oFileName + '08_pro.png', clim='hist')

# Get transect of the 1st and 2nd bands corresponding to the given points
values, lonlat, pixlinCoord = n.get_transect(
                                    points=((29.287, 71.153),
                                            (29.275, 71.145),
Ejemplo n.º 2
# Reproject onto grids of lat/lon
dFromGrids = Domain(lon=lonGrid, lat=latGrid)
n2.write_figure(fileName=oFileName + '_proj_on_grid.png', bands=[1,2,3], clim='hist')

# reproject onto automatically generated domain
dstDomainAuto = Domain(srs="+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84 +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs", ds=n.raw.dataset)
n.write_figure(fileName=oFileName + '_proj_1auto.png', bands=[1,2,3], clim='hist')

# export all data into NetCDF format
n.export(oFileName + '_0.nc')

# export one band to GeoTIFF
n.export_band(oFileName + '_2.tif', bandID=2, driver='GTiff')

# create new object from given domain and array
# 1. Reproject the current object
# 2. Get array with data
# 2. Create new Nansat object from the given array and for given domain
array = n[1]
nStereo = Nansat(domain=dStereo, array=array, parameters={'name': 'band1'})
print 'Stereo Nansat:', nStereo

# add band from array to existing object
# 0. Cancel reprojection. Adding bands works only on non-reprojected data
# 1. Get the data from the object and modify
# 2. Add band with modified data to the object
# 3. Check that the band is in the object