Ejemplo n.º 1
def testDelayLoadAndPostCloning(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/clpost." + ext
    sz = 1000
    b_ = n.IntBuffer(sz)
    b_[60] = 600
    assert(b_.clientSize() == sz)
    n.save(b_, filepath)

    # test1: Make sure that cloning a buffer doesn't force any data resident. Also make
    # sure that if either buffer forces data resident via a read, both buffers get the
    # same resident data.
    b = n.load(filepath)
    assert(b.clientSize() == 0)
    b2 = b.clone()
    assert(b.clientSize() == 0)
    assert(b2.clientSize() == 0)

    assert(b[60] == 600) # will cause buffer to load into mem
    assert(b.clientSize() == sz)
    assert(b2.clientSize() == sz)

    # test2: Make sure that if a buffer's data is non-resident, and then it is cloned,
    # then the clone is accessed for writing, that the original buffer's data is NOT
    # made resident.
    c = n.load(filepath)
    assert(c.clientSize() == 0)

    c2 = c.clone()
    assert(c2.clientSize() == 0)
    c2[6] = 66 # will cause data to load for c2, but still not for c...!
    assert(c.clientSize() == 0)
    assert(c2.clientSize() == sz)
Ejemplo n.º 2
def testDelayLoadAndPostCloning(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/clpost." + ext
    sz = 1000
    b_ = n.IntBuffer(sz)
    b_[60] = 600
    assert (b_.clientSize() == sz)
    n.save(b_, filepath)

    # test1: Make sure that cloning a buffer doesn't force any data resident. Also make
    # sure that if either buffer forces data resident via a read, both buffers get the
    # same resident data.
    b = n.load(filepath)
    assert (b.clientSize() == 0)
    b2 = b.clone()
    assert (b.clientSize() == 0)
    assert (b2.clientSize() == 0)

    assert (b[60] == 600)  # will cause buffer to load into mem
    assert (b.clientSize() == sz)
    assert (b2.clientSize() == sz)
    assert (b.hasSharedStore(b2))

    # test2: Make sure that if a buffer's data is non-resident, and then it is cloned,
    # then the clone is accessed for writing, that the original buffer's data is NOT
    # made resident.
    c = n.load(filepath)
    assert (c.uniqueStore())
    assert (c.clientSize() == 0)

    c2 = c.clone()
    assert (c2.clientSize() == 0)
    c2[6] = 66  # will cause data to load for c2, but still not for c...!
    assert (c.clientSize() == 0)
    assert (c2.clientSize() == sz)
Ejemplo n.º 3
def testTableSerialize(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/tbl1." + ext
    t = createUberTable()
    n.save(t, filepath)

    for delayload in [True,False]:
        t2 = n.load(filepath, delayload)
Ejemplo n.º 4
def testTableSerialize(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/tbl1." + ext
    t = createUberTable()
    n.save(t, filepath)

    for delayload in [True, False]:
        t2 = n.load(filepath, delayload)
        assert (n.areEqual(t, t2))
Ejemplo n.º 5
def testV3fBufSerialize(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/v3fbuf." + ext
    b = n.V3fBuffer(100)
    b[50] = p.V3f(3.3, 4.4, 5.5)
    n.save(b, filepath)

    b2 = n.load(filepath)
    assert(type(b) == type(b2))
    assert(len(b) == len(b2))
    vdiff = b[50] - b2[50]
    assert(vdiff.length() < 0.001)
Ejemplo n.º 6
def testV3fBufSerialize(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/v3fbuf." + ext
    b = n.V3fBuffer(100)
    b[50] = p.V3f(3.3, 4.4, 5.5)
    n.save(b, filepath)

    b2 = n.load(filepath)
    assert (type(b) == type(b2))
    assert (len(b) == len(b2))
    vdiff = b[50] - b2[50]
    assert (vdiff.length() < 0.001)
Ejemplo n.º 7
def testSerializeBruteForce():
    fileprefix = "/tmp/tblbrute."
    t = createUberTable()

    # save
    files = []
    for ext in fileTypes:
        for compression in [0,1,2]:
            filepath = fileprefix + str(compression) + '.' + ext
            n.save(t, filepath, compression)

    # load
    for delayload in [True,False]:
        for f in files:
            t2 = n.load(f, delayload)
Ejemplo n.º 8
def testSerializeBruteForce():
    fileprefix = "/tmp/tblbrute."
    t = createUberTable()

    # save
    files = []
    for ext in fileTypes:
        for compression in [0, 1, 2]:
            filepath = fileprefix + str(compression) + '.' + ext
            n.save(t, filepath, compression)

    # load
    for delayload in [True, False]:
        for f in files:
            t2 = n.load(f, delayload)
            assert (n.areEqual(t, t2))
Ejemplo n.º 9
def testDelayLoadAndPreCloning(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/clpre." + ext
    sz = 13
    t_ = n.ObjectTable()
    b_ = n.IntBuffer(sz)
    b2_ = b_.clone()
    t_[1] = b_
    t_[2] = b2_
    n.save(t_, filepath)

    # test1: Make sure that when buffers are loaded, their cloned relationships are kept intact
    t = n.load(filepath)
    assert(t.keys() == t_.keys())
    t[2][0] # force resident via zeroeth element read
    assert(t[1].clientSize() == sz)
Ejemplo n.º 10
def testDelayLoadAndPreCloning(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/clpre." + ext
    sz = 13
    t_ = n.ObjectTable()
    b_ = n.IntBuffer(sz)
    b2_ = b_.clone()
    t_[1] = b_
    t_[2] = b2_
    n.save(t_, filepath)

    # test1: Make sure that when buffers are loaded, their cloned relationships are kept intact
    t = n.load(filepath)
    assert (t.keys() == t_.keys())
    assert (t[1].hasSharedStore(t[2]))
    t[2][0]  # force resident via zeroeth element read
    assert (t[1].clientSize() == sz)
    assert (t[1].hasSharedStore(t[2]))
Ejemplo n.º 11
def testDelayLoad(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/dl1." + ext
    sz = 100
    t_ = n.ObjectTable()
    for i in range(10):
        t_[i] = n.IntBuffer(sz)
    n.save(t_, filepath)

    # test1: make sure a buffer's data isn't made resident until it's accessed
    t = n.load(filepath)
    expected_count = sz
    for i in t.iteritems():
        i[1][0] # force resident via zeroeth element read
        count = 0
        for j in t.iteritems():
            count += j[1].clientSize()
        assert(count == expected_count)
        expected_count += sz
Ejemplo n.º 12
def testDelayLoad(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/dl1." + ext
    sz = 100
    t_ = n.ObjectTable()
    for i in range(10):
        t_[i] = n.IntBuffer(sz)
    n.save(t_, filepath)

    # test1: make sure a buffer's data isn't made resident until it's accessed
    t = n.load(filepath)
    expected_count = sz
    for i in t.iteritems():
        i[1][0]  # force resident via zeroeth element read
        count = 0
        for j in t.iteritems():
            count += j[1].clientSize()
        assert (count == expected_count)
        expected_count += sz
Ejemplo n.º 13
def testIntBufSerialize(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/intbuf." + ext
    sz = 50
    b = n.IntBuffer(sz)
    b[5] = 5
    n.save(b, filepath)
    b2 = n.load(filepath)

    if ext in delayLoadableFileTypes:
        assert (b2.clientSize() == 0)
        assert (b2.clientSize() == sz)

    assert (type(b) == type(b2))
    assert (len(b) == len(b2))
    assert (b2[5] == b[5])

    if ext in delayLoadableFileTypes:
        assert (b2.clientSize() == sz)
Ejemplo n.º 14
def testIntBufSerialize(ext):
    # create test data on disk
    filepath = "/tmp/intbuf." + ext
    sz = 50
    b = n.IntBuffer(sz)
    b[5] = 5
    n.save(b, filepath)
    b2 = n.load(filepath)

    if ext in delayLoadableFileTypes:
        assert(b2.clientSize() == 0)
        assert(b2.clientSize() == sz)

    assert(type(b) == type(b2))
    assert(len(b) == len(b2))
    assert(b2[5] == b[5])

    if ext in delayLoadableFileTypes:
        assert(b2.clientSize() == sz)
    def writeNapalm(self,

        This function will write curve object to napalm file and napalm channel file.

        :param nap_file_name: Filepath for writting napalm data

        :type nap_file_name: string

        :param curve_object: Curve object to convert as napalm file

        :type curve_object: curve class object

        :param debug: This option will turn on the debug output

        :type debug: bool

        :param map_file_name: Filepath for writting napalm channel data

        :type map_file_name: string

        .. note::

            This function will support only few tangents and list is

            * flat

            * linear

            * spline

            * fixed

            * clamped

        .. warning::

            This function will endup with error if you pass wrong curve object structure.

        .. seealso::

            * :func:`writeMappingTable`

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5

            Fixed the map_file_name fixed.

        .. todo::

            More in-line comment should be added

        :return: Write Status,Nap File Path,Map File Path

        :rtype: bool,string,string


            >>> <ObjectTable @ 0x241f730>
                0:   <FloatBuffer at 0x23826e0 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x2417190)>
                1:   <StringBuffer at 0x24a48f0 (StringCpuStore[4] at 0x239c330)>
                2:   <FloatBuffer at 0x2411040 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x24bed30)>
                3:   <StringBuffer at 0x2410c80 (StringCpuStore[4] at 0x2410cc0)>
                4:   <FloatBuffer at 0x239a630 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x239a670)>
                5:   <FloatBuffer at 0x2398120 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x2398160)>
                6:   <FloatBuffer at 0x239bb80 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x239bbc0)>
                7:   <FloatBuffer at 0x2388c20 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x2388c60)>
                8:   <FloatBuffer at 0x2388e90 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x238af50)>
                9:   <FloatBuffer at 0x238b150 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x238b190)>
                10:  <FloatBuffer at 0x22405c0 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x2240600)>


        self.napalm_data = curve_object
        nap_main_table = nap_core.ObjectTable()
        nap_status = False
        nap_file = None
        map_file = None
        counter_index = 0
        for each_node in self.napalm_data:
            curve_class = each_node[2]
            object_node = []
            object_dict = {}
            for eachCurve in curve_class:
                flot_attr_list = ['time', 'key_value', 'in_weight', 'out_weight', 'in_angle', \
                                                        'out_angle', 'in_slope', 'out_slope']
                curve_attr = str(eachCurve[1])
                map_data = {}
                for key in eachCurve[-1].keys():
                    dict_key_val = eachCurve[-1][key]
                    if key in flot_attr_list:
                        nap_main_table[counter_index] = nap_core.FloatBuffer(
                        nap_main_table[counter_index] = nap_core.StringBuffer(
                    nap_main_table[counter_index].contents = dict_key_val
                    map_data.update({key: counter_index})
                    counter_index += 1
                object_node.append([curve_attr, map_data])
            object_dict.update({each_node[0]: [each_node[1], object_node]})

        if debug:
            nap_core.save(nap_main_table, nap_file_name)
            map_file = self.writeMappingTable(nap_file_name, map_file_name, \
                                                software = software, app_version = app_version)
            nap_file = nap_file_name
            nap_status = True
            self.napalm_data = []
            self.mapping_data = []
            nap_status = False

        return (nap_status, map_file, nap_file)
Ejemplo n.º 16
    def writeMappingTable(self, nap_file_name, map_file_name = None, software = None,
                                                                    app_version = None):


        This function will write curve object to napalm file and napalm channel file.

        :param nap_file_name: Filepath for writting napalm data'

        :type nap_file_name: string

        :param map_file_name: Filepath for writting napalm channel data

        :type map_file_name: string

        .. note::

            This function will write out mapping data for the channel.


            >>> "pSphere2":  <ObjectTable @ 0x1cfe910>
                            "eye_val":     "right"
                            "rotateX":     <ObjectTable @ 0x1cfea90>
                            "in_angle":      99
                            "in_slope":      98
                            "in_tan_type":   93
                            "in_weight":     92
                            "key_value":     90
                            "out_angle":     94
                            "out_slope":     96
                            "out_tan_type":  91
                            "out_weight":    95
                            "time":          97

        .. seealso::

            * :func:`writeNapalm`

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5

            Fixed the map_file_name fixed.

        .. todo::

            More in-line comment should be added

        :return: Map File Path

        :rtype: string


        if not map_file_name:
            ext_spliter = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(nap_file_name))
            get_file_ext = ext_spliter[-1]
            set_file_base = "%s_map%s" % (ext_spliter[0], get_file_ext)
            map_file_name = "%s/%s" % (os.path.dirname(nap_file_name), set_file_base)

        map_main_table  = nap_core.ObjectTable()
        for each_map_obj in self.mapping_data :
            object_keys = each_map_obj.keys()
            map_obj_table  = nap_core.ObjectTable()
            for each_key in object_keys:
                obj_key_val = each_map_obj[each_key][-1]
                eye_value =  each_map_obj[each_key][-0]
                map_obj_table["eye_val"] = eye_value
                for each_curve in obj_key_val:
                    nap_map_table = nap_core.ObjectTable()
                    dic_val = each_curve[-1].keys()
                    for each_dict_key in dic_val:
                        nap_map_table[each_dict_key] = each_curve[-1][each_dict_key]
                    map_obj_table[each_curve[0]] = nap_map_table

            map_main_table[each_key] = map_obj_table

        header_table = nap_core.ObjectTable()
        software_arg = str(software).split(",")[0]
        version = str(software).split(",")[1]
        date_time = time.strftime("%m/%d/%y-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())
        header_table["nap_file"] = nap_file_name
        header_table["date_time"] = date_time
        header_table["kip_version"] = os.getenv("DRD_KIP_VERSION")
        header_table["app_version"] = app_version
        header_table["client_software"] = software_arg
        header_table["client_version"] = version
        header_table["user"] = os.getenv("USER")

        map_main_table["header"] = header_table

            nap_core.save(map_main_table, map_file_name)
            map_file_name = map_file_name
            map_file_name = None

        return map_file_name
Ejemplo n.º 17
    def writeNapalm(self, nap_file_name, curve_object, debug = False,
                            map_file_name = None, software = None, app_version = None):

        This function will write curve object to napalm file and napalm channel file.

        :param nap_file_name: Filepath for writting napalm data

        :type nap_file_name: string

        :param curve_object: Curve object to convert as napalm file

        :type curve_object: curve class object

        :param debug: This option will turn on the debug output

        :type debug: bool

        :param map_file_name: Filepath for writting napalm channel data

        :type map_file_name: string

        .. note::

            This function will support only few tangents and list is

            * flat

            * linear

            * spline

            * fixed

            * clamped

        .. warning::

            This function will endup with error if you pass wrong curve object structure.

        .. seealso::

            * :func:`writeMappingTable`

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5

            Fixed the map_file_name fixed.

        .. todo::

            More in-line comment should be added

        :return: Write Status,Nap File Path,Map File Path

        :rtype: bool,string,string


            >>> <ObjectTable @ 0x241f730>
                0:   <FloatBuffer at 0x23826e0 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x2417190)>
                1:   <StringBuffer at 0x24a48f0 (StringCpuStore[4] at 0x239c330)>
                2:   <FloatBuffer at 0x2411040 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x24bed30)>
                3:   <StringBuffer at 0x2410c80 (StringCpuStore[4] at 0x2410cc0)>
                4:   <FloatBuffer at 0x239a630 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x239a670)>
                5:   <FloatBuffer at 0x2398120 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x2398160)>
                6:   <FloatBuffer at 0x239bb80 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x239bbc0)>
                7:   <FloatBuffer at 0x2388c20 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x2388c60)>
                8:   <FloatBuffer at 0x2388e90 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x238af50)>
                9:   <FloatBuffer at 0x238b150 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x238b190)>
                10:  <FloatBuffer at 0x22405c0 (FloatCpuStore[4] at 0x2240600)>


        self.napalm_data = curve_object
        nap_main_table  = nap_core.ObjectTable()
        nap_status = False
        nap_file = None
        map_file = None
        counter_index = 0
        for each_node in self.napalm_data:
            curve_class = each_node[2]
            object_node = []
            object_dict = {}
            for eachCurve in curve_class:
                flot_attr_list = ['time', 'key_value', 'in_weight', 'out_weight', 'in_angle', \
                                                        'out_angle', 'in_slope', 'out_slope']
                curve_attr = str(eachCurve[1])
                map_data = {}
                for key in eachCurve[-1].keys():
                    dict_key_val = eachCurve[-1][key]
                    if key in flot_attr_list:
                        nap_main_table[counter_index] = nap_core.FloatBuffer(len(dict_key_val))
                        nap_main_table[counter_index] = nap_core.StringBuffer(len(dict_key_val))
                    nap_main_table[counter_index].contents = dict_key_val
                    counter_index += 1
                object_node.append([curve_attr, map_data])
            object_dict.update({each_node[0]:[each_node[1], object_node]})

        if debug:
            nap_core.save(nap_main_table, nap_file_name)
            map_file = self.writeMappingTable(nap_file_name, map_file_name, \
                                                software = software, app_version = app_version)
            nap_file = nap_file_name
            nap_status = True
            self.napalm_data = []
            self.mapping_data = []
            nap_status = False

        return (nap_status, map_file, nap_file)
    def writeMappingTable(self,

        This function will write curve object to napalm file and napalm channel file.

        :param nap_file_name: Filepath for writting napalm data'

        :type nap_file_name: string

        :param map_file_name: Filepath for writting napalm channel data

        :type map_file_name: string

        .. note::

            This function will write out mapping data for the channel.


            >>> "pSphere2":  <ObjectTable @ 0x1cfe910>
                            "eye_val":     "right"
                            "rotateX":     <ObjectTable @ 0x1cfea90>
                            "in_angle":      99
                            "in_slope":      98
                            "in_tan_type":   93
                            "in_weight":     92
                            "key_value":     90
                            "out_angle":     94
                            "out_slope":     96
                            "out_tan_type":  91
                            "out_weight":    95
                            "time":          97

        .. seealso::

            * :func:`writeNapalm`

        .. versionchanged:: 0.0.5

            Fixed the map_file_name fixed.

        .. todo::

            More in-line comment should be added

        :return: Map File Path

        :rtype: string


        if not map_file_name:
            ext_spliter = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(nap_file_name))
            get_file_ext = ext_spliter[-1]
            set_file_base = "%s_map%s" % (ext_spliter[0], get_file_ext)
            map_file_name = "%s/%s" % (os.path.dirname(nap_file_name),

        map_main_table = nap_core.ObjectTable()
        for each_map_obj in self.mapping_data:
            object_keys = each_map_obj.keys()
            map_obj_table = nap_core.ObjectTable()
            for each_key in object_keys:
                obj_key_val = each_map_obj[each_key][-1]
                eye_value = each_map_obj[each_key][-0]
                map_obj_table["eye_val"] = eye_value
                for each_curve in obj_key_val:
                    nap_map_table = nap_core.ObjectTable()
                    dic_val = each_curve[-1].keys()
                    for each_dict_key in dic_val:
                        nap_map_table[each_dict_key] = each_curve[-1][
                    map_obj_table[each_curve[0]] = nap_map_table

            map_main_table[each_key] = map_obj_table

        header_table = nap_core.ObjectTable()
        software_arg = str(software).split(",")[0]
        version = str(software).split(",")[1]
        date_time = time.strftime("%m/%d/%y-%H-%M-%S", time.localtime())
        header_table["nap_file"] = nap_file_name
        header_table["date_time"] = date_time
        header_table["kip_version"] = os.getenv("DRD_KIP_VERSION")
        header_table["app_version"] = app_version
        header_table["client_software"] = software_arg
        header_table["client_version"] = version
        header_table["user"] = os.getenv("USER")

        map_main_table["header"] = header_table

            nap_core.save(map_main_table, map_file_name)
            map_file_name = map_file_name
            map_file_name = None

        return map_file_name