def load_builtins(): astconv.setup_builtin_module() root = BuiltinList(map(snd, sorted(atom.BUILTINS.items()))) mod = Module(t_DT(BuiltinList), root) add_extrinsic(Name, mod, 'builtins') exports = {} for name, sym in atom.BUILTINS.iteritems(): exports[name] = sym astconv.loaded_module_export_names[mod] = exports atom.write_mod_repr('views/symbols', mod) native.serialize(mod)
def load_forms(modName, init): resolve_forward_type_refs() pending = set(t_DT(dt).data for dt in init) forms = [] names = {} def found_dt(dt, apps): if dt not in SERIALIZED_FORMS: assert isinstance(dt, DataType), '%s is not a DT form' % (dt,) pending.add(dt) map_(scan_type_deps, apps) def found_tvar(tvar): names[tvar] = extrinsic(Name, tvar) def scan_type_deps(t): assert isinstance(t, Type), "%r is not a type" % (t,) match(t, ('TTuple(ts)', lambda ts: map_(scan_type_deps, ts)), ('TFunc(a, Ret(r), _)', lambda a, r: map_(scan_type_deps, a+[r])), ('TFunc(a, _, _)', lambda a: map_(scan_type_deps, a)), ('TData(dt, apps)', found_dt), ('TArray(e, _)', scan_type_deps), ('TWeak(t)', scan_type_deps), ('TVar(tvar)', found_tvar), ('TPrim(_)', nop)) while pending: dt = pending.pop() SERIALIZED_FORMS.add(dt) if not has_extrinsic(Location, dt): for ctor in dt.ctors: for field in ctor.fields: scan_type_deps(field.type) names[field] = extrinsic(Name, field) names[ctor] = extrinsic(Name, ctor) forms.append(dt) names[dt] = extrinsic(Name, dt) mod = Module(t_DT(DtList), DtList(forms)) add_extrinsic(Name, mod, modName) atom.write_mod_repr('views/%s' % (modName,), mod) native.serialize(mod) names_mod = extrinsic_mod(Name, names, mod) native.serialize(names_mod) if modName == 'forms': deserialize.save_form_meanings(forms)
def build_mod(decl_mod, defn_mod, plan): name = extrinsic(Filename, decl_mod) impv = 'views/%s' % (name,) view = '%s_xdecls' % (impv,) checkpoint() casts = check.check_types(decl_mod, defn_mod) checkpoint('checked types') atom.write_mod_repr(impv, defn_mod, [TypeOf, TypeCast]) checkpoint() new_decls, flat_unit = sub_profile('expanding module', lambda: expand.expand_module(decl_mod, defn_mod)) xdecl_mod = Module(t_DT(atom.ModuleDecls), new_decls) defn_mod = Module(t_DT(quilt.BlockUnit), flat_unit) add_extrinsic(Name, xdecl_mod, '%sX' % (name,)) add_extrinsic(Name, defn_mod, name) atom.write_mod_repr(view, xdecl_mod, [TypeOf]) atom.write_mod_repr(impv+'_x', defn_mod, [quilt.LLVMTypeOf, TypeCast]) checkpoint() native.serialize(xdecl_mod) native.serialize(defn_mod) checkpoint('serialized expanded module') llvm.compute_link_deps(decl_mod, xdecl_mod, defn_mod) compiled = False if isJust(plan.writeIR): ir = fromJust(plan.writeIR) checkpoint() llvm.write_ir(decl_mod, xdecl_mod, defn_mod, ir) checkpoint('wrote ir') compiled = llvm.compile(decl_mod) write_mod_headers(decl_mod, ir) if isJust(plan.linkBinary): binFilename = fromJust(plan.linkBinary) import os try: os.unlink(binFilename) except OSError: pass if compiled: if, binFilename): print col('Green', 'Linked'), name
def load_module_dep(src, deps, plan): name = plan.moduleName if name in WRITTEN_MODULES: mod = WRITTEN_MODULES[name] assert mod is not None, "%s is not ready yet!" % (name,) deps.add(mod) return mod WRITTEN_MODULES[name] = None names = {} def conv_mod(): checkpoint() bundle_mod = capture_extrinsic(Name, names, lambda: astconv.convert_file(src, name, deps)) decl_mod = bundle_mod.root.decls[0] add_extrinsic(Filename, decl_mod, name) view = 'views/%s' % (name,) if len(bundle_mod.root.units) == 0: atom.write_mod_repr(view, decl_mod) prop.prop_module_decls(decl_mod.root) atom.write_mod_repr(view, decl_mod, [TypeOf]) return bundle_mod profile_separator() defn_mod = bundle_mod.root.units[0] impv = view view += '_decls' atom.write_mod_repr(view, decl_mod) atom.write_mod_repr(impv, defn_mod) scan.scan_unit(defn_mod.root) prop.prop_module_decls(decl_mod.root) atom.write_mod_repr(view, decl_mod, [TypeOf]) checkpoint('module conversion and setup') prop.prop_compilation_unit(defn_mod.root) checkpoint('propped defns') atom.write_mod_repr(impv, defn_mod, [TypeOf, Instantiation]) checkpoint() return bundle_mod bundle_mod = scope_extrinsic(InstMap, lambda: scope_extrinsic(astconv.AstType, lambda: scope_extrinsic(astconv.AstHint, conv_mod))) bundle = bundle_mod.root checkpoint() for decl_mod in bundle.decls: native.serialize(decl_mod) names_mod = extrinsic_mod(Name, names, decl_mod) native.serialize(names_mod) bundle.overlays.append(names_mod) if len(bundle.units) > 0: for mod in bundle.units: native.serialize(mod) names_mod = extrinsic_mod(Name, names, mod) native.serialize(names_mod) bundle.overlays.append(names_mod) checkpoint('serialized decls and defns') native.serialize(bundle_mod) def build(): # really should link unit to its decl mod for decl_mod, defn_mod in ezip(bundle.decls, bundle.units): build_mod(decl_mod, defn_mod, plan) expand.in_intramodule_env(lambda: check.in_check_env(build)) else: native.serialize(bundle_mod) checkpoint('serialized just decls') for decl_mod in bundle.decls: expand.expand_decls(decl_mod.root) checkpoint('expanded decls') if isJust(plan.writeIR): for decl_mod in bundle.decls: write_mod_headers(decl_mod, fromJust(plan.writeIR)) assert WRITTEN_MODULES[name] is None WRITTEN_MODULES[name] = bundle_mod if name == 'maybe': # Stupid hack # expanded forms depend on maybe, but maybe depends on type forms # so just load the xforms now load_forms('xforms', [quilt.BlockUnit]) return bundle_mod